General :: Installing A .tar.gz File - How To Get A Working Program From The .tar.gz File

Apr 22, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 9.10 and had hoped to use Synaptic to find and install Truecrypt. As Synaptic couldn't find it I downloaded it from [URL]. In case it helps the file is called "truecrypt-6.3a-linux-x86.tar.gz". Apart from not knowing how to get a working program from the .tar.gz file, I don't know whether the installation process sorts out where the file should go and puts it there, or whether I have to create a directory for it and put it there myself.

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Programming :: Changing A Line In A Config File While Installing The Program Using Bash Script

Jul 22, 2011

I am trying to write a bash script that installs a program fully automated for me. I am stuck at the one part where i need to change a line in one config file. I have tried various syntax for sed and none have worked. Maybe someone can suggest how to go about this. Since the line appears in the middle of the file, I can't use echo or cat. Also the file will be diffrent lengths depending on the install.

The line I need changed is:

I need that changed to:

the last syntax i tried is:

Yes this is for PNP4Nagios on centos 5.6 64bit. If i can get this figured out. I will be willing to post the whole thing for others to use. it will be used to install PNP after a working nagios install is done.

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General :: Get Socket.h Header File / Copy Pasting This Header File In 'incl' Directory Allow To Use It In The Program?

Apr 22, 2011

where can i get socket.h header file? will copy pasting this header file in 'incl' directory allow me to use it in the my program?

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Programming :: Open A Text File And Program Stops Working?

Feb 8, 2011

I opened a text file and read some stuff. Then I (think) I closed it. Then I tried to open another one and it stopped working. It seemed to compile fine though. Why would this be?

#include <iostream>// Libraries included
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <list>


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General :: Create A Program File For A New Program?

Mar 8, 2011

How do I create a program file for a new program?

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Ubuntu :: Is There Any Program / Script That Can Create Torrent File For Each File In Directory?

Apr 14, 2010

Is there any program/script that can create a torrent file for each file in a directory? I have been looking all over but can't seem to find anything of the sort. I have 700+ files I REALLY don't want to make my self.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing New Software - What Type Of File Is Like The Exe File To Run

Mar 15, 2010

I'm new to Ubuntu . With windows when you install a app it creates a folder in the drive:c under programs : Where is the install folder on Ubuntu ? AND ' with windows ' there is an exe file ' what type of file is like the exe file''' to run ? or the path to run the app ?

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General :: Where To Put Program In File System

Jul 22, 2011

I have downloaded DavMail and its currently living and running from my /home/user/Downloads/DavMail

in this folder is



I need to put davmail in a better location than downloads but am unsure where to put it, Im guessing if I seperate some of the files/folders such as lib ill have to modify the file.

wheres the best location to keep this or should it remain in my home folder, I was going to put this in


But the jar count as a binary? the .sh certainly wouldnt.

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General :: Program To Reverse A File?

Dec 17, 2010

Write a program in any language you choose, to reverse a file.

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General :: Program To Use To Open An Mth / Htm File?

Mar 4, 2011

My midterm instructions are in mth format. I wouldn't even know what program to use to open in Windows. The actual midterm itself is an htm file. I need help ASAP.

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General :: Detect If A Program Is Writing To A File?

Mar 3, 2009

I have custom software that writes to a sensitive large file when the user does something. I would like to make backup copies of The file that gets written to, but if I make a gzip of the file at the same time someone is changing something, it will corrupt the backup because some of the data will be missing, as its backed up during being written to.

a) Is there a way to detect if a file is currently being accessed/written to?
That way if its currently being accessed, I can just make the script wait until its done and then finally back it up.

b) Instead of backing up the large file while it has potential to get written to, would it be better to make a copy of the file first, then gzip the copy? This idea comes from the fact that gzipping the original takes 5-10 seconds, whereas making a copy only takes 1-2 seconds. The less time, the less chance of corruption.

c) Is there anyway to freeze a program or a file to stop it from being written to for an amount of time?

With a, b, and c together. The best solution I have to my problem would be a script that first detects rather the file is being accessed. If not, it would then freeze the file/program and then make a quick copy of it. Once the copy is created, it will unfreeze the original file/program and then go about gzipping the copy.

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General :: Make A File A Executable Program ?

Dec 21, 2009

How Do I make a file a executable program ?

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Fedora :: Unable To Check "allow Executing File As Program" In File Properties - Permission Denied

Feb 27, 2011

Im trying to run a program but my system won't let me.i used to be able to run executable files without a problem but i can't anymore when i double click the file i get "there is no application installed for executable files" i am unable to check "allow executing file as program" in file properties there is a script file which runs the program but all i get from the terminal is "permission denied"

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General :: Executing PHP File And Read Output To Program

Jun 29, 2011

I'm using Ubuntu and I'm programing with eclipse CDT. My goal is to execute a php file and read the output to my c++ program. To do so I thought I should use fork(), dup2() and execl. When in shell, the call "php myscript.php" worked just fine, but when in c++ I tried:
execl("usr/bin/php", "php", "home/geiger/workspace/SemiServer/server_content/myscript.php", NULL);
And it didn't work (the process wasn't terminated and I got no output). I tried different version of this call, like losing the "php" string and/or drop "home/geiger" from the path string, to no better result.

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General :: File Transfer Program In C Using FTP Client And FTP Server?

