General :: Fix Nvidia Accelerated Driver In Ubuntu 10.04?

May 1, 2010

After installing Ubuntu 10.04, kept getting this popup advising me of an Nvidia accelerated graphics driver 96. After installing it my highest resolution is 640x480 and I get the following error:

"It appears that your graphics driver does not support the necessary extensions to use this tool. Do you want to use your graphics driver vendor's tool instead? Yes/No"

How do I get this thing to a 1024x768 resolution?

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Ubuntu :: Unity Won't Use Accelerated Nvidia Driver / Solution For This?

Jun 14, 2011

I've loaded 11.04 with Unity on a Dell GX260 test machine (2.4 GHz P4, 1 GB of RAM, 40 GB HD, GeForce 6200 video card). I've tried installing both accelerated video drivers, but Compiz won't start and the Additional Drivers program informs me that the driver is loaded but "This driver is activated but not currently in use." How do I put it into use? There seems to be no switch for that effect in the system controls, and I haven't found any informative posts.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Invoking Gazebo Gives Error - Appeared After Installing NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver

Nov 6, 2010

I have completed building gazebo, and everything was done successfully according to the following link [URL]... bot_Simulation , but when I tried to invoke gazebo using the command "gazebo /usr/local/share/gazebo/worlds/" it returns the following error


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Ubuntu :: Video Driver - Can Not Get 3D Accelerated Graphics To Work

Jun 28, 2009

I am a Ubuntu and LINUX newbie. Install goes easy but I can not get 3D accelerated graphics to work. So I am stuck with poor and slow graphics. I tried and tried with the ATI card and went back to make onboard the primary. Neither seems to allow for visual effects upgrade nor 3d graphics in games.

Here is lspci:

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Error "XBMC Needs Hardware Accelerated OpenGL Rendering. Install An Appropriate Graphic Driver"

Dec 19, 2010

I installed XMBC and i keep getting this message "Error XBMC needs hardware accelerated OpenGL rendering. Install an appropirate graphic driver" i have a radeon 5750 hd graphics card. i updated the drive thru the website. but i keep getting this message.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Driver Showed The Nvidia 173 Driver And The Other One Showed "current" Nvidia Driver

Apr 22, 2010

i installed the new beta 10.04 and it seemed right after the install and update that both nvidia hardware drivers were automatically install together. i deactivated both drivers. one driver showed the nvidia 173 driver and the other one showed "current" nvidia driver.

after a restart i then tried to activate the 173 driver. system required a restart. so i did. system booted to a black screen. i believe its at the desktop but i am unable to see it. i tried to hit esc at the boot screen to enter the grub menu but that didnt work.

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Ubuntu :: Uninstall The Nouveau Driver And Install For Old Nvidia TNT2 Card?

Nov 30, 2010

Only about 1.5 weeks into Linux guys so bear with me. I'm trying to uninstall the Nouveau driver and install for my old Nvidia TNT2 card. Following these directions I run into a problem in the first step. When I execute the Ctrl+Alt+F1 command and get:

Ubuntu 10.10 splat-desktop tty1 splat-desktop login: if I enter splat which I believe is my username and the correct p/w I get an incorrect login response.

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General :: Playing HD Video Accelerated By GPU?

Apr 9, 2010

I know that this laptop (Asus UL30A) does support playing HD material with the help of the GPU on windows. The question is how can I do this under linux? The CPU load as is implies that this is not activated. I assume that it's limited to a handful of codecs. But which player supports this, if its even supported at all?

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General :: Can Not Locate Nvidia Driver

Jan 12, 2010

I had fedora 12 working nicely and tried to add Compiz. That has caused my laptop to hang with the cursor blinking. I can get to the virtual windows with Ctl-Alt-Fx keys. However I am not sure what to fix.I had run Dmesg and it is complaining that it can not locate the Nvidia driver. I believe it mentions Nvidia.ko but will need to verify that.My thought was that if I just did an "upgrade" maybe that wold restore the GUI and I could go forward from that. I am trying to get awaay from the MS world.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Short Freeze's On Machine's With Nvidia-Card & Nvidia-Driver?

