General :: Install Windows Xp And 9.04 Together Got An Error As GRUB 18

Jan 2, 2010

When i tried to install windows xp and ubuntu 9.04 together i got an error as GRUB 18. Then i installed only ubuntu 9.04. Now i am planning to have both ubuntu 9.04 and fedora 12 on my system. Is it possible that i'll again get the same error? If yes what are the possible solutions?? and is it advisable to have both fedora and ubuntu in the same system??

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General :: GRUB Error 22 While Trying To Install Windows XP Home

Jul 25, 2010

I know its not a Linux program but my brother had Linux on his HP DV9000 Laptop, Well he wants to go back to windows XP home edition or what ever, he played around with it and messed something up and when you boot it, it comes up with a GRUB error 22, so I try to boot it with the windows XP CD and when i try to install windows or repair it tells me there is no hard disk... which seems kinda stupid considering your PC needs a hard disk to boot up, so in the BIOS menu i did the hard disk testing and what not and it came back 100%...

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General :: Unable To Boot Windows / Grub Error Saying GRub Loading Stage2 Read Error

Jul 8, 2011

I am new to Linux. I have installed RHEL 5.4 on my PC with preloaded Windows XP.

Windows was set as the first boot kernel. So if i do not choose which OS to be loaded it will load Windows by Default.

Today I got an error saying GRub Loading Stage2 read error.

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General :: Error - Unknown Filesystem. Grub Rescue> - No Longer Have The Install Disk For Windows Vista

May 11, 2011

error: unknown filesystem grub rescue>

Background: My mother's HP laptop had Ubuntu and Vista on it, Ubuntu my brother's doing. He decided he wanted to take off Ubuntu yesterday (he had forgotten the password), and deleted the partition that it was contained within. The computer now boots to this error.

Inventory: We no longer have the install disk for Windows Vista, he cannot tell me what version he used of Ubuntu, what partition it was on, any of the specs for the machine, or generally any information about the system. All I am aware of is that error on the boot-up screen. I have nothing else to work with.

I would like to remove Grub, and Ubuntu, and leave Windows intact (the request of the owner of the computer), but I have no idea what commands I could use to get rid of either when I can't access Windows, or how to properly remove them if I did access Windows.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub2 Error After Reinstalling Grub Post Windows Install

Mar 27, 2010

I'm using the Live CD and have followed steps to recover grub2 after XP install. (damn Windows)!

Upon rebooting I get the grub> prompt with no where to go. Upon installing grub via the Live CD I get this:



When I do this link, upon doing the


I get this:


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General :: Uninstalling From Windows 7 PC - Grub Error 22

Mar 15, 2010

I installed Backtrack 4 and it is set up as a dual boot with my Windows 7 x64 bit. I want to uninstall Backtrack because I am going to put it on a different computer. The problem is - I can't do it. My laptop is an Asus K61IC, and it doesn't come with an installation CD, because the OS was factory installed. It comes with a recovery wizard instead, which gives me the options to 1) recover to first partition only, 2) recover to entire HD, and 3) recover to entire HD with 2 partitions. Because of Grub and it asking for me to choose what operating system to boot when I start my computer, when I recover Windows 7 to the entire HD and try to boot, it gives me Grub error 22. I need to fix my MBR so that the grub menu is also deleted and all of Backtrack 4 is removed, actually letting me back onto my Windows 7. I need a way to delete the Linux partition, and fix the MBR, but I don't know how to do that because I don't have an installation disk.

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General :: Windows 7 - Install GRUB To A Partition And Not MBR?

Sep 12, 2010

I am trying to dual boot Windows and Linux. I would like to continue using the Windows bootloader in my MBR.

I installed Windows 7 first. During the install I left some unallocated space that I intended to install Linux.

I found this guide: [URL]

It says to install GRUB to the bootsector of the partition that Linux is being installed to and not the MBR of your hard drive.

I am trying to install Linux Mint Debian to the second partition. When the installer gets to where you are asked to install GRUB the only option is to install GRUB to /dev/sda which I believe is the MBR.

I decided just not to install GRUB and proceeded with the installation.

How can I install GRUB to the bootsector of my Linux partition?

