General :: Enthusiast In Connecticut - Back Up User Files To A USB Stick

Aug 21, 2010

I installed Kubuntu 7 for my neighbors in CT. He is an military retiree and I didn't charge him. Now I've moved and can't help them any more. It appears they attempted a dist-upgrade and borked it.

The task is: Back up user files to a USB stick. Install Lubuntu as base (they have the CD) + help them to install software they need. The HW is something like AMD 1.3 GHz with 512 MB of RAM (of my memory serves me correctly), nothing exotic. Standard internet connection via DSL modem with built-in NAT router.

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Ubuntu :: Persistant Storage Usb Stick Corrupted - Files Back ?

May 20, 2011

I had a usb stick running ubuntu. A coworker used this install to go around some of my companies security measures, and I was told to hold on to the usb stick in question. I copied all the files onto another usb stick in case something went wrong with the first one.

The problem: The first usb stick that was bootable has become corrupted. I still have the files from the disc, but they're not on the bootable stick.

Can i just use something like unetbootin, reinstall ubuntu, then drag all the files over?

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General :: Back The Files Used Since Last Back Up?

Oct 24, 2010

I,m using Ubuntu 10.10 with Gimp. Ive got a lot of photos etc and need to back these up. Can I anyone suggest a good backup solution which does not require e to keep copying the same files? IE: Once the files are backed up I only want to back the files used since last back up?

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General :: Going Back To User?

Mar 14, 2011

How do I leave root from the console and go back to being a user?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Hybernate Doesn't Work - Goes Black - Back To User Icon Screen To Log Back

Sep 1, 2011

i have noticed that if vista is not the active partition, hybernate does not work. it just goes black and then back to the user icon screen to log back in. another "slight" problem was that i was not able to apply a service pack. after restoring vistas dominance i was able to install the pack. is there any other work arounds for hybernate? even though you might not be interested in cleaning up after microsoft.

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General :: Write *.iso Image Files Onto USB Memory Stick?

Sep 6, 2009

Can you please do me favor and let me know how can I write the *.iso image files onto USB memory sticks as if we burn them into CD and thus making bootable CD to boot from ? Is there any command under Linux for this purpose ?

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General :: Change All Files Belonging To One User To Another User?

Jul 20, 2011

I'm looking for a Linux command that can change ownership of all files belonging to a given user,preferably in a targeted directory, to another specified user. My dream command would look something like this. chuser -R --olduser tom --newuser jerry

This is my scenario... I have a backup file (.tgz) with user and group information preserved in it. It was taken from a web server running Apache and MySQL. The files in the backup are from across the system and contain files from several different users and several system type accounts and it is key that when restored on the new server the settings are not lost. The problem is that the users on the machine the files are being restored to don't match the ones in the backup file. For instance both machines had a MySQL user but they have different user ids and there are several user ids that existed on both machines that belong to different users. This means there is no way to sync the users on the new machine to the ones on the old machine. I can find all the users files with the find command like this...

find /decompressed-backup-dir -uid 1050
find /decompressed-backup-dir -user tom

If, as I suspect, there is no way to do what I want with a single command then perhaps there is a way to pipe the results of the find command to another command to handle the ownership change?

I could do this with a PHP script but there are 4GB and tens of thousands of files in the backup so I don't want to use PHP or Perl but I would be happy with a shell script that could handle it.

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OpenSUSE :: Open Files From Memory Stick The Memory Stick Is Not Available?

Mar 21, 2011

When I start bluej and try to open files from my memory stick the memory stick is not available. Is there any way that I can open files directly in bluej from my memory stick.

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General :: Back Up Files To Dvd ?

Aug 17, 2010

I need to save some .c files. The Red Hat Linux 5.5 machine I am on has a DVD multi recorder drive in it. A cdrecord -scanbus gives me "4,0,0 400) 'TSSTcorp' 'DVD+-RW TS-L633C' 'D250' Removable CD-ROM".

When I add "/dev/dvdrw /mnt/dvd-rw iso9660 user,kudzu 0 0" to /etc/fstab and do a mount /mnt/dvd-rw, I get "mount: block device /dvd/dvdrw is write-protected, mounting read-only", "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/dvdrw, missing codepage or other error".

I go about this another way? All I need to do is save some source files to the dvd and restore them on another machine.

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General :: Vim - Getting Back And Forth Between Two Files ?

