Hardware :: Improve Ip4200 Printing Over Bjc7004 Driver In Pardus 'c2'?

Feb 24, 2011

Using the new Pardus corporate 2 and got pixmus ip4200 printer working with the bjc7004 driver . It looks good enough . Standard test page shows no ruler on bottom of page , Should I try to fix this ? And , if so , how ?

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General :: No Sound In Pardus 2011?

Apr 29, 2011

I've updated everything and if I could just get some audio it would make my birthday a ton better

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General :: How To Get MS-fonts In Pardus 2009.1

Feb 7, 2010

I need Times new roman and Arial fonts and their variants for open office in Pardus 2009.1.

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General :: Pardus 2011 How To Install Pan Newsreader

May 23, 2011

i've been using Linux for a couple of years it's always been Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Mint environments which i can just about find my way arround in.Because i wanted to try something new and was unhappy with the last development in Ubuntu i've looked arround and decided to try my luck with a KDE based distro, Pardus came accross well in the reviews.So, i'm now in Pardus but can't find my "trusted newsreader (binaries/nzb's)" PAN in the repo's.To be honest i can't find an awefull lot in the repo's, i have tried adding a couple of German based repositories but dissapointingly still no Pan.

Google, normally a mine of information has let me down aswell, so now i'm asking the Linux community for a little shared wisdom.If anyone could shed a little light for me, i'd be really gratefull - especially if you'd be kind enough point out how to install Pan if it can be found.Pretty shamefull when you realise just how little you really know when stepping out of the comfort zone.

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General :: Upgrading Kernel To 2.6.32 In Pardus 2009.2?

Aug 30, 2010

I have a Thinkpad which uses a Realtek Wifi controller. I read that with the 2.6.32 kernel, the driver is now part of the kernel by default. I have pardus 2009.2 installed and would like to upgrade the kernel from 2.6.31 to 2.6.32 But i cant find this kernel in the default repositories.

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General :: Missing Printer Driver Error Message In Printing Troubleshooter

Apr 1, 2011

I am trying to install a HP deskjet 1000-J110a. I downloaded a driver package thing, and I guess I unpacked it, and I made it, and I thought I installed it. I am totally confused and my brain hurts. The printing troubleshooter is telling me: Missing Printer Driver

Printer 'Deskjet-1000-J110-series' requires the 'foomatic-rip-hplip' program but it is not currently installed. I found something that is the 'foomatic-rip-hplip', but what the heck do I do with it?

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General :: Pardus Upgrade Failed - PISI Terminates After Checking

Apr 11, 2010

I did an upgrade from pardus 2009 to 2009.1. When all the packages finished downloading and started installing, the power went off suddenly. Now my system is boots fine till the graphical login, but after I enter username and password, desktop fails to load and I am back at the login screen. I tried to resume the upgrade using (# pisi upgrade) but pisi terminates after checking the repositories. What to do?

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Hardware :: Continuos Printing - Stop Ejecting The Paper After Printing Over?

Jul 28, 2010

We developed qt based application in linux. I wish to stop ejecting the paper after printing over.How to do it.

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Ubuntu :: Printing With Exact Size Photos And With Poor Auto Colour Printing But The Situation Remains Unchanged

May 31, 2010

I expected more from ubuntu 10.4 with regards to printing with exact size photos and with poor auto colour printing but the situation remains unchanged! for instance .. the photo size configurations for ubuntu/fspot/gimp and others are not compatible with my printers (HP and Brother) .. here in Europe a typical standard size photo (10x15inches or 150x100mm are not even on the Ubuntu listing? I have tried all listed possibilities including "custom" (which does not seem to ever work correctly?)and the result at best is photos with uneven boarders or at worse my printer goes a bit crazy with much wasted photo paper and expensive ink ...even photos selected for "no boarders" still produces photos with the self same uneven boarders.

I have tried pretty much everything over time following advice in this forum and including using HPlip and updating drivers required for my Brother printer but the root problem seemingly lies with the Ubunto photo size setup listing. Working with Ubuntu over the years I have found that it can do pretty much everything that Windows can do except for this dam ongoing photo quality and configuration problem.

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OpenSUSE :: Improve XTerm On XFCE?

Jan 9, 2011

on OpenSuse 11.3 installed first KDE Desktop but my desktop Pentium 4 2.2Ghz is really slow... with XFCE work perfectly but XTerm is very poor. Cut and Paste text selection don't wok, like Mouse selection and font.

How improve features of XTerm XFCE?

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General :: Improve The Man Page Search

Mar 1, 2010

There is one little thing annoying me in man pages. When I search for text using '/' command the line where the text is found is positioned at the top of the screen. I find it inconvenient because when I search for text I want to see it in the context which also includes the a couple of lines before the found text.Is there a way to tell the man pager not to scroll the screen all the way to the top during search?

