General :: Build Package For Evolution - Brutus?

Jul 22, 2010

i am new to linus and trying to connect evolution to exchange 2007 using evolution-brutus plug in. However not able to complete the compiling stage. where to download the following rpm. I am using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS- the Lucid Lynx

configure: WARNING: You should have the rpmdev-setuptree program if building evolution-brutus RPMs checking for rpmdev-wipetree... no configure: WARNING: You should have the rpmdev-wipetree program if building evolution-brutus RPMs checking for build. no configure: WARNING: You should have the build program if building evolution-brutus RPMs on SUSE checking for dpkg-buildpackage..

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General :: Launch Firefox 7.0a1 Nightly Build From A .bz2 Package?

Jul 5, 2011

I got Thunderbird 5.0a2 Beta because it had the file that runs it in there, but I can't find it anywhere in the Firefox Nightly Build one. There's also no config file in there either, and I don't want to replace my Aurora 6.0a2 Beta with the very unstable Alpha until I try it out. I would try it in the Virtual Machine but it'd take too long to set it all up.


I downloaded the .bz2 file and Archiver extracted it for me. I remember in Slackware you just use installpkg on .bz2 files... Or was it .gz... I forget, anyway, how can I run Nightly-Build? opens my Aurora browser.

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SUSE :: Package A War File As An RPM Package - Always Giving Errors In %build Stage

Feb 14, 2011

Still I am asked to package a war file as an RPM package. That is an unusual RPM packaging(To me). If you guys could guide me I have a war file inside a folder, that folder is inside a tar file as a SOURCE for RPM package. The structure is like below.


I simply want that the war file from sources is transferred to the web app of my tomcat server through RPM. I try to package it as an RPM, but its always giving me errors in %build stage. When I try to remove %build from stage from the spec file, then it says command missing.

My system details are:
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (x86_64)

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General :: Use Compile File Build Package Without Messing Up Library

Apr 11, 2010

I want to build a package from source using src2pkg, but I don't know how to avoid library miss match. Suppose I have Firefox 3.5.2 on Slackware 13.0 64 and I want to upgrade it to 3.6.2. Last time when I venturesomely installed Firefox-3.6.2-current into my Slackware 13.0, I got library miss match. Thus, instead of upgrading the whole packages to current (which is impractical and cumbersome), I want to build 3.6.2 from source. How can I do this? Is there any guideline how to use src2pkg? Or should I rather use makepkg? Do I need to create a Makefile?

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Fedora :: Can't Build Rpm Package?

Mar 9, 2010

I'm building an rpm from the following program source:[URL].. but I'm getting the following error after running rmpbuild: (here I only show the log after configure, see attachment for a full log):

configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
----the prefix for installation directories is:/usr
If this choice is not convenient, re-execute this configure
with the --prefix option, e.g.


I can figure that it cannot install under /usr/bin, rather it have to install in %{buildroot}, but I don't know how to deal with that. Please I need help with this!

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Build A .deb Package From Git

Jan 4, 2011

I work at a small company where we use to deploy things by just checking out the repo and copying stuff to production servers. This has to come to an end, enter .deb packages!

So I'm wondering what's the best procedure to do that. I already know how to create .deb packages, most of our stuff is Python and we're going to use python-support and cdbs. But how to maximally automate this?

We have a Git repo and ideally the whole thing should work like this:

* a tag is created in the Git repo (the version can be provided manually)

* some file like '' is created so that and the packaged software can refer to it and know the tag

* changelog is created from the Git commit logs

* the package is built (that's the part I've worked out - python-support and cdbs are involved here)

* optionally, the package is uploaded somewhere

There's a .deb package named 'git-buildpackage', is it suitable for this task? So far I can tell that it has one drawback - it looks for the 'debian/' directory in the root of the repository, which is not the case - our repo consists of several subdirectories, each contains a subproject that will be packaged independently.

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Server :: Kernerl3.0.0 Build As Rpm Package?

Aug 16, 2011

i make rpm package from linux kerlne 3.0.0 source. default spec file in "linux-3.0/scripts/package/mkspec" ,i add %post lines,this step use to install new kernel with rpm (ivh) tools and configure grub automatically


echo "%post"
echo '/sbin/new-kernel-pkg --mkinitrd --depmod --install "$__KERNELRELEASE" || exit $?'
then ,make rpm-pkg, it makes rpms bellow:
Wrote: /root/rpmbuild/SRPMS/kernel-3.0.0-1.src.rpm
Wrote: /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/kernel-3.0.0-1.x86_64.rpm


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Programming :: Build A Package Using A Different Lib Than The One Installed?

