General :: Installing The RT On Fedora?

Jun 28, 2010

I wanted to install RT Linux on my Fedora or UI wanted to install RTbuntu. I am following installation steps from INSTALLATION doc from Rt LInux (FSM Labs free one).

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General :: Installing NS 2.29.3 In Fedora 12

Jan 19, 2011

I am trying to install ns 2.29.3 in fedora 12. But while installing I get this error msg.....

Build Tclcl-1.17
No .configure file found in current directory
Continuing with default options...
checking build system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking host system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking target system type... i686-pc-linux-gnu
checking for gcc... gcc
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking whether we are cross compiling... no .....
make: *** [Tcl.o] Error 1
tclcl-1.17 make failed! Exiting ...

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General :: Installing MySQL On Fedora 13

Jul 29, 2011

I want to install mysql on my system. I have downloaded rpm from mysql website.

I fired rpm -ivh MySQL-server-5.5.15-1.linux2.6.i386.rpm. The result was error:

Then I tried with this command rpm -Uvh --test MySQL-server-5.5.15-1.linux2.6.i386.rpm. The result which I got was error:

How to find the dependencies or some other way to install mysql-server on my system. Or how to install it with the help of yum?

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General :: Installing Printer On Fedora 7

Sep 9, 2009

This is the first time our office is using fedora 7. We have purchased EPSON T10 printer assuming that any printer product is compatible with it. However, the accompanying CD driver of the printer is compatible only with Windows. We are now in dilemma on how to install the said printer.

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General :: Installing Software In Fedora

Apr 3, 2010

I have downloaded winrar as .tar.gz.On the forum, it said to install this I need to do a series of steps..

# tar xvzf package.tar.gz (or tar xvjf package.tar.bz2)
# cd package
# ./configure
# make
# make install

tar: pkg.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
tar: Child returned status 2
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors

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General :: Installing Firefox 3.6.13 Onto Fedora?

Dec 12, 2010

The message I received when after downloading the tar file and extracting it was error while loading shared libraries: /root/firefox/ cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied

I know some basic Linux commands.

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General :: In Installing VLC Player In Fedora 14?

Feb 1, 2011

I recerntly install Fedora 14 with Win 7 on my laptop. I want to install VLC Player on fedora 14. I followed instruction at ;


Try to intsall via yum many times but failed.

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General :: Installing Fedora On A Vista Partition?

Aug 15, 2009

I am trying to install Fedora on my machine, Vista currently installed. During the install process, I select the partition which I created, but install program says I must define a ROOT partition. How do I do this?

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General :: Why Is Fc-cache Not Installing Fonts In Fedora 15

Apr 5, 2011

I have all the fonts I want in the directory ~/winFonts. In this directory there are a number of symlinks to the real font files. Now I run

fc-cache -fv .winfonts

And I see a message saying 453 new fonts, but I can't seem to use these fonts in any application.

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General :: Installing KDE On Gnome Fedora 12 Version?

Feb 4, 2010

install the KDE desktop on fedora 12. i know there exists a fedora 12 KDE version but i have the gnome version and i dont want to format my computer again

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General :: Installing Software Offline From DVD In Fedora 15

Jun 3, 2011

Currently I am using Fedora 15. My question is - how do I build repository in fedora using fedora installation DVD and later on I can install the software from that repository? Second issue is - my friend don't have internet connection. So, how do I install the software like - VLC, amarok, and other players offline? I have downloaded software from RPMFusion, but I am unable to install them. During the installation process, it shows error like - "Can't install src.rpm". There is any other resources where I can get the rpm files so that I can download them and send to my friend and he can install it without any internet connection?

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General :: POPT Conflict When Installing YUM On Fedora 6?

Mar 25, 2010

I'm about 2 weeks working on this server to install yum : Im almost getting there, the Dependencies are reduced to 2: rpm-python and yum-fastestmirror.But installing rpm-python its driving me crazy... it keeps saying:


[root@03044f2 ~]# rpm -Uhv popt-
warning: popt- Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID e8562897
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
file /usr/include/popt.h from install of popt- conflicts with file from package popt-1.10.2-32

I found the package (popt-1.10.2-32) and it says it's already installed:


[root@03044f2 ~]# rpm -Uhv popt-1.10.2-32.i386.rpm
warning: popt-1.10.2-32.i386.rpm: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 4f2a6fd2
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
package popt-1.10.2-32 is already installed

I don't know what to do know.. I read somethings about forcing rpm --force but I'm afraid it will trigger another error... since this is a server I prefer not to play smart with it.

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General :: No Free Disk Space While Installing Fedora 15 / Get That?

Aug 20, 2011

I am on a windows 7 system trying to install linux fedora 15.

I am using Fedora 15 live image which I burned onto a DVD and booted. According to instructions I've found in a tutorial I go into the system tools and choose install to harddrive. I have previously shrunk the windows system drive to free up approx 200 GB of unallocated space. I did this through the
control panel >> administrative tools >> computer management >> windows disk manager.

