General :: Crash Cuz Of Different Pltfrom?

May 24, 2011

This is a small piece of code snippet I am pasting here.I have a hunch the memcpy is corrupting it. The platform is X86_64.Should I be doing a malloc on those variables inside memcpy and then use them in there?

static int
u_char *var_val,


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Fedora :: Grsync/rsync Crash / Grsync Run For Some Time And Once It Nears Completion It Will Crash?

Jun 14, 2011

I'm running Fedora 15 with current updates and kernel. I do not have anything special or non-standard about my configuration or setup. I use grsync to sync my home folder files to a remote rsync server on my network. I've checked my hard drives and my memory and everything else I can think. Here is the problem:

grsync will run for some time and once it nears completion it will crash. This, however, is no standard crash. It literally shuts my computer "OFF". I have shared the remote rsync folder through CIFS as well and I can copy those exact same files through nautilus with drag and drop without issue. I have had a few occasions where the rsync process will complete without issue, but this is a rare occasion. Since it powers my computer completely off I do not enjoy the luxury of having any log files or messages to attempt to diagnose from.

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General :: FC 14 Gedit Crash Using Su?

Jan 5, 2011

i have setup fc14, logged as myuserfor the firsttime and wanted to use su to launch geditafter entering my password,i issue te following command

gedit /etc/pam.d/gdm
I get the following error


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General :: System Crash / What To Do?

May 8, 2010

I came home from my walk and my monitor was black, no activity when hitting keyboard or mouse. Shut down machine and then waited for reboot, it sticks to the same moment as picture posted. I tried dif boot seq in the selection but no luck. I cant find my boot disc.

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General :: Python Crash In Fedora 12

May 5, 2010

Due to this problem, everything that uses python is not working.

/lib/ symbol pthread_barrier_wait, version GLIBC_2.2 not defined in file with link time reference

Please install a package which provides this module, or verify that the module is installed correctly.It's possible that the above module doesn't match the current version of Python, which is: 2.6.2 (r262:71600, Aug 21 2009, 12:22:21) [GCC 4.4.1 20090818 (Red Hat 4.4.1-6)]

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General :: Debugging Browser Crash Via CLI?

Sep 14, 2011

I'm preparing for an interview and came across this question in a forum:

If your browser crashes, how would you debug it only using the command line?

For simplicity, let's assume it's a Firefox browser on a *nix environment.

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General :: Kernel Crash After Install / Fix It?

Jun 25, 2011

After installation of Red Hat Linux Enterprise Server 5 on to my desktop computer
i got d below error and it can not booting to next screen, on da sreen displaying dat, code...

memory for crash kernel (0x0 to 0x0) not within permissible range

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General :: Interpretation Of Lead On Srn Crash?

Apr 5, 2011

I have a problem with scrn and keyboard freezes. This time it only threatened to crash, and I've noticed something in /var/log/ mssge that might lead to a solution (if I understood it)

Apr 5 06:42:04 Den-mint kernel: [ 233.209761] EXT4-fs (sdc1): warning: mounting fs with errors, running e2fsck is recommended It's imediate context is below.

Apr 5 06:40:32 Den-mint kernel: [ 119.061354] NVRM: loading NVIDIA UNIX x86 Kernel Module 260.19.06 Mon Sep 13 06:35:06 PDT 2010
Apr 5 06:40:12 Den-mint kernel: [ 120.608847] EXT4-fs (sdb8): re-mounted. Opts: errors=remount-ro,commit=0
Apr 5 06:40:14 Den-mint kernel: [ 123.063407] EXT4-fs (sdb8): re-mounted. Opts: errors=remount-ro,commit=0
Apr 5 06:40:16 Den-mint nautilus: [N-A] Nautilus-Actions Menu Extender 2.30.2 initializing...
Apr 5 06:40:17 Den-mint nautilus: [N-A] Nautilus-Actions Tracker 2.30.2 initializing...


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General :: Kernel Dumps To The Wrong /var/crash?

May 2, 2011

I'm running Scientific Linux 5.5 (equivalent to CentOS 5.5), and over the past two weeks, I have had a problem with my root partition filling up, preventing anyone from logging into the server.After searching for large files, and finding none, I was mystified when du told me that the root partition had only 660 MB of disk space used, whilst df showed it full. The problem was this: the /var/crash directory had been filled up by an 8GB crash file. Now, I'm a 'proper' sysadmin and make sure that /var has its own mount point, so the crash should not have touched the root partition at all. Except it did - instead of writing to /var/crash on /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol04 which is mounted as /var, it wrote the file to /dev/md0 directly, so when all the file systems were mounted, those files were hidden under the mounted /var.

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General :: Segmentation Fault - Kernel Crash

Feb 24, 2011

My system is running with powerpc and linux, i am facing some kernel crash problem.

I have pasted the trace and log

(1) Display the backtrace for the thread that crashed.

(2) Display argument parameters and local variables for the thread.

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General :: Compiz Causes Media Players To Crash

Nov 13, 2010

Every time I have Compiz activated and I try to watch a video full screen using VLC Player, or even Movie player, the player crashes. When I turn Compiz off, all is fine. How can I fix this?

