General :: Unable To Boot After Upgrade ?

May 6, 2011

Today morning I was upgrading ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04. When the packages were downloading it was showing 20m left to download. At that time I had a battery of 2 hrs. As I had to go so I left my laptop on and went( the charger unplugged ).

When I came back I get the following message:


I know this is coming because of improper shutdown. Also I think that the new ubuntu was not yet installed as in the boot menu it was showing old images only..I had Widows 7 also.

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Fedora Installation :: Upgrade F9 - F10 - Unable To Boot ?

Jan 22, 2009

It's become a tradition since I've installed FC6 on my machine: after each Fedora upgrade, the PC hangs at reboot because of a badly make initrd !

I found this post a while ago that helped me to solve the problem by rebuilding the initrd with the right librairies in it: [url]

So for each upgrade I've done the last 2 years I had to follow again these instructions to rebuild the initrd.

I've just finished the upgrade from F9 to F10 and I faced the following friendly message:


Allright, not a surprise in fact. While rebuilding the initrd I discovered there's no more /lib/i686/nosegneg/ directory in Fedora10's initrd. Therefore I reinstalled the library as follows:


Once the initrd rebuilt, I rebooted and faced a second friendly message:


I searched for posts reporting problems with segfault in but didn't find anything. So now I'm with a successfully upgraded fedora 10 system that refuses to boot.

By the way, I've done the upgrade using the netinstall CD, all the packages have been retreived online without errors and I think I've therefore the latest versions.

How to making this F10 box to start ?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade To 10.04 - Unable To Boot

May 31, 2010

Upgrade from Karmic - was using EasyBCD in Vista. Tried upgrading to Grub2, reinstalling Grub - but can not boot to either. Here is my Results.txt file from [URL]


Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> No boot loader is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda
=> Windows is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdb


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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Boot After Upgrade?

Dec 5, 2010

I have Ubuntu Mavrick installed on windows vista using wubi. it has been running smoothly since RC, when i installed it. now, after I updated using Update Manager last night I was asked to reboot. Upon rebooting i was not able to use ubuntu. the Ubuntu option is there on the windows boot menu but after i select it gruub does not appear. instead it reboots again. is there any way to fix this problem so i can use ubuntu again? if not how can i recover my ubuntu files and folders? Please help because i dont really want to reinstall after all the tweaking and stuff.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Boot After Upgrade To 10.10?

Feb 28, 2011

I updated my pc today, all went well no errors during upgrade. But I am unable to boot. I get the splash screen with Ubuntu and 4 coloured dots, then it goes and i get a page of txt. *starting apparmor profiles skipping profile in /etc/apparmor.d/disable: usr.bin.firefox plymouthd: ply-keyboard.c:384: ply_keyboard_watch_for_input: Assertion `keyboard != ((void*)0)' failed. *Setting sensors limits rather than invoking int scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service ( utility, e.g service s20plymouth-splash start Since the script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an upstart job. you may also use the start ( utility, eg. start s20plymouth-splash Start: uknown job S20plymouth splash

If i leave it the screen just goes black I can get to ttyl by using ctrl&alt&f7 and log in.but thats about it startx just tells me no screens found I expect because xorg isn't used. If i go into recovery mode, failsafe graphics won't load either. So i select netroot and the enter startx which will give me a root desktop. I tried reinstalling grub, but no change. Not sure where to go from here i suspect it is something to do with plymouth? but i am no expert even tho i've been a user for 4 years

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Boot After Upgrade - System Ask For User Id

Jan 2, 2010

I have dual boot (wubi) Windows XP. It was working smooth until I upgrade ubuntu 9.10. At the boot screen I choose Ubuntu, then it ask me wich version, then it freeze. I tried the recovery version, but then it ask me for a user ID login and password. At this point I'm able to enter the user , but it don't type anything on the password and keep asking me to enter the user id and password again, and again.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Boot After Hardware Upgrade?

Oct 13, 2010

yesterday I upgraded my hardware, my specs are as following:

AMD Phenom II X4 965 (new)
Asrock K10N78D Mainboard (new)
1 TB Harddrive (Western Digital WD10EARS) (new)
Palit Geforce 460 GTX
3 GB DDR2-800 RAM

First I installed Windows 7 which worked without any problems. After that I wanted to install Ubuntu 10.10. (32 bit) The installation worked fine and the first boot also worked without any problems. Since then I get strange errors nearly everytime I try to boot up. I'm posting a "screenshot" as an attachment which shows the bottom end of the output before the system stops to work (Alt+Print+B is still working). I also get the same error when trying to boot up from a Live USB-Stick. It's quite random, around 25% of my tries are successful and the system boots up normally.