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Ubuntu :: How To Improve Boot Time

Aug 19, 2010

I installed bootchart and had my boot times analysed. Unfortunately, I can't make head or tail of the resulting PNG file. Could someone take a look at and tell me what I should do to decrease boot time?

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Ubuntu :: Improve My Memory Footprint?

Nov 2, 2010

Wondering if i improve my memory footprint

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Ubuntu :: How To Improve System Performance

Jun 4, 2011

Basically I'm wondering if there is any way to lighten Gnome and Ubuntu I would like to keep Gnome if possible. I am a pretty experienced linux (or for you hardcore GNU fans GNU/Linux) user having used it for almost 4 years and I just built my Arch system but have found that alot of the functionality that I've come to love about ubuntu isn't in the default Gnome package but that Ubuntu's Gnome is heavily modified so I want to switch back but do to my lack of modern hardware I can't run Ubuntu as smoothly as I want.

Below is my current hardware.
Intel Pentium III 733mhz
512mb of ram
8gb Hard Drive
and a Dvd Drive
Nvidia Geforce 6600 265mb pci gpu
100 watt power supply

I am also a Developer so I know I can compile the Kernel my self and remove some not needed junk and optimize it. But I was wondering are there some Highly intensive processes that don't really need to be running? The only thing I would be using Ubuntu for is Web Browsing, Coding, Gimp, Text Processing and probably Music; thats really all I need I don't do much else besides that.
Basically all I'm trying to do is lighten Ubuntu and Gnome without putting 3 days worth of work into it.

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Ubuntu :: VNC And Gnome-rdp - How To Improve The Performance

Sep 1, 2011

I am running a ubuntu desktop machine as a server and use VNC from my windows machine to login via a LAN to the ubuntu machine. The login session is very sluggish and frustrating. I installed gnome-rdp to see if it would be better but I don't know how it works or what to do and if there is something else I can do to improve the performance. I have 3 gig of ram and the server is a dual celeron machine

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Debian :: Improve Fonts In Squeeze ?

Apr 3, 2011

I've installed Squeeze. I saved a .fonts.conf file that helped to improve fonts some. I would like to know what others do to improve fonts. I found the fonts sometimes a little thin. I've heard of compiling freetype with bytecode interpreter enabled. Is this necessary on Squeeze? If this would make an improvement what would I need to do?

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General :: Improve Nagios Status Map ?

Aug 4, 2010

I have installed Nagios Core 3.0 (latest version) and currently monitoring more than 80 hosts (servers, desktops, routers and switches).

Everything is fine but status map options are very few and you cannot customize them. all the views are very wierd.

I am trying to use NEXSM but it seems some complex. good solution to imrove the nagios status map.

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Hardware :: Improve 3d Performance Of X800XL?

Jul 9, 2010

I have got a Radeon X800XL built in my computer. I was able to play Quake 4 in high details once, so I guess my PC is quite fast. Anyway, I have trouble playing Anno 1503 and SuperTuxKart (sic!). While Anno 1503 is fairly unplayable, SuperTuxKart has got around 30 to 90 fps, depending on the situation. In my opinion, that's way to less.

My question is: How could I improve the 3d performance, to be able to play such legacy games as Anno 1503? Therefor I'll give you some information about my configuration and what I tried so far.

I run Ubuntu 10.04. That means, the driver provided by AMD/ATI (fglrx) does not work anymore. My Ubuntu is up to date.

I set the kind of graphics card and the graphics ram in the Registry of Wine. Disabling the compiz-fusion-effects does not improve the situation however.

I disabled KMS. That gave an amazing performance boost, but still not enough. I am still experiencing performance troubles like being unable to play Anno 1503, and some others.

I also created a Xorg.conf, trying to tweak some settings, but that does not improve the performance much. The config file is attached below.

How to improve or accelerate the 3d-performance. Maybe there is an beta-driver or some xorg-settings I did not find?



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General :: Improve The Performance Of Script ?

Feb 15, 2011

I have written a script as follows which is taking lot of time in executing/searching only 3500 records taken as input from one file in log file of 12 GB Approximately. Working of script is read the csv file as an input having 2 arguments which are transaction_id,mobile_number and search the log file having these two strings with one more static string that is "CustomCDRInterceptor",then format the searched data in prescribed format.

Code of script written is as follows:


Sample data of input file will be like :


Sample Data in log file is as follows:


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Software :: Does 64 Bit Improve Memory Copy

Feb 11, 2010

On the same hardware platform, by just moving from 32 bit Linux to 64 bit Linux, will I have better performance with operation memory coping. Specifically, will function memcpy run faster? Please note that nothing changes on hardware side, I just want to use 64 bit Linux if memcpy performs better.

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Debian Multimedia :: Improve Visual Performance ?

Mar 12, 2011

Does anybody know more tips and tricks to increase visual performance besides these?:

Got it from:[url]

The first made minimizing windows a lot quicker.

