Fedora :: GNOME Apps Don't Respect XFCE Theme (F15)

May 24, 2011

Just upgraded to Fedora 15 this afternoon, and for the most part there weren't any serious issues with it (except for rpmfusion lagging on a F15 yum repo). I installed the XFCE spin, and a lot of GNOME-specific apps don't respect my GTK+ theme at all. Screenshot: [URL]... On the left are two "XFCE" apps (Mousepad and Task Manager), on the right are two GNOME apps (gedit and the NetworkManager "Connection Information" window). Is there an easy way to fix this? I have a custom Murrine theme set, but the problem is still there using the built-in themes such as Glossy too.

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Ubuntu :: Nautilus Does Not Respect GTK Theme Set In Appearance?

May 15, 2010

I have recently experienced an odd issue regarding Nautilus and the GTK theming. No matter what theme is set in the "Appearance" dialog, Nautilus shows the bland default GTK theme with the title bars of the theme set in Appearance.I think this is related to an error regarding GConf I saw once, but never again. It flashed so quickly on shutdown that I did not have time to note down what it says. This issue effects the desktop as well

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Ubuntu :: Apply Cursor Theme In All Gnome And KDE Apps?

May 3, 2010

Running 10.04 very nicely, but I have applied a cursor theme - Comixcursor - which appears fine in my Gnome apps, but does not in my KDE apps, i.e. Amarok, and I get the default cursor. Each time I restart my lappy, I have to go into the KDE System Settings to apply it again.

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Ubuntu :: Gnome Theme Suddenly Changes And Apps Crashing?

Sep 16, 2010

All of a sudden my gnome theme changed and various apps including thunderbird and firefox started crashing. I've traced the first occurrence back to the following errors, starting with a segmentation fault in canberra-gtk-pl in kern.log:

Sep 15 10:21:44 leonardo kernel: [ 15.968258] [drm] Setting GART location based on new memory map
Sep 15 10:21:44 leonardo kernel: [ 15.968344] [drm] Loading R300 Microcode
Sep 15 10:21:44 leonardo kernel: [ 15.968350] platform radeon_cp.0: firmware: requesting radeon/R300_cp.bin


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General :: SIP Client Software To Use With Respect To Gnome?

Mar 2, 2011

I'm currently struggling which SIP client software to use with respect to Ubuntu / Gnome. Some clients I've looked so far:

Blink, seems promising but the Linux variant lacks a lot of features Twinkle Latest release is ~2 years old. AFAIK the only one capable of encrypting calls using zrtp. Empathy:default tool for IM on ubuntu Ekiga Some features I'd like to see: availablity of buddies conference calls call log chat desktop sharing (Blink seems to do that for Mac) So my question is: what client software do you prefer and for what reason?

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Fedora :: Xfce - Somes Apps Can't Start?

Jul 7, 2011

I installed xfce fedora 15, some apps can't start or take a long time to start, like catalyst control center (sometime start, sometime no) , ibus (take 3-5s delay), crossover games register (can't start)..

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Fedora :: Log In Failure \ Using The Theme "wildbush" Caused XFCE To Crash?

Dec 26, 2010

I recently installed Fedora 14 and have been very pleased with how everything has been running. Unexpectedly, however, I was logged out of Fedora and have been unable to log back in since. When this happened, I was looking at the XFCE themes in preferences; I received a black screen and was then logged out (I believe that part of the error message read "buinit," although it passed very quickly so I may be wrong).Now every time I try to log in, the system tries for a few second, the screen goes black, and then it reverts to the same log in screen (with no error messages). Does anyone know what may be the cause of this problem?

Although I believe that it is unrelated, I updated the kernel approximately 30 minutes prior to this happening ( from ....10-72....). The system worked fine after the upgrade/reboot and the error occurred abruptly during regular computer use, so I do not believe that this is the source of the problem. I tried starting the older kernel version from GRUB, but am still getting this same issue.[URL]

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Fedora :: Install Just XFCE And Not Gnome Or KDE?

