General :: Just Added Ssl To Apache Web Server

Jan 7, 2010

When I run lsof -i I see several instances of httpd, however some are http and some are https. How do I configure my httpd.conf to start only https? I am essentially running copies on port 80. I just want to run all my html pages in 443.

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General :: Webmin Error: Unable To Open A Webpage Even Though Virtual Server In Apache Is Added

Aug 2, 2010

I tried creating a virtual server in apache and it got created successfully. (I also added a zone in dns for that domain successfully) However, when I try opening that domain in my browser, I see a popup window which asks me what to do with "default" which is a php file type.

I dont see the index.php which should actually open. What do I do to make the php files display correctly?

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General :: Added HDD - Server Fails To Restart ?

Apr 27, 2010

I have a issue that could get me fired, so I would appreciate your input. My knowledge about linux is limited

The company I work for has a Dell Poweredge 6850 that keeps pretty much everything (databases, websites, etc).

The server had a Virtual Drive created from 2 Physical Drives. Since the HDD space was getting low, we got a new drive, inserted it, formatted and rebooted the system.

But the system now refuses to start, giving an FAILED message, something related to EXT2 partition that cannot be read at /dev/hda1.

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General :: Fstab Added To RAID 0 - Server Cannot Restart

May 5, 2011

I made a software RAID 0. It works fine, but when I add it to fstab and reboot the server, I can't restart the server.
# cat /etc/fstab
LABEL=/ / ext3 defaults 1 1
LABEL=/boot /boot ext3 defaults 1 2
tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
devpts /dev/pts devpts gid=5,mode=620 0 0
sysfs /sys sysfs defaults 0 0
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
LABEL=SWAP-sda5 swap swap defaults 0 0
/dev/md0 /vz ext3 defaults 0 0

When I go to rescue mode and delete /dev/md0 from fstab, I can restart, but I get this when I try to mount it again:
mount: you must specify the filesystem type

So I try to make it to a ext3
# mkfs.ext3 /dev/md0
mke2fs 1.39 (29-May-2006)
mkfs.ext3: Device size reported to be zero. Invalid partition specified, or partition table wasn't reread after running fdisk, due to a modified partition being busy and in use. You may need to reboot to re-read your partition table.
#fdisk /dev/md0
Unable to read /dev/md0

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CentOS 5 Server :: Apache 'server-status' 404 Not Found + Munin Apache Stats?

Oct 14, 2010

I am trying to solve a problem where Apache stats aren't displaying correctly in Munin. I've ran through quite a bit of checks and tests regarding Munin setup, but I think my issue is related to Apache, but my skill set there is lacking.

first, system info:
monitored server:
CentOS 5.3 2.6.18-128.1.1.el5


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SUSE / Novell :: Clear Apache Cache Without Restarting Apache Server?

Feb 4, 2010

Any one have an idea How to clear apache cache without restarting apache server.

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Server :: Tunnel Apache Virtual Host To An Internal Apache?

Jan 24, 2010

I am upgrading my server and I have a lot of sites. Since I cannot take my server down for a few days, maybe a week until I manage to migrate all the sites to the new machine, I figured I could migrate them one by one. After migrating one, I would somehow tunnel the requests of that name virtual host to my internal machine. When everything is migrated, I would then switch the machines, update ip's and stuff and everything will work just fine.

However I cannot seem to find a way to do this tunneling. is this at all possible? If not, what alternatives do I have?

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Server :: Getting Error When LDAP User Added Through Webmin

Apr 1, 2010

I have installed webmin. I am configuring ldap server using webmin gui. when i try to add user by ldap user and group I get following error. Failed to save user; Failed to add user to ldap database; modification required authentication. I am new in ldap configuration and hope for best reply.

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Server :: Script That Checks If Added Username Valid

Nov 29, 2010

How to do a small script which checks that a username can be a username. I am talking about the special characters and spaces which can't be used when creating a username. So a user writes:

"kevin little" in this case this can't be a username as it contains space.
"kevinlittle" in this case this can't be a username as it contains special character ''.
"kevin_little" in this case it can be a username as there are only accepted characters.

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Added HDD - Server Fails To Restart

Apr 27, 2010

I have a issue that could get me fired, so I would appreciate your input. My knowledge about linux is limited
The company I work for has a Dell Poweredge 6850 that keeps pretty much everything (databases, websites, etc). The server had a Virtual Drive created from 2 Physical Drives. Since the HDD space was getting low, we got a new drive, inserted it, formatted and rebooted the system. But the system now refuses to start, giving an FAILED message, something related to EXT2 partition that cannot be read at /dev/hda1

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General :: Apache Server Behind A Router?