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General :: How To Install Grub Inside Windows 7

Aug 2, 2011

I want to install grub inside windows 7. I don't want to partition anything neither I want to remove Windows Boot Loader (BCD). I simply want to Use Grub from windows 7 boot menu. I want to do this so for frugal install of linux distros such as puppy, slitaz, etc. I have used WinGrub on Windows XP and it worked fine. But I don't think that will work on Windows 7.

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General :: Recover Grub After Windows Install?

Jan 8, 2011

I have a laptop with two partitions, dual booting Vista and Ubuntu. laptop was originally furnished with Vista. It's become totally unusable and I want to install XP on the NTFS partition erasing Vista. I know that after installing XP it will overwrite the MBR and GRUB will be lost. how to recover GRUB after the XP install. all data is now on the Ubuntu partition. I need XP just for games for my kids. barbie and harry potter ...

I spent 30min looking for sth like that but could not find it, just reference if such a thread exists.

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General :: Cannot Install Grub,unable To Boot Windows 7?

May 31, 2010

Two days ago i turned on my pc and suddenly there was a message:"Minimal Bash-like line editing is supported.For the first word,TAB lists possible command completions.Anywhere else TAB lists the possible completions of a device/filename.ESC any time exists...

When i googled this message it came out that this has got to do with linux (i have never used linux and i formated my disc once or twice since i bought it so i found it very strange that this problem is related to linux).Anyway,i found out that grub is the problem and that it isnt a big deal to solve it.I downloaded Ubuntu,booted it from the cd and followed the instructions...I typed in grub (in the terminal) and it told me to download it so i typed in "get-apt grub install" or something like that and it all went well,i was now in the grub directory.Then i typed " find /boot/grub/stage1" and it told me that the file was not found.

I have tried everything,i have downloaded the super rescue cd the fix the problem but i have still the same problem.

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General :: Grub Doesn't See Windows Xp After Install Of Ubuntu 10.10?

Jan 28, 2011

recently i installed ubuntu 10.10 and now when i start my computor i dont see windows xp in the grub bootloader anymore. (it worked fine for 10.04) my brother as well has had the same problem.

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General :: Unable To Remove Grub And Install Windows OS

Mar 26, 2010

I am using Lenovo Laptop. Initially I had Dual boot with Windows Vista and RHEL 5. I deleted Vista Partition. If I try to install Vista using Vista Bootable DVD, The Vista Bootable DVD is not getting detected! Now I want to remove everything (RHEL 5 & Grub Boot loader) from my laptop and install fresh OS.

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General :: Windows Grub Missing Re-install System32?

Mar 21, 2011

I have installed Ubuntu and i am unable to open windows it says windows Grub missing re-install system32I don't want to lose data in windows please tell me how to install Grub(windows xp sp2)

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General :: Installation - GRUB Geom Error - Trying To Install ?

Oct 13, 2010

Tried installing Linux (Red Hat 5) along with Windows 7. I created a new partition (10 GB in size) and used it for the Linux installation. After install, I was getting GRUB geom error and my system wasn't booting.

After a few tries I had to format my entire hard disk and run fixmbr which came up with the following warning message: A new MBR will be created and some of the partition may become inaccessible

Now, even though I have gotten back Windows, the Linux partition is not at all visible. (Seems like the warning message has become a reality as that partition looks like has become inaccessible.)

My new hard disk capacity has also reduced by 10 GB and it is not showing up using any software.

How can I recover that inaccessible partition?

I tried fdisk via Linux Rescue disk. Got an error 22, the details as follows:

No luck booting in Windows.

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General :: Install Ubuntu On The Hard Drive - Grub Error 21 ?

Sep 5, 2010

I bought a new hard drive. I thought it would be clever and SAFE to install Ubuntu on the Hard Drive so that would not interfere with the internal hard drive on my laptop. It worked fine until I disconnected the hard drive. I got the "Grub Error 21" when I installed. I know how to get around it, unfortunately, I have to lug around this hard drive whenever my computer sleeps or restarts. I would like to be able to restart and boot into Windows without my hard drive connected. Is this possible?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Not Mess Up GRUB And Still Add Windows 98 To GRUB Menu?

Apr 27, 2010

I have a used PC that came pre-installed with suse 11.2.Unfortunately, I do not have the install disk to use in case of whatever.I already know that when configuring a dual boot with Windows and Linux, it is recommended to install Windows first.I do not have that luxury now as 11.2 is installed and GRUB is the boot loader.Question is, if I boot the Windows 98 install disk on boot, how to not mess up GRUB and still add Windows 98 to GRUB menu?