Things I already tried:

- Testing my RAM (no errors)
- Booting with just one RAM block (same error, also tried a different one)
- Installing 10.04/BIOS Reset/Installing from CD (same problem)

So what do you think? A hardware defect? Then I wonder why Win7 works fine.I would like to post a complete boot log, how can I do that?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Boot Wubi After Upgrade

Oct 16, 2010

I just updated my ubuntu 10.10 installation inside windows (wubi) and after that I shut down my computer. Later on I switched it on again and was unable to boot ubuntu. Ususally I first get the 'Windows boot menu' and after i select ubuntu i get the grub menu. Now, when I select ubuntu in the windows boot menu I dont get grub after that but instead the computer restarts. Is there any way to fix this issue without reinstalling ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Boot After Kernel Upgrade

Feb 13, 2011

I had problems with booting my PC after kernel updates several times. In the past I just reinstalled Ubuntu and after several tries with running Update Manager things were working again.This time I applied another recommended set of updates, including a kernel upgrade and got the usual "Kernel Panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unkown-block(0,0)"After booting from a LiveCD and running boot_info_script I rebooted again and this time I am getting tons of errors which seem to be generated while running grub. After a few minutes of 'error: syntax error' and 'error: Incorrect command' scrolling through my screen, grub gives my a grub> prompt... Not what I expected!Here is the output of the boot_info_script:


Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010
============================= Boot Info Summary: ==============================
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in
partition #1 for (,msdos1)/boot/grub.
=> Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/mapper/isw_cagifdjehe_Volume0 and


I have two RAIDed disks (mirrored and showing OK during POST). The disk shows above as a6071eb5-6fc6-45b3-babb-c1a2156278d7. Ubuntu 10.10 installs fine from a LiveCD, but gets broken by kernel updates. I can see the original 1 TB disk when I start with the LiveCD and I can access all the files.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Boot After Upgrade / Enable This?

May 6, 2011

Today morning I was upgrading ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04. When the packages were downloading it was showing 20m left to download. At that time I had a battery of 2 hrs. As I had to go so I left my laptop on and went( the charger unplugged ). When I came back I get the following message code...
I had Widows 7 also. Thank god its fine so that I am able to ask question.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Upgrade - With Image #22 And Unable To Boot Windows

May 17, 2010

I recently performed a reinstall of ubuntu after mucking up my partitions, and I am running it dual booted with windows 7.

I recently performed a grub-pc update, but I didn't know what it was asking me to do during the process itself of updating the process.

It asked me at one point where to install grub, and I selected all my partitions because it suggested that if I didn't know. I think that may have damaged my windows section, which was also selection.

I've attached the output for:


Problem symptoms:

1) Weird upgrade error in apt-get
2) Unable to boot windows 7
3) Unable to activate proprietary drivers
4) Perpetually being reminded to restart

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Boot Windows XP After Upgrade To Grub2 From Grub?

Jul 24, 2010

yestoday,after I upgrade,unable to boot windows xp. if I use grub ,windows xp can boot up.but now I want to use grub2, boot info script's results.txt is at below.

Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010

Boot Info Summary: => Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in
partition #6 for /boot/grub.
File system: vfat
Boot sector type: Fat16
Boot sector info: No errors found in the Boot Parameter Block.


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OpenSUSE Install :: Unable To Re-load Grub Following Windows 7 SP1 Upgrade On Dual-Boot?

Apr 28, 2011

A few days ago I went to perform the Service Pack 1 Upgrade for Win 7. This crashed out with an error. On researching the problem I found a solution to fix the problem by marking the Windows partition as active. I did this (via Computer Mgmt -> Disk Mgmt). This allowed the SP1 upgrade to work, however on reboot I got an error BOOTMGR missing. This I rather rashly resolved by using the Windows 7 install DVD in Recovery mode to reinstall the Windows Boot manager via bootrec /Fixboot I thought I would then be able to use the Opensuse 11.2 install disk to fix grub.

I use the Opensuse install disk and select Repair system -> Expert Mode -> Install New Boot Loader then select Other -> Reread Configuration from Disk. This adds Win 7 back into the grub menu. I then select OK and get the message "the bootloader was installed successfully". The problem then comes when I click my way through OK and Next to finish the install. At the end of the process I get the message "An error occurred during the installation" and I'm no further forward.

