General :: Wireless Successfully Connects But Still Can't Ping My Router?

May 26, 2011

I'm using crux 2.7. I'm connecting from the command line and I successfully get an IP leased. Usually

But still I can't ping my router.

I've never encountered this and I'm not sure how to trouble shoot it. The router is working just fine. The problem is with my Crux setup.

I have no internet and no GUI installed yet.

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Networking :: Cannot Ping Wireless Router Or Access Router Settings - Wireless ?

Jun 9, 2010

I moved my server and network equipment, and now the wireless works but I cannot get my server online. I host a website, so this is kind of urgent.

I have a wireless router and can access the internet fine on my laptop. My server is wired & connected to the router. It sets up the networking properly.. ifconfig has an ip address, the default gateway is present. But I cannot ping google, or even the router. It says destination host unreachable.

So I go back to the laptop to check the router settings.. sometimes it likes to assign the server the wrong internal ip. But, I can't access the router settings either! The page ( times out. Same with trying to ping the router. How can the laptop be online if it can't reach the router?

Oddly, ifconfig on my laptop reports an ip address starting with 99.233. It's always given me an internal address starting with 192.168. What's going on here? Is the router not allocating an internal ip? I use wicd to connect, if it's relevant.

We have a windows laptop that can only get a "local connection". Now it does sound like the router is forwarding directly to my laptop, instead of allocating internal ips.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Connection Can't Even Ping Router

Feb 4, 2010

Previously posted under "Wireless Connection Can't Even Ping Router".I've been using Ubuntu for two years. About a year ago I switched to Kubuntu because I prefer the KDE desktop. Two weeks ago I bought a new laptop: Dell Vostro v13. I installed Kubuntu 9.10 from the live CD and everything worked! Well, almost. I also set up a home wireless network with a new Belkin N+ router from WalMart. When I try to connect to my router, the Plasma Network Manager reports that I'm connected and the assigned IP address, but I'm not truly connected! I can't even ping my own router, all packets are lost.

This problem is intermittent, sometimes I connect fine. I dual-boot with Windoze7 and it connects without problems. Also, if I connect with Windoze, then re-boot into Kubuntu, it seems to "wake-up" the connection somehow and it works. I might also add that I connect without difficulty to other routers in my neighborhood, at work, in airports, etc.My old laptop was also running Kubuntu 9.10, and it connected to the Belkin router without problems, although it was a different wireless card and driver. I also tried Ubuntu 9.10 from the live CD and it also reported a connection, IP address, etc. I couldn't ping the router from that connection either!

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Networking :: Finding A Method That Successfully Detects And Connects To Samba Shares Without Having To Resort To CLI?

Jun 28, 2010

I do not have any shares setup on my home network so this has never been a big deal to me. My mother finally took enough interest in my operating system to allow me to dual boot 3 of her computers. Everything was up and running like a charm and then she asked "What about connecting to the file server?"

I click on "network" under nautilus and start clicking around - no where in here is the file server that every Windows system on the network can see (5 or so other systems with xp/vista/7 on them - so I know the share works). A small bit of time and some command life foo later I had hunted down and manually mounted the share and added and fstab entry for the drive so my mother would never have to go through that on her own.

That being said - did I do things the hardway here? Can someone please tell me there is an easy method that successfully detects and connects to samba shares without having to resort to CLI? Personally I do not mind doing this, but it is an issue when I am installing Linux for a beginner.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Router Connected - Can Ping But No Internet

Mar 1, 2011

This morning my Ubuntu 10.10 Meerkat desktop suddenly lost internet connection, but stayed connected to my netgear router. After the usual "tried turning it off and on again" methods didn't work, I booted into my Win Vista partition to find that connected no problem. I have another Ubuntu netbook and a Windows 7 laptop in the house as well as an Android. These all connect fine. It appears to be just the desktop Ubuntu.

I can ping my router and log into it's UI via browser. I can also ssh to the box. My router does not do any filtering or blocking. I've tried disabling the firewall and changing the nameservers in /etc/network/interfaces and dhclient.conf as well as the network manager. The network card is a Belkin 54g but I can't remember the exact model no. it was bought years ago.