Aug 14, 2010

Is there a way to install just XFCE? and not Gnome or KDE? I don't mind Gnome, but I definitely don't like KDE. I have tried installing the XFCE spin to my hard drive, but when I use yum to update packages later, using the default repository, yum wants to install Gnome for some strange reason, and a bunch of other stuff I don't need. Is there a way to prevent this? because really you'd think the XFCE spin would setup yum so Gnome wouldn't be installed, wouldn't you think? I don't really mind Gnome being installed, its just that I never use it, I always use XFCE, so it seems like a waste of disk space to even install it.

well I guess the graphical boot loader uses Gnome, I don't know, but I do know yum installs a bunch of other stuff I don't use after the XFCE spin is installed to the hard drive. How do I prevent that from happening is what I'm asking?

My machine is an HP Pavilion DV6-1350US Notebook Entrainment PC

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Fedora :: How To Install Nodoka Theme In F12 Gnome

Dec 24, 2009

I just switched to Fedora from Ubuntu. How do I to install Nodoka theme in my Fedora 12 Gnome Desktop.

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Slackware :: Skype Doesn't Use The XFCE Theme?

Feb 28, 2011

I'm new to Slackware (been on *buntu until now, and use Mint at work). And had to learn some things to make the system do what I want to. That was the aim actually, when I decided to install Slackware 13.1 instead of the Win 7 on my new laptop.And here is one of the two things that I have to do now, to make the system completely the same as I want it to be.I use a black theme - Audacious - on my XFCE on Slackware 13.1. And the skype doesn't use the theme. It stays originally light.

(At work I'm with Mint with LXDE, the same theme. Exactly. And the skype uses it. And looks very good ...)So, I tried the options in the skype options menu - General - Choose style. But no option has the desired effect.I plan to uninstall skype and either install it again from slackbuilds, or just download the static (or the dynamic) one from skype.com. But, if there is something else I can do - I'd prefer this way.PS: There is something curious also - OpenOffice on the Mint distro doesnt' use the theme. But OpenOffice on the laptop use it, and becomes black ... ?? ... I don't know if this tells something, but - I noticed this.

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Fedora :: Mouse Cursor In KDE Apps (from GNOME)

Oct 10, 2010

As from title: is there any way to change the (horrible) default mouse cursor that shows up in KDE apps when used from GNOME?

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OpenSUSE :: Are KDE Apps Compatible With XFCE Or Icewm

Sep 23, 2010

I gave it 6 months, "Plasma" is still as disappointing as it was on day 1 :-( , even more so on SuSE 11.3, but I love the KDE apps. Any suggestions on a lightweight window manager (XFCE or Icewm) Don't care about effects, I like dark and minimalistic where I can define colours, window size and placement, before I rototill this installation.

Plasma has too many irritating features that I cant turn off, just too much like Windoze

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Fedora :: Default File Manager In Gnome 3 After Installing XFCE?

Jul 22, 2011

I recently decided to install xfce-desktop as a fallback alternative whenever Gnome 3 has problems. Now I have the Thunar file manager opening up by default even when logged into Gnome (for example when using Alt-F2 and typing in a folder name, or when plugging in an iPod.) I've searched around for days but can't find any place to set a default file manager. The Default Applications dialogue doesn't include file manager, only web browser, video etc.)

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OpenSUSE :: Some Apps Use Unknown Theme?

Apr 3, 2011

Ever since openSUSE 11.4, some of applications are themed incorrectly.All my Qt apps look fine, so I figured it might have something to do with GTK. However, my GTK settings indicate that GTK apps also use the Oxygen theme.Why are these apps using this unknown theme?

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Fedora :: Update To F14 Breaks Gnome Icon Theme / Why Is So?

