General :: Partition Modification Made Windows Crash ?

Feb 8, 2010

I have an HP laptop with both Ubuntu 8.04 and Windows Vista installed on it.

The other day I noticed I was running out of space in the main linux partition (the / partition, not the /home partition), so I decided to move some space from the Windows partition and move it to the linux one. I used a GParted Live CD to do that.

My partitions are ordered as follows:
Windows Vista partition (NTFS)
Main linux partition / (ext3)
Linux home partition /hom (ext3)
HP RECOVERY (NTFS - I don't know what it is, it just comes with HP laptops that have Vista on them)

So I shrank partition 1, and then "moved" partition 2 to enlarge it (GParted said everything was alright).

After doing that, I went to my linux and everything seemed to be fine, I'm also quite sure I had access to my Windows partition as always. But today I tried to start my Windows and it just got stuck on the "loading" stage (that screen that says "Microsoft Corporation" and has a green loading bar). So I shut the computer down manually (by holding the power button for a few seconds). After doing that a couple of time, I went to my linux, which worked just fine, but I was not able to go to the Windows partition. You can see how GParted looks now for my computer:[url]

As you can see, the first partition (/dev/sda1), which is supposed to be the Windows partition, is not mounted and the system doesn't seem to be able to read it properly. Here is my attempt to mount it manually:


Mount is denied because NTFS is marked to be in use. Choose one action:

Choice 1: If you have Windows then disconnect the external devices by clicking on the 'Safely Remove Hardware' icon in the Windows taskbar then shutdown Windows cleanly.

Choice 2: If you don't have Windows then you can use the 'force' option for your own responsibility. For example type on the command line: mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /windows/ -o force

Or add the option to the relevant row in the /etc/fstab file: /dev/sda1 /windows/ ntfs-3g force 0 0

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General :: OOP's Made WIndow's Partition Too Small

Apr 8, 2010

I'm setting up (have set up) Ubuntu after installing W7, everything working great - then realized that I have made the W7 partition too small. Nothing new installed yet, is it possible now to resize/enlarge that partition, without re-installing?

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Fedora :: Software Update Made NVidia Crash

Nov 6, 2009

I've had a working desktop even running compiz just before I updated today. Anyway, after the reboot which was required after my update, I got a notification in the boot message which says:

Checking for module nvidia.ko: [FAILED]
nvidia.ko for kernel 2.6.30-9-96.fc11.x86_64 was not found. [WARNING]
The nvidia driver will not be enabled until one is found. [WARNING]

I continued logging in and got a white screen (most likely brought by compiz without the nvidia drivers). I hit terminal and disabled compiz then tried to see how nvidia is doing. Here's what I got from nvidia-xconfig:

Using X configuration file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf".
Backed up file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' as '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup'
New X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'
and finally here's what /etc/X11/xorg.conf contains: .....

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General :: Can't Boot After Empty Primary Partition Was Made Unallocated

May 15, 2010

On a certain computer, I had four primary partitions. The person who installed the Windows 7 on the computer made two partitions for the Windows (sda1 and sda2). Then I made another two primary partitions (sda3 and sda4). sda3 was empty. sda4 is an extended partition that contained the /swap, and /.According to someone else, some viruses get in on the Windows partitions and can then get over to the Linux partitions if they are primary and right after the Windows partitions, or something like that. This person suggested that I create sda3 when I install Linux(SLES 10), but to install Linux on sda4. Then later I can change sda3 to secondary.So I tried this, and the Linux installation went fine.

I decided to change sda3 before I load the application software onto the computer.So I put the GParted CD in, but to my surprise I realised that the harddisk was actually 1 TB, and not 500 GB as I thought. So I had extra space to the right of sda4. I wasn't quite sure what to do with sda3. I thought that perhaps it would be better to unallocate sda3, move the current sda4 to the left, and then make another primary partition on the right of sda4, or just stretch sda4 both ways.Anycase, I unallocated sda3, and just left sda4 as it was.Hm, perhaps you can anticipate the end of the story. I removed the GParted CD, and restarted the computer, but now the computer doesn't let me choose whether I want to boot into Linux or Windows. Um, it doesn't boot at all from the harddisk.