Jul 11, 2011

Is is possible to compile (but not install) a library, and then compile a package using that library instead of the version that's installed?

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Build Multilib RPM Package In X86-64?

Dec 5, 2009

I am running Fedora 12 x86-64. I have a SRPM and want to build both x86-64 and i686 package. But the rpmbuild -ba can only build x86-64 package. --target=i686 is not working fine too, it try to find dependency in /usr/lib64. How can I build i686 package?

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Ubuntu :: E: Couldn't Find Package Build?

Jun 27, 2010

When I type this command ;sudo apt-get install build essentialI got this ;

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done


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Slackware :: Build Notes For LFS 6.6 With Package Users?

Oct 20, 2010

Edit: Ack! Duplicate post. See my thread, What a slacker learned from building Linux from Scratch..., the build notes are in this post.

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Fedora :: Package To Install To Build Packages From Source

Mar 15, 2010

What package do I have to install to build packages from sources? I am trying to build the TrueCrypt package from source.

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Software :: Package Gpart Fails To Build On Powerpc?

Apr 17, 2010

Question is: How do I compile a package for little endian on big endian proceessors? Gpart is known to build on arm-el, ia64, i386, and amd64. I'm using gcc 4.3 and have versions 3.4, 4.1, 4.2. Build environment is debian lenny, powerpc.

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Slackware :: Build GCompris A Childrens Educational Package?

Jul 5, 2011

I've been trying to build gCompris a childrens educational package. I got the compressed source & build from The only dependency mentioned in the readme was gnet so built and installed that ok .

With gCompris the build was progressing fine until a it hit a point at " text2html" .Looked in the 4th install disk of slackware 13.37 no sign of either.looked in slackbuild also no mention of either.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Build-Essential Package Missing / Obsoleted

Jun 20, 2011

Today is my first day to use ubuntu for my C++ programming. However, when I was trying to install build-essential, it failed. This is the output shown:

vie@vie-laptop:~/TestC++$ sudo apt-get install build-essential
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Package build-essential is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
is only available from another source
E: Package build-essential has no installation candidate
vie@vie-laptop:~/TestC++$ .....

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Slackware :: Slackpkg Makes A Package And Uses The Adapted Build Script?

Jun 27, 2010

When I do slackpkg -N package I get a build script.I can change that so It will do what I want.

But what can I do so slackpkg makes a slackware package and uses the adapted build script ?

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OpenSUSE :: Finding Evolution-mapi Package For 11.4?

Mar 16, 2011

I was surprised that I couldn't find a evolution-mapi package for openSuSE 11.4 on the install CD, network repos or the openSUSE build service site. I could find one for 11.2 but not for 11.3 or 11.4. It is available on Ubuntu and Fedora.

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Debian :: Build A Deb-package In Order To Detect And React To The --purge Switch?

Jun 27, 2010

how does one have to build a deb-package in order to detect and react to the --purge switch?

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Ubuntu :: LTIB Showing Package Not Present: Rpm-build Software Not Installed

Oct 15, 2010

ltib is showing following package not present: rpm-build Software not installed, even though rpmbbuild is already installed. I am trying this on Ubuntu.

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Debian :: Installing Kernel Sources - Make Command To Build Package Fails

Jul 22, 2010

I'm trying to build the package zaptel on debian, but I'm encountering two errors:
1- When I try to run the "make menuselect" command, I get an error stating that I need ncurses which is missing. I tried to get it installed but didn't get to do it yet.
2- After that, there's the command "make" I think it's to build the package. Yet again this fails, and the error I get is "you do not appear to have the sources for the 2.6.26-2-686 kernel installed".

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Ubuntu :: Dev Package For Intern.h Ruby - ERROR: Failed To Build Gem Native Extension

Oct 26, 2010

I am currently trying to get my RadRails working. There are certain tasks I cannot complete and I'm guessing that installing mongrel and some other items would get everything going. I run the update and it seems to fail horribly and I've been looking on google for the last 2 hours to the answer to this one. This is there errors I have gotten so far.

By the way I am currently using Ubuntu 10.04 if that makes any difference. I have already downloaded and installed sqlite3 and sqlite dev.


>gem install -l mongrel-1.1.5.gem
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
ERROR: Error installing mongrel-1.1.5.gem:
ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.


Now at this point I am just trying to find the intern.h header file and can't find out what to download to get that.

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Debian Configuration :: Build A Package - Debian / Rules Error?