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
--- ping statistics ---
30 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 29004ms

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
1 * * *
...continues to...
30 * * *

When I do a restart of the networking service it spits out the error:
Ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan0
However, as I said the wireless itself works.

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

lo no wireless extensions.
eth0 no wireless extensions.
wlan0 IEEE 802.11bg ESSID:"haters gonna hate" .....

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Shows Connected, But No Internet/Can't Ping Router?

Sep 14, 2010

So I installed 10.4 on a new Toshiba Satellite L645DWhen I connect to my wireless at home, the Network Manager shows that I am connected but I can't reach any websites via ping or firefox. I also can't ping my router. I also don't have wired access working at all.iwconfig shows connected to correct ESSIDI can ping localhostcan't ping google:

ping: unknown host
can't ping my router (


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Networking :: Ping Connection To Router OK But No Ping Between Boxes In LAN

May 26, 2010

I have Mandriva One 2009.0 ( on one box and Mandriva Free 2010.0 ( on the other. I can ping router ( from both of these boxes but I can't ping one box to the other and the other way around. What's going on?.

Do I have to change some settings in router?. Or is it firewall issue on those two machines?. Both of these boxes are connected by cable. Symbol of the router: TL-WR340G.

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Fedora Networking :: Successfully Ping Websites, But Can't Open Them

Nov 27, 2009

I have installed windows server 2003 on my computer, and i can surf the internet with my gui-based web browsers.

I have also installed vmware workstation 6.5 on the same computer, and successfully installed fedora 12 in vmware, with network is bridged.

I can successfully ping websites at the command line, e.g., ping [url], it did get replies with time and ttl, but i can't open the websites with firefox or conquerer browsers.

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Debian Configuration :: WiFi Connects But Can't Ping - No Internet

Aug 27, 2015

I've been using Debian for about 6-7 months now. I've had a bit of a major networking problem for the past 4 months or so that I've been trying to fix - specifically, it started when I upgraded to Jessie. I can connect to wifi just fine, and sometimes I can even use the internet for brief periods of time (exceedingly rarely). Then... nothing. No network access, period. I can't ping any outside servers, I can't ping other computers on my network, and I can't even ping my router. Pages I try to load just stay "connecting" for all eternity, network printing fails, and so on.

So after four months of searching online (I've read through way more wireless documentation than I care to say), I finally gave up and admitted that maybe I screwed something up during upgrade to Jessie (as a matter of fact, I did, I had to do the upgrade in two increments [somehow] because my root partition was too tiny by mistake) and I did a clean install. Since I had /home on a separate partition, I was able to keep all my user files, but all settings regarding networking were wiped. So after installing firmware-iwlwifi so I can use my wireless card, I tried connecting to wireless! Success! Then I tried connecting to the internet... success! Briefly. The next morning I tried using the internet again, and it failed in exactly the same pattern as before.

I don't know much about what's going on here, but here's what I do have available:

I do have to use firmware-iwlwifi, which I installed by doing apt-get install firmware-iwlwifi. I don't think it's an issue with the wireless card itself (hardware-wise), the laptop dual-boots Windows 7 (that I never use anymore), and Windows 7 is able to connect to the internet just fine. Connecting directly to my router by ethernet cable works fine, I have perfect internet/network access then.

I can confirm that my laptop is receiving an IP address and that it is using ARP correctly to get the MAC address of my router (I confirmed this by doing the arp command, it has the MAC address correct, I checked from another computer with my router's config page) All other computers on my network work perfectly with my router. To confirm the router/its configuration isn't at fault, I did a full factory reset of the router, but to no avail.

Out of curiosity I tried installing Wireshark (using an ethernet cable to download it) to monitor what happens when I try to access a webpage. I'm no expert on networking, but I noticed something out place when I compare a capture from the affected computer to a capture from one operating normally - there are a lot of STP packets showing up. I did some checking around, it looks like STP is involved in bridging and more complex networking setups (involving switches, for example)... but it shouldn't be found on a home network, especially where there's no bridging whatsoever. These STP packets don't show up on packet captures done from any other computer. I've attached a packet capture from the affected computer here, since the forums won't let me attach a .pcapng file.