I know it's dangerous to play with partitions, but sometimes the job won't be done if you are too afraid of doing anything, and I dare say you won't learn anything either. There was nothing on sda3, so I didn't think it would have nasty after effects. There isn't any important data on this computer yet, it was two new installations of Windows and Linux. So I guess I could format the harddisk and just reinstall everything, but I would like to learn what goes on underneath the surface.

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General :: Samba Windows Share \ Made 2 Users?

Jan 9, 2011

want to made 2 users in samba by which windows machine we access share, say user1 has read,execute permission, user2 has read write delete update full permission. we have done user1 configuration as premia user. we need your guideline for user2

we change the smb.conf file
# less /etc/samba/smb.conf


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General :: Windows - Deleting Linux Partition And Grub Boot Loader Without Affecting The Windows Partition At All?

Aug 30, 2011

I am currently running a dual boot machine with Ubuntu 11.04 and Windows Vista.Is there any way I can delete the Linux partition and Grub boot loader without affecting the Windows partition at all?I would also like to be able to repartition all of the space that was previously occupied by Linux.

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Ubuntu Installation :: On HP Laptop - Cannot Use Made Partition

Feb 12, 2011

So I just found out how to install Ubuntu, and found something wrong. I made a partition for the install and when I went to install it, it already had 4 partitions. The recovery and other stuff, so that means the partition I made cannot be used. D: How do I fix this?

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Ubuntu Security :: Monitor A Certain Partition / Folder To See If Any Changes Has Made

Apr 22, 2010

i need a way to monitor a certain partition / folder to see if any changes has made is there anyway of doing that ?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Unaccessible And Not Used 1.2 Tb Ghost Ext4 Partition Made During Installation?

Sep 16, 2010

I am not sure this is the right forum, its more about partitions, but it is a bit like it. This is the problem; I have a problem concerning my partitions; I run Opensuse 11.3 KDE 4.4.4 (standard issue) 64 bit.When I installed suse I had only attached one harddisk. A 1.5 Tbhardisk. In that I had made a 50 Gb partition and installed Windows. I tried out linux mint, just for the fun, and thenI installed Opensuse, let it erase mint and gave it another 50 Gb In that it made home etc. The rest Suse also formatted in ext4. Somehow it didn't get a mount point.I then attached second and third harddrive, and gave them mount points Windows/E and F respectively. (They are formatted in ntfs-3g)Yesterday I decided to give it a mountpoint, and gave it /windows/DI changed my mind and changed it to /home2In both these places I could access it but only as read only. And most weird of all, it had a lot of files in them, very much looking like root.

My questions are; How can I access and use that partition?What might these files be? Can I delete them? How would I best mount them? This is a picture of yast expert partitionerImageBam - Fast, Free Image Hosting and Photo Sharing

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 LTS Vs 10.10 Almost Made Me Go Back To Windows?

Nov 16, 2010

Back in July I bought an Acer Aspire ONE KAV60 with Xubuntu installed on it. I used to run Linux a long time ago but had not messed with it for a couple of years and I was surprised to find out how much more "user friendly" Linux had gotten (With Ubuntu anyways). There are more and more GUI programs/processes now days which makes everything easier to do, however there are a couple of things that I have found in the last few months running Linux only on my little netbook.

When I downloaded Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Lucid and installed it from the Xubuntu, I was quite satisfied with the general desktop setup and ease of the operating system. I loved it, it was like going from OS/2 to Win95 all over again! (I'm not that old, I just started young). Here recently, I ran into a little problem with 10.04 and had to re-format, but when I went to re-download it the new 10.10 was available instead. I threw it on a flash drive and installed it on my netbook only to have "problem after problem" upon installation and had downloaded and installed 10.04 from the archives in a matter of a few hours after messing with 10.10.

There were plus sides and down sides to both right off the bat. I am a nerd I suppose and I have started to play a game called Runescape. After installing 10.10, I opened up Runescape and was able to use the "Re-sizable" screen option! That's an amazing option with Runescape on a netbook. I then opened up my favorite and most used program suite called aircrack-ng. I had the apparently infamous problem titled "fixed channel mon0: -1" and was completely unable to get it working (even after reading the SOLVED article on here.) I spent probably 2 hours trying to figure out that problem and was unable to do so. I cannot be without the aircrack-ng suite so I decided to revert back as I fore mentioned.

