General :: Use Compile File Build Package Without Messing Up Library

Apr 11, 2010

I want to build a package from source using src2pkg, but I don't know how to avoid library miss match. Suppose I have Firefox 3.5.2 on Slackware 13.0 64 and I want to upgrade it to 3.6.2. Last time when I venturesomely installed Firefox-3.6.2-current into my Slackware 13.0, I got library miss match. Thus, instead of upgrading the whole packages to current (which is impractical and cumbersome), I want to build 3.6.2 from source. How can I do this? Is there any guideline how to use src2pkg? Or should I rather use makepkg? Do I need to create a Makefile?

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SUSE :: Package A War File As An RPM Package - Always Giving Errors In %build Stage

Feb 14, 2011

Still I am asked to package a war file as an RPM package. That is an unusual RPM packaging(To me). If you guys could guide me I have a war file inside a folder, that folder is inside a tar file as a SOURCE for RPM package. The structure is like below.


I simply want that the war file from sources is transferred to the web app of my tomcat server through RPM. I try to package it as an RPM, but its always giving me errors in %build stage. When I try to remove %build from stage from the spec file, then it says command missing.

My system details are:
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (x86_64)

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General :: Compile A C Code Which Uses SSH Library?

Jan 26, 2011

i try to compile a c code which uses SSH library,but i get this error

libssh.h: No such file or directory

i searched and i found that This happens if a library used for linking is not present in the standard library directories used by gcc.

By default, gcc searches the following directories for header files:


and the following directories for libraries:


i update my libssh from libssh-0.4.2-1.fc13.i686 to libssh-0.4.6-1.fc13.i686, and there are files called and in /ur/lib, but i still can't compile it with this command:

gcc test.c

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General :: Install Compile And Run Library .a Or .so Files?

Dec 23, 2010

i know how to install software but i don't know

1: how to install library .a or .so files

i: how to install tar.gz i use the method like ./configure. make make install but most of the time i got the message nothing to make .in lots of tar.gz there is no installation document no make file no .configure file that make me quite confused how to install them or run i got sample source code of cuda i got them in tar.gz form when i extract them i found a folder in folder i found folder like c ,doc,shared etc when i open each folder i found more folder n file like that src, doc common ,lib, in these folder i found source code file header files libraries file make files .i don't know how to run this kind of project can the be installed on the system .how to run them they don't have .run file or script they don't have configure file .how to compile them ,how to run them & how to install them

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General :: Build A Shared Library On System Using Same Command Used For Solaris?

Jun 22, 2011

I am able to build a shared library under solaris with
/usr/local/bin/g++ -G -o file1.o file2.o file3.o.
How do I build the shared library under linux using the same files?
I have tried to use the same command /usr/local/bin/g++ -g -o but I got some undefined references, even if those references are defined in one of the object files.

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General :: Getting The Package Name That Contains A Library - Error "No Package Gthread-2.0 Not Found"

Jan 22, 2011

Fedora 14 I recently went to install some software using the source files. When I ran the command ./configure I got a message saying that No package gthread-2.0 not found After searching the internet some one had the same problem. I needed to install a package called glib2-devel However, rather that searching the internet. Is there any yum command that can give me that information?

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General :: Build Package For Evolution - Brutus?

Jul 22, 2010

i am new to linus and trying to connect evolution to exchange 2007 using evolution-brutus plug in. However not able to complete the compiling stage. where to download the following rpm. I am using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS- the Lucid Lynx

configure: WARNING: You should have the rpmdev-setuptree program if building evolution-brutus RPMs checking for rpmdev-wipetree... no configure: WARNING: You should have the rpmdev-wipetree program if building evolution-brutus RPMs checking for build. no configure: WARNING: You should have the build program if building evolution-brutus RPMs on SUSE checking for dpkg-buildpackage..

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General :: Update Standard Fedora Library Package Without Internet Access?

Apr 26, 2010

I need to get the library ( on a computer with Fedora 8 and don't wonder why it's so ancient,-there is a good reason for it) but I don't have Internet access from that computer, so I can't get to the online repo's.