Here's the output from a few commands I ran during past troubleshooting sessions:

Code: Select allsudo ifconfig
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr e0:db:55:b5:fe:06 
          UP BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
          RX packets:12455 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:7781 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000

[Code] ....

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General :: Can Not Ping Cisco Router Or Anything Else On 192.168.0/24

May 8, 2011

I have two network interface eth0 and eth1 eth0 is on 192.168.0/24 network connected to the internet eth1 is on 10.10.10/24 network and DHCP for this network the clients connected to this interface can not connect to the internet but they can ping which is the eth0 ip but can not ping cisco router or anything else on 192.168.0/24 I have tried few tricks but still not working

1) iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 j SNAT --to it did not work

2) iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth1 -j SNAT --to did not work as well

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Ubuntu Networking :: WiFi Router Connects But No Internet?

Nov 11, 2010

trying to run 10.04 netbook live from a memory stick with a view to installing it on my laptop. However although I can see my wireless router and connect to it I cannot access the internet. I have tried this on my laptop and desktop with the same result. I was however able to download Seamonkey browser using the software manager....this also cannot access the internet. Both of my PC's have no problem when using XP or Linux Mint.

I have also discovered that if I piggyback, using Ubuntu 10.04, on a neighbours open wifi link I can gain access to the internet. My wifi is using WEP protection but as I said I can set the link up to the router, entering the appropriate key code, and have a good signal strength, I just cannot access a google search page.

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General :: Laptop As Router Between Wireless Router And Windows 7 Box

Aug 7, 2010

I'm using a cross-over ethernet cable to connect a Desktop Windows 7 box, and a laptop running on SUSE 11.2. I want Windows to connect to the internet via the laptop's wireless interface.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Using PC As A Router To Share Internet: Laptop Connects But Desktop PC Doesn't

Oct 15, 2010

Since I have 3 Network cards in my Desktop PC I've configured it to act as a Router using GNU/Linux Ubuntu Lucid in combination with Samba so I could share my internet connection. It works on any laptop a connect to it using any of the network cards ports [regardless of the operating system installed on the Laptops], but when I plug that same network cable to any Desktop PC [regardless of the operating System installed] it doesn't even light the LED in the netcards. From the Client PC seems like nothing is plugged in the the netcards.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Use One Wireless Router To Connect/detect To Another Wireless Router?

Aug 1, 2010

My son lost his USB Wireless stick for his Computer. I had thought I heard that if you had a second wireless router, you could use it somehow to detect the wireless router you have already set up in your home (like using a wireless card)? Is this what Ad-Hoc is? Either way, can this be done and if so how? I use a WRT54Gx2 Lynksys router and have a TRENDNET TEW-432BRP wireless router and also a spare D-link DI-514. I use ubuntu 10.04, and also wanted to know if I connected one of the router to his on the LAn port could he connect msaybe through an Ad-Hoc on my local computer here? He uses XP on his. I'm a newbie to linux and networking in general.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Ping Over Wireless But Can Ping Over Wired?

Jul 24, 2010

I have two machines on this network, one running Ubuntu and the other running Fedora.

When I'm using the Wireless network on the Ubuntu machine, I cannot ping the Fedora machine. Everything else works. I can browse the net fine.

If I switch over to the Wired Network then I can ping the other machine.

I don't understand why ping doesn't work only over the Wireless. I can ping the router so I'm guessing it's getting blocked by the router but I didn't block ICMP traffic.

I tried asking on IRC and they ran out of ideas too to find out where the problem is.

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Knetwork Manager Wireless Connection Gets Disconnected And Ask For Password And Again It Connects

Aug 5, 2010

I am getting trouble with knetwork manager. I created a new connection by scanning and connecting using knetwork manager. But every time connection gets disconnected and ask for password and again it connects.

