General :: SIP Client Software To Use With Respect To Gnome?

Mar 2, 2011

I'm currently struggling which SIP client software to use with respect to Ubuntu / Gnome. Some clients I've looked so far:

Blink, seems promising but the Linux variant lacks a lot of features Twinkle Latest release is ~2 years old. AFAIK the only one capable of encrypting calls using zrtp. Empathy:default tool for IM on ubuntu Ekiga Some features I'd like to see: availablity of buddies conference calls call log chat desktop sharing (Blink seems to do that for Mac) So my question is: what client software do you prefer and for what reason?

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Fedora :: GNOME Apps Don't Respect XFCE Theme (F15)

May 24, 2011

Just upgraded to Fedora 15 this afternoon, and for the most part there weren't any serious issues with it (except for rpmfusion lagging on a F15 yum repo). I installed the XFCE spin, and a lot of GNOME-specific apps don't respect my GTK+ theme at all. Screenshot: [URL]... On the left are two "XFCE" apps (Mousepad and Task Manager), on the right are two GNOME apps (gedit and the NetworkManager "Connection Information" window). Is there an easy way to fix this? I have a custom Murrine theme set, but the problem is still there using the built-in themes such as Glossy too.

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Ubuntu :: Nautilus Does Not Respect GTK Theme Set In Appearance?

May 15, 2010

I have recently experienced an odd issue regarding Nautilus and the GTK theming. No matter what theme is set in the "Appearance" dialog, Nautilus shows the bland default GTK theme with the title bars of the theme set in Appearance.I think this is related to an error regarding GConf I saw once, but never again. It flashed so quickly on shutdown that I did not have time to note down what it says. This issue effects the desktop as well

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Ubuntu :: Installation With Respect To Mount Point Used And Their Size Allocation?

Sep 18, 2010

sir,i am a begginer so facing problem with installationa(ubuntu)with respect to mount point used and their size system config. is 500gb hardisk,4gb ram with windows 7.

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Debian Hardware :: Brother Mfc-440cn Doesn't Respect Gray Printing Just Color

Jun 9, 2014

I have a mfc-440cn installed and working in Debian wheezy 7.4 (the last one) but I cant fix to it for printing in grey, I was using the pdf default reader and send some pages to printing indicating not to print them in color just greys colors but doesn't respect that order, it prints full color. When I see the conf page for the printer it stills have the configuration I did indicating to print grey but it ignores it and print as it wants (full color). Note that I installed thr mfc according the instructions from the brother support page with no trouble but is just that it only wants to print full color.

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Ubuntu One :: Cannot Install Ubuntuone-client-gnome?

Feb 27, 2010

I signed up for Ubuntu One, but I am unable to install the ubuntuone-client-gnome. When I click on it, it does nothing. I installed the ppa .deb files. What do I do

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Debian :: Gnome Music Player Client Refused Connection?

Jan 22, 2011

I'm building a music server using an Alix board with Voyage linux installed on that. The Alix board is attached to my laptop, running Debian, and the laptop acts as the file server via NFS.

I have MPD installed and configured on the Alix board, and have configured NFS on the Alix board to look for the directory where my music files are on the laptop.

I'm directly connecting the Alix board and the Laptop with a crossover cable as I don't want internet access - this is purely for storing and playing my FLAC files via the hi fi. As a result I've setup static IP addresses on both the Alix board and the Laptop, using as the Laptop address and for the Alix board address. Both the Laptop and Alix board have a netmask of

The Laptop /etc/network/interfaces output is

# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static


1. Comment out the "bind to any address = "any" line in the mpd.conf, but that didn't solve it.

2. I'm wondering if I need to setup my routing tables so that it uses a static route, but I don't think that will help as I'm not connecting via a router.

The Laptop is an IBM Thinkpad and not a Mac (I've read about people with Mac's having problems like this).

As far as I know I don't have any firewalls - The Debian install is just disks 1 and 2, and I haven't installed any firewalls (but not sure if Debian comes with one as standard?) The Alix board has the Voyage distribution specifically for Alix and I'm certain that doesn't have anything like a firewall built into it as Voyage is a very stripped down linux kernel.

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Software :: Remote X Over SSH / Gnome Session Running On The Client Machine?

Oct 15, 2010

Running Ubuntu 10.04 to 10.04 over LAN; I can SSH -X into my server just fine, and am able to launch various applications (Nautilus, Gnome-Terminal, Disk Utility, etc) but I'd really like a Gnome desktop. When I've tried the various StartX commands and gnome-session, but something just isn't clicking. Is there a way to have a 'second' Gnome session running on the client over the first?