Dec 15, 2010

=I do 'vim foo1.txt foo2.txt'. How do I switch from one file to the other?

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General :: Files Don't Move Back To /var/log And Keep Getting Renamed?

Mar 15, 2010

I have this script that I use to find log files in the /var/log directory that are 2 days old, move them to /var/log/tmp, rename them to the system date.filename and move them back to /var/log. Everything seems to work as planned, except that the files don't get moved out of temp, and they keep getting rename. This leads to very long filenames such as:


What is it about this script that isn't moving it back to /var/log? Also, is there a better way of doing this than what I'm doing? Basically, I'm just trying to set up an audit trail on some of the files in /var/log, so that at the end of the month I can tar them, and then have our syslog server pick up the one giant monthly log.

# Create variables.
hostname="$(uname -n)"


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General :: Data Lost While Coping Files / Get Them Back?

Dec 8, 2010

A directory /test/test1 is created & under /test1 there are some files & subdirectories with data in it. I had copied the files (text & script files) with command as,

cp -irv /test/test1/.* /test as per the requirement but what i see in destinarion i.e, /test that no files or directory has been copied in /test & the files/directories is also removed from source i.e, /test/test1

so my query is how can i get the files/directories back with data?

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Debian Configuration :: User Access To A USB Stick?

Oct 30, 2010

This is a perennial problem with Linux. I am just not comfortable moving a lot of casual files around as root. How can I have user access to a USB stick? I've done my Google searches and tried several methods, some of which work temporarily but not permanently. At the moment, I have this line in my /etc/fstab: /dev/sdd   /media/usb_flash  ntfs  noauto,users,rw,umask=0 0 0
As with other methods, this worked last week but not now.

All I want to do is insert a USB stick, transfer some files and remove the stick. I want to do this as a user. This should be simple. What is the trick?

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General :: Make The Sever Back Up Files From Windows 7 Documents?

May 25, 2010

I have xubuntu installed can I make it in to a server? Can I keep the GUI? And how can I make the sever back up files from windows 7 my documents?

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General :: Back Up Scrip - Find / Cp / Md5sum / Rm - Move All Files And Directories

Oct 22, 2010

I want to move all files and directories that are 1 month old out to back up into a separate folder. There will be a lot of files and I want to make sure it copies properly. The problem I'm having is integrating a MD5SUM into it to check integrity. MD5SUM is not recursive, so I figured it would work in a loop when it copies each individual file, I'll do a md5sum on each file and delete that md5 once its verified it copied ok.


I also need some sort of error handling to output all md5's that didnt pass the hash check.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Impossible To Mount A Usb Stick As Non-root User?

Feb 11, 2010

Although I can perfectly mount any usb device (stick or disc) as being root, as a user I am not allowed to perform any such action! I have modified the corresponding fstab entry to look like:

Code: usbfs /proc/bus/usb usbfs noauto,user 0 0 and I have also made sure that the user is a member of the disk group, but without any luck. My system is OpenSuSE 11.2 (with KDE 4.4, but the problem is the same regardless I am attempting to mount the usb device via the GUI or through the text (c/k)onsole).

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General :: Copy Files From Directory Of One User To Directory Of Another User?

Apr 15, 2011

Is it possible to copy files from directory of one user to directory of another user in linux?

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Debian :: Can't Open Files From Usb Stick

May 4, 2010

I just installed Shotwell and I copied some photos from a usb stick. I set the permissions to read/write but it won't save as read/write and Shotwell won't except photos, says its unsupported.

I get this error:Error interpreting JPEG image file (Improper call to JPEG library in state 200) now I think the file was corrupted, because other files on the usb stick open OK.I deleted the file. who knows what caused the corruption.

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General :: Files To Inherit User And Group?

Mar 8, 2010

i have a directory ( /dir1) that belongs to a user1:group1. I need to know if this is possible and if so a basic idea of how to. when i copy a file into /dir1 (as root) i would like it to obtain a different user and group. Is this possible?

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General :: Find Files Belong To User?

May 5, 2010

how do i find the files made by a user on the hole disk?

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Debian :: Copying Files To USB Stick Changes Case

Nov 30, 2010

I've observed that if I copy a directory containing some files to an USB stick, files whose names are all upper-case are copied with all lowercase names. Is this expected behavior? The USB stick is shared with a Windows box.

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Debian Hardware :: Can View Some - But Not All Files On 16 GB USB Stick ?