Nov 3, 2010

After I had upgraded the system to Fedora 14, the icons for pretty much everything except for programs and plain text files in gnome theme (and every other theme that shares them) became inaccessible - they are replaced by a standard icon that appears when no other is found. Other themes, that share no icon with gnome (tango, gnome-colors, etc.), work correctly. I'm using Xfce desktop.

I've deleted icon-theme.cache, but it did nothing.

Any suggestions, what may be causing this?

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Fedora :: GTK2 Theme Broken In Gnome Shell / What To Do?

Jun 6, 2011

I am trying to theme my Gnome Shell experience, and I have little complaints for the Shell Theme/GTK3 side of things. However, even though there are GTK2 files included in the packages, my GTK2 apps are theme-wise broken. The colors are not on par and the buttons are not round as the theme should say, as it's still supposed to work since the files are provided.

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Fedora :: Change Colors In KDE4 Apps In Gnome?

Jun 28, 2010

fedora 13, Gnome, with the exception of Kdenlive... I need to change to match my gnome theme... I work in a dark environment so I use a dark theme... nearly impossible to use kdenlive as is...

If I remember correctly there was a utility in KDE to make gnome apps look nice, but can't find anything like that for gnome, can't find kcontrol in safe repos for some reason, maybe I'm looking for the wrong thing

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Ubuntu :: How To Change Root Apps Theme

Jan 15, 2010

so normaly in order to change root qt/gtk app's theme in KDE, i have to run kdesudo system settings. I think it is possible via linking to have the root theme automaticly sync with my user theme, but i dont know which files to link.

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Ubuntu :: GTK Apps Ignoring Chosen GTK Theme?

Nov 28, 2009

Since this morning, in a normal Gnome session, all of my GTK apps, menus and icons (except, oddly for the Gnome panel) are using the same drab and boring style that they use when they're running as root. Which they're not.No one else uses this computer, and I've made no changes to any GTK-based or affecting settings, except to try to change the GTK controls, with no effect at all. So I cannot understand why this is happening.

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Fedora :: Prevent Some Apps From Appearing In Gnome 3 (Activities->Applications)

Jun 11, 2011

I don't want to install alacarte to do this. I've copied the .desktop files from /usr/share/applications to ~/.local/share/applications that I don't want appearing in the gnome 3 applications list (e.g., email settings for evolution), and added 'NoDisplay=true' to the end of each desktop file. Restarted gnome shell, even tried logging out and back in, but they still appear there. Previously, in gnome2, desktop files under the home dir superceded the global directory. Do I need to edit them directly as root to effect the changes, or could this be a selinux problem?

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Fedora :: Gnome Shell Crashing After Removing 'user Theme' Extension

May 27, 2011

Since I do not like any of shell themes i downloaded, today I decided to remove user theme shell-extension.I removed it from the : Add/remove software, from menu.After logging out, and in, I keep getting : Gnome shell crashed, please log out.I have downloaded few shell themes from gnome look, and they all work.. But did not like them, always used default theme, so I decided to remove extension..

I removed "user theme" extension, but I did not delete "theme selector extension" from ~/.local/gnome-shell/ extensions.I just deleted it's folder from extensions, restarted, and I'm back in my Fedora.

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Ubuntu :: XFCE - Configuring Startup Apps / Adding Custom Keyboard

Jun 20, 2011

I am new to XFCE and I'd like to ask few question about usage:
1. How can I disable dragging windows through workspaces? I like them to stay at one.
2. How do you configure startup applications?
3. Why XFCE menu doesn't show some of my custom icons? (png, tried more than one, for custom launcher - eclipse)
4. How do I add custom keyboard? (ALT+SHIFT switching)
5. I restarted laptop and all my applications re-opened after restart. I do not want that. How to disable this?

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Ubuntu :: Gnome Panel In Xfce - How To Replace Xfce Panel With Gnome Panel

Jul 29, 2010

Is it possible to install Gnome-panel in Xfce? I'd like to completely replace xfce-panel with gnome-panel. It is possible the other way round so maybe this way too?