To pre-empt some obvious solutions; I don't wish to use VNC, the lag drives me nuts, and I'd like to keep my gnome session running on the client machine if possible. If it's not possible, that's fine; it just seems like there'd be a way to do it?

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Server :: Like To Understand Linux 'free' Command With Respect To Cache And Free Memory

Mar 27, 2010

Was wondering if anyone can explain briefly the relationship of "cache" and free memory in the "free" memory command.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Order Of Partitions For Root / Home And Swap With Respect To Windows Partitions?

Feb 9, 2011

I am installing Ubuntu on the same hard drive as Windows 7. The partitions of Windows 7 have already occupied the left part of the hard drive. From left to right, the Windows partitions are one partition for Windows booting, one for Windows OS and software installation, and one for data which is planned to mount on Ubuntu. I was wondering how to arrange the order of partitions of root, home and swap, i.e. which is on the left just besides one Windows partition, which is in the middle and which is on the far right?

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General :: Determine What Gnome Desktop Number A Gnome Terminal Is Connected To?

Apr 29, 2010

In KDE's Konsole, I can do the following from the terminal:

dcop kwin KWinInterface currentDesktop

And it will tell me which desktop my terminal is connected to ( per [URL])

How can I determine what desktop number the current gnome terminal in a gnome session is connected to?

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Networking :: Connecting Debian Client To Voyager Client Via Crossover Cable?

Jan 6, 2011

trying to create a "local network" by directly connecting an IBM Thinkpad with Debian Linux installed on it to an Alix computer running Voyager Linux. I'm following a "how to" I found to create a music server, hence the requirement. My issue is I can't get a static IP address to be configured on the Debian machine.I've trawled the net and have found the instructions about editing the /etc/network/interfaces and have tried to do this. First I tried to get DHCP working so I could connect the Debian machine to the net and this proved successful. I edited the interfaces file to look as follows:

# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

Then I tried adding a static IP address to the machine. As this is a network purely between two machines I made up the IP addres and used and used a NetMask calculator to give me a NetMask of (I told the calculator there would be 2 machines on the network). I then edited the interfaces file as follows:

# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback


I re-booted the machine (ifdown eth0 followed by ifup eth0 keeps saying that eth0 hasn't been configured - a problem there that I don't understand), but during boot up time it failed to assign the Static IP address to eth0 and made me go into SU mode. To fix it I simply replaced the interface file with the static IP inputs with the file that had the DHCP entries (I'd made a copy of the DHCP file), and re-started the machine. Everthing came up fine. So the first question is how do I get a static IP address to be assigned to eth0 such that whenever I shut down and restart the machine the static IP address is always loaded?

The second question is around creating the network via the cross over cable. From what I've found via Google, all I should have to do is create a static IP address on the Debian machine and a static IP address on the Voyager machine. Once they're connected by the cross over cable they should see each other. Is that correct, or do I have to do anything else?

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Programming :: Detect A Closed Tcp Client Connection When Client Is Only Receiving Data ?

Mar 9, 2011

I am writing a TCP server in C, and the server listens to incoming client connections and accepts them. It then creates a thread to handle the client. The clients are expected to only receive data from my server and not send any data. So if I use a select() call with a recv(), I believe that the recv() will just block forever since there will not be any data coming from the client. If I use a non-blocking recv(), then this will just return a 0 which tells me nothing because the client is not expected to send any data. I am not sure if I have misunderstood some socket concepts, but I need a solution to detect when the client has disconnected so that I can close the socket and stop sending data to the client. As I understand it, simple ACKs etc are not captured by the recv(), and only data sent by the client will cause recv() to return a non-zero value, so I am not sure how to know when the client has disconnected.

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Ubuntu Servers :: 11.04 LTSP Connect Client Hard Drive - Register In The Fstab On The Client?

May 26, 2011

I have configured server ubuntu 11.04. Everything works fine, but there is a need for some clients to connect local hard drive. What should I do? How and what modules are added to the ltsp-image? How to register in the fstab on the client? Maybe I'm going the wrong way?

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Fedora :: Remote Desktop Client (RDP) Aka Terminal Services Client?

Nov 25, 2009

Is there a good terminal services client available I can connect to my Windows boxes from Fedora12? I am willing to pay for a commercial license if there is a good one

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Fedora Networking :: Connect The Network Where The Openvpn Client Is,throught The Computer With The Client To The Other Network?

May 20, 2009

I have the following problem:I have to networks in remote places.I have an opnvpn client in one network that connects to the the router (openvpn server).My question is,can i connect the network where the openvpn client is,throught the computer with the client to the other network.If yes,how? (please make it an idiot proof anwser because i have limited knowledge about iptables). I was thinking like forwarding (the router in the network with the openvpn client is also firewalling with iptables) the request of the ip class of the openvpn network to the computer with the client,which masquarades the interface

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General :: VoiP Client To MSN

Aug 8, 2010

The right direction with a linux Voip client that can make calls to a Microsoft MSN user.