However, I do still have the installation disk, and I'm typing this from a computer (SuSE 10) that is half a meter from the Fedora box.

I tried the "ADD/REMOVE Software" option on the menu, but it keeps on looking for the online repo and then if it doesn't get it, it fails.

Is it possible to get this library from the installation disk. How? Could I download the single package from the online repo onto the SuSE machine and then move it to the Fedora machine? How do I then tell the Fedora machine to "incorporate" it.

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Fedora :: Display The File On The Gnome Desktop Without Messing Up The KDE Config File?

Jan 4, 2010

New install of FC12 and after logging into the KDE desktop then going back to Gnome, the Desktop Config File for KDE shows on the Gnome desktop. I ran gconf-editor and I can see the file but no option to not display in Nautilus. Is there an easy way to not display the file on the Gnome desktop without messing up the KDE config file?

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General :: Launch Firefox 7.0a1 Nightly Build From A .bz2 Package?

Jul 5, 2011

I got Thunderbird 5.0a2 Beta because it had the file that runs it in there, but I can't find it anywhere in the Firefox Nightly Build one. There's also no config file in there either, and I don't want to replace my Aurora 6.0a2 Beta with the very unstable Alpha until I try it out. I would try it in the Virtual Machine but it'd take too long to set it all up.


I downloaded the .bz2 file and Archiver extracted it for me. I remember in Slackware you just use installpkg on .bz2 files... Or was it .gz... I forget, anyway, how can I run Nightly-Build? opens my Aurora browser.

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Slackware :: 13.0 - How To Compile Libdnet Library

Jan 3, 2010

My system is slackware64 13 and I am having problems during compilation of libdnet library. How to compile this program? I compile like this:
configure --with-python && make
I know this is not slackware related but I want to give it a try...

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Programming :: Incorrect Selection Of The C Library With Build Root?

Aug 1, 2010

I'm trying to use buildroot to cross compile some libraries for me. To do so I've set up build root to point to my working tool chain in the menuconfig.All seems fine however when I try to make (buildroot) I get the following error

rm -rf /root/buildroot-2010.05/output/build/buildroot-config
mkdir -p /root/buildroot-2010.05/output/build
cp -dpRf package/config/buildroot-config /root/buildroot-2010.05/output/build/buildroot-config
Checking external toolchain settings
Incorrect selection of the C library
make: *** [/root/buildroot-2010.05/output/stamps/ext-toolchain-installed] Error 255

I know it's pointing to the correct files and gcc as any wrong paths are reported in make menuconfig.

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General :: Compile Programs And Their Dependencies Manually Or Are Package Managers The Only Way?

May 29, 2010

Is there an easier way (without using a package manager) to upgrade programs? For example, I just want to upgrade Amarok. In order to do this, I've had to upgrade every one of it's dependencies because they've all had minor upgrades from the versions I already have installed.

Is there an easier way to compile programs and their dependencies manually or are package managers the only way?

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Software :: Compile And Install Xmonad Package By Package?

Jul 28, 2011

I originally attempted to compile and install xmonad package by package, and the end result was this:

$ xmonad /home/adx/.xmonad/xmonad-x86_64-linux: executeFile: does not exist (No such file or directory)
X Error of failed request: BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied) Major opcode of failed request: 2 (X_ChangeWindowAttributes) Serial number of failed request: 7 Current serial number in output stream: 8 I figured I left out a flag on the make file or something, so I tried the slackbuild packages next; however, the same error was present at launch.

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Programming :: Compile Static Libcurl Library Under Windows ?

Jun 3, 2009

I have been working on this for a long time.

I could get the static libcurl library ( a "libcurl.lib" file and a "curl.h" file), which supposed to be working under Windows.

Yet I tried Visual c++ 6.0 but it wasn't working at all.

Some idea on that ? I don't mind to try MinGW and Dev C++ if it will really work. (Cygwin is not good since it require client to have cygwin.dll in run-time folder).

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General :: Create Linux-libc-dev Package When Compile Ubuntu Kernel?