FYI the PC has a single SATA disk installed partitioned as follows:

dev/sda1 100Mb Win System Parkition
dev/sda2 Windows NTFS
dev/sda3 Windows FAT

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General :: Unable To Upgrade From Ubuntu 9.10 To 10.04 LTS / Why Is So?

Jun 30, 2010

I am just a couple of month into using any Linux OS and I use Ubuntu 9.10. I ordered for the Ubuntu 10.04 CD from Canonical to upgrade because I don't have a fast Internet connection to upgrade over the net.The problem is that when I insist the 10.04 CD into the tray it doesn't start the upgrade process. Please what can I do?

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General :: Unable To Boot Into Windows Vista Installation And Only Boot Fedora

Jan 28, 2010

Having a major issue with my laptop. I am unable to boot into my Vista installation.I am currently posting this through my Fedora 11 installation which I had already. If anyone is interested, the BSOD error is:

0x0000007B (0x80399BB0, 0xC0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)

As far as I know, a '7B' BSOD is usually a hard disk error but I am 100% sure the HDD is fine as I can read and write from both Fedora and Knoppix without issue. Steps taken so far: Obviously, I have tried the usual steps of trying to start windows in safe mode, last good config, and all of the F8 options. When they failed, I used fedora to check for some solutions online (Mostly useless answers from MS) and I found one successful case when a person flashed his BIOS back to an earlier time. Unfortunately, I cant get the BIOS update I got from the Dell website to boot from a USB drive (Says invalid boot disc - the BIOS on it is in the .exe format which I can't use in linux) and I do not have a floppy drive on the laptop.

So, I put in my Dell drivers and utilities CD hoping that it would give me some option to update (Or roll back) the BIOS but there was no such option. However, it did give me a load of diagnostic options including repair options by symptom so went with the "Unable to boot from BIOS". Unfortunately, that didnt help me at all. So, I got my Vista installation disc (OEM supplied) and managed to get to the repair menu (Which I had among my F8 options anyway) but this also has the option to reinstall. Unfortunately, it states that "Upgrade is unavailable" and that a clean install is the only thing I can select (At the expense of my files and settings).

As for the repair options, the automatic recovery doesn't seem to find any errors, asks to reset and see if all is well (It isn't). For some reason, system restore doesn't detect any restore points. There are no windows memory errors detected and I have no backups. So, i'm left with a command prompt that, by default, is asking for a file in this folder: X:/WINDOWS/System32/ I have no idea where it is getting the X: drive from - I have C and D drives for windows only. As per another online guide, I tried:


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General :: Unable To Access Bugzilla After Lenny Upgrade

Jan 2, 2011

I was able to successfully upgrade my debian server from Etch to Lenny, however now I am unable to access Bugzilla via the establish url's.

The error I am getting is:

Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator, [no address given] and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

Here is my error.log output:

[Sun Jan 02 10:58:55 2011] [error] [client] Not a subroutine reference at Bugzilla/ line 59.
[Sun Jan 02 10:58:55 2011] [error] [client] Compilation failed in require at line 34.


Ok so after all the searching I did it came down to the simple fact that Bugzilla 2.22 doesn't work with Perl 5.10. I am in the process of upgrading to Bugzilla3 and running into some issues there getting my backup database loaded due to the install couldn't finish.

When you upgrade you are prompted to create a new database or use one already created. When I selected to use one already created is caused a break in the installation and I now I can't seem to get the installation to finish.

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General :: Unable To Run 'Software Update' After Upgrade To Rhel 6.1

Jun 14, 2011

I was using RHAT 6.0 Open Client for a couple months and didn't have any issues. Recently my company released version 6.1 of Open Client and recommended to upgrade it. Upgrade went smoothly and I didn't notice any problems until at some point it failed to run 'Software Update' application.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Upgrade From 10.4 To 10.10 - Could Not Calculate The Upgrade

Nov 14, 2010

I am trying to upgrade from 10.4 to 10.10. I have never had a problem upgrading before with the Update Manager. Now I get an error message when using the Update Manager. The message says, "Could not calculate the upgrade". See screenshots. I also checked the package manager for broken packages and came up with nothing.

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General :: Ubuntu Won't Boot After Upgrade Because Of Mountall?

Nov 6, 2010

I just upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 and after the upgrade I am getting an exit code of 32 from mountall which is causing the system to not boot. This wouldn't be a big deal except I have no blank CDs and it won't boot from a thumb drive so I can't go in an modify the /etc/fstab myself.