Upon reverting back to Lucid LTS from the archives, I was happy with the smoothness of how it runs on my netbook compared to 10.10, but as soon as I logged onto that damn game Runescape, I was on a mission to figure out how to correct the "fixed channel mon0: -1" issue on 10.10 so I could have the re-sizable screen option again.

I finally figured out that I needed (from a fresh install on 10.10) to do apt-get install patch and apt-get install gcc before I could complete the steps of the SOLVED issue guide. This was never mentioned and it made me realize I still need to know what I'm doing if I'm going to run Linux and then maybe I won't have all these issues.

Out of all this, I have a couple of questions and would like to learn more about Linux so I do not have these problems in the future. Here are a couple of questions I would like to mention first: What is gcc? I had all that trouble just because I didn't know to install gcc to do the tutorial.

I believe the re-sizable screen option is available for me in 10.10 and not 10.04 because of Java. I did not have to install Java in 10.10 at all, I just opened up Runescape "out of the box". In 10.04, I use Sun Java with the apt-get command in Terminal. Does anybody have any information to confirm or deny this?

Once I got aircrack-ng working in 10.10, I was surprised to find out that it is amazingly fast compared to 10.04. I believe this has to do with drivers. I was able to use aircrack-ng (after install) "out of the box" with 10.04 so I did not download the "compat wireless" drivers that had to be used in 10.10 to get it to work.

If I were to revert back to Ubuntu 10.04 (I much prefer Lucid for my netbook, runs much better), would I theoretically be able to download a different Java and use the re-sizable option on Runescape? Would I also be able to use the "compat wireless" drivers in 10.04 to make aircrack-ng send and receive arp's and ack's so much quicker?

Last but not least, I would like some sources if possible to better learn Linux from. I mean Terminal type Linux, I do appreciate (as I said earlier) the new GUIs that are available now and I didn't have before, but I still feel the need to know my way around the system and I just don't have that knowledge.

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General :: Windows 7 - Create A Symbolic Link From An Ext Partition To A FAT32 Partition

May 15, 2011

On my Linux system, I want to create a symbolic link to a folder on my Windows 7 partition formatted FAT32. I use:

sudo ln -s /media/OS/Users/dennis/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft ~/.minecraft

However, I end up with a file in my home directory called .minecraft and when I try to access it, I receive:

bash: CD: .minecraft: Too many levels of symbolic links

is there a way to make the symbolic link to the FAT32 folder?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Dvd Made In Windows Doesn't Rip?

Sep 24, 2010

I have a dvd that was made on windows and acidrip rips about 75% of it then stops.All others that was made on ubuntu ripped but not the one made on the windows pc.Can someone tell me how to rip it or maybe a software better then acidrip.

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Ubuntu :: Windows Won't Boot After Changes Made In Grub

May 18, 2010

My computer originally had Vista installed on a sata hdd, and I added a second hdd (IDE) to install Ubuntu 8.04 and had been working great. Everything installed easy. few months ago I downloaded and reinstalled 9.10. That also worked good. I have been telling others about how well it has been working for me. I haven't had any trouble fixing any of the minor problems that I did come across like playing encrypted dvds.Well last week I upgraded to 10.04 using update mgr and it wanted to update grub. so i went ahead and let it.

after rebooting to Ubuntu (which is now a little slower than 9.10), the login screen page was shifted to the right. everything else was fine after logging in. windows also booted up ok. I found some info on a forum that helped me change resolution for grub, and I think I may have done more custom changes that I read online. everything seemed ok until this week. I try to boot into windows but after selecting the windows loader, the page just goes black and does nothing (cpu fan is working hard and doesn't slow) im not sure if i moved grub to wrong partition or if its configured to boot the right windows partition.I have two partitions on sata hdd. one is just the windows recovery. the IDE has Ubuntu only.

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General :: File Modification Time ?

Mar 30, 2010

The tail of my log is the following:


So, how is it possible that some process writes to the file but file time modification still remains untouched?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing U 10.10 Alongside Windows 7 On A Custom Made Pc?