While I try to install fedora on the harddrive I run into two problems.
1. I can't install it because it says "no free space available to create partition". it doesn't matter if I choose the auto partition option or the custom partition option.

Choosing the custom partitioning option I don't know what partitions I need to create. Terminology such as LVM and PV are all new to me.

The second problem is that I am after some random time ( it occurs in different time intervals) forced to re-login as a live user which kills the installation program and forces me to re-start the installation process

Anyone have clues to solve these problems?

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General :: Installing Ns-2.1b5 In Fedora 14 For Implement Leach Algorithm?

Apr 27, 2011

i am new to ns2, i want to implement leach algorithm(MIT uAMPS) but i am unable to know how to install ns-2.1b5 version for it.but i successfully installed ns2.29 in fedora14.

otherwise please intimate what linux flavour will be suitable for ns-2.1b5

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General :: Error While Installing 2.6.31 Source Code In Fedora 12

Apr 13, 2010

while installing the linux-2.6.31 source code in fedora 12 I got an error:
[root@pratyush linux-2.6.31]# make install
sh /home/parag/rpmbuild/SOURCES/linux-2.6.31/arch/x86/boot/ 2.6.31 arch/x86/boot/bzImage "/boot"
/sbin/new-kernel-pkg: line 277: /sbin/mkinitrd: No such file or directory
mkinitrd failed

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General :: No Sound After Installing Fedora 11 In Laptop (hp Dv3655)?

Jan 17, 2011

i buy a laptop and install fedora 11 in it but no sound after installing fedora 11 in my laptop (hp dv3655).

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General :: Unable To Boot Into Ubuntu After Installing Fedora 15?

Aug 12, 2011

I am new to linux and started using ubuntu and was so impressed with it that I decided to try out other distros as well. So, I installed fedora 15 into another partition and made ubuntu as default. Now fedora works fine but ubuntu doesnt.It gives error 13- unknown file system. What should I do to retain Ubuntu

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General :: Make USB Bootable Stick For Installing Fedora Or Centos Using VNC?

Sep 3, 2011

I have a PC with no option for a keyboard. I have to install the operating systems without a keyboard or mouse.

I have to make a bootable USB stick which can allow me to connect to the PC from my Laptop with a VNC connection, then the complete installation using IP to IP. I did this with the following:

Download [URL] Extract the files of .iso to my laptop Add the manual file in CentOS-6.0-i386-minimal/isolinux/ks.cfg

lang en_US.UTF-8
keyboard us
timezone --utc Europe/Brussels
rootpw --iscrypted $6$i5qEWD.
selinux --disabled


This allows you to modify your original iso files with the new contents and pack it as one .iso file

Finally load unetbootin and burn to your USB or disk or CD

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General :: Conflicting /usr & /etc Files While Installing Fedora 15 And Scientific Linux 6.1

Aug 9, 2011

Until some time ago I had a dual Windows 7 and Fedora operating system, then I completely moved to Fedora. Recently I have become interested in Scientific Linux and wanted to install it besides my Fedora. I took a back up of all my data and formatted my HDD for a clean install of both of them. This is what I did:

First I installed Scientific Linux with these partitions (contents of /etc/fstab):


Then I went on to install Fedora 15; I kept the same primary and extended partitions but only changed the names of "/FedoraRoot" to "/" and "/" to "/SLRoot" in the above list while installing Fedora. I also chose the boot directory of Fedora to be /dev/sda1/ which I wanted to be the /boot file for both systems while I had chosen the boot file for Scientific Linux to be "/dev/sda".

Everything went well until the final step of copying the files an error came that some of files that Fedora wanted to install in /usr/share, /usr/lib64, /usr/bin, /etc/system..., /etc/issue..., /etc/redhat-release... and /etc/rpm are already present in the Scientific Linux format and so there is a conflict and it has to terminate!!! I must have made some strange mistakes in the definitions

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General :: Installing Fedora On Pre-existing Vista With Multiple Drives.

Jul 4, 2011

Right so my situation is a little obscure and from all the posts I've read through I can't find one that suits me well enough.My PC's hard drive recently went on the fritz so I backed up all my data, got a brand new Terrabyte hard drive and then put all my stuff on there. I also plugged in the fault drive as a secondary and ahev cleared most of the stuff off it. It's separated into two partitions; E: and F: but together make about 600 gigs. I then have two external Terrabyte hard drives, it's a long story but their connected via USB.

Now I really like the idea fo getting to grips with Linux. I don't want to use a LIVE CD, I've done that already and I want to see how I get along using it as a proper OS. I also really need to keep the Windows Vista for several reasons, most importantly for iTunes which I use to keep my iPhone and iPad up to date and I've heard iTunes and linux don't get along too well, even with programs like WINE. So obviously I'm looking to dual boot and keep all my data but what would be the best way to go about it? Stick it on my primary drive? Or on my slightly faulty drive? Or on one of my two externals? On the bright side, because I'm on a fairly new hard drive, my Vista runs really smoothly, and so I shouldn't encounter too many bugs that windows is renowned for a long the way...

