General :: Vim - Getting Back And Forth Between Two Files ?

Dec 15, 2010

=I do 'vim foo1.txt foo2.txt'. How do I switch from one file to the other?

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General :: Back The Files Used Since Last Back Up?

Oct 24, 2010

I,m using Ubuntu 10.10 with Gimp. Ive got a lot of photos etc and need to back these up. Can I anyone suggest a good backup solution which does not require e to keep copying the same files? IE: Once the files are backed up I only want to back the files used since last back up?

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General :: Back Up Files To Dvd ?

Aug 17, 2010

I need to save some .c files. The Red Hat Linux 5.5 machine I am on has a DVD multi recorder drive in it. A cdrecord -scanbus gives me "4,0,0 400) 'TSSTcorp' 'DVD+-RW TS-L633C' 'D250' Removable CD-ROM".

When I add "/dev/dvdrw /mnt/dvd-rw iso9660 user,kudzu 0 0" to /etc/fstab and do a mount /mnt/dvd-rw, I get "mount: block device /dvd/dvdrw is write-protected, mounting read-only", "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/dvdrw, missing codepage or other error".

I go about this another way? All I need to do is save some source files to the dvd and restore them on another machine.

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General :: Files Don't Move Back To /var/log And Keep Getting Renamed?

Mar 15, 2010

I have this script that I use to find log files in the /var/log directory that are 2 days old, move them to /var/log/tmp, rename them to the system date.filename and move them back to /var/log. Everything seems to work as planned, except that the files don't get moved out of temp, and they keep getting rename. This leads to very long filenames such as:


What is it about this script that isn't moving it back to /var/log? Also, is there a better way of doing this than what I'm doing? Basically, I'm just trying to set up an audit trail on some of the files in /var/log, so that at the end of the month I can tar them, and then have our syslog server pick up the one giant monthly log.

# Create variables.
hostname="$(uname -n)"


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General :: Data Lost While Coping Files / Get Them Back?

Dec 8, 2010

A directory /test/test1 is created & under /test1 there are some files & subdirectories with data in it. I had copied the files (text & script files) with command as,

cp -irv /test/test1/.* /test as per the requirement but what i see in destinarion i.e, /test that no files or directory has been copied in /test & the files/directories is also removed from source i.e, /test/test1

so my query is how can i get the files/directories back with data?

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General :: Enthusiast In Connecticut - Back Up User Files To A USB Stick

Aug 21, 2010

I installed Kubuntu 7 for my neighbors in CT. He is an military retiree and I didn't charge him. Now I've moved and can't help them any more. It appears they attempted a dist-upgrade and borked it.

The task is: Back up user files to a USB stick. Install Lubuntu as base (they have the CD) + help them to install software they need. The HW is something like AMD 1.3 GHz with 512 MB of RAM (of my memory serves me correctly), nothing exotic. Standard internet connection via DSL modem with built-in NAT router.

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General :: Make The Sever Back Up Files From Windows 7 Documents?

May 25, 2010

I have xubuntu installed can I make it in to a server? Can I keep the GUI? And how can I make the sever back up files from windows 7 my documents?

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General :: Back Up Scrip - Find / Cp / Md5sum / Rm - Move All Files And Directories

Oct 22, 2010

I want to move all files and directories that are 1 month old out to back up into a separate folder. There will be a lot of files and I want to make sure it copies properly. The problem I'm having is integrating a MD5SUM into it to check integrity. MD5SUM is not recursive, so I figured it would work in a loop when it copies each individual file, I'll do a md5sum on each file and delete that md5 once its verified it copied ok.


I also need some sort of error handling to output all md5's that didnt pass the hash check.

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General :: Create A Backup Directory And 3 Directories Within That And Some Files Within The 3 Directories And Then Back Them Up Ot Restore Them?

Dec 19, 2009

i am in need of linux help. iam at college and i need this back/restore script to pass this final part of an assessment. i require a backup script that will not only backup but also restore files to the relevent directories. e.g. users are instructed to store all wordprocessor files in a directory named wp. so i am needing to create a backup directory and 3 directories within that and some files within the 3 directories and then back them up ot restore them. l know i should/have to do this myself by been trying to get/understand info for the last few days and came up with zero.

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Fedora :: Files Moving Themselves Back Again?

Jun 11, 2011

F15 Gnome edition. I am trying to move files, no big deal, except they keep moving themselves back again about 4-5 seconds later. This happens in nautilus, gnome-commander, or even at the command line. See the following output. The volume is NTFS, but I have ntfs-3g installed, and i've never had this problem before with NTFS volumes.

