Ubuntu :: Nautilus Does Not Respect GTK Theme Set In Appearance?

May 15, 2010

I have recently experienced an odd issue regarding Nautilus and the GTK theming. No matter what theme is set in the "Appearance" dialog, Nautilus shows the bland default GTK theme with the title bars of the theme set in Appearance.I think this is related to an error regarding GConf I saw once, but never again. It flashed so quickly on shutdown that I did not have time to note down what it says. This issue effects the desktop as well

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Fedora :: GNOME Apps Don't Respect XFCE Theme (F15)

May 24, 2011

Just upgraded to Fedora 15 this afternoon, and for the most part there weren't any serious issues with it (except for rpmfusion lagging on a F15 yum repo). I installed the XFCE spin, and a lot of GNOME-specific apps don't respect my GTK+ theme at all. Screenshot: [URL]... On the left are two "XFCE" apps (Mousepad and Task Manager), on the right are two GNOME apps (gedit and the NetworkManager "Connection Information" window). Is there an easy way to fix this? I have a custom Murrine theme set, but the problem is still there using the built-in themes such as Glossy too.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get GTK Theme To Show Up In Appearance Preferences

May 19, 2010

I installed a theme called 'elementary' and it said I also needed an iconset for it too.so I tried applying that too.but that just said cant move directory over directory. I searched around and found a "solution" that made things worse.Before I applied the "solution" I had the theme working without the icons set.., the so called solution told me to go to my home and press control+h then go to the .themes directory and delete the theme folder and that's what I did... after that everything stopped working.

I got the iconset working but the theme itself is not showing up on the appearence preferences, the current theme is my previous one.. and when I go to customise theme, then window boder tab.. I see the elementary theme there with a question mark on top of the faded thumbnail,I can't seem to delete it too..

edit: when I select the theme custom it says this theme will not work as intended because the required window manager theme 'elementary' is not installed.

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Ubuntu :: Appearance Theme Keeps Changing After 10.10 Upgrade

Dec 25, 2010

Just upgraded to 10.10. My appearance preferences are set to the "ambient" theme, but when I reboot, the system changes the toolbar/icons etc to the hideous "no-theme" (windows-looking grey with big icons) appearance. When I click on System->Preferences->Appearance it immediately loads up Ambience without me having to select it (like it knows that it's been naughty!) I'm on a tiny-screen netbook. I suspect that 10.10 is not saving the appearance settings properly.

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Ubuntu :: Install A Mouse Theme Via Appearance Settings?

May 12, 2010

When i install a mouse theme via appearance settings it only works in firefox and other applications.The theme does not work on my desktop and other various places.I have viewed other threads regarding this error and the only fix would be to change the mouse theme in ccsm but fore some odd reason i do not have the option to change mouse themes in ccsm, i have looked everyware in ccsm and i can not find anyware to change the mouse theme?

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Ubuntu :: Theme Only Works For Appearance Preferences Window?

Oct 17, 2010

I got a new computer recently, and just now installed 10.10. Everything was going great.... until when I enabled the Nvidia drivers and set my dual monitors. While things still work fine, it appears I have no theme set (Aside from the Window Border).

When I check in System->Preferences->Appearance it always shows the theme properly for this one window, while all other windows, and gnome panels etc appear to have no theme set (just use simple flat colours, low graphic mode etc).

Changing the theme (via the Appearance window) does not work, nor does a simple reboot.

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Ubuntu :: Appearance Preferences Override Firefox Tango Theme

Mar 6, 2011

I just upgraded to ubuntu 10.04 from 9.10, and one of the first things I did was to find a nice desktop theme. I tried several from gnome-look.org and eventually settled on one called "the days of grace"

Anyway, somewhere along the way, while trying out themes, I used a script provided by a theme author which installed the theme automatically, which had undesirable results. I don't remember the theme that did this, so I'll just call it theme x. The theme x script somehow made firefox use theme x instead of the default firefox "tango" theme, and now the tango theme is not available, because the theme x theme supersedes it.

The theme x does not show up in ubuntu's appearance preferences, but somehow it looks to be linked to the theme I chose, "the days of grace." I can switch to a default ubuntu theme (Ambiance, Radiance, etc.) and I have my firefox tango theme back.

Does anyone know how I can delete this theme x theme, and get back the tango firefox theme?

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OpenSUSE :: Display - Desktop Appearance And Theme Settings Not Working

Aug 14, 2011

I've been trying to get familiar with this over the past 24 hours or so. I assume I've been somewhat successful in what I'm attempting to do, as I can work my way around a bit now and use some terminal commands. However, there is this display problem I seem to be encountering with certain windows which is extremely putting off. When I click options like 'File' or 'Edit' in a window, this is what I get. Here are the screenshots below.