One hard drive only here. 98gb free.It seems that W98 install will overwrite GRUB in this situation - causing problems. Maybe not, I don't really know for sure.I just need to install windows 98 on the same hard drive and if possible, have suse and w98 visible on boot in GRUB.

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Ubuntu :: Grub Not Found - Recover Grub After Windows 7 Install?

Aug 24, 2010

I had to dual boot my computer again with windows unfortunately for school. This is something I've dealt with dozens of times in the past but when I try to recover grub 2 with the ubuntu live cd I get this:

sudo grub
sudo: grub: command not found

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General :: Windows XP Can't Install STOP Error 0x0000007B

Jun 30, 2010

When i insert my XP cd before i could get to the install or repair screen i get this error I found this and i am unsure what the problem is. Does it not like my HD? XP installed on my laptop in the past but i just got it back today from warranty service and they changed the HD. It should be the same type. NOTE: I did mess up the MBR badly. Bad enough to not be able to install Win7 which has been solved since. I broke my MBR/Windows doesnt let me reformat!

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Ubuntu :: Removing Grub Residue - Error 22 - Windows Error "can't Load NTLdr"

Aug 23, 2010

I dual booted Ubuntu with Win XP, and decided to upgrade XP to Win7. Thought I knew how to do it, so excuse my dumbness. Here's where I'm at: I booted GParted, and deleted the /, /home and swap partitions, making unallocated space. I expanded Win XP partition and tried to re-boot, expecting only Windows to show. Instead, I got the Error 22 error when Grub was the first thing to load. So, back to GParted, deleted the primary partition, created a new bootable partition, formatted it NTFS, and put the Win7 disk and rebooted. This time I got a Windows error "can't load NTLdr".

Rebooted the computer without the disk, and got the Error 22 again. So it seems (?) that I'm not able to change/remove or otherwise, the Grub boot file. So the drive is currently useless, unless someone can tell me how to get the disk back to a bootable state where I can load Win7, after which I can create Ubuntu as a dual boot again.

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Ubuntu :: Grub Error 21 Only On Windows Restart

Dec 18, 2010

I've been working with ubuntu now for quite some time. My computer loads grub fine on a cold state boot. It loads fine on my 3 linux based systems when they restart. It gives me a grub 21 error when I choose restart in windows 7. I'm forced to press the power button, and turn it back on- not a huge deal, as its a 100% fix. I'm already booting with rootnoverify, and have checked the command on boot to make sure it was the right grub menu that was installed. I also couldn't find a topic with a problem like this, most were just grub not working at all after install or similar.

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General :: Ubuntu 10.10 Error Logs When Install On Windows 7 32bits Ulitmate

Dec 28, 2010

When i try cd of ubuntu 10.10 over win7 ultimate. many ways many things i try test but nothing work out. finally i am sending this logs wubi files.

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Ubuntu :: GRUB Error: No Such Partition (No Windows OS Installed)

Jul 3, 2011

I've been serching the forum for hours and every thread related to "GRUB error: no such partition" that i've read relates to fixing the issue for users with windows OS also installed or trying to get windows to boot.

How it happened: I edited partitions and now I get GRUB error: no such partition. I ONLY have Linux installed.

I was able to boot the OS by typing:

set partition=(hd0,1)/boot/grub
set root=(hd0,1)
insmod normal


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Ubuntu Installation :: Add Windows 7 To GRUB - Got BOOTMGR Not Found Error

Jan 7, 2010

I just got a new computer that has Windows 7 Ultimate, and I want to install Ubuntu to a partition that I created. I want to be able to re-add my Windows 7 to the GRUB, without erasing either of my operating systems. I have seen people that changed the menu.lst file, but got the BOOTMGR not found error. Will I get this problem? My computer came with one drive split in two partitions, WIN7 and DATA. I took 150GB out of the DATA partition to make a new one called Linux. So, how would I put Windows 7 in GRUB, but not erase eithr operating system, and will I get the BOOTMGR not found error?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Error 'no Such Device' When Trying To Start Windows

Feb 11, 2010

I am having trouble getting a dual boot setup on Ubuntu remix on a netbook. The install went fine, but then windows would not book. I had a windows error. So I reinstalled windows, and rebuilt grub. Now when I try to launch windows from the grub menu it says "error: no such device: 0a82ff1982ff0849". How do I go about fixing that? I can boot to Ubuntu fine now.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error On Update-grub & No Windows Boot?