Apr 2, 2011

I recently tossed Ubuntu for Debian Unstable for my personal machines and I'm having trouble building Emerald into a package. I've already configured and installed the package (using the usual ./configure, make, make install) but I wanted to make a deb for future use (for myself and for others). However every time I try to run dpkg-build I get the following error message.

dh_install -pemerald  --sourcedir=debian/tmp
dh_install: emerald missing files (usr/bin/*), aborting
make: *** [binary-install/emerald] Error 2
dpkg-buildpackage: error: debian/rules binary gave error exit status 2


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Slackware :: Slackware 13.1 Build Package Net-snmp With LmSensors Support?

Nov 17, 2010

I downloaded from source and I build new package and works ok no errors. If I change net-snmp.SlackBuild and add CFLAGS --with-mib-modules=ucd-snmp/lmSensors --with-ldflags=-lsensors while I need lmsensors support in net-snmp. But the package compiling ends with error:


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OpenSUSE :: Find All The Build-deps Or What They Are For That Matter To Build Boxee

Feb 20, 2010

I'm in love with my Opensuse 11.2. Love my KDE 4.4. The only thing I miss from my Ubuntu installation, is the ability to use Boxee. I would be more than willing to compile Boxee from source. I only have 2 problems with that:

1) I don't know where I can find all the build-deps or what they are for that matter to build Boxee.

2) I'm running on a Netbook. Yes, my measly Intel Atom is no fun for compiling and building.

What are my options/what can I do to get Boxee up and running on 11.2? I've tried searching on build service for an RPM, but I think due to legal restrictions, Boxee can't be on there.

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OpenSUSE :: Build Libevent-dev 2.0.10 In Ooder To Build New Version Of Transmission?

Feb 16, 2011

looking for LIBEVENT... configure: error: Package requirements (libevent >= 2.0.10) were not met: In order to build transmission 2.21.I need libeventnew version of transmission,I need to build libevent-dev >= 2.0.10 and installed first.But I can't get any information about building development files for libevent.

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Software :: Self Build Rpm Fails With Missing Dependencies On Build Host?

Sep 24, 2009

as I'm advancing in building some nice rpm I finally wanted to install on of my gems also the build was successful the actual install fails with missing dependencies.


$ rpm --root /home/sascha/rpmbuild/ -i ./RPMS/x86_64/memcached-1.4.1-2.x86_64.rpm
error: Failed dependencies: is needed by memcached-1.4.1-2.x86_64 is needed by memcached-1.4.1-2.x86_64


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Ubuntu Security :: Script Running As A Special Build User Which Performs An Automated Build That Fails With (Too Many Open Files)?

Feb 11, 2011

I have an init script running as a special build user which performs an automated build that fails with (Too many open files).I updated /etc/security/limits to allow the special user more open files, but that didn't work - the init script still isn't allowed more open files.Here's a demonstration of the problem;

$ su - sbsbuild -c "ulimit -n"


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Slackware :: Install The I386 Build On One Partition And The 64-bit Build On Another

Sep 16, 2010

Trying to install SW 13.1 (on DVD) on the following system: M/B Intel: DX38BT Processor Intel Core 2 Quad Q6700 - 2.66GHz, 8MB Cache, 1066MHz FSB, Socket 775 Memory Corsair Dual Channel 8192MB PC10600 DDR3 1333MHz Memory (4x2048MB) Graphics Diamond Radeon HD 3850 Video Card - Viper, 512MB GDDR3, PCI Express 2.0 P/S Ultra 1000W

My goal is to install the i386 build on one partition and the 64-bit build on another. I have been away from Linux for a while and am sick to death of Win7, want to come home. :-}

Booted on i386 side of DVD, system freezes after a couple of lines that start with ATA2. Does not respond to 3 finger salute, ctrl-c, nothing. Have to press reset. I have tried both huge.s and hugesmp.s kernels

Booted on 64-bit side, comes up fine. I performed the install, selected for automatic lilo install. Lilo install hung but I was able to reboot. I booted off the 64-bit side again, entered the following: huge.s root=/dev/sde3 rdinit= ro It booted fully to the login prompt but the keyboard does not work, no input.

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OpenSUSE :: Ant Build.xml Does Not Exist - Build Failed

Apr 19, 2011

Ant was installed in yast2 but will not run since build.xml was never created. How can this be fixed? I would like to run AudioTool.

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General :: Apt-cache Search <package> Show Package Size?

Apr 5, 2011

Is there anyway to show package size that comes up in the search so you don't have to apt-get install package individually and wait for the installation initiation and then reject to install after it gives u the [y/N] confirmation thing?

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