Apr 13, 2011

My pc is custom made with the following config:

MOBO: Asus p7p55d-e pro BIOS 1502
GPU: Asus GTS 450 1 Gig
CPU: i7 860
2 1TB HD, one dedicated to Windows 7 64bit Ultimate
Connected to my LG 42" LCD TV

I asked my friend who is a contributor to ubuntu, and runs a cyber security company to install it on my computer and he said that he will charge me $375 to do this. And then he said that it is not such a difficult thing, however, it will need a lot of tinkering with ubuntu before it works flawlessly. I didn't know what he meant and didn't want to get into it with him. I was wondering if you could direct me to the threads that discuss installation of Ubuntu alongside Windows 7 already installed and on a separate hardware. I don't wanna pay him that money and I'm very new to this. Also, I hope someone could explain what kind of tinkering is done before it works flawlessly.

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General :: Authentication Failure In LDAP After Modification

Jun 3, 2011

I Configured LDAP Server on ubuntu Server 10.04 ,(using url ldap) and Client also it's working fine. After that I changed to ssl encryption and create certificate in server side. Now it's not authenticating from server it's shows Incorrect Password, but I can login though terminal if I am root user ,then it not ask any password it's logon to ldap user. After I changed to ldap server to ssl encryption and made one changes in client side uri ldaps://ip-address/ (/etc/ldap.conf).

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General :: AutoMySQLBackup Weekly Backup Modification?

May 4, 2011

I'm using AutoMySQLBackup [URL] script to backup mysql db from several server.I need little help from you who is guru in scripting. I would like to take weekly backup after every 1 week and not every week. i.e. on every 14 days. This is the weekly backup portion of the script:


# Weekly Backup
if [ ${DNOW} = ${DOWEEKLY} ]; then
${ECHO} Weekly Backup of Database ( ${DB} )


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General :: Panel Icon Modification Is Not Working?

Jun 21, 2011

I want to know how to modify my desktop panel in ubuntu 11.04. Panel right click is not working for me.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Resizing Windows Partition - Install Files On A Non Windows NTFS Partition

Jul 22, 2010

Now however its not letting me resize the Windows partition, mounted or unmounted. It currently occupies the whole disk. I would rather not reinstall the whole thing over again, but I will if I have to. Isnt there an easy way to shrink a Windows partition? I swear Ive done this before and it wasnt this hard. Could it be a problem with the Mint installer that now asks me if I want to unmount my disks before it goes into install mode? On this PC I would like to have

Windows XP
One of the E17 OSs
Puppy Linux (to create a remix)

I am probably going to put most of the linux partitions on the second laptop drive but I want to install files on a non WIndows NTFS partition.

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Ubuntu :: Finding Windows Partition - Use FAT32 Partition For Photo Images And Old Windows Files

May 31, 2011

I got tired of dual booting on my old computer so on the new computer I am planning to run XP on VMware Player. The problem is that on the new computer neither Ubuntu or XP can "see" the FAT32 partition. I intend to use the FAT32 partition for photo images and old Windows files and need access from both Ubintu and XP.

Partition table entries are not in disk order.

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General :: Copying Files According To Modification Date And Extension?

Dec 30, 2010

I am trying to find a command which will copy all the files in the folder with extension ".log" which is created one day before the current date. By going through other threads in this forum I found the half solution to this problem

find /mnt/hd -mtime -1 -exec scp {} /mnt/usb ;

This command copying the all the files created one day before(not only *.log) to the /mnt/usb folder. what is the modification required to above command.

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General :: How To Change Modification Time (Created Recursively)

Jul 1, 2009

I know there exists a touch command to change the date of the files. However, I want to change the files of a directory and the directory time. Is there a command like -R. Please provide me an example of the command?

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General :: Merge Files By Creation / Modification Date?

Oct 4, 2010

I have a folder with hundreds of .txt files (logs of some java application) that I have to merge in to one single .txt file. This application produces a new log file everyday:

day1: logFriday10September2010.txt
day2: logSaturday11September2010.txt
day8: logFriday17September2010.txt
and so on...

I could merge the files easily with "cat" and ">>" however, the problem is that I have to do it by taking into account the date (creation or modification) of the file.

If I simple use the cat command the output file will receive for example, all Fridays in a row, then all Saturdays, etc. and in that way I'm not considering the date.

I've searched for the options of the find command, since the files after creation are not modified...I try to use this for example:

$ find . -newer <some old file>

but that lists me all files after that <old file> and not by correct date.