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General :: Make Ubuntu Work As Wireless Router / Wireless Internet Sharing

Jul 18, 2010

My PC is connected directly to the cable modem. I would like to use my PC's WiFi card to share my internet connection with my Android phone and laptop so I can avoid buying a wireless router.

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Server :: Open SMTP Port On Router (which Connects LAN To Internet) Also Needs To Open?

Apr 14, 2010

I have sendmail running on my centOS 4.6. My lamp server also runs on it. I want to send mail through php mail function. when i execute php page, which fires the mail function, it takes so much long tim1 say even 1 minute, and at last displays that message sent successfully. Suppose, destination address is [URL].... I did not get any mail there. My server is running in LAN. I checked the status of sendmail, it shows me that it ios running. when i issue "nmap localhost" it shows me that SMTP port 25 is open, but when i issue "nmap myserver" ( myserver ( written in hostfile)), it does not show that SMTP port is open.

I checked the /var/log/maillog, one person in my previous post advice me to see that. There it shows that message is accepted for delivery...but i do not get any mail in my destination, even not in spam folder. One more confusion is that, in my case my server is in LAN and if I am at all enable to open the SMTP port on it, does i need to open SMTP port on my router (which connects my LAN to internet) also needs to open? I think no, because SMTP is application layer protocol, it will wrap my mail in IP packet, which router just need to forward. am i right?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Ping The Router Or Anywhere Else?

Jun 30, 2011

Connected freshly installed 10.04.2 to a wireless network through a router. Everything looks correct -- IP is assigned, connection is on, the system shows up on the router -- except that there is no internet connection and I can't ping the router or anywhere else. According to the router, the wireless signal at the ubuntu system is stronger than at the sitting-right-next-to-it windows system with *working* internet. what is this? Should I replace current driver?


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CentOS 5 Networking :: Can't Even Ping To My Router

Oct 2, 2009

just finished installing Centos5 and I had no problems installing it. But when I tried to connect to the internet, the trouble began.My network card is installed and the status is "OK". The network card is a "Realtek RTL 8168C(P)/8111C(P)".The status of the device said "Inactive" and when I tried to activate it, it came with an error: Failed; no link present. Check Cable?Now the cable is connected as it should be.So next step I did is put in a static IP. Now the activation works fine.However I still have no internet. I can't even ping to my router!I need some new drivers for my graphics card too, but first I need the network to work, than I can download other stuff..

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Networking :: Get The Wireless Router To Connect To The Other Wireless Router?

Feb 16, 2009

This is my basic setup:


I don't know how to get the wireless router to connect to the other wireless router so I can use internet on my computer. How do I achieve this wireless connection?

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Fedora :: DNS On Router But Unable To Ping By Name On Network

Feb 1, 2010

The NetworkManager applet on my desktop states that my router is and that my first DNS server is, but I cannot ping any hosts on my network using by name. All my other computers are windows so the naming is netbios naming, but I don't know if that makes any difference to DNS. I take it that because the other computers are windows that I need a wins client or something on my Fedora laptop. I would rather not fill out my hosts file because the IP addresses of the windows boxes may change.

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Fedora Networking :: Unable To Ping Router

Jun 9, 2010

i have Fedora 13 dual booting with Win XP and i cannot ping my router in Fedora. just reinstalled and i'm still unable to ping my router.everything looks like it was installed correctly except in the ifcfg-eth0 it has IPV4_FAILURE_FATAL=yes dont think this should have a value of yes.

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Ubuntu Networking :: When Trying To Ping The Router (, Get No Response?

Feb 3, 2010

I am a new user of Ubuntu...I am trying to use if for a University project. I have installed Ubuntu under a nice new partition and install was smooth. I am using my Belkin F5D8055 v1 USB adapter to connect to my router. The router registers that the IP has connected (thats the IP assigned to the adapter) however even when trying to ping the router (, I get no response.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Router Appears Down But Can Ping It

May 20, 2010

Every three or four weeks my router and cable modem will appear to go down. Not only can I not access the internet or web, but I can't even access the router and modem's admin pages ( and respectively). However, I can successfully ping (forgot to try pinging the modem ip).

