General :: Network Cannot Restart Successfully In CentOS 5

Jun 7, 2010

When I reboot my CenOS, my nic does not. If I run eht0, I get the following:
./network-functions: line 78: icfg-eth0: No such file or directory
./network-functions: line 78: No such file or directory
Usage: grep [OPTION]... PATTERN [FILE)...
Try 'grep --help- for more information

The information in /etc/sysconfig/nework-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 is:
#Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] ...

IPADDR = **.**.**.**
How to rectify this?

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Server :: Apache2-mpm-itk Will Not Successfully Restart

Jun 15, 2010

I am having some problems after installing apache2-mpm-itk on my Debian 5.4 server. From my understanding apache2-mpm-itk will run child processes as root until a http request is received. It then suid's to the username in the VirtualHost directive. This is all working fine, as I can see a few apache processes started by a specific user.

However, the problem is when I try to restart apache. It will kill all the processes running by root but wont kill any of the processes that have been suid'ed to another username.

When i attempt to restart I get this error:

charged:/etc/apache2# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Restarting web server: apache2 ... waiting (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80
(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address


If I do a "ps aux | grep apache" before and after I see all the root processes killed, but processes running as specified users from VritualHost directive remaining.

Now I am not an extreme linux power user, but I know a bit.

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General :: Successfully Boot And Install Centos If Download 3rd Disc From Net?

Aug 13, 2010

if i download 3 disc from here [URL] will i be able to sucessfuly boot and install centos?

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Network Become Inactive When Restart Cent OS?

Jul 15, 2011

My network become inactive but on GUI show that network active. When i ping out the network, is response times out. I need inactive the network and active back but sometime also fail reactive it. What main problem. CentOS running on vmware

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Service Network Stop Automatically - Restart In Cron Tab

Jan 23, 2011

I am using
# uname -rmi
2.6.18-194.26.1.el5PAE i686 i386

# cat /etc/*release*
cat: /etc/lsb-release.d: Is a directory
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5 (Tikanga)
CentOS release 5.5 (Final)

I have noticed that after few days of ideal system it will stop its network interface. To resolve this I have to login to the machine it self and then issue
# service network start
Is this a feature. If this is not a feature then what is this. As an workaround I am thinking of adding service network restart in cron tab for everyday in night when I am not using it.

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Ubuntu :: How To Restart Network Adapter (not Service) Without Restart?

Mar 13, 2010

I have a suspend problem in my laptop. Sometimes, when resuming from suspend, the network adapter is down (that is, the network does not work and the light of the network adapter is off). Restarting the network service doesn't work, because I think that the system forgot about the hardware, and probably the driver should be reloaded.Does anyone knows how to do that?(ps. /etc/init.d/networking restart does not work, because the hardware driver is not being recognized anymore).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Does Not Work (gets Connected To Network Successfully)

Jun 10, 2010

I just upgraded to 10.04 from 9.10 and I ran into few issues.

Laptop - Dell Vostro 1520
OS - Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit

Issue - My wifi connects to the network properly and shows connection established. But I am not able to browse. I tried ping and I didn't got any response. But I was able to get response when I use ethernet (wired connection) and I am able to browse. No issues with wifi card as my wifi is working properly from Windows and with the same network. I did a complete update again before posting this and it is yet to be resolved. Here are the output of some commonly asked outputs with wifi enabled and connected:

1. sudo lshw -C network


description: Ethernet interface
product: RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller
vendor: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.


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General :: Restart Dhcp From /etc/init.d/dhcpd Restart

Feb 27, 2010

i have installed dhcp,there i declared the subnet and network,i used command include "/etc/dhcpd.conf.jutu1"; to start and other files, but it show me this error when i want to restart the DHCP, if you need more information contact me, i have configured this file too jutu1, but it don't let me to restart dhcp from /etc/init.d/dhcpd restart, this show me this message


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General :: How To Know New GCC Version Installed Successfully

Jun 11, 2010

I have already installed 3.4.6 version of gcc and i have installed older vesion 3.2. Now I want to check the version gcc-3.2 installed successfully or not? Second, I want to switch over the version gcc-3.2. What is the procedure require to be done?

