General :: No Sound In Pardus 2011?

Apr 29, 2011

I've updated everything and if I could just get some audio it would make my birthday a ton better

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General :: Pardus 2011 How To Install Pan Newsreader

May 23, 2011

i've been using Linux for a couple of years it's always been Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Mint environments which i can just about find my way arround in.Because i wanted to try something new and was unhappy with the last development in Ubuntu i've looked arround and decided to try my luck with a KDE based distro, Pardus came accross well in the reviews.So, i'm now in Pardus but can't find my "trusted newsreader (binaries/nzb's)" PAN in the repo's.To be honest i can't find an awefull lot in the repo's, i have tried adding a couple of German based repositories but dissapointingly still no Pan.

Google, normally a mine of information has let me down aswell, so now i'm asking the Linux community for a little shared wisdom.If anyone could shed a little light for me, i'd be really gratefull - especially if you'd be kind enough point out how to install Pan if it can be found.Pretty shamefull when you realise just how little you really know when stepping out of the comfort zone.

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General :: How To Get MS-fonts In Pardus 2009.1

Feb 7, 2010

I need Times new roman and Arial fonts and their variants for open office in Pardus 2009.1.

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General :: Upgrading Kernel To 2.6.32 In Pardus 2009.2?

Aug 30, 2010

I have a Thinkpad which uses a Realtek Wifi controller. I read that with the 2.6.32 kernel, the driver is now part of the kernel by default. I have pardus 2009.2 installed and would like to upgrade the kernel from 2.6.31 to 2.6.32 But i cant find this kernel in the default repositories.

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General :: Pardus Upgrade Failed - PISI Terminates After Checking

Apr 11, 2010

I did an upgrade from pardus 2009 to 2009.1. When all the packages finished downloading and started installing, the power went off suddenly. Now my system is boots fine till the graphical login, but after I enter username and password, desktop fails to load and I am back at the login screen. I tried to resume the upgrade using (# pisi upgrade) but pisi terminates after checking the repositories. What to do?

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General :: Install Windows Live Essentials 2011 On Lucid Puppy 5.1

Nov 27, 2010

I just got this used computer with Lucid Puppy 5.1 on it, it is an old IBM desktop from way back. Anyway i want to install Windows Live Essentials or at least some kind of MSN on it for IM chat. Is this possible ? You may email me at [URL].. or write back to me here.

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Hardware :: Improve Ip4200 Printing Over Bjc7004 Driver In Pardus 'c2'?

Feb 24, 2011

Using the new Pardus corporate 2 and got pixmus ip4200 printer working with the bjc7004 driver . It looks good enough . Standard test page shows no ruler on bottom of page , Should I try to fix this ? And , if so , how ?

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Ubuntu :: Etax 2011 Through WINE On 11.04?

Jun 30, 2011

Im just trying to do my tax for this year using etax through wine on ubuntu 11.04. It seemed to install correctly and starts up through the shortcut as normal. I can fill out my details and proceed through a few different screens till i get to the "Rollover Function" screen (about 8th or 9th). Then no matter what i press, YES or NO, it does nothing. I can not get it to next screen to start filling out income details etc.

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Security :: Backtrack 5 - Release 10 May 2011

May 7, 2011

This is the first version that supports 64bit and ARM in addition the the 32 bit. Should be very interesting. [URL]

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Ubuntu :: Install Pes 2011 On Natty Narwhal?

May 20, 2011

how to install pess 2011 on natty narwhal.?

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Debian :: Squeeze Update On 2011-07-21 Breaks Grub?

Jul 22, 2011

yesterday I updated my squeeze amd64 on my Phenom X4 and now it is not booting anymore. Have you experienced the same problem?

After that I noticed the shutdown was not working anymore, it just restarted instead of powering down. This morning it wouldn't boot squeeze anymore, when grub starts and prints "Welcome to grub" (or something like that) the list of operating systems is not shown.

I noticed the updated also included grub and I saw it correctly detected my operating systems.

I am planning to boot knoppix soon and try to reinstall grub from chroot, but currently I am at work.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Remapping Command Key To Be The Control Key In 2011?

