General :: Doubt Regarding 389 Server Client

Jan 5, 2010

I have a doubt regarding the 389 Server Client Architecture. Say, I have 389 Server working and I have few Linux Clients. Now you say that if 389 client is configured it will login through credentials which is configured in Server. So what about the local Users on that Client.How will normal users in the Client login?

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General :: Doubt Regarding Kernel Installation?

Jun 10, 2010

Is "make modules" step needed to install a new kernel ? I want to install the general setup configuration. I don't want to add any modules of my own.

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General :: Doubt In Echo A For Beeping An Alert?

Feb 6, 2010

Below is the shell script that I am writing to beep an alert but listen to nothing.

echo Listen to the alert!
echo -e "a"
echo listened ?

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Server :: LDAP Server Vs Client / Export Server's Home Directory To The Client?

Jun 11, 2011

I configured openLdap in RHEL5 on virtual achines,everything is working fine, I created a user called ldapuser,in LDAP server and i created a home directory for ldapuser in my LDAP client, now i can able to login to the both Server and client with ldapuser account....

Now here what am expecting is i want to export my server's home directory to the client, i dont want to create home directories manually in the client machine, i googled about that, and it can be done through autofs.....

what need to be done on the client and server side.

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General :: Connecting From A Windows7 Client To A Server Through Vnc Server?

Jul 29, 2011

i tried to connecting from a windows7 client to a linux server through vnc server.But its very slow , is there any alternative for vnc . i heard that samba can be used as a remote desktop tool if its true please reply with configuration details.

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Server :: Nis Client On Centos Not Working With Suse Server / But Works With Suse Nis Client

Jun 25, 2009

I have a Nis server on Suse 11 which is configured using Yast and nis clients on Suse and CentOs .All clients which is on the Suse Os is working fine. But on CentOs , users couldn't login using nis username.I have mounted home directory using nfs in fstab . I can switch to nis users homedirectory only when i am root. But nis users could'nt login on reboot.' ypcat passwd username ' is showing the output . No selinux is enabled in the client .Is there is any problem with Suse server to Centos Client in nis ??

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Ubuntu :: Installation Doubt Due To Splashtop?

Mar 20, 2010

I saw this new HP laptop at our hostel that has this wonderful splashtop that shows as soon as the power button is pressed(unlike sony which requires you to press a button for booting up the splashtop).this screen has options for internet skype music etc and a boot into windows could i possibly install ubuntu in this...... will grub replace this splashtop........

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Debian :: Doubt About Apt-show-versions

Apr 25, 2011

I use Debian Squeeze.


But if I go to [url] I'll find:


So, why the message "newer than version in archive"?

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General :: Configure Yum Client & Server And Usage?

Aug 5, 2010

i am pursuing rhce... i amn't get the concept of yum..

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General :: Client Not Connecting After The Server Restart?

Nov 7, 2010

I have problem with the server,when i restart my server client is still running it is not able to connect to client.i want my client to connect to server after the server restart

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General :: Copy Files From Server To Client Via Ssh?

Mar 17, 2010

I have ssh access to a red hat computer in my network which has internet connectivity. i have downloaded a particular tarball to that computer using wget. Now how can i copy that file to my system.

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General :: How To Make Windows As Client For Server?

Sep 25, 2010

I have NIS and NFS Server in Linux EL5 and i want to make client as windows..How to make windows as client for Linux server..Can any one explain me more detail.

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General :: Installation Of SSH Client And Server Fail?

Oct 18, 2009

Below you will see the history of the download and install. This is Ubuntu Ultimate that I am using...

sudo apt-get install openssh-server openssh-client
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done


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General :: Monitor PXE Client Activities From The PXE Server?

Jul 21, 2010

utility / options available to monitor PXE client activities from the PXE server? I am using RHEL 5.0 PXE server.

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General :: Testing Negotiation Between Server And Client?