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General :: Can't Find Fedora 14 Upgrade Image On Boot

Nov 3, 2010

I wanted to Upgrade from Fedora 13 to 14 and downloaded the Upgrade Image using the Pre_Upgrade Installer. My system downloads the upgrade just fine but when it starts to perform the it asks for the location of the new Fedora 14 ISO and I have no idea where that is or what to enter as a possible location which I have no doubt is in the default area.

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General :: Ubuntu 9.10 Upgrade To 10.10 Just Black Screen On Boot Up

Apr 3, 2011

I think many are having this problem...9.10 works on the PC , but NOT 10.4 LTS or 10.10 ...all I get a black screen on boot up, although it "sounds" like its working in the tower..,,, QUESTION!! there a simple download ANYWHERE that will fix this as I am only a newbie Linux end user with average PC skills.....also ...Will there continue to be security updates for (9.10) after this April 2011, or must I find a way to upgrade in order to have a secure Distribution ..I have a Compaq Presario SR1901WM with HDA Nvivia.

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General :: Upgrade To Fc 13 Doesnot Boot Completely / Get It To Work?

Aug 23, 2010

I upgraded to fedora 13 from fedora 11.
i used the preupgrade method.
i am running dual boot with win7 as 2nd OS
after downloading all packages, the preupgrade asked to reboot. after bootloader started, the screen haults and displays "FINDING STORAGE DEVICES" and doesnot go any further.
I hae tried both options of enabling and disabling sata option, but it didn't worked.

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General :: Unable To Boot From LiveCD / USB

Mar 5, 2011

Basically this morning, I decided to format my Win7 as it was getting really slow and I did so with no problems. I also have a Linux Mint OS on dual boot. Since I was springcleaning my windows partition, I decided it was a good idea to do the same to my linux partition.

I downloaded the latest version of Linux Mint (Julia) and burned the LiveCD. Now here is where the problem lies, when I restarted Windows and chose to boot from the LiveCD, it didn't work. No joke. There was just a little underscore blinking for a long time before it went back to GRUB which prompted me to select an OS to boot.

However, when I went into my old Linux Mint OS and restarted the machine, the LiveCD worked... to a certain extent. It would load and look as though it was ready to install Linux Mint 10 but the moment it got to the option screen, the whole screen turned into a checkered and jumbled mess.

At this point I thought it was the LiveCD or the .iso file. I had an Ubuntu LiveUSB for recovery purposes and I tried that. The exact same thing happened. Can't boot the LiveUSB if I restarted from Windows, but works when I reboot from Linux. BUT still the same checkered screen that doesnt respond.

Did a bit of googling and reckoned it might be something wrong with my GRUB. Did some updating and didnt make a difference.

Then I tried the Super Grub Disk and STUPIDLY uninstalled GRUB. (Note that booting to SGD had the exact same problem - can't be done if I rebooted from Windows). Now I can't access my Linux Mint 9 cos the the bootup screen (mbr) only has Windows 7 as an option.

Remember me mentioning that I can't boot from any CD/USB/recovery CD when I reboot from Windows? And now that I can't access Linux, there's no way for me to do any form of recovery!

I've tried using the command prompt utility at startup recovery but to no avail.

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General :: Unable To Boot The LiveCD

Apr 7, 2011

I re-installed my Windows OS today and wanted to install Linux Mint as a dual boot. Before the reinstall, I used the LiveCD Gparted to expand my C: from 25 to 30 GB. All went smoothly.After the fresh Windows install, I went ahead and installed all the hardware drivers and other programs I need. Now I don't seem to be able to boot from LiveCD successfully.On booting from CD Rom, it goes up until the screen with the Linux Mint logo and stays there (I tried giving it time, waited an hour and nothing).Thinking something was wrong with the CD, I tried booting a USB drive. Used Linux Live USB creator to use the same .iso file to boot from. It seems to 'freeze' at the same point.

Formatted the drive, and installed UNetbootin and used the same .iso file. This time, booted it in compatibility mode. A few commands flashed by (links to pictures below), no idea what it means. I've taken a picture, maybe you can tell me what it means? This is the only lead I have to figure out what went wrong (Even if I don't want Linux installed, booting with Live CD to recover data is invaluable)

Pictures I took of the messages in compatibility mode:


P.S: I don't know if this is important but I thought I'd mention it. I was in Gparted (in the LiveCD) when the screen froze. I had to hard boot the laptop again, and I haven't been able to get the LiveCD to work since.

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General :: Unable To Boot Into System?