I am running Ubuntu 10.10 dual boot on my iMac.

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General :: Crash During Update - Ubuntu Will Not Boot

Jan 31, 2010

I am on dual boot alongside windows 7 (which works fine). However, when I try to boot into linux I get a few minutes of the ubuntu icon. (sorry for lack of technical terminology). After a few minutes i get terminal sort of screen saying:
fsck from util-linux-ng- 2.16
/dev/sda5: clean, 165561/625856 files, 984444/2502115 blocks
I have attempted to boot from the live cd I installed from and there is no system response from it. How to either uninstall linux from here or just to get it to boot.

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General :: Huge Cpu Consuming And Crash Afterwords?

Mar 4, 2011

Since a couple of months, the machine is hanging itself. I can't connect in any way to it. I have it in a Datacenter far away my office, so when it happens I have to ask the provider to reboot it manually because it always happen in working hours and my clients gets mad on that moments. It happens every 15 days (more or less). It is very difficult to get the procesess status, but today hangs again and I could connect (a very very slow connection) and save a "ps aux".


There are some scripts that you can see as "php /var/www/html/call_engine.php ..." that are consuming CPU more than I expect and I will correct, but I would like to know about the other processes like many crond or the "/usr/sbin/sendmail -FCronDaemon -i -odi -oem -oi -t". Or maybe the whole problem would be the php script?

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General :: Save Dmesg After Crash Or Reboot

Dec 17, 2010

I have a gentoo distribution and need to store the information of dmesg collected until a system crash. At present, after a reboot or a crash the information in dmesg are lost and are not available at the next reboot. How can I save all the information in dmesg until a crash and read them after the succeed reboot?I also checked for dmesg.x files in /var/log or similar files but with no success.

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General :: Server Seem To Crash Every Couple Of Hours?

Sep 28, 2010

This is Plesk linux server.I am using CentOS release 5.5 (Final) OS. Server seem to crash every couple of hours. Perhaps apache has memory leak?

Sep 28 07:06:29 wed kernel: Call Trace:
Sep 28 07:06:29 wed kernel: [] out_of_memory+0x8e/0x2f5
Sep 28 07:06:29 wed kernel: [] __alloc_pages+0x245/0x2ce
Sep 28 07:06:29 wed kernel: [] __do_page_cache_readahead+0x95/0x1d9
Sep 28 07:06:29 wed kernel: [] __wait_on_bit_lock+0x5b/0x66


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General :: Slackware Total Crash / Sort It?

May 21, 2011

I don't understand why, but my Slackware is totally crash after ~10min work. My guess is Nvidia is fault. Which logs I could see where the problem is? X (startx) work fine. My video card is: geforce 240. installed slackware 13.37 64 bit.

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General :: Prevent Restarting The Application After It's Crash?

Apr 1, 2010

ulimit -c unlimited
while true; do ./executeable; done

When i will write this in console it will run executeable file and it will generate report : after crash so i can gdb the report. The application after crash will restart how can i prevent restarting the application after it's crash?

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General :: Unable Kernel Crash Dumps In Debian?

May 8, 2011

I want to enable kernel crash dumps for my Debian 5.0.7 machine. The kernel version is 2.2.26 amd64.How can I configure this?

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General :: Bare Minimum Crash Proof Distribution?

Jan 21, 2011

I have a very powerful I7 Intel processor. On this computer I want to simply run an instance of Apache Tomcat (dedicated server) running a java application with a bunch of things like mail server, servlet container, jasper, etc. Some versions of linux have too many features that I do not need. I do not want the clutter of features I will never use. What is the bare bone version of linux distrib? would that be debian?

These two distributions seem to be popular elsewhere on the internet:

CentOS 5 (64-bit)
Ubuntu Linux 8.04 LTS Hardy Heron (64 bit)

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General :: System Is Rebooting From A Crash/power Failure?

May 8, 2010

I'm trying to come up with a startup init script that will check to see if the system was shut down gracefully, or if it is rebooting from a poweroff or something similar?Anyone know of a way to check for this condition with the least amount of room for false positives or vice versa?My intial thought is just a startup script that will will check for a file on startup, and on a proper reboot/shutdown just touch the file. But id like to avoid that type of script if possible,

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General :: Memory For Crash Kernel Not Within Permissible Range?

Jan 18, 2010

How do I get rid of this message during boot. I have tried the system-config-kdump command but it gives me a "no command found" reply. I am using CentOS 5.4

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General :: Partition Modification Made Windows Crash ?

Feb 8, 2010

I have an HP laptop with both Ubuntu 8.04 and Windows Vista installed on it.

The other day I noticed I was running out of space in the main linux partition (the / partition, not the /home partition), so I decided to move some space from the Windows partition and move it to the linux one. I used a GParted Live CD to do that.

My partitions are ordered as follows:
Windows Vista partition (NTFS)
Main linux partition / (ext3)
Linux home partition /hom (ext3)
HP RECOVERY (NTFS - I don't know what it is, it just comes with HP laptops that have Vista on them)

So I shrank partition 1, and then "moved" partition 2 to enlarge it (GParted said everything was alright).