Apr 11, 2010

How do i test negotiation between server and client for various protocols like:


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General :: Want To Setup DNS Server And Client On VMware

Oct 5, 2009

I want to explore DNS and Sendmail. So I downloaded exe of Vmware 2.0 on Windows Xp. I installed Fedora Linux on Both.
Now I have bridged networking and do did provided:

Instance 1:

Machine IP:

Instance 2:

Machine IP:

BIND Software is installed on both the machine.
I want to make as Server and as Client.

Also do let me know how can I setup DNS server?
Will it be possible to learn DNS server and client configuration through VmWare?

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Ubuntu :: Grub2--script Command Doubt?

Feb 23, 2010

I am on my way to coustomize grub2 n believe me i am trying very hard.....I found out about writing our own scriptslike

menuentry "Reboot"


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Ubuntu :: Shell Scripting Command Doubt?

Jan 1, 2011

How do i find out if a particular item is a file or a folder through the terminal ls -la gives 'd' before the permissions for every folder and '-' before every fileLike i want to write a script that backup data if it is a folder and deletes if it is a file

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Programming :: Pointer As Function Return Doubt?

Jul 15, 2010

I'm getting some information about C language and this session of a C book (follow the above link) is using a bad example for me. When I'm trying this example of function returning a pointer, my compiler is stating a warning that I return a pointer to a local variable. I realized that it is error prone after all this variable may be override before the function has done his execution. And the author is fooling me saying that this example is "perfectly safe". I'm wrong? There is something that I don't got yet? Sorry but this site is preventing me to post the link of book cause I'm a newbie, so a need the hack it. Just strip out the question signs:



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Programming :: C++ Dynamic Array Of Struc Doubt?

Nov 28, 2008

I'm studing and making my first real life program in C++. I've got a doubt related with including a string type into a struct when I'm managing memory allocationdynamically.Bellow I copy the test program I did which works ok. But if I try to use string type instead of "const char *" into the struct I receive a "segment violation" error when I run the program. No error messages when compilling it.Does anybody knows if I'm doing something wrong?

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Datos {


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General :: Connect Thin Client To SAMBA PDC Server?

Dec 2, 2009

I have Samba PDC server on CentOS 5..we have 10 thin clients in our network which were working fine previously with the windows Terminal services... Now i have replaced my windows 2003 Domain to Samba Domain Controller.. Is there any why i can connect our thin clients with SAMBA DC in the our environment?

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General :: Writing Files From NFS Client To Server Behind Firewall ?

Jan 25, 2010

For some time now, I'm having some problems with configuring an NFSv4 server to let it work with a firewall. I've already searched to web, but I was unable to find a solution that works for me.

The situation is as follows:
I'm trying to connect an NFS client to an NFS server that is behind a firewall. I don't have access to this firewall, but I can contact the administrator to open some ports for me. I already did this for opening port 2049.

The result is that the client can read files from the server, but is unable to write files to the server. I believe that for writing an extra RPC-connection needs to be set up. However, the ports on which the RPC-connection is set up, seem to be different for every connection (I verified this using 'netstat -tn').

Clearly, this is a problem since the server is protected by the firewall.

Thus, what I want to do is configure the server in such a way, that it always uses the same server-side port(s) to connect with the writing clients (just like 2049 for reading). I've already tried to configure the /etc/default/nfs-kernel-server and /etc/default/nfs-common files, but that hasn't really worked out yet.

Note: Because I don't like to contact the system admin every day, I hooked up 2 computers (client/server) on which I set up the same configuration (without the firewall). I'd like to see it working on those machines first (that is, 'netstat -tn' showing the correct port), before I contact the admin to open some extra ports.

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General :: Root Mismatch Between Server And Client In LDAP?

Jan 27, 2010

I have a server and a few clients set up with LDAP and NFS. All user files and logins are on the server, and I can login as a normal user on any client and get to my files. However, if I log in as root on a client, I can't write in root-owned directories on the NFS. I suppose that client-root and server-root are different.

Question: is there some way to convince the LDAP or that client-root and server-root are the same?