May 27, 2010

I have installed Ubuntu in my system.After a forced shutdown i am unable to boot into my system.when booting via recovery mode its failing in file system check.Its telling "fsck:No such file". But if i boot "normal boot up" its booting up and i am able to login.After logging in, nothing is getting displayed.Just a blank screen comes up.After sometime screen saver comes.If i press any button desktop screen appears but no folders are displayed.

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General :: Ubuntu 9:10 - Unable To Boot To GUI?

Nov 3, 2010

I have been running Ubuntu 9:10 in a VM Fusion virtual machine on an OS-X "Hackintosh" for the last year with no problems. Recently I have had a dialogue box come up saying I was low on memory. I increased the Virtual Machine Memory from 20GB to 72 GB, and then decided to back up my emails (Evolution) and home folder, and install Ubuntu 10:10 in the Virtual Machine.I had previously been able to backup to my NAS drive, so I wasn't expecting any problems, however after (apparently successfully) copying the Evolution files, I tried backing up my home folder to a USB, a dialogue box came up saying it was backing up in the background, so I left it alone for a couple of hours.

Turns out that neither the USB backup nor the NAS backup have any files across, just the respective folders.I rebooted the VM and received the following error message :"The configuration defaults for GNOME Power Manager have not been installed correctly. Please contact your system administator" Looks like my Gnome installation has fallen over, from other posts on forums, it seems this happens when a memory shortage is experienced.I cannot get into the "Gnome Failsafe" mode, nor into "xterm" which are the options offered at boot up. For some reason I find I also cannot log in as root, as my password isn't working.

I have booted to the terminal, and would like to set the boot process up to enable me to run off a CD in "Trial mode", which should let me get to my files. My intention was to partition and format the surplus space in the Virtual machine and move some files across to the new partition which hopefully might either let the machine boot up, or at least let me retrieve my data files.I assume this will have to be done through the terminal, and have no idea how to go about it.

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General :: Unable To Boot Ubnutu 9.1?

Feb 22, 2010

other than windows.I've tried OpenSuze. Do to limited user knowledge on my part I opted to use Ubuntu after talking to other users of Ubuntu. Now out of 3 window OS's & 3 Linux distros I can only run Ubuntu live CD and install Ubuntu 9.1 (but not boot from).I was originality attempting a Dual boot with Vista but have aborted that cause. Ubuntu hangs at a flashing courser after the system boots. I have not seen how Ubuntu boot manager is suppose to look like other than this blue screen and from the live CD.

I have installed, reinstalled using both default and user partitioning.The disk utility and gpart both confirm the MBR is in the partition table. To take it a step futher I was able to down load a script from Sorceforge confirming the MBR is installed.I've also ran the Segate "Tools For Dos" being the drives are Seagate, it hangs at start up displaying an error code Invalid Opcode. This code also appears on the other drive I've attempted to try to use as boot drive.I now have two drive that I'm unable to boot an OS from the present 500G and 1TB (1TB presently is disconnected). Here is the boot "Inf Script Summary" of my present installation attempt. Just a thought, in viewing an other post a usb drive was going to be Zero written,using code,would this be a way for me to correct my issues from the live CD, if so I would need some coaching. I've managed to generate good size bag of worms! Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010 =========================== Boot Info Summary: ============================== => Grub 2 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks on the same drive in partition #1 for /boot/grub.

sda1: _________________________________________________________________________
File system: ext4
Boot sector type: -


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General :: Debian Upgrade Fails 4 Packages Udev, Can Only Boot Into Safemode?

Sep 1, 2010

Debian testing: Kernel: Linux 2.6.32-5-amd64I can now only boot into safemode because I cannot get these 4 packages to upgrade:



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General :: Unable To Boot Any Operating System

Sep 29, 2010

I installed LinuxMint on an external harddisk. I shutdown the laptop and removed the external harddisk. Then when I restarted the laptop (external harddisk was not attached).

Error: No such device <hex number>, Grub Rescue>

The laptop showed me the above stated error. Now I am not able to boot any OS on it until I reconnect the external harddisk!

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General :: Unable To Boot Beyond BIOS Screen

Apr 19, 2011

I dual booted my system with Linux Mint on a Windows 7 operating platform. I later thought it would be better to use Ubunta as I am a newbie to the system and there is more help available. I tried to uninstall Linux Mint through Windows but I am not sure I did. I then installed Ubunta from a CD and the whole system crashed. I am now unable to boot beyond the BIOS screen and am using Ubunta CD to access the internet. I would be grateful if you could shed any light on what has happened. Unfortunately I have no separate boot up disc.

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