Jun 8, 2010

i am new in tcp/ip.i want to write a program using c for file transfer where FTP client and FTP server will be used.and also this program should work for ipv4 as well as ipv6.and muiltple client can be connect simultaneously.i dont know how to start program.should i use shell script or socket programming for file transfer?can we use FTP client and FTP server in socket programming?

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Ubuntu :: All .rtf Files Have "Allow Executing File As Program" Box Checked Under Their File Permissions

May 17, 2010

A bunch of my .rtf files suddenly (within the last few days, not sure when) have the "Allow Executing File as Program" box checked under their file Permissions. So whenever I try to open an rtf document, it asks if I want to run it. What's up with that?

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General :: Generated .exe File From C File - Run .exe File When Linux System Starts Up?

Apr 6, 2010

i have generated .exe file from C file (ie filename.c ) after compiling in linux machine with -O option. I wish to know about how to run that .exe file when linux system starts up ?

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General :: Program To Convert Audio File Of Fax Transmission To Image?

Dec 2, 2010

I have a number of uncompressed audio files recorded off of an analog (POTS) telephone line of fax transmissions. Is there a Linux utility or library I could use to convert these files into images of the fax they contain? I'm not looking to send/receive a fax via a modem, but just to "replay" the communications tones and parse out the fax message.I'm guessing this may not be possible due to duplex issues and not knowing which end of the conversation is sending what,but thought I'd ask to see if anyone knew of something.

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General :: Software Recommend Program For Making A Bootable ISO File

Feb 26, 2011

I have Windows XP as an ISO file on a USB stick and want to make it bootable.Which Linux software do you recommend for doing that?

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General :: Install Program - Spew Out An Error About .obj/matrix.o File

Feb 24, 2011

I am trying to install a program and it spews out an error about the .obj/matrix.o file. The output is quoted here:


The program I was trying to install is a robot simulator which performs lots of matrix manipulation and linear system solving. I followed every step in the installation guide, except for this one:


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General :: Follow Directions To Install A Program From Source Code (tar.gz File)?

May 11, 2010

I had Ubuntu for awhile, now I installed Fedora12, I'm trying to follow directions to install a program from source code (tar.gz file) I have the February 2010 issue of Linux Format, and am trying to follow it step by step. I copied gnurobbo off their disk to my desk top, which copied it. Then I did the cd command, then I did the ls command and it didn't show me anything but a line saying desktop and a few other things like pictures movies etc. so I did cd gnurobbo-0.64 and it says no such file. I have been trying this for a few times and I think I'm going crazy.

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General :: Convert Fdf File To Xsf File Or Xyz File On Ubuntu 9.10_32 Bit?

Nov 7, 2010

I want to convert fdf file to xsf file or xyz file on ubuntu 9.10_32 bit .

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General :: Where To Specify Anaconda-ks.cfg File When Installing

Jun 14, 2011

When I'm doing an installation, I select the installation from CD/DVD option for CentOS, but then I don't know how to specify that it should use an anaconda-ks.cfg file that is either on a USB key (or on a Samba network share).

How could I install using the installation DVD, as well as a kickstart file that would specify which packages to enable and other installation settings?

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General :: (on Tgz) Of A Hardisk / Installing A Back-up File

May 12, 2010

I have a complete back-up file (on tgz) of a hardisk. I have already installed a SuSe Linux system on my computer. Can someone please provide a step by step procedure on how to install this back-up files?

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General :: Installing FlexGet On CentOS 5.5 - .egg File

Nov 2, 2010

I recently purchased a VPS based on CentOS 5.5 and only CentOS is available, One of the problems I have is that I have no experience with this distro at all. I want to install FlexGet [URL] but it depends on either Python version 2.5 or 2.6 which my install has version Python 2.4.3 installed. Now after doing some reading I have seen many post saying if I upgrade Python system wide It may break something else that is needed, and to install it side by side with the older version of Python and point the application to that specific version of Python it needs. The only problem with this is that I haven't got a clue how to do this.

So I was wondering if anyone could put together a very noob friendly guide for me to get the newer Python build installed side by side with the current one and then help me configure FlexGet from the .egg file it comes in installed using the newer version of Python it needs.

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General :: Installing .tar.gz Software - Saying There Is No Such File Or Directory

Jun 22, 2010

I am installing one software (pwDesktop [url])

I am using ubuntu 10.04

I am following these stapes:

But it saying there is no such file or directory.

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Programming :: Open Or Run A File/program Through A C++ Program

Jan 15, 2010

Ok so Basically i have 2 questions

1. i know how to create a file with c++ using but is there a way to save it to a specific location on your computer with windows and linux


2. i need to know how to run/execute/open a file in a c++ program im using and its not working


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General :: Program That Reads Multiple Pipes / File Descriptors And Writes To Standard Output

Feb 23, 2011

Is there already a program that reads multiple pipes or file descriptors and writes to the standard output (not splitting lines).Like cat, but reading all files simultaneously and preserving lines.It is needed to avoid coding of select/epoll loops or using multithreading in simple programs. Like "select loop for bash".

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General :: Error Installing Rails 3.0.1 (File Not Found)

Feb 17, 2011

I am trying to install rails 3.0.1 on ubuntu 10.10. I am getting this error towards the end when i execute this command sudo gem install rails --version 3.0.1.

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General :: Installing Easyids(centos) With The Iso File On A Usbkey?

Apr 13, 2011

I downloaded the easyids.iso file. Put it on a usbkey tried to boot with it, it didn't work. I put the .iso on a cd and I have the same problem. why can't I boot with the iso?

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