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Fedora :: How To Improve Firefox Rendering Speed

Jan 25, 2010

improve rendering speed in Fedora? I notice it's very, very slow compared to Firefox on Windows, and Safari on Mac. I know my hardware is quite old, but it should behave similar to Windows...

Thinkpad T42
Pentium M 1.7Ghz
ATI Radeon 7500 Mobility 32MiB
320GiB HD@7200rpm

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OpenSUSE :: How To Improve Graphics Performance In Xen Guest

May 10, 2011

I was using centos for my business applications and now I am trying to work only with opensuse and install my other oprerating systems in it. I was always using vmware , but I decided to try another virtualization technologies other than vmware for testing , I searched the internet and found many other like virtualbox , kvm , xen. I concluded from my search that xen and kvm will be the faster type , I decided to test them, I choose xen, it is better than kvm. I installed opensuse 11.4 and installed xen hypervisor deployed two VMs windows xp and centos 4.8 , they are runing quite good but I have some questions:

1 : Isn't there anyway to improve graphics performance in xen guest , or change the video card memory or type ?
2 : Isn't there any way to copy and paste between the host and guest ?
3 : Isn't there any free application like vmware tools or virtualbox guest tools for xen ?
4 : I use these VMs to install some applications for my geophysics work which requires good graphic performance in the vm , also I don't them to be sluggish sometimes , which is better for that vmware or xen ?

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General :: Improve Performance Of Mplayer With Libcaca?

Mar 18, 2011

I'm using mplayer and libcaca on Gentoo. My framebuffer (uvesafb) is running at 1920x1200 (I don't know how many characters that is) and mplayer has problems filling up the screen, so video and audio lose synchronization.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Improve The Old Wireless Setup?

Feb 7, 2010

I've got Ubuntu 9.10 running on an old thinkpad with an 800 mhz cpu. It's running wifi through a g rated card and a g rated router. The internet is very slow. I'm thinking of upgrading to an n rated card and router. Or, is the system just too old and nothing is going to help with internet speeds?

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Ubuntu :: Improve Boot Time And Bootsplash

Jul 13, 2010

I have Ubuntu 10.04 installed and although I had some problems initially, everything works fine now. I'm just bragging about that. I do have some strange "issues" with my boot. I know that Ubuntu is supposed to boot with only plymouth visible, but before I see plymouth I have a fairly long period of time when I see nothing but a console cursor (a.k.a. caret) blinking. I'm no expert in reading bootchart charts, so I'm attaching it for some feedback. I have no idea how and what to optimize.

My boot is ~40 secs as noted on the bootchart, but it would be nice to cut some fat if possible. Also, my StartUp-Manager is displaying some veeery long boot options. It doesn't look nice. I guess he's reading /boot/grub/grub.cfg but I don't think I'm supposed to see all that. my boot and shutdown screens are very low res and very ugly, often flickering on updates. I have 10.04 setup at work as a web test platform on a very old/crappy PC (Intel GFX) and bootsplash looks much nicer than on my home laptop.

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Ubuntu :: Improve The Visual Effects To 'extra'?

Jul 25, 2010

The hardware devices drivers list three different types of drivers onboard including what appears to be the latest one with accelerated graphics capability. When I try to improve the visual effects to 'extra' it keeps telling me there's an error. I've tried improving the effects with all three but still getting the error.

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Ubuntu :: Monitor Screen - Improve The Resolution?

Nov 2, 2010

I have a old Pentium III box with equally old monitor (It says LG Sutdioworks 45v).I have installed Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.I have found it difficult to setup my screen resolution. It shows by default 800x600.After some tweaking I can stretch upto 832x624.I have seen resolution up to 1024x768 in windows on the same box and same monitor.How can I improve the resolution?I have searched and found out that i need a xorg.conf setup as Ubuntu cant identify my monitor properly.I also installed ddcprobe, read-edid.However I have met with limited success.

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Ubuntu :: How To Improve Laptop Battery Life

Feb 24, 2011

So I've been using Ubuntu on a Toshiba L645d, and after a few hiccups with the sound and wireless, it's finally working well now. However, the battery is still a bit less when compared to Windows 7 (2:00 vs 2:35, but it came with optimizations on W7 so that might be the reason. A comparison of power used: 25w of power on Ubuntu vs 17.5 on W7.

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Programming :: Will Multi-Threading Improve Performance?

May 18, 2011

So I have built a program that takes a picture from two cameras every second and converts them both to jpeg format. The problem is that currently it takes ~2 seconds to convert a single raw photo to jpeg format, thus every second I add another raw photo (30 MB) to ram waiting to be converted to jpeg. So, theoretically the conversion to jpeg is running on a single core with hyperthreading, would I see better performance running the exact same process (a program pulling from a queue and converting to jpeg) running as a single process, or two concurrent processes? (both processes running on the same core, (so 1 thread on one clock cycle, the other on the other... (or one thread running on 1 core and the other on another core. What other steps would you take to improve the performance so there would no longer be a race condition?

-Currently using QT

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