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General :: Descending List Ordered By File Modification Time

Feb 28, 2011

How can I generate a list of files in a directory [e.g.: "/mnt/hdd/PUB/"] ordered by the files modification time? [in descending order, the oldest modified file is at the lists end]
ls -A -lRt would be great:[URL]
But if a file is changed in a directory it lists the full the pastebined link isn't good [i don't want a list ordered by "directories", I need a "per file" ordered list]
OS: openwrt..[no perl -> not enough space for it :( + no "stat", or "file" command]

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Ubuntu :: While Installing Ubuntu Made Two Partitions And Set Two Load Points But There Is Only One Partition Shown?

Mar 8, 2010

while installing ubuntu i made two partitions and set two load points. //home/but in ubuntu there is only one partition shown(filesystem).. what is going on?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Access Or Even Find Files On Windows Partition Or Windows Partition Itself

Sep 24, 2010

After several times install & reinstall,i got a stable dual boot vista / ubuntu 10.10.,but i can't access or even see my windows partition from ubuntu,i installed my dual boot with wubu this time,in previous installation when i didn't use wubi , i didn't have such a problem & windows partition with all my files in it (windows files,media ,etc,) was easily accessible from "places" on ubuntu . I already disabled windows firewall & other security options but nothing changed

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Ubuntu Installation :: Solaris Installation In A Already Made Partition?

Jan 29, 2010

here is my current partition table

Disk /dev/sdb: 250.1 GB, 250059350016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders


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General :: Install Windows 7 On Media Partition \ Keep Media Partition Completely Separate From Any OS?

Apr 24, 2010

I just bought a new hard drive so that I could convert my XP-only machine into an XP-Ubuntu-Windows 7 triple boot machine.Since the drive is absurdly huge (1 TB) I wouldn't mind throwing ReactOS into the mixtoo.I just found out that master boot records are limited to 4 entries, meaning 4 primary partitions. I had Windows XP set up on my old drive as a boot partition, a program files partition and a media partition. Since I really didn't want to install XP from scratch, I cloned this setup on my new drive.

This leaves me one MBR partition entry for installing Windows 7, Ubuntu and ReactOS. I'd like to avoid having to install XP from scratch like the plague, partly because it's supposed to be a safety net in case things go wrong with my other OS's and because I've invested a lot of time getting it set up exactly the way I like it.Here are the options I've considered and why I don't like them:Install Windows 7 on my media partition. This would work, but I prefer to keep my media partition completely separate from any OS, so that I can reformat an OS partition without affecting my media partition at all.

Use wubi or something to install Ubuntu in the same partition as something else. Again, this is brittle.Move all my media to a logical drive on an extended partition. Create another logical drive on this extended partition for Ubuntu. The problem here is that extended partitions are rather brittle--if you nuke one, it renders the rest useless.Just put the old drive back in my computer and run XP off it. Use the new one for the other OS's. The problem here is that the old drive is slower and uses extra power, generates extra heat, etc.

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Debian :: Xorg Crash After Converting / Partition To LVM?

Oct 6, 2010

I have Virtualbox VM with Lenny and I made another hdd copying all files from old drive to new one. But root partition I made to be on LVM and all three partitions are now primary. After using Debian DVD and rescue mode to reinstall grub and reconfigure kernel, the system boots fine, but Xorg fails to start.

0: /usr/bin/X11/X(xf86SigHandler+0x7e) [0x80c91ce]
1: [0xb776d400]
2: /usr/bin/X11/X(xf86PostMotionEventP+0x97) [0x80e71e7]


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Fedora Installation :: LiveCD-system Crash At Partition Step?

Jun 5, 2011

I run ubuntu, 2 partion, one primary for / , one for /home and ofc swap.When I run the Livecd, at the partition step I do:


-Select my / partition to install

-When I select next I get the error "blah blah, must be probably a bug...." and system crashes.

After system crach I can't boot into Ubuntu or anything, it gets me on the "error 11 ( think is 11 ) grub> " screen.Also, I think its something with my nouveau drivers, I think i get an error when boots the LiveCD something like "fudc...". It happens really fast and I can't read it properly.I did this procedure twice to write the errors, but it happens too fast to check them out. Also, is there a way to prepare the system before installing the Fedora, to avoid these errors?

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