Aug 8, 2010

The freeze's on my machine only appears when i monitor the temperature of
the gpu. Normally i use gkrellm to monitor temperatures including the gpu temperature. When i stop gkrellm there a no more freeze's on my system. Then i started nvdock which also monitor the gpu temperature and the freeze's are back. Stopping nvdock make the system working normally. I have done a few reboots now, warm and also cold starts und everything works normal.

System data: AMD P2 X4 940, Nvidia GTS 250, openSUSE 11.3, Nvidiadriver 256.44,
Gigabyte Mainboard GA-MA78G-DS3H rev.2,8GB RAM, KDE 4.4.95,

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: NVIDIA Driver From NVIDIA Repository Supports Cuda?

Jul 29, 2010

Does somebody know if the NVIDIA driver from NVIDIA repository supports Cuda?

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Hardware :: NVIDIA 8800 GTS - Dual Boot Fedora 10 Does Not See The NVIDIA Driver

Feb 5, 2009

I am experiencing the following issue. After enabling SLI and PhysX in windows vista, my dual boot fedora 10 does not see the NVIDIA driver.

Doing: cat /proc/drivers/nvidia/0 I get? in the VGA bios for both cards.

I disabled both SLI and PhysX in vista, but the problem persists. I powerdown and unplugged the rig for several hours without results.

Here are my specs:

CPU: Intel Q9300
Board: MSI P7N Diamond
CARD0: EVGA Gforce 8800 GTS
CARD1: EVGA Gforce 8800 GTS
RAM : 4 Gbytes OCZ gold PC6400 (4 x 1 Gbytes)
PSU : Thermaltake SLI ready 850 W

It is important to mention that initially Fedora did see the cards and I was able to set up a dual monitor system. It right was after I enable SLI and PhysX and re-booting into Linux that the problem showed up.

I have seen this issue before in another machine with an ASUS board, but not until today I associated with the SLI setup. My guess is that there has to be something that the driver is enabling in the cards that messes up the interface between the nvidia.ko module and the kernel, but I don't know what may fix it. I need this system for some numerical calculations.

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Ubuntu :: Nvidia Driver Install Killed Display / Remove This Driver When I See Nothing?

Aug 8, 2010

Can do nothing with the PC. New install of 10.04 and was prompted to install Nvidia driver. Did so. Rebooted, now have nothing except a thin line at top of screen. How can I remove this driver when I see nothing?

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General :: Nvidia To Drop Support For The 'nv' Driver?

Mar 27, 2010

It would appear Nvidia are to drop support for the 'nv' driver,recommending using the Vesa driver instead until you install their proprietary driver.Read the article here:

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General :: Can't Get X To Start And Can't Get The Nvidia Driver Installed?

Mar 27, 2010

I have for like 4 days now been doing a SourceMage 10.0 install on my K7 PC. I cant get X to start and cant get the nvidia driver installed

1) which Nvidia driver to use?
Heres my PC's specs
Also, I have made a .xinitrc for LXDE in /home,etc
and have it all set up; but X wont run
I am trtying to use driver legacy 96xx


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General :: Install Nvidia Driver On Fedora?

Feb 19, 2010

i have downloaded nvidia drivers,but the problem is,how to install in correct ways because i have tried so many times but the errors still there..the error is ****you appear to be running an x server,exit x before installing.

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General :: Nvidia 260.19.21 Driver = Rough Desktop?

Dec 1, 2010

I just upgraded drivers and my desktop looks a mess. I have read there are issues with this driver but I have not seen this.

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General :: Installing Nvidia Driver On Multiple Distros ?

Jul 26, 2010

For some reason I can't seem to get my driver installed on my PC with Nvidia graphics... Only Ubuntu seems to be able to do it and it still doesn't do it correctly..

Heres my hardware










On slackware, arch, etc I can't get the driver installed SBOPKG, etc all fail....

They all say it cant find kernel source/modules,etc

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General :: Vector 7.0 Alpha And Setting Up Nvidia Driver?