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General :: Create Cron Tab When DSL Line Down Set Automatically Restart The Network Service While DSL Line Up?

Oct 7, 2010

How to create cron tab when DSL line down set automatically restart the network service while DSL line up?

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General :: VMware Snapshot With VMware Tools Loses Network On Restart - Host XP - Guest Fedora

Oct 3, 2010

I have been using VMware Player for some time to host Fedora VMware images on Windows XP. I have been using Fedora 11 and 12 (both 32 and 64 bit) and recently started to use Fedora 13.

I use as a base the images provided by thoughtpolice.

I usually install VMware tools and also keep the images updated (yum update) which sometimes changes the kernel.

I have recently had problems with the snapshots not having a network when I restore them. So far I don't have the problem with Fedora 11 and do have it with Fedora 12 (but used not to). I do have it with Fedora 13.

In each case the problem goes away when I uninstall the VMware tools and comes back when I install them again.

One of the symptoms is that SElinux complains about not being able to do something with /var/run/vmware-active-nics.

It looks to me that something is incorrect in the actions being taken when the snapshot is being restored. It does not happen every time and sometimes the network restores itself.

The network can be restored by rebooting the image.

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General :: Is '0' At End Of Line Meaning That Module Is Not Successfully Loaded?

Aug 24, 2010

I am trying to see if a module that i loaded on Redhat succeeds.The module is from intel called vtune_drv-x32_64-2.6.18-194.el5smp.ko.When I run the script during the installation process, it shows that it is successful.Is the "0" at the end of line meaning that the module is not successfully loaded?

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General :: Wireless Successfully Connects But Still Can't Ping My Router?

May 26, 2011

I'm using crux 2.7. I'm connecting from the command line and I successfully get an IP leased. Usually

But still I can't ping my router.

I've never encountered this and I'm not sure how to trouble shoot it. The router is working just fine. The problem is with my Crux setup.

I have no internet and no GUI installed yet.

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General :: Difference Between Restarting/stopping Apache Using 'service Httpd Restart/stop' And Apachectl Restart/stop

Oct 11, 2010

whats the difference between restarting/stopping apache using 'service httpd restart/stop' and apachectl restart/stop. I know that using 'service httpd restart' is actually a script in /etc/init.d/httpd but what about apachectl?

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General :: Vmplayer For Couldn't Be Installed Successfully On Rhel5.x Version?

Jul 29, 2011

The vmplayer for linux couldn't be installed successfully on rhel5.x version.Anyone has encountered this kind of problem?

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General :: Unable To Successfully Start A KDE Session(SLAX), Check Out The Error?

May 1, 2010

I'm not able to successfully start a KDE session(SLAX), check out the error, Code: xauth: creating new authority file /root/.serverauth.7378

X.Org X Server 1.4.2
Release Date: 11 June 2008
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0


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General :: After Writing Successfully A NAND Block Is This Reliable Ar Reading As A NOR Sector?

Apr 7, 2011

Am interested in using MT29F2G08AABWP NAND Flash memory for a new embedded design and I couldn�t find a clear specification regarding how reliable is the NAND flash vs. NOR for reading operation.If I program successfully a NAND block, read back and verify successfully the information and never erase or program that particular block again, can I assume that block will remain a good block and the information written there is safe for READING, roughly as safe as a NOR sector?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Network Interface Is Down After Restart?

Jan 25, 2010

after restarting my Fedora 10 the eth0 interface is not up

after i manually restart the network service everything is OK but after restarting it is the same problem.

this is the interface config file:

/etc/sysconfig/networking/devices/ifcfg-eth0 /etc/sysconfig/networking/devices/ifcfg-eth0
# Intel Corporation 82545EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Copper)


i know i can put the restart service command in the rc.local file but it not suppose to work this way.

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Networking :: Change DNS And Restart Network?

Mar 2, 2011

I need to change DNS server that I'm using from a provider to another.Let's just say I'm using a local DNS, and wanted to use Google's DNS.I'm using CentOS, so a friend of mine told me to directly change file:/etc/resolv.confand I already did it.My question is: Do I need to restart my network after changing this file?How do I know that I'm already using the new DNS instead of still connecting using my old DNS?