May 14, 2011

Is there a way to easily make the command key function as the control key on a macbook pro in these modern times of 2011? I tried one of the command-line based tutorials and couldn't get it to work. Seeing as I have little idea as to what I was doing, I'm going to need a gui. But come Natty, nothing appears to be working. I would think that this is a common question, so I'm sure there is something simple I'm overlooking.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: How Does Perform On Early 2011 15" Macbook Pro

Apr 16, 2011

I'm very much interested in running Ubuntu (64bit) on the new 15" macbook pro (8,2), but I would like to get a bit more info about it. So if you own a 15" macbook pro.

Following questions:
1) Can you switch of the AMD Radeon GPU to save power?
2) Does the Thunderbolt port allow you to use an external monitor?
3) What is the battery life under Ubuntu? (describe your usage)

Some more 'advanced' questions:
4) Is the quadcore benificial for running full disk encryption (due to the extended AES in Intel's 2.2 i7 cpu)?
5) What kind of IO throughput do you get with and without full disk encryption (please describe if you use SSD or HD incl RPM)
6) Can you tell me the exact type of Broadcom wireless chip used for wifi?

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Ubuntu :: Install Live Messenger 2011 - Can't Find Zipfile Directory

Nov 10, 2010

When opening the wlsetup-web.exe file I received this error:


End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on the last disk(s) of this archive. zipinfo: cannot find zipfile directory in one of /home/NAME/Downloads/wlsetup-web.exe or /home/NAME/Downloads/, and cannot find /home/NAME/Downloads/wlsetup-web.exe.ZIP, period.

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Ubuntu :: Windows Live Messenger 2011 Alternate For Video Chat?

Jun 13, 2011

I'm after a replacement program for when I make the jump from Windows on my main machine. I'm looking for a MSN/WLM client which supports the protocol used for Video Chat in the 2011 version. I have tried aMSN a couple of months back but it doesn't seem to work with the new protocol, has this issue been fixed? Or is there an alternate program to use?

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Ubuntu :: Hugin 2011.0 Fails To Draw Preview With ATI Proprietary Drivers?

Jun 29, 2011

I tried upgrading to Hugin 2011. (latest stable) and it turned out that the panorama preview window did not properly draw the preview. Image flickers only quickly or is not drawn at all. For a not so great video of this see [URL]...

I tried switching to open source ATI drivers but for some reason I was unsuccessful in purging the ATI driver. I tried different computer with Inter hardware and it worked OK. If anyone happens to be using latest Hugin with ATI hardware can you comment on if the preview window works OK. I would like to get some more feedback to maintainers and to know if just proprietary ATI driver or Radeon HD5650 is affected. I am running lucid, but info from other releases is relevant.

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CentOS 5 :: Is Exim Vulnerable To The Recent Remote Exploit (CVE-2011-1764)

May 10, 2011

CentOS using yum to update Exim. Exim is configured to not allow remote connections using the local_interfaces config option.My old version was 4.63-5.el5_5.2 and after using:

yum update exim

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Server :: Error: Cannot Open Log File '/usr/local/nagios/var/archives/nagios-07-08-2011-00.log' For Reading?

Jul 9, 2011

Error: Cannot open log file '/usr/local/nagios/var/archives/nagios-07-08-2011-00.log' for reading!

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General :: XEN - Can't Use Sound Card And Windows Is Unable To Find Any Sound Hardware

Aug 17, 2010

sound card is working well inside SuSE and everything is ok there. But when I install Windows 7 or XP inside Xen Virtualization software, I can't use sound card and Windows is unable to find any sound hardware.

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General :: Sound Card Apparently Installed But Sound Doesnt Work

Jun 16, 2010

trying to get everything set up in Debian lenny on my new Toshiba staellite L500. I have successfully installed the wireless drivers and graphics card and have them both up and running. But I'm having trouble with the sound card. Specifically, it appears to be installed but I cant get any sound or any devices related to sound (speakers, volume control, alsamixer) to work at all.

this is my kernel:

uname -r

and this is the result of lspci:

00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Device 0044 (rev 02)
00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Device 0045 (rev 02)
00:16.0 Communication controller: Intel Corporation Ibex Peak HECI Controller (rev 06)


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General :: Buzzing Sound From Speakers ONLY When No Sound Is Playing Ubuntu

Feb 21, 2010

This problem presented itself upon upgrading to ubuntu 9.10. Any time something affects the sound system the buzz goes away. If a song plays, no buzz. If I simply adjust or mute the volume, no buzz. But after 10 seconds of no sound related activity, the buzz returns. This is a very loud and aggravating buzz, most likely made worse by the fact that I run my sound through an amplifier.