I'd also like to be able to access all my data from both OSs so I don't have to keep jumping from one OS to another. Is that possible? or simple to accomplish?I have a pretty good Nvidia graphics card too, so I'd appreciate it if someone could explain how I get XGl working on Fedora once it's all set up.

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General :: Installing Updates On Fedora 12 - Screen Flash And Freezes

Jun 23, 2010

I have been installing these updates on Fedora 12 and so far, my computer now has 3 more fedora sub-versions "not sure if that IS their name". So when I first boot the pc, the 3 versions appear. Normally, that wouldn't seem like a problem "although I don't know why don't the new ones simply delete the old ones"..However, the new ones don't work. Only the oldest form which I installed through a CD is the one that works. The others just cause the computer screen to flash a couple of times and freezes.

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General :: Installing Fedora - Media Test Failure Exiting Intel Boot Agent

Jul 1, 2010

I tried to install fedora in my pc. First I insert fedora dvd and install as per procedure then finally system says like that your installation is completed please reboot ur system. So, before reboot I tried to eject my fedora dvd but it couldn't come out. So after click reboot I eject that dvd. And I got error msg like "media test failure exiting intel boot agent". How can I overcome this error.

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General :: Installing "xgraph 12.1" In Fedora For Ns 2.34?

Feb 12, 2011

I am having problen in installing "xgraph-12.1" in fedora 12 for ns2.34. I did follow the "INSTALL" instructions and when I did run "make install", the error happens like:

/usr/include/stdio.h:651: error: prototype declaration
make: *** [dialog.o]

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Fedora :: Installing Fedora On Partition - Installed Only D Drive Without Harming Windows?

Jul 20, 2010

I have C: and D: on my computer. the D drive has 250 GB of free space. I would like to install it on the D drive without harming my existing windows. I have booted through an USB and it has an icon that says "install fedora on your hard disk". How do I make sure that it will be installed only my D drive without harming my windows?

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Software :: Fedora 12 And 13 Packages Installed When Installing GNote And Inkscape On Fedora 14?

Dec 23, 2010

I recently upgraded from Fedora 13 to Fedora 14 and noticed something strange when I used Yum to install GNote and Inkscape. Yum installed the Fedora 14 version of the programs, but installed some dependencies that were actually from Fedora 12 and 13. The output below shows what packages were installed.

Yum output:

==================================================================================================== ===================================================================
Package Arch Version Repository Size


When I ran the yum command to list all of the packages for the dependencies in question, it only listed the version for Fedora 12 or 13. Is there something wrong with one of my repositories or do these Fedora 14 programs actually use packages from previous versions of Fedora?

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Fedora Installation :: Two Ways Of Installing Nvidia Drivers In Fedora 12?

Nov 20, 2009

After searching online and in these forums I found two different ways of installing the Nvidia drivers in fedora 12. If you haven't yet installed the the repos then:

rpm -Uvh
First way:
as su
yum --enablerepo=rp*g install kmod-nvidia.$(uname -m) xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-libs.i686 xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-libs.x86_64


I used the first way and everything seems to work fine. Compiz-fusion works good but i did have to add vga=795 to /boot/grub/grub.conf to get the graphical boot loader to work again. Should I have used the second method? What is the difference in these two ways? Most notably the second steps. Is one way better or preferred over the other? From my understanding you must do this because of the nouveau driver.

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Fedora :: Post Install Error While Installing Fedora 10?

Nov 17, 2009

I am installing Fedora 10 on my system.After the package installation, a post install screen appears.And the installations halts for a long time and does not proceed further.

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Fedora Installation :: Can't Boot Up Ubuntu After Installing Fedora

Jun 2, 2011

I installed Fedora 15 with gnome3 on my netbook and after some slight trouble I got it installed Now heres the the bad news: grub doesn't show my Ubuntu installations(s), only Fedora 15 and windowz 7

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Compiling And Installing The Custom Kernel Under Fedora

Jun 22, 2011

I am compiling and installing the custom kernel based on the instructions provided in Building_a_custom_kernel on site.

However, according to the instructions, anytime I change anything in the kernel source files(e.g /driver/ata/libata-core.c), I have to create a patch a rebuild the whole kernel and install this new kernel which takes 2 hours. Is there a simpler way of recompiling what has changed(without creating patch) and try that changed kernel? Since my changes are not in the drivers which can be dynamically loaded but is in the static code of the kernel, it is making life cumbersome.Are there any instructions for this? How does other kernel developers manage this?

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Fedora Installation :: **Installing Fedora On Mac Fails**?

Jul 2, 2009

Im trying to install fedora 11 on my MacBook (Aluminum Series) but its not working.I turn on my mac...boot from the DVD...follow the instructions to install the fedora on my mac ( 3 partitions = [1-swap, 2-boot, 3-main]) and it installs normally, installs all the packages. When the installing is says click on reboot..When i do that, it seems like its rebooting...but the screen turns black for a long long long time that after a while im forced to manually turn off my mac. And when i turn it on...and see if the fedora is installed, There is nothing but my mac OS

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