Hard resetting both by unplugging them for about a minute or so and replugging them fixes the problem. This is what Roadrunner says to do any time connectivity is lost. This problem also used to occur on Windows as well, except that on Windows I could still browse to both the router and modem's admin websites and restart them remotely. On Ubuntu (both 9.10 and 10.04) I have to manually unplug them since I can't bring up the admin sites in a browser.

I'm not sure how to go about troubleshooting this issue, and why Linux seems to require a manual hard reset whereas it could be solved on Windows with a remote restart. I wouldn't have thought the OS would even have anything to do with that.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Ping Router But Not Googling

Nov 23, 2010

I tried to get Ubuntu 10.10 up and running last night, almost worked, but wireless card isn't working. I have another machine in the house running ubuntu 10.4 and it works fine. I have searched around a bit in the forums and can't find anything, so I thought I would make my own post. The wireless card is an Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG, which I think is part of core (i think i read that somewhere).

I think the problem might have something to do with the ip address (currently, i remember having issues in the past with that, but I could be wrong. when I run iwconfig i get


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Ubuntu Networking :: Server Can't Ping The Router

Jan 2, 2011

I'm setting up a home network and trying to set up a Ubuntu Server (10.04) as a samba file server and a web server.I installed Ubuntu 10.04 Server and the automatic network configuration during installation failed. I've looked into host.conf, networks, interfaces, hosts and resolv.conf and either my settings are wrong or it's something else. I have a Win7 computer connected to same router and DSL modem and it works fine (edit: most of the time--- see below).

More information:

*ifconfig shows eth0 is broadcasting but without an IP address
*route shows an empty routing table


sudo route add default gw doesn't work:
SIOCADDRT: No such process
sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart doesn't work:


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Networking :: Can Ping Each Computer With Router Configuration?

Sep 20, 2010

I have a desktop computer (Ubuntu) connected to one of the LAN ports of the Cradlepoint MBR1000 router via an Ethernet cable. I also have a Verizon mobile broadband USB modem (USB760) plugged into the USB port of the Cradlepoint router.I also have a laptop (Ubuntu) with a wireless wi-fi adapter (802.11g). The laptop also has an Ethernet card but I'm not using it. The desktop computer does not have a wi-fi adapter, only the laptop does.

With the above setup, I have Internet access to both the desktop computer as well as the laptop computer, which I am well pleased with.Is there a way I can have file sharing between the desktop and the laptop, or at least ping between them, the way I have it set up? I can't use the ad-hoc method because for that to work each computer needs a wi-fi adapter. The router is using DHCP but can also be configured manually.

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Networking :: Can't Ping Belkin F5D7234-4 Router

Jun 30, 2011

I have a Belkin wireless router model F5D7234-4 version 5. I switched to DHCP long enough to access the router via Firefox browser and look at all the settings. I turned off all encryption and other security related functions in order to just get it going. The IP of the router is which is the default for this router. It is set to channel 6. I can not ping the router from either of two machines using regular ethernet or wireless. I have very limited experience with routers and am in need of help so I can use this for wireless connection to my living room box to my laptop in the bedroom about 50 feet away.

I tried changing the gateway from the living room box IP number to the router IP number with no success. I don't have anything connected to the internet port on the router. The living room box and the laptop are connected to the ethernet ports on the router. Ethernet works fine. Wireless does not. I compiled and installed the drivers for my wireless card on the laptop, a Realtek 8176 which uses the kernel modules rtl8192ce, rtlwifi and mac80211. ifup wlan0 brings up the wlan interface with these modules loaded. Right now I just want to be able to ping the router using regular ethernet. That would tickle me pink at this point. I downloaded the manual but I just can't seem to make headway.

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Slackware :: Static IP - Ping The Router But Not The Internet

Jan 10, 2011

I am trying to get a Slackware server up and running. I got a static IP working kinda. The computer gets a response when I ping the router but not the internet. Basically it can communicate with other computers on the network but nothing outside of the network. Its not a problem with the router because I have a couple other computer with static IPs. Also the network card works fine as it can get on the internet fine normally.


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