This is what I get when I click the 'Volume' button in the Panel at the bottom of the screen. I have tried changing the Desktop Appearance Settings, Theme Settings but nothing seems to work. Although this is not a performance issue, it is hampering my vision of the various available options, and I would like to resolve it at once.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Nautilus Windows Not Using Theme?

Nov 11, 2010

I upgraded to 10.10 from 10.04 today. All went well except Nautilus isn't displaying my theme properly. For Halloween/5th November I've used a simple customised theme with lots of orange and black including 'Human' icons for files & folders. After the upgrade, Nautilus is showing as per the attached screengrab. Although the border is right the icons aren't. No matter what pre-installed theme I use, nothing changes it.

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Ubuntu :: Equinox Revolution Theme Not Working Correctly With Nautilus Elementary?

Nov 14, 2010

I try to use equinox revolution light them with nautilus elementary but I notice the context menu is not correct (right click menu). There should be a drop down shadow on the context menu but mine seem not having that. If I use with default nautilus, it was ok. Please see the screen shot attached. The context menu has no drop shadow and very difficult to notice it's window pop up from the background. I also attached another screenshot to show the drop shadow i am talking about.

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Ubuntu :: Installed Elementary Theme And Elementary Nautilus?

Jan 8, 2011

I have installed Elementary theme and Elementary Nautilus. There is a problem which you can see at screenshot. This same is with Nautilus.

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Ubuntu :: Installation With Respect To Mount Point Used And Their Size Allocation?

Sep 18, 2010

sir,i am a begginer so facing problem with installationa(ubuntu)with respect to mount point used and their size allocation.my system config. is 500gb hardisk,4gb ram with windows 7.

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General :: SIP Client Software To Use With Respect To Gnome?

Mar 2, 2011

I'm currently struggling which SIP client software to use with respect to Ubuntu / Gnome. Some clients I've looked so far:

Blink, seems promising but the Linux variant lacks a lot of features Twinkle Latest release is ~2 years old. AFAIK the only one capable of encrypting calls using zrtp. Empathy:default tool for IM on ubuntu Ekiga Some features I'd like to see: availablity of buddies conference calls call log chat desktop sharing (Blink seems to do that for Mac) So my question is: what client software do you prefer and for what reason?

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Debian Hardware :: Brother Mfc-440cn Doesn't Respect Gray Printing Just Color

Jun 9, 2014

I have a mfc-440cn installed and working in Debian wheezy 7.4 (the last one) but I cant fix to it for printing in grey, I was using the pdf default reader and send some pages to printing indicating not to print them in color just greys colors but doesn't respect that order, it prints full color. When I see the conf page for the printer it stills have the configuration I did indicating to print grey but it ignores it and print as it wants (full color). Note that I installed thr mfc according the instructions from the brother support page with no trouble but is just that it only wants to print full color.

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Ubuntu :: Current Theme Defaults To Silver Theme For No Reason Randomly On Login

May 4, 2011

For some reason, from time to time on login, as my normal theme starts to load, it changes to some sort of silver theme (a very basic one), and I am unable to change it over to any other theme. Checking the theme being used, it still says my desired one is set, but it is not. Also, no matter what theme I change it to, that basic silver theme is the one being used. This includes a default icon theme, not the one I prefer.

The only option that seems to fix things is a restart, and the hope that on this login it won't mess up like before.I am using Natty, from a fresh install, with Ubuntu Classic as my desktop, and have reinstalled things more than once to try and fix a few of the Natty-related issues, but this one keeps coming back.

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Ubuntu :: Error Saving Theme To /home/perlsyntax/.irssi/default.theme

Jun 10, 2011

What does this error mean i try to save it and get this? Irssi: Error saving theme to /home/perlsyntax/.irssi/default.theme: Permission denied

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Ubuntu :: There Was An Error Installing The Selected File, Index.theme Doesn't Appear To Be A Valid Theme

Mar 31, 2011

I backed up .themes from /home, but on trying to install them (files don't show as theme packages) it says "There was an error installing the selected file, index.theme doesn't appear to be a valid theme". Did I backup the right thing?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Order Of Partitions For Root / Home And Swap With Respect To Windows Partitions?

Feb 9, 2011

I am installing Ubuntu on the same hard drive as Windows 7. The partitions of Windows 7 have already occupied the left part of the hard drive. From left to right, the Windows partitions are one partition for Windows booting, one for Windows OS and software installation, and one for data which is planned to mount on Ubuntu. I was wondering how to arrange the order of partitions of root, home and swap, i.e. which is on the left just besides one Windows partition, which is in the middle and which is on the far right?

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Ubuntu :: Gtk-theme-switch To Change Theme In Openbox?