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CentOS 5 :: Schedule A Squid Restart At 13:10?

Apr 24, 2009

How do I schedule a Squid restart on CENTOS for example at 13:10

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CentOS 5 :: Forgets All Settings After Restart?

Nov 15, 2010

I'm using CentOS 5 on VMware workstation 7 for testing purposes. When I restart the VM it forgets all my preferences or other settings (keyboard(using azerty here), firefox bookmarks, even the desktop beackground) are reset. This happens with the root user and the default centos user. Is there something I'm looking over or is there something I can do about that problem?

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Debian Installation :: No Network Driver After First Restart?

Aug 1, 2011

I'm trying to install Wheezy on a Thinkpad T23. want to use Fluxbox, so during installation I uncheck the graphics options because I can install X and fluxbox later. After the install, the first time it boots up it can connect to the wired network and it will download things. But, if I reboot then it somehow loses its ability to connect to any wired network (and the T23 doesn't have built in wireless, so it obviously can't connect to wifi). there something that I can do to get ethernet back? Or, is there a way to, while I'm still on the first reboot, permanently install the ethernet drivers?I'm finally trying tmove away from Windows because a friend happened to show me his laptop which was running the free and open alternative to OneNote (Xournal) that I've been needing.

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Debian :: Lost Network Configuration After Restart

Aug 11, 2011

Some problems keep bothering me and dont let me use my debian sqeeze with joy.Im in network with no DHCP on. When installing i didnt configure my eth network card.After each restart i need to configure manually my eth because it loses it.

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OpenSUSE :: Yast Unable To Restart Network?

Dec 9, 2010

When I change something in network setings using yast (for example hostname) it failes to restart the network. I have to start knetworkmanager manually from the terminal. Does anyone get the same type of behaviour ? I'm attaching the relevant yast log.I'm using 11.3 KDE 4.5.4 kernel.

2010-12-08 07:06:17 <1> opensusetest(6010) [YCP] network/runtime.ycp:28 Running SuSEconfig ...


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OpenSUSE Network :: 11.04 - Internet Connection Not Available After Restart

May 20, 2011

I installed 11.04 via live install, and was connected to my home network/Internet. After the install finished and I restarted my pc, my network was not available nor internet connection. In the network manager I cannot access the "wired network" tab.

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CentOS 5 :: CD Install Hangs After Disc 3 - Restart?

Apr 5, 2009

With the 5.3 CDS I started an install got through to 98% of CD 3 but I was called away. Came back this morning and the box was on, but had frozen. Every time I reboot, cold boot, I come up with black screen. Vers 0.97 <grub> Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. TAB etc. Is there a way I can get to CD 4 and continue the install, or am I back to the top again?

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CentOS 5 :: Raid 1 - Need To Create Array On Every Restart

Mar 10, 2010

I have a raid 1 array which I did setup on a Centos box. I can configure the array fine the problem is every time is restart my machine I can no longer see the array and have to go create it all over again. I tried doing a few searches on it but have came up with nothing so far.

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CentOS 5 :: Change The Boot In PC And Restart The PC To Read The Cds?

Aug 9, 2011

I downloaded the 7 Cds .iso and I proceed to make a copy in a cds. I change the boot in my PC and restart the PC to read the cds. But the program instalation not running. What I need to do?

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Fedora Installation :: F10 Update - No Network Connection After Restart

Oct 18, 2009

I have Fedora 10, and today I finally had an opportunity to let the automatic software updates run. At the end it said to restart the pc. I restarted and now it won't connect to the network. What do I do to get it connected again?

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OpenSUSE Network :: No DNS Caching Until Manually Restart Dnsmasq?

May 29, 2010

My upstream DNS server is a bit slow, so I've installed the dnsmasq cacher locally. I have the service starting on runlevels 2, 3, and 5. But I can tell by Firefox's behavior that dnsmasq does not work upon boot. Firefox lets its own DNS cache expire after 60 seconds. When I do my second Google search five minutes after my first, the second DNS lookup for is just as slow as the first.If I manually restart the dnsmasq service, I get the fast name resolutions I expect.

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