After doing that, I went to my linux and everything seemed to be fine, I'm also quite sure I had access to my Windows partition as always. But today I tried to start my Windows and it just got stuck on the "loading" stage (that screen that says "Microsoft Corporation" and has a green loading bar). So I shut the computer down manually (by holding the power button for a few seconds). After doing that a couple of time, I went to my linux, which worked just fine, but I was not able to go to the Windows partition. You can see how GParted looks now for my computer:[url]

As you can see, the first partition (/dev/sda1), which is supposed to be the Windows partition, is not mounted and the system doesn't seem to be able to read it properly. Here is my attempt to mount it manually:


Mount is denied because NTFS is marked to be in use. Choose one action:

Choice 1: If you have Windows then disconnect the external devices by clicking on the 'Safely Remove Hardware' icon in the Windows taskbar then shutdown Windows cleanly.

Choice 2: If you don't have Windows then you can use the 'force' option for your own responsibility. For example type on the command line: mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /windows/ -o force

Or add the option to the relevant row in the /etc/fstab file: /dev/sda1 /windows/ ntfs-3g force 0 0

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General :: Gnote Crash - Could Not Update ICE Authority File

Jul 3, 2011

I changed the user name using the User Properties window and rename the home directory with the new user name. Did not change the Group Name. The new name is ResearLab

When I restarted the system I received an error message:
Gnote Crash
gnote 0.7.3-4.fc14

Following are the messages:

(1) could not update ICE authority file/home/ResearLab/.ICE authority
There is a problem with the configuration server

(2) /usr/Libexec/gconf-Sanity-check-2 exited with status 256

(3) Nautilus could not create the following required folders: /home/ResearLab/Desktop, /home/ResearLab/.nautilus.
Before running nautilus, please create these folders or set permission such that natilus can create them.

A. What did I do wrong? Is it not possible to rename a user in Linux?
B. How can I correct this problem?
C. Should I have created a new user instead or renaming an existing one?
D. Can the primary group be renamed?

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General :: Memory For Crash Kernel Not In Permissible Range?

Nov 24, 2010

I'm using centos 5.4 on an Hp Compaq 500B, 4GB ram,I have just installed centos when i try to boot the pc it says "memory for crash kernel not in permissible range, pci not using mmconfig" then it shuts down after a while.

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General :: Memory For Crash Kernel Not Within Permissible Range

Mar 18, 2010

I've installed LINUX for the very first time and when i rebooted it, i found this message on my screen "Memory for crashkernel notwithin permissible range" I tried all my attempt like given memory to kernel with this command "crashkernel=64M@16M" but no luck... Finally i tried to boot into single user mode might be it helped me..but same results

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General :: Had 2 Unsaved Open Office Docs Crash?

Mar 12, 2010

I had 2 unsaved Open office docs crash. It said something about saving them for recovery. But they havent reappeard. Is there some where i can look for them?

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General :: Skype Auto Closing - Froze / Crash?

May 26, 2011

Any time i try to open skype it closes out fully in 5 seconds (not even in the processes anymore). I don't know why or how OR how to make it stop being so mean to me! i'm running ubuntu 10.4 32bit . I tried to boot it in safe mode and umm.. it froze? or crashed? well it was on the black screen with the blinking dot for like 20 mins before i gave up on it (Hiting enter or esc or anything didn't work). There was a key symbol on my panel before skype acted up(It closed and disabled something.. i've never seen it before). Adobe also crashed, and linux did a small update (nothing with skype).

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General :: Unpluging Mounted Shared Dir - Will It Crash The Filesystem

Nov 19, 2010

For example we have a PC with Linux and, let's say, ext4. It is connected to another PC with Linux and Samba-shared dir.First PC mounted shared dir of the second one. So it's in the filesystem, for example in "/mnt/000/". What will happen if I unplug the net cable from first PC? Will ext4 on the first PC crash so I'll have to perform fsck? I know that hot unpluging of mounted HDD probably will make filesystem read-only available and generally damaged.

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General :: Recover An Application In Sleeping State After An X Server Crash?

Jan 28, 2011

I often run calculations on my Linux computer, which cause my X server to crash from time to time. Almost always, some programs seem to survive to the crash and are in an interruptible sleeping state, for example:29315 ? Sl 54:35 /home/kashim/Desktop/anylogic/anylogic -vmargs -Xmx1024MIs there a way to reconnect these applications with the new X server?

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General :: System Crash Doesn't Save Info To Kern.log

Jul 23, 2010

I am currently creating a usb device driver consisting of mostly read and write commands. It can successfully read/write using the bulk endpoints, however reading from the interrupt endpoint causes a system crash.As the crash happens whilst writing to kern.log, the file doesn't get a chance to close, therefore done of my debug printk calls are saved. Also, I get know response from using the magic sysrq key.

Does anyone have an ideas on how I can get any system information about what's causing the crash, or possible causes of the crash. (Using a usb sniffer running on another pc, I can see that the packet is coming in from the interrupt endpoint).

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