[root@kermitfed store]# ls
animalstore Cymande Groundation Mutiny


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OpenSUSE Network :: How To Back Up Files From 11.1

Jan 20, 2010

I am using opensuse11.1 .i want take take backup of files at scheduled time into my remote system .

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Ubuntu :: Files Dissapeard / Get Them Back?

Sep 28, 2010

I went to open a file today and noticed it wasn't there. After looking around i noticed most of my recent documents weren't there. They still show up in my recent documents bar, it just says they don't exist when i try to run them.

Any ideas of how this happened or how to get them back.

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Ubuntu :: Restore Certain Files In The Back Up?

May 22, 2011

I just backup my files. During restoration, there's a hash mismatch report. What I want to know is that, is there a way to restore certain files in the back up?
or is there are way to restore files by volume?

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Ubuntu :: Moving My Files Back / Says Have No Permission

Jun 19, 2010

from several problems with ubuntu/linux distros, just to have the compuer with main windows OS, Ubuntu as a second and backup and puppy too after a week of madness codes sudos gedits installing reinstalling 2 3 may be 7 times.the system is now quite stable (i had to erase the lucid lynx because nobody was able to help me with the problem of the missing panels. ill have to wait for a fix..

now i have a fresh install of 8.04 (i had to uninstall it because i move partitions ad grub wents down, i tried EVERYTHING and nothing but reinstalling it)i used puppy linux to extract my files (home folder) and save it int a new ext3 partition, then when this ubuntu8.04 was OK, i tried to move my files back. i tried to doit from ubuntu, and i saw a little padlock on the folder, i tryed to move it, and i cant, then i restart to tryit form puppy, i was able to doit from puppy, then i restart again back to ubuntu, now with the folder in ubuntu partition i now have to put each file/folder where it was supposed to be, but again i saw some older with the padlock icon and with the same problem, that i can't move it because i have no permission. i tryed to find some help before opening this thread but all i want was to open a gksudo nautilus on terminal, but that doesnt fix anything, because that open a wibdows and i only can move "locked" files withing that folder, and those are my files i need to move it all the time, i can't open a gksudo nautilus every time i want to move one of my files.

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Ubuntu :: Dropbox Lost A Lot Of Files / What To Get Them Back?

Apr 23, 2011

I had everything backed up so it is no great disaster, but drop box lost a lot of my files. Some of the folders with missing files now have thumbs.db in them, but when you go to the dropbox site, you don't even see that.

I had thought about using dropbox as my main backup solution. That would be a big mistake.

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Debian :: Uninstalling - Get The Files On The Drive Back

May 4, 2009

I installed Debain onto my computer onto my second harddrive. every thing worked well until i ran windows and saw that second harddrive disapeared from My Computer. i tryed using a short cut on the desktop to link to it but it said it could not be found. How to uninsall debain or at least help get the files on the drive back.

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Ubuntu :: Use Cpio Command For Back Up Files?

Feb 14, 2011

I want to use cpio command for back up my files. but I cant understand what's the meaning of -p in this command. pass through?

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Ubuntu :: Use 9.10 To Access All Windows Files And Back Them Up

Nov 30, 2010

1) Can I use the LiveCD to access my files stored in Windows? (The attached screenshot shows my Computer.)

2) If so, can I backup the files to DVD using CDDVD Creator, which comes with Ubuntu? If not, what must I do to accomplish these 2 things if I install Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Called 'backit' - To Back Up Files To A Tarball?

Jul 23, 2010

I have a script - called 'backit' - to back up files to a tarball - listed below (<backup.lst> contains files I want backed up)

# 22/7/2010
# Backup important files
cd ~
tar cvfz .backup/backup.tar.gz -T .backup/backup.lst
cp .backup/backup.tar.gz /media/Archive/.backup

Typing 'Backit' in the shell works very well producing a backup file, <backup.tar.gz>, of 2 298 953 bytes and contains all the correct files. So far, so good! I put a line in crontab - /home/alan/bin/backit

The program runs every hour on the hour and produces the <backup.tar.gz> file. However, this file contains only some of the files and has a size of 76 762 bytes. Using "tar tvf backup.tar.gz" lists some of the files and ends with an error indicating an EOF encountered before the end of file. If the script executes correctly when typed into the shell, why does it not run to completion correctly when run by cron?

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Ubuntu :: Put Back Wiped Window's Files To C Drive?