Jun 22, 2011

During some partitioning my Son accidentally deleted a bunch of MP3 files from his disk that he thought he'd backed up. It wasn't a big deal at the time since we listen to the same music and since he got most of those files from me in the first place (ripped my 400 CD collection a couple of years ago). So yesterday he asked me if I would copy those files for him onto a USB stick. No problem, right?

I have a 16 GB USB stick which has some backup folders and about 2.5 GB of data on it. It's formatted as NTFS.

So I created another folder on it, entitled music. Then I copied about 12.5 GB worth of MP3 music to the USB stick. No problem. When all was said and done about 1 GB of free space was remaining on the USB stick. A few minutes after the copying was completed, I used the "Remove Disk Safely" option. A small window came up, indicating that data was being written and that the stick should not be removed until the process completed. It took about 15 - 30 seconds but eventually it was finished. I could see in Nautilus that the stick had been unmounted and so I removed it from my computer.

My Son then put the USB stick in his Debian machine ... indicating to me that although there were some folders, the folder entitled music was empty. I asked him how much space was available on the stick ... he replied 1 GB ... which jives with the space that I had left after my copying. Went to his computer, and sure enough, the folders are all there, the data that was previously contained in the other folders is still there as well, but the actual music files are nowhere to be found. Then we tried using Nautilus as root, but the files still won't show up. Tried rebooting, still can't see/access those music files. Brought the stick back to my Debian system ... SAME PROBLEM THERE.

What the heck is going on? Clearly, the space of the copied 12.5 GB is being used up ... but the files are nowhere to be seen ... not even when using Nautilus as root. Disk Utility does recognize the 16 GB NTFS stick and it can be mounted/unmounted.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Move Files To An Usb Stick?

Jul 30, 2011

Is there a way to move files to a usb stick?

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Software :: Undeleting Files From USB Stick FAT32

Apr 29, 2010

I accidentally did rm -rf /mnt/usbdisk while my usbdisk was mounted to that location. I then copied a 350mb file to that disk before I realized what I had done.Now I wished to recover some files from there. I tried testdisk which shows some filenames, but none contain useful data after copying them. Or even remotely recognizable data.My question is is it to late? Has copying the 350mb fiel already overwritten the smaller textfiles?Otherwise, is there a better undelet program to use?

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General :: List All Files/folders A User May Delete?

Aug 17, 2010

I want to know how much damage a user can do on my system if he decides to delete everything (or write to in case of corruption).What command or script might i use to check this?

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General :: Prevent Root User From Editing Log Files (/var/log/*)

Feb 10, 2011

what if the root user by mistakenly stops/starts any service and tried to remove those traces from the log files and save those log files. Then how can we ensure that our log file is trusted. Is there any way where even the root(superuser) also cant edit/modify the contents of the /var/log/* files.

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General :: How To Skip User Created Files During RPM Upgrade

Sep 4, 2009

I am trying to create an RPM package. However when the RPM package installs, it need to skip some files that might have been created by the user after the last installation and use of the program. Is there a way to build RPM package that just skips the user created content in the installation dir.

For example:
lets say my RPM package creates the following dir and creates files required by my application, say .app files.

However the user may also create a few .xml files in the same dir. How will I package my program that will not delete the .xml files from the above dir and will just create the application files (.app files).

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OpenSUSE Network :: Root User Has Access To Remote Folders/files Of Any User?

Jan 21, 2010

Prelude: OpenSUSE 11.2 (, installed Novell client 2.0 SP2 (novell-client-2.0-sp2-sle11-i586.iso).

I found that if any usual user is logged into a NDS-tree, then _local_ root has full access to user's network shares, including the user's home directory located on remote Netware-server. Is it by design or
have I missed something? Nevertheless in windows local admin has no access to network resources mounted of any other user. If you runas shell (as admin) then admin in principle can't "see" network shares which were mounted (connected) by other users - they are accessible ("visible") per session.

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General :: Always Create Files/folders But Only Write To Those The User Owns?

Aug 14, 2011

I need 2 Linux users to share a folder. Within this folder, users should always be able to create files and sub-folders and write into any sub-folder (whether they own it or not). However, they should only be able to edit the files they actually own.

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General :: Setup Sendmail So That It Use Separate User And Password Files?

Oct 14, 2010

I have configured dovecot to use separate user and password file. Can I tell endmail to use it too? If not, then does postfix can this?

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