Mar 7, 2010

I want to use gtk-theme-switch to change my theme in openbox (would rather not use any gnome/kde/etc.. tools for this), but after installing it I cannot get it to run:

tr@linux:~$ sudo apt-get install gtk-theme-switch
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done


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Ubuntu :: Install And Use Theme In Emerald Theme Manager

Aug 15, 2010

I installed a theme in emerald, and it didn't do anything, like, it had no effect on my windows or anything. So i did some searching and the only thing i could find was to run "emerald --replace" in the terminal, and it worked, but if I exit out of the terminal, it reverts back to the old theme.How do I keep emerald's theme, even after I exit the terminal?

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Fedora :: FVWM Theme Needs Habak And Trayer - Theme Depends On Various Programs

Nov 1, 2009

Im trying to use a downloaded theme (from [URL]) om my FVWM window manager, but the theme depends on various programs that isn`t in the Fedora repository. Namely habak, trayer and rox-filer (the last one is optional though). Is there any way to download these programs and install them independantly?

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Fedora :: Mouse Theme / Only Some Symbols Change / Other Stay Standard Theme

Feb 21, 2011

I updated my laptop from F12 to F14 via preupgrade. After doing so, the standard mouse theme was active. So I installed the one I like again and set it as mouse theme. For some reason it is now a mixture of the one I installed and the standard theme. If I open a place in nautilus the displayed symbol is the right one while waiting, if I open something in control center I get the standard icon. Same problem with drag and drop, I always get the hand from the standard theme. I also tried the former standard theme Bluecurve and it was the same problem.Can anyone tell me what goes wrong with the theme? What has changed in F14, that the older themes won't work?

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Server :: Like To Understand Linux 'free' Command With Respect To Cache And Free Memory

Mar 27, 2010

Was wondering if anyone can explain briefly the relationship of "cache" and free memory in the "free" memory command.

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Debian Multimedia :: Qpdfview Appears With Generic Theme Instead Of Gtk Theme

Jul 5, 2015

Since I updated my system a couple of days ago, qpdfview uses a generic theme instead of the Gtk theme. Apparently by adding

Code: Select allexport QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE=gtk.

to /etc/profile all QT5 apps should use the gtk theme but for some reason this doesn't seem to work.

Adding -style=gtk to the launcher options works but I want to change the theme setting for all QT5 apps.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Changing Cursor Theme / Login Theme

Jun 3, 2011

i am using opensuse 11.4 and i reinstalled it 4 days before.i have changed the cursor theme,login theme etc.after the reinstall i forgot how to change them.so please tell me how to change cursor theme,login theme,boot splash?

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Ubuntu :: Remove The Theme From 11.04 To Use Default Theme Of 11.04??

May 5, 2011

I was ubuntu 10.10 user and i installed macubuntu theme there but recently i upgraded my ubuntu to 11.04 and now the macubuntu theme is still exist. But i don want to make it avail anymore. how can i remove the theme from ubuntu 11.04 to use default theme of 11.04?

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Debian Multimedia :: Dark Theme Vs Light Theme

Aug 4, 2011

I enjoy using vim from lxterminal with the black background, as well as awesome with its dark theme. I configured xfe manually to be darkish, and i use darklooks as a GTK theme to suit it as well. I could say all my desktop looks pretty dark, which my eyes thank me for. I also use redshift.But problems come along when surfing the web. Most web pages (including this one) have very bright styles. They are not the problem themselves, but switching from my windows hurts my eyes since it's a quick change to a much brighter screen.What would you do, either:

1. Use everything with a brighter background and putting the screen brightness a bit lower. (changing the GTK theme to clearlooks, using lxterminal with a white background, etc.)

2. Use some color theme with uzbl so that pages would look much darker. (like when you set manually the text and background colors in Firefox/Iceweasel)

I would myself go with the second one if most pages wouldn't look that bad when modified that way. For example, many pages use non-transparent images with white backgrounds on white pages, so if you change the background to black not only it looks horrible but it too is a mess.

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Fedora :: Index.theme Does Not Appear To Be Valid Theme

Jun 27, 2009

I'm running Fedora 11 x86_64 (GNOME) and I'm having a problem installing ANY themes from http://art.gnome.org. Any time I try to install a theme I get an error that it's "appears to not be a valid theme" When I first click the install button and navigate to my theme packages, I don't see the [dot] theme file, which is a red-flag. I change to "All files" and I tend to see an "index.theme". Is this the correct file?

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Ubuntu :: Shortcut To Access Sudo Nautilus (gksudo Nautilus) From The Current Window

Feb 11, 2011

Is it possible to change my current nautilus window to have sudo capabilities,? e.g. to delete locked files. It may be lazy but if it takes a lot of navigation then it would be handy to somehow activate sudo from the open window without the terminal command (gksudo nautilus) which always begins at root.

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Ubuntu :: Nautilus Not Work Correctly After Install Nautilus Elementary From PPA?

Jun 20, 2010

I attempted to install Nautilus Elementary...the results were not what I expected however. First of all, it doesn't seem to even have installed correctly, but thats not the main issue...after installing, Nautilus looks like this...

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