Oct 23, 2010

With a bit of help from this forum I managed to install 10.04. The solution was to add i915.modeset=1 to the options when booting up from CD.Now I need to do the same in order to boot up from HD. I've opened /etc/default/grub and changed the relevant line to include the above option. But I need to run "update-grub" and it comes back with an error to the effect that it 'can't find a device for / (is /dev mounted?)Also, the boot menu only has ubuntu - no sign of windows in my intended dual-boot. What can I do?

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General :: Dual Boot And Windows 7 But Use The Windows Bootloader Instead Of GRUB?

Sep 11, 2010

Is it possible to have the Windows bootloader point to Windows 7 and a Linux partition instead of using GRUB to point to Windows 7 and Linux?

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Ubuntu :: When Select - Option To Boot Windows At The Grub Menu - Error

Jan 10, 2010

I installed Ubuntu as a dual-boot system with Windows XP very carefully. Unfortunately, though given the option to boot Windows at the grub menu, when I select it, I get an error. Booting Ubuntu on my other partition works just fine, no issues.

I also attempted to access files from the first partition in Ubuntu using gparted, but once I mounted it, all of my files were not present. I only saw manufacturer files, and many files and folders I didn't recognize.

Also, as an aside, my laptop monitor is suffering from occasional black-outs during use. Ubuntu gave me a little toolbar flag, telling me to go to a website and use the patches given to fix it, but I'm not quite so sure where to input the given patch text. Do I really need to go through the trouble of finding the source code, etc., or is it more simple?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Rescue Error & Windows XP Home Edition?

Jan 9, 2011

I tried to install Ubuntu 10.10 and now I'm getting a "grub rescue>" when I reboot. I just want to get back my Windows now.

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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot - Windows - Grub Hard Disk Error ?

Oct 1, 2010

I have a dual boot System with Ubuntu 10.04 Netbook Remix and Windows XP SP3 on an Asus eeePC 1000HE. I had some troubles with updating kernels etc. and I ended up with following problem:

After grub reinstall, I am able to boot Ubuntu, also I can mount the windows partition properly. Trying to boot into Windows, I get the error:


It's all on one hard drive which doesn't show any errors:


Partition table entries are not in disk order


Some partitions don't show a file system because they are luks-encrypted.

As I mentioned earlier, I am able to mount sda1. I think the problem is that the Partition Boot Sector is corrupted, even though I am not sure if the ntfs partition is damaged at all or if GRUB is the problem.

As I said I had problems with a kernel update and therefore had to reinstall GRUB. I think, but I am not sure, that I accidentally installed GRUB on sda1 (the windows partition) instead of on sda. After I installed GRUB on sda again, I was able to boot linux and fixed sda1 with testdisk. Before, sda1 showed as four partitions (sda1p1, ... , sda1p4). I was not able to mount sda1 till I fixed it with testdisk. testdisk says the Boot Sector of sda1 is OK, so does ntfsfix.

Finally, an extract from my /boot/grub/menu.lst:

Code: ...

The Windows XP entry is added by myself. I don't know much about grub, so there might be the error.

I tried to keep it as short as possible (this is only the end of the story), I hope I didn't forget anything important. Please ask if there is something not clear.

I am in Tanzania with this netbook, so it is not possible to boot Windows CD and fix the windows partition with it, also I don't have a very fast Internet connection.

Is there a way to fix this without a Windows CD? Maybe it is just a dumb mistake in the menu.lst?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Locked Out Of Windows Partition With Grub - Error: No Such Device: 2e3857fb3857c08f

Apr 5, 2011

I have two partitions on my HDD. A Windows XP (hd0,2) and an Ubuntu 9.10 (hd0,1).I have been using the Windows mainly and ran a program that changes the HDD's serial number. Now when I boot up and Grub loads, I try to access the Windows partition and get the following error:

Error: No Such Device: 2e3857fb3857c08f

I am still able to boot the Ubuntu partition but can not seem to get grub to point to the Windows partition any more. This is very frustrating as I really need to get back into that partition soon.

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