I tried xfce4-XfApplet-plugin but it doesn't work the way I would like to.

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OpenSUSE :: QTCurve Theme Doesn't Work For GTK Apps All Of A Sudden

May 13, 2010

I want to use my QTCurve theme for GTK apps. This has worked great for several months on opensuse 11.2, and suddenly it broke. I do not know what made it broke, purhaps some kind of system update...The gtk-Qtcurve engines are installed (both 32 and 64 bit). I tried linking the gtkrc file from /usr/share/themes/QtCurve/gtk-2.0 towards /etc/gtk-2.0 but that didn't help either. I can change the GTK themes to whatever theme, except to QTCurve...

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Fedora :: FC11 Adding Extra Spell Check Languages In Gnome Apps And Evolution

Jun 11, 2009

Adding extra spell check library's in FC 11 Gnome is really easy.

Open gnome terminal.

Su to root or use sudo :
# su
Search with yum to your language:
# yum search hunspell
<snip long output list with different languages>
hunspell-nl.noarch : Dutch hunspell dictionaries

I want the Dutch hunspell dictionary, but you fill out the right language for the language support you want: # yum install hunspell-nl

This will install the dutch hunspell dictionary or the dictionary of your choice. After you installed this dictionary it will be immediately available in gnome apps and Evolution.

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Ubuntu :: Awn Makes Gnome Boot Into Gnome-icon-theme

Jan 6, 2011

I have avant-window-navigator in my startup appplications. This apparently causes gnome to use the Gnome icon theme on boot, instead of the Humanity theme I selected in Preferences->Appearance. I just have to go to Preferences-Appearance again to get the Humanity theme back to work (I don't even have to change any settings, just going there is enough.) When I remove awn from my startup applications, this problem doesn't occur.

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Debian Multimedia :: Theme Not Working Well - Gnome3 Apps Doesn't Support / Achieve It?

Jun 27, 2011

I have Debian Testing. My theme is Equinox Light and it was working well except for "Passwords and Encrypton keys" app (Version3.02). That doesn't bothered me. But after todays upgrade from gnome-terminal (2.3.2-1) to gnome-terminal3 Equinox theme doesn't work. My themes are installed in /usr/share/themes folder. It doesn't matter if i copy them to my home theme folder. It seems that gnome3 apps doesn't support

Reverting to previous version fixes the problem but i want to have version 3 with nice theme. Ho w can i achieve it?

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Fedora :: FVWM Theme Needs Habak And Trayer - Theme Depends On Various Programs

Nov 1, 2009

Im trying to use a downloaded theme (from [URL]) om my FVWM window manager, but the theme depends on various programs that isn`t in the Fedora repository. Namely habak, trayer and rox-filer (the last one is optional though). Is there any way to download these programs and install them independantly?

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Fedora :: Mouse Theme / Only Some Symbols Change / Other Stay Standard Theme

Feb 21, 2011

I updated my laptop from F12 to F14 via preupgrade. After doing so, the standard mouse theme was active. So I installed the one I like again and set it as mouse theme. For some reason it is now a mixture of the one I installed and the standard theme. If I open a place in nautilus the displayed symbol is the right one while waiting, if I open something in control center I get the standard icon. Same problem with drag and drop, I always get the hand from the standard theme. I also tried the former standard theme Bluecurve and it was the same problem.Can anyone tell me what goes wrong with the theme? What has changed in F14, that the older themes won't work?

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Fedora :: Index.theme Does Not Appear To Be Valid Theme

Jun 27, 2009

I'm running Fedora 11 x86_64 (GNOME) and I'm having a problem installing ANY themes from http://art.gnome.org. Any time I try to install a theme I get an error that it's "appears to not be a valid theme" When I first click the install button and navigate to my theme packages, I don't see the [dot] theme file, which is a red-flag. I change to "All files" and I tend to see an "index.theme". Is this the correct file?

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