Aug 3, 2010

I accidentally wiped my mounted c drive with rm /media/MY_C_DRIVE/ -r (The actual path is /media/51FAEE1F4B26FD12/ - that's why I wasn't aware of it). After 3 seconds I realized that I just did something terribly wrong. I hit Ctrl+C to stop but it was too late. The important system files were gone and I couldn't boot into windows. So far, I have tried to recover the files with photorec. I could recover about 68,000 files from that c drive but the names are f000001.exe, f000002.txt, f000003.jpg,. I don't know what these files are and where to put them back. Is there any way to recover these system files?

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Fedora :: Back Up Files From Home And From Another Mounted Directory On System?

May 28, 2010

I am using back in time to back up files from home and from another mounted directory on my system (ntfs). The back-ups are occurring automatically and appear to be complete; but, I cannot delete old back-up snapshots in the backintime GUI Also with sudo nautilus or as root in terminal with (rmdir) I cannot delete the snapshots. My drive is filling up and rather than uninstalling back in time, I would like to simply delete the unneeded snapshots. How can I delete these files? Is there an rsync file that I should configure to delete these? My expectation of backintime was that it would back-up at the requested frequency and not create complete duplicate copies of the files, but, use symbolic links to unchanged files. How can I verify if this is the case? Does the cron file control this>

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Ubuntu :: Files Lost When Moved Across Partitions Directly / Get That Back?

Jan 25, 2011

I dual boot Windows and Ubuntu dual on my computer. I made the big mistake of moving a bunch of files directly from the ubuntu partition and now all those files are gone. How can I get them back?

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Ubuntu :: Persistant Storage Usb Stick Corrupted - Files Back ?

May 20, 2011

I had a usb stick running ubuntu. A coworker used this install to go around some of my companies security measures, and I was told to hold on to the usb stick in question. I copied all the files onto another usb stick in case something went wrong with the first one.

The problem: The first usb stick that was bootable has become corrupted. I still have the files from the disc, but they're not on the bootable stick.

Can i just use something like unetbootin, reinstall ubuntu, then drag all the files over?

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Ubuntu :: All Files Changed Permissions To Read Only - Wont Change Back

Feb 2, 2010

Something has changed all my file permissions to read only and when I try and change them back it wont let me. Is there something I can do i Nautilus to correct it?

It even effects the waste basket-all the stuff in there is now read only and when I delete items I get a file operations window, which comes and then goes like its deleted them, but they re still in the waste basket, doesnt show an error message like it does if I try and move any other file.

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Ubuntu :: Accidently Hit This Command Inside My /var/www Folder - Recover My Files Back?

Feb 27, 2010

i accidently hit this command inside my /var/www folder. im screwed big time.I need to recover my files back. is there any chance ?

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Programming :: Parsing Text Files In Bash / Cant Seem To Read The Array Back?

May 29, 2011

PI'm trying to write a script to list all open ports in the MINIUNPND chain in iptables and use the procotol, port and destination ip to open ports on another router using upnpc.Here is the output of iptables -L MINIUPNPD

>iptables -L MINIUPNPD
Chain MINIUPNPD (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere tcp dpt:19955
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere tcp dpt:20054
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere udp dpt:10654
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere tcp dpt:29955

No matter what i do i cant seem to remove the first 4 characters from the MYPROT array to leave only the digits. Also i cant seem to read the array back???

I thought it would simply be a loop reading each line and passing the fields in variables, executing upnpc commands i need then moving to the next line of the file until it reached the EOF.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: File Sync - Back Up Music Files Onto A Couple Of Different Computers

Jun 16, 2010

My music files are all on an external HDD I'd like to back up onto a couple of different computers. how to keep them syncronized?

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CentOS 5 :: Install The Most Basic FTP Server Available Just So We Can Share Files Back And Forth Between Test Hosts?

Mar 11, 2011

For use on a test LAN, ie. security is not an issue, I need to install the most basic FTP server available just so we can share files back and forth between test hosts : launch FTPd, have it share a directory through either "anonymous" or a single, shared login/password?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can Roll Back The Setting / Files Deleted Previously Without Totaly Reinstalling System

Feb 3, 2010

I am having a prolbem with my ubuntu 9.10 operating system. Is there anyway I can roll back the setting and files that I deleted previously without totaly reinstalling the system.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Hybernate Doesn't Work - Goes Black - Back To User Icon Screen To Log Back

Sep 1, 2011

i have noticed that if vista is not the active partition, hybernate does not work. it just goes black and then back to the user icon screen to log back in. another "slight" problem was that i was not able to apply a service pack. after restoring vistas dominance i was able to install the pack. is there any other work arounds for hybernate? even though you might not be interested in cleaning up after microsoft.

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