May 6, 2011

I've compiled the last stable ubuntu kernel (2.6.38-...) following this guide: How to compile a Ubuntu 10.10 kernel but in this guide doesn't explain how create linux-libc-dev package for that kernel? How do I do?

I've tried with fakeroot debian/rules binary-arch-headers but it returns an, IMHO, absurd error:

mkdir /home/simon/sources/kernel/ubuntu-natty/debian/linux-libc-dev/usr/include/
mkdir: cannot create directory `/home/simon/sources/kernel/ubuntu-natty/debian/linux-libc-dev/usr/include/': File exists
make: *** [install-arch-headers] Error 1

The error is correct but this folder is created in the same process!

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Fedora :: Fatal Error: Mismatch Between The Program And Library Build Versions Detected

Apr 13, 2011

I'm tring to run AMDOverdriveCtrl, since they don't have an RPM file for Fedora i tried to compile from source i followed the instruction in the readme files run the make command


% make
g++ -mwindows -s -pthread -lwx_gtk2u_richtext-2.8 -lwx_gtk2u_aui-2.8 -lwx_gtk2u_xrc-2.8 -lwx_gtk2u_qa-2.8 -lwx_gtk2u_html-2.8 -lwx_gtk2u_adv-2.8 -lwx_gtk2u_core-2.8 -lwx_baseu_xml-2.8 -lwx_baseu_net-2.8 -lwx_baseu-2.8 -ldl -o./Release/AMDOverdriveCtrl ./src/CFanSpeedPanel.o ./src/COvdrSettingsPanel.o ./src/CFanControlPanel.o ./src/CColorTempPanel.o ./src/BezierMath.o ./src/Color.o


and tried to run the application, and i get this error message


$ AMDOverdriveCtrl
Fatal Error: Mismatch between the program and library build versions detected.

The library used 2.8 (no debug,Unicode,compiler with C++ ABI 1002,wx containers,compatible with 2.4,compatible with 2.6), and your program used 2.8 (no debug,Unicode,compiler with C++ ABI 1002,wx containers,compatible with 2.6).

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CentOS 5 :: Compile The Fakeroot 1.15 But It Always Failed To Load The Shared Library Libfakeroot?

Jun 7, 2010

I have tried to compile the fakeroot 1.15 on centos 5, but it always failed to load the shared library file. I tried compiling 32 as well as 64 bit version of library but always it failed to load the library and give the following error:

ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.

any workaround to get this working?

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Ubuntu :: Messing Around With Vipw And Accidentally Wiped The Whole File?

Jan 5, 2010

I was messing around with vipw and accidentally wiped the whole file. Luckily, I have a backup copy.Is it safe to just paste the backup into any old file and "cp <file> /etc/passwd", or is there any special procedure?As I understand it, things are fine for now but if I restart very bad things will happen since root is gone and such

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Programming :: Compile And Build Program Using A Makefile Template?

Jul 8, 2011

I am new to the whole concept of makefiles, and I'm trying to compile and build my program using a makefile template I have found. My project consists of three directories: "source", where my .cpp files are (source1.cpp, source2.cpp, source3.cpp), "include", where my .h files are (header1.h, header2.h, header3.h), and "obj", where the object files are to be stored (obj1.o, obj2.o, obj3.o). In the project root directory is my makefile, which is as follows:

EXEC = myexe
CC = g++
IDIR = include
SDIR = source
ODIR = obj


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Fedora :: Failing To Build Empathy Due To Missing Glib-compile-schemas?

Nov 3, 2010

I am using Fedora 12, and I recently downloaded the source of Empathy from the git repo. When I issue a ./configure on the console, I get the following output, please look at the last line:

[root@localhost empathy]# ./configure
checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... yes
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c


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General :: Red Hat Enterprise Desktop 5.3 On 64 Bit Machine Need 32-bit Library File

Jun 29, 2010

I have installed Red Hat 5.3 64-bit linux.