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General :: Getting Sound To Application From Sound Card Line-in/microphone?

May 7, 2010

I'm trying to use an application (e.g., mplayer) to play sound that comes in my sound card (via the mic jack). (What I'm really trying to do is sync a sports broadcast by putting a delay on AM audio, as described here. I'm stuck at the part where it says "this shouldn't be too difficult".) I've seen some hints that there might be code-heavy solutions using LADSPA or some JACK SDK, but there's just gotta be a simpler way. I'm hoping for something like


mplayer -delay -7 - < /dev/mic

but I'm darned if I can find it. I'm sure there are plenty of other sports fans who would find this useful for syncing radio with the digital TV feed...

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General :: Usb Sound Card Won't Make Sound When I Put Headphones In It In Alsamixer / Fix It?

May 12, 2011

My usb sound card has been identified by alsamixer, however it won't make any sound when i put headphones in it. The volume is up, I know the sound card works.

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Ubuntu :: Sound: Mic Doesn't Work - Audio Input Level Graphically Shown In Sound Preferences Shows No Fluctuations In Sound

Aug 3, 2010

I was just using the mic and watched it stop working suddenly. I was in the middle of a skype test call when the graphical mixer level died down to zero in the middle of the call. When the test call was played back, the first part sounded fine then the sound got lower until it became inaudible. Since then I can't get any sound from my mic in skype.

Also, the audio input level graphically shown in Sound Preferences shows no fluctuations in sound as it used to before. The input device is enabled. I tried using Sound Recorder to record some sound clips and that worked fine. So the mic is working but Sound Preferences and Skype seem to have the mic level really low. I'm not sure what else to think considering it was working perfectly a few minutes ago. I've tried restarting, but that didn't fix it either.

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General :: No Sound But Have Sound With Windows?

Feb 22, 2010

no sound but have sound with Windows?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Sound With New Sound Card - Web Browser Is Unable To Play Any Sound

Mar 24, 2010

After installing an external sound card, Im having some weird issues. The cards chipset is fully supported by suse, (CM8738) so I dont think thats the problem. Besides, I'm getting sound, but not in some applications. The system's sounds work just fine (login, logout themes) amarok plays without any problems, kaffeine, mplayer they all work flawlessly, in fact I can see the difference in quality between the onboard sound and my new card. However, no web browser is able to play any sound at all, firefox, opera or chrome, nothing,zip. Plus, vlc cant reproduce sound either, nor can smplayer.

I've tried switching channels on and off(muting)in kmixer and in alsamixer, on the console, with no results. I disabled the onboard audio on the bios before installing the new card, however my ati video card has integrated sound, which I cant disable.... I used to get this exact same problem randomly with the onboard sound, but I just had to go to kmixer and turn up the "pcm" channel volume, which was set to 0, and I had sound again on my browser. However this card's pcm channel is at max and turning it up or down affects the whole systems volume, not just the browser's. Is it better to just reinstall the sound system, if so how could I do that.

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Software :: No Sound With Diamond Xtreme Sound 5.1 Sound Card - PCI Port?

Jul 28, 2009

I bought a Diamond Xtreme Sound 5.1 sound card because I had read online that this card was a good choice with Linux and came with universal driver software. I installed the hardware correctly (as it works with WinXP) but I'm not able to get it working with Ubuntu.

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General :: Lost Sound When Upgrading To Ubuntu 10.40, Except For Ubuntu Sound During Start-up?

Sep 20, 2010

Since I upgraded to Ubuntu 10.40, I no longer have sound, except for the Ubuntu sound when it loads during start up. Does anyone know how I can recover sound on my computer?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Eee Pc Starts Makes The Start Sound And Then The Good Bye Sound And Repeats That?

Apr 25, 2010

I've got an urgent problem! I had some viruses as my program told me and in the end I had to restart my eee pc!Problem is now after it starts and you click on the log me in icon for the netbook it makes the nice hello sound, takes some time and then does the shut down (goodbye) sound. So basically the netbook booted already right? But I cant log myself in! What can I do?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Unable To Hear Any Sound At All Using M-audio Delta 44 Sound-card

Jan 3, 2010

I am unable to hear any sound at all using my M-audio delta 44 soundcard (which works fine in Windows - Dual boot).how I can get this working?

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