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General :: Client Unable To Listen To NIS Domain Server

Apr 15, 2010

Client unable to listen to NIS domain server.I have configured an NIS server, which is working fine.I then configured an NIS client to share some like passwd, shadow, etc.By default the client was trying to communicate to the NIS server using the broadcast method..However if I restart the client computer, it fails to communicate or Listen to the domain server. Once I login to the pc, I then check the /etc/yp.conf file and it switched back to the broadcast method.Is there any way that I can make this entry: domain server permanent so that even after the reboot it should communicate using the client-server connection rather than the broadcast connection.

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General :: File Transfer Program In C Using FTP Client And FTP Server?

Jun 8, 2010

i am new in tcp/ip.i want to write a program using c for file transfer where FTP client and FTP server will be used.and also this program should work for ipv4 as well as ipv6.and muiltple client can be connect simultaneously.i dont know how to start program.should i use shell script or socket programming for file transfer?can we use FTP client and FTP server in socket programming?

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General :: How To Specify Which Port Mount (NFS Client) Tickle Server

Jul 3, 2011

I have nfs-server installed and running on my Ubuntu 10.04 server. I have some directories exported. I can connect from my Ubuntu 10.04 PC using the commands:
sudo mount taylor10:/data0 /t10/data0
sudo mount taylor10:/data1 /t10/data1
sudo mount taylor10:/data2 /t10/data2
sudo mount taylor10:/data3 /t10/data3

However, when I have my firewall on the PC enabled (Firstarter) I cannot make the mounts. I have ports 111 and 2049 open. If I stop the firewall, do the mounts and then start the firewall I am still mounted to the nfs shares. The connection is on port 2049. I have observed that when the firewall is enabled and I issue the mount command I get traffic on a random port such as 46694, 37022, etc. I have found instructions regarding editing /etc/default/nfs-common but they seem to control the port the server is listening on, not the port which the client is asking on. How do I lock down the port which mount and/or the nfs client is using to talk to the server to make the initial contact.

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General :: Install A DHCPv6 Server And Client With CentOS 5.1?

Nov 21, 2010

I have a problem about installing DHCPv6 on CentOS . I have 2 machines,a machine is DHCPv6 server and another is DHCPv6 client,they are in the same network.I configure 2 machines as the following link :[URL]

But,the client machine doesn't get a ipv6 from server.

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General :: How To Practice Setting Up Of NFS Server And NFS Client On A Laptop

Jul 18, 2011

I want to practice setting up of NFS server and NFS client on Redhat using virtual machine on my laptop. I dont think setting up NFS should not be a problem but how do I replicate a NFS client. I just have one laptop. Is it possible to replicate both server and client using the same laptop? If so, can anyone tell what tools i can use to perform the above for practicing.

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General :: One Server Many Client Chat Program Using Sockets

Aug 1, 2011

I am trying to write a chat program with sockets as part of my project. I made a socket server, using fork ,I tried to connect it with different clients.Each client will send messages to others through server.So server has a shared memory storing every clients username and client id. But the problem facing is first client is able to sent messages to every other client formed after that.But second client onwards it is not able to sent message to previously connected ones. Server is not able to write on those client id's.

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General :: Setting Up FTP Client/server With Vsftpd In Ubuntu 9.04?

Feb 23, 2010

I currently have 4 Linux Servers installed in a test lab that I have built for my job. I am in the process of trying to get FTP to work (vsftpd is installed). I don't need an FTP GUI or anything, I can use terminal (and I don't have an internet connection, so I probably can't get one anyway). I bring up the terminal and I type FTP and I am presented with a few problems:

1. If I try to FTP to one of the other Linux Servers on the network, I get "No route to host" error.

2. If I try to FTP to the Server I am sitting on, then I am able to successfully connect, obviously. But when I do an "ls," I don't see any available files.

I am assuming this is because I have not yet set up a folder for it (i.e. Windows uses "ftproot" folder). I am running Ubuntu Gnome 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope for a GUI, and I am running Ubuntu Server underneath (Yes I need a GUI for what I am using the server for).

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