Oct 29, 2010

so I have been messing around with the new Vector 7.0 alpha and wanted to install the nvidia driver and see if it would work. my video card and cpu are as follows

root:# lshw
PCI (sysfs)
description: Desktop Computer
width: 32 bits


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General :: Driver Installation For Nvidia Quadro Fx 380 LP In Redhat 5.4

Oct 31, 2010

I'm new to linux and trying to install the driver for Nvidia quardo fx 380 lp in redhat 5.4.From the Nvidia site I got the driver for this card to be NVIDIA-Linux-x86-260.19.12. I did check version of the gcc and kernel built by the gcc version. I also checked the following commands. # cat /proc/version Linux version 2.6.18-194.el5PAE ( (gcc version 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-48)) #1 SMP Fri Oct 29 22:00:21 EDT 2010


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General :: Unable To Use Nvidia Driver On Debian Amd64

Mar 9, 2011

I installed the Nvidia driver for the on board GeForce 7025 / nForce 630a the "Debian way", according to this link Debian Nvidia Howto. The problem is that the only available screen resolutions are 640x480 & 320x240 and I need something more like 1024x768. The driver is installed correctly, or at least is properly recognized, as in Nvidia Xserver settings, GPU0 appears as GeForce 7025 / nForce 630a.

Here's the xorg.conf file.


Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Layout0"
Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0
InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"


..only causes gdm not to start.On my Ubuntu partition, I have working the proprietary Nvidia driver (file:, and have had no problems from it at all. I was going to install this same driver onto Debian when I read several pages advising to go the "Debian way".

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General :: Nvidia Driver Is Not Working After Using A Self Compiled Kernel (2.6.38)?

Mar 19, 2011

About a month ago, I decided to go deeper in my Linux knowledge. I've been reading a lot and found out that Arch linux would be my learning distro. As I was installing Arch, it was a pain at first but I really learned a lot which I would never ever learn with Mint. Now I decided to take a step further is which "compiling your own kernel".


Everything was smooth in my Arch for a 2 weeks until I decided to compile my own kernel. I currently have a Nvidia GTX 460 1GB card.

BTW, the method I used to install nvidia with 2.6.37 was

pacman -S nvidia nvidia-utils
and that worked with all of the .37 kernels (-1 -2 -3 -4) which was download from

When I compiled the .38 (using the same .config of .37), it just boots up to the terminal (not loading gdm). However, I could still login by typing my username and password. So I've checked dmesg of both .37 and .38 and noticed that the Nvidia driver is not loaded in .38.

I tried reinstall it by running pacman and it doesn't do anything. It was thinking of uninstalling nvidia and nvidia-utils but there are so many dependencies conflicts (like screensaver, compiz, etc).

Since, I didn't want to mess up my .37 install, I just grabbed an old HDD and installed from scratch again. This time, I compiled the .38 kernel first (without gui) and then installed nvidia nvidia-utils. It was the same problem.

With this observation, I'm concluding that the nvidia and nvidia-utils from pacman is not compatible with .38.

I've read that I have to wait for nvidia to release a driver that will be compatible with the .38 kernel. Is that true? Does it mean I have to wait for nvidia/nvidia-utils to be updated from pacman? How would I know when it is updated?

I've also read about nouveau, but I guess that is not for me because it doesn't support 3D.

Is there a work around for me to use nvidia/nvidia-utils with .38?

Is nvidia and nvidia-utils proprietary drivers? What is the difference with these two and the one you download directly from nvidia?

First of all, I apologize for the bombardment of questions. As you can tell, I'm so clueless on how nvidia drivers work on linux in general (since it was spoon fed by mint) and I really would love to learn about this is a deeper level. Could someone please explain to me (LAYMANS terms) how nvidia works (and possibly a solution to my issue).

EDIT: Additional info - I have a netbook that also runs arch. It uses an Intel GMA integrated video chip which I used "xf86-video-intel" from pacman and I believe since it is open source, it works with .38 fine. So does that mean if you use an open source driver, it will work with all other kernels?

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General :: Finding A Driver For A NVidia GeForce4 MX 420 For Fedora 12?

Nov 26, 2009

I am trying to find a driver for a nVidia GeForce4 MX 420 for Fedora 12, I know its old, but I can't find a working driver for it.

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General :: NVidia Proprietary Driver Not Used On Virtual Machine

Feb 4, 2010

I have a CentOS 5 virtual machine (VMware Workstation 7) running under a Windows host, and need the workstation's NVidia graphic card (Quadro NVS 295) to work optimally for my data analysis tools.

When I try to install the Linux driver from NVidia's webpage, I get "You do not appear to have an NVIDIA GPU supported by the 190.53 NVIDIA Linux graphics driver installed in this system". I have found my workstation's graphic card in the list of supported graphic cards in the README.