I have looked at:

Sip Communicator

and they dont seem to work well with MSN.

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General :: Fail To Log In On NIS Client?

May 11, 2011

I am failing to log in on a NIS client server. I input the login name and takes long to bring password prompt. It then gives an error :Login timed out after 60 seconds. A boot message also appears : No NIS server found when it attempts to start ypbind.I am stuck since I need to correct the NIS configuration on the server. How do I login then into the server.

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General :: Use A Ftp Client On CENTOS?

Aug 18, 2010

how to use a ftp client on CENTOS. Can a client like filezilla can be installed and used on centos or is there a built in client to be used. If so how?

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General :: Ntp Client Not Working In 4

Jun 25, 2010

[my virtuale machine(linux4) not sync with ntp server

dmeg show :

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General :: Use A Client Certificate With Uzbl?

Jan 5, 2011

Simple task: I'd like to use uzbl, but I need to visit a couple of sites with client certificates. Chrome uses my local cert storage, I suppose uzbl can do that too. But how?

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General :: Safe To Use The Miredo-client?

Feb 1, 2011

This is how I can surf websites behind IPv6 networks under Fedora 14

connect: Network is unreachable
solution: with root just:
yum install -y miredo-client
sed -i "s/ServerAddress" /etc/miredo/miredo.conf
service miredo-client restart


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General :: IRC Client Supports With VI Key Binds?

Feb 9, 2011

Is there any IRC client that supports VI keys? The ''obvious'' script VimIRC is and has been broken for so long it's not even funny. Do you know any IRC clients on Linux, GUI or Curses, that provides some of that nice vi usability? Or could some of the existing clients be scripted to use? Irssi, XChat, even ERC would do?

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General :: Terminal FTP Client With Progress Bar?

Mar 21, 2011

I'm SSHing to a headless Ubuntu box and sometimes need to upload files from that box via FTP. The built-in FTP client does not show the progress of my upload (or at least I don't know how to view it). I just see this during the operation (which could take up to an hour):150 Opening BINARY mode dataonnection for MyFileAre there any FTP clients which I could use in terminal and would show the progress (some kind of a progress bar or just the percentage)?

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General :: Unable To Login With A Client Through SSL?

May 29, 2011

I installed the Syncrify server and client on a Linux box. From what I've read on their site, Syncrify comes with a built in self-signed SSL certificate. However after setting the SSL port on the Syncrify Admin Set-Up, I am still unable to login with a client through SSL. This works: (5800 is the default port for HTTP)[URL]...

However the following do not work:[URL]...

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General :: Can't Change NIS Password From Client

Jun 2, 2010

I configure my nis server for a small network , but i m facing a problem , my problem is that the client system cant change there user password , when they fire the command yppasswd , the message has been display .

yppasswd:yppasswdd not running on NIS master ("localhost.localdomain)

but the service yppasswdd is running on my server here is the output of rpcinfo command

program vers proto port
100000 2 tcp 111 portmapper
100000 2 udp 111 portmapper
100024 1 udp 794 status


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General :: Compiling Telnet Client?

Apr 26, 2010

i have a telnet client src rpm. I need to make some changes in the src and recompile it. i am having problems recompiling src rpm

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General :: Define A Proxy In VNC Client?

Feb 8, 2010

'm trying to access remotely to my computer that is in my home with a VNC client. The problem is that from my company site, I'm behind a proxy and I must use this proxy to connect my computer.I'm new to the vnc programs, so I don't know how to define a connection to use the proxy. My laptop is well configured, the only problem is set a vnc client to use a defined proxy. 1 - I've installed VNC viewer or tightvnc viewer, but I can't find any option in it to define a proxy. How can I define a proxy in this program?2 - Is there any vnc client that allows to define a proxy?3 - Should I define a tunnel that redirects my connection to my remote PC? For example, if I define a tunnels that from localhost:5656 it connects to my remotePCort through the proxy will I hane any problem

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General :: Doubt Regarding 389 Server Client

Jan 5, 2010

I have a doubt regarding the 389 Server Client Architecture. Say, I have 389 Server working and I have few Linux Clients. Now you say that if 389 client is configured it will login through credentials which is configured in Server. So what about the local Users on that Client.How will normal users in the Client login?

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General :: Good FTP GUI Client Software

Jun 17, 2010

Please tell me some good FTP GUI client software for Linux.

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