I have a program that needs 32-bit and

I have the Red Hat supplemental DVD that has the tcl-devel-8.4.13-3.fc6.i386.rpm and the tk-devel-8.4.13-5.el5_1.1.i386.rpm

I tried to install the tcl-devel-8.4.13-3.fc6.i386.rpm package using the following command: "rpm -ivh --force tcl-devel-8.4.13-3.fc6.i386.rpm

I get the following error message: "Warning: tcl-devel-8.4.13-3.fc6.i386.rpm header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 37017186 error: failed dependencies: is needed by tcl-devel-8.4.13-3.fc6.i386.rpm"

I have scoured the internet and everything says to install these packages to get the tcl and tk libraries.

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General :: Runtest Error: Couldn't Find Library File Gcc-dg.exp

Sep 16, 2010

I am trying to run i386 in gcc_test-suite using dejagnu runtest and it fails with error given below. I can see that gcc-dg.exp is in folder gcc-4.6-20100911/gcc/testsuite/lib, but runtest is not searching in this folder.

how to resolve this issue and run only i386 tests.

$ cd /gcc-4.6-20100911/gcc/testsuite/
$ runtest -a -tool i386 -verbose
Looking for library file /usr/local/share/dejagnu/lib/gcc-dg.exp


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General :: Compile And Run A Cpp File Using Only One Command?

Jun 24, 2010

Recently I've started to learn cpp language on linux,and now I run a cpp file using following commands. g++ -o xxx xxx.cpp./xxxIs there a way to make it one line command such as compile-and-run xxx.cpp?

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General :: Not Able To Compile Source RPM File

Oct 15, 2010

I am trying to build a source rpm file through a source rpm package but while compiling I am getting the below errors as,

[root@nisserver tmp]# ls
gconfd-root mapping-root ssh-kvrIrp2633
keyring-fgwCIY nmap-5.21-1.src.rpm virtual-root.2hSYRa
keyring-vx1pvB orbit-root

[root@nisserver tmp]# rpmbuild --rebuild nmap-5.21-1.src.rpm
Installing nmap-5.21-1.src.rpm
warning: user fyodor does not exist - using root
warning: group fyodor does not exist - using root
warning: user fyodor does not exist - using root
warning: group fyodor does not exist - using root
Executing(%prep): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.49535 .....

RPM build errors:
user fyodor does not exist - using root
group fyodor does not exist - using root
user fyodor does not exist - using root
group fyodor does not exist - using root
Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.73783 (%build)

What next step need to be taken to install the rpm file from the source file.

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Fedora :: Package - Allow To Keep All Bookmarks In A Library That Can Access From Any Browser

Feb 20, 2011

I'm looking for a package that will allow me to keep all my bookmarks in a library that I can access from any browser that I use such as FireFox, Chrome etc.

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Fedora :: Can't Build Rpm Package?

Mar 9, 2010

I'm building an rpm from the following program source:[URL].. but I'm getting the following error after running rmpbuild: (here I only show the log after configure, see attachment for a full log):

configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Makefile
----the prefix for installation directories is:/usr
If this choice is not convenient, re-execute this configure
with the --prefix option, e.g.


I can figure that it cannot install under /usr/bin, rather it have to install in %{buildroot}, but I don't know how to deal with that. Please I need help with this!

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Ubuntu :: Getting "checking For Library Stdc++ No" When Trying To Compile Ncurses On Lucid

Jun 27, 2010

I do have libstdc++6 and libstdc++6-4.4-dev installed though. I can't seem to figure out why it wouldn't detect it. Is it just a bug in ncurses' configure or what?

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General :: Compile Multiple File Using Makefile ?

Jun 1, 2011

How to compile single file in Linux environment using gcc. Now i dont know how to use make file to compile multiple file.

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General :: Shortcut To Compile Kernel File?

Nov 5, 2010

I become successful to download kernel, compile it and run it.BUTWhen i modify tcp.c file or any other file in this /usr/src/linux/net/ipv4 location, (just modifying c files) i have to compile the complete kernel every time, which is very time consuming procedure.So Please help, How to compile that net/ipv4 package or etc.

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