I suspect this has to do with VMware's own graphics controller having taken over, because when I do "/sbin/lspci" I see: 00.0f.0 VGA compatible controller: VMware SVGA II Adapter

Does anyone out there know how I can let the NVidia driver get installed and take over (it looks like I need its newest version for my software to render properly)?

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General :: Screen Resolution Low After Nvidia Driver Install?

Nov 15, 2010

I am running Fedora 14 on a Dell Lat D630 laptop.

When originally installing my resolution was a perfect 1440x900.

I then installed the Nvidia drivers with:

YUM install kmod-nvidia

This worked fine, I tried out Super Tux 2 to test it and I do indeed have 3D acceleration now. The only problem is my resolution has gone way down. The Nvidia software states its still 1440x900 but it definitely is not... And my monitor is down as (Not in front of it right now so can�t remember exactly) Generic or not detected... Is that what's causing the issue?

So to summarize, I have 3D hardware acceleration, the appropriate Nvidia drivers, it's just my resolution and the fact the Nvidia software is lying about it...

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: How To Clear Proprietary NVidia Driver And Replace With Nouveau Driver

Jun 13, 2011

There is one thing missing (I think) a clear guide to clearing out Nvidia and replacing it with nouveau. For all but hardened gamers, nouveau on 11.4 delivers. It also removes one more barrier to what I think is the intended goad of Tumbleweed.The problem IMHO is not that there are no clear guides. The problem is there are too many. No sooner does one person do a guide (that is clear) and someone else who does not like some point writes another guide that they think is more clear (but in fact is less clear in other aspects). And this goes on ad infinitum.IMHO we have too many guides - many of which are sufficient clear ... but the VAST number only serves to confuse users more.

Having typed that, IMHO this is NOT a Tumbleweed specific issue, but its MUCH WIDER in scope and hence does not belong as a discussion in this Tumbleweed thread.

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Debian Multimedia :: Updating Nvidia Driver To The Current 275.09.07 Driver Version Break Setup?

Jul 7, 2011

Currently using Nvidia driver version 195.36.31, it's the version that works with Nvidia-kernel-dkms, would updating Nvidia driver to the current 275.09.07 driver version break my setup?

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General :: Nvidia Driver - Proprietary - Xorg/KDM - Some Games Freeze Sometimes

Apr 22, 2011

I have a problem that pops up with some games, sometimes: sauerbraten, lugaru, and nexuiz being the ones that pop to mind.

The problem is that when the game starts/loads the mouse "cursor" in the game will not work... the thing is frozen. The "fix" is to jump to a virtual terminal, via alt-ctrl-1, and restart KDM, then I log back into the session and everything is working swell.

This problem does not occur in Osmos, World of Goo, Warzone 2100, or the Linux Ryzom client.

I thought about adding an explicit /etc/init.d/kdm restart in my /etc/kde4/kdm/Xreset file, but that seems too draconian.

This has been a recurring problem on several machines with several 7000, 8000, and 9000 series Nvidia cards running under the proprietary driver, on both 32-bit and 64-bit AMD processors ever since Lenny and up through Wheezy. And it occurs on the following desktop/windowing environments: KDE4.4, icewm, fluxbox, blackbox, E17.

I would guess that it's a driver issue or a driver+xorg configuration issue.

PS: Please don't suggest that I should use the open source driver.

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General :: Blank Screen After Installing Nvidia Driver On Fc12 64 Bit?

May 28, 2010

i did yum -y install akmod-nvidia and then type xconfig-nvidia on the terminal,and after logging off i confront with a blank screen,so i remove akomd-nvidia [yum remove akomd-nvidia] and also yum erase xorg-x11-drv-nouveau [yum erase xorg-x11-drv-nouveau]but still no gui,i think i should install:

yum install kmod-nvidia
xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-libs.x86_64 [but i didn't]
so how can i have my gui back?

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General :: Nvidia Driver Only Load When Control Panel Is Opened

Jul 7, 2010

When selecting Extra in Visual Effects, the Nvidia drivers we installed to my computer. However the video playback now look weird till I open the Nvidia Control Panal when the colour become normal again. The first time of open the Nvidia I had to set the Hue to 0. How do get this loading to happen automatically.

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