May 1, 2011

I am running an apache2 server in ubuntu. When I connect my laptop directly to my modem, I can access my web page (from any computer or phone) without any problems.I start getting weird issues when I try running my web server behind my DLink 524 router. It will run perfectly for about an hour or so then the web page will become inaccessible from any computer except the one which I am running my server on. I have made sure to forward and requests to port 80 on my machine and I have also set the router firewall to allow access through port 80 and port 443. I don't get any error messages in my apache2 log when my site goes down.Since the site worked perfectly when my computer was connected directly to my modem, I figure it has to be a router problem.

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General :: Apache Server For Testing?

Jun 11, 2010

Iam using red hat linux for testing Apache server.The apache server "httpd" is working and in the web brower when i write "http://localhost" itshow me the apache test page. Well i want to know that where this test page exist and if i want to change this page and add my pwn web page then how can I do it. (My server IP address is Subnet mask

2- An other linux client computer is connection with a switch when it open its brower and write my apache server ip address in the web browser like it show melinux directory structure instead of apache test page. My client IP address is Subnet mask

3- My last computer running windows xp whic is(IP address subnet mask ) also connection with the switch for testing purpose.When I open IE and type http://1920.168.1.10 it say "page cannot be displayed"

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General :: How To Configure Apache Server

Jan 12, 2011

I want to configure Apache server in Red Hat advance server i make a web page in html foam

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General :: Monitoring Apache Web Server?

Oct 17, 2009

I was searching for tool for monitoring Apache performance and utlization of Web Server? Any Idea..

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General :: Configured A Svn Server With Apache - Error

Feb 2, 2011

I configured a svn server with apache. But while checking out it give the error as follows:

PHP Code:

It's on suse 10.

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General :: Web Server Went Down - Looking For Error Message / Apache

Jan 10, 2011

Our websever, Linux Debian with mysql, apache2, php 5 went down this saturday. Now this monday morning i must find out why this happened. I am looking for the the correct log files. We know that the server was available by using ping so it is (was) an application failure. We know that the our apache support team had changed the php to improve performance to apc.shm_size=192M (a couple a weeks ago) because couple a weeks ago we got a "Unable to allocate memory for pool" error message. Our server is running on a Vmware Server version 3 as virtual machine with sufficient CPU and RAM resources. Where and which log files must be checked to avoid future download times (it is our Company web page!!!!)

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General :: Cannot Access Dedicated Server - Apache Error Log

Jul 21, 2009

I was unable to access my dedicated server for few minutes. I have checked the apache error logs and found below notice:
[notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
I have tried to search from Google but could not find much information about this error.

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General :: Server A Suse Apache Install Is Pointing?

Mar 8, 2011

I've got an old SuSE box that is a SVN server using apache for ldap authentication. The suers are not able to log on for some reason so I am trying to find out where this box is pointed to authenticate. I do not know SuSE or ldap well enough to know where to look to find out this info.

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General :: Apache Configuration - Nagios Not Found On Server

May 26, 2011

I have installed latest Nagios and Nagios plugins. Nagios is working properly, but when I go to the browser n write the, it gives
Not Found
The requested URL /nagios/ was not found on this server. How can I tell Apache to open Nagios on adding /nagios in my URL.

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General :: Creating An Intranet With Apache On Windows Server?

May 12, 2011

what is the best configuration in httpd.conf to set up an intranet with Apache on Windows server?

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General :: How To Test SSL With Single Apache Server Machine?

Oct 26, 2009

I have apache server running on Fedora 11. I want to test Self-signed certificate for SSL setup with Apache.HOw can I setup?

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General :: LAMP Server Setup - MySQL - PHP - Apache - FTP

Mar 16, 2010

Good tutorial, using images for a lamp server that has, MySQL,PHP, Apache, FTP with all the fruit for running a server that will host a Gallery, forum and main site

I know there's heaps around for Ubuntu 9.10, but its not quiet what I'm looking for as in Gd, ImageMagick and some extras for Apache mods

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General :: Lastest Apache Server That Runs On Red Hat Enterprise 5.4

Jun 9, 2011

I have a box that is Rec Hat Linux 5.4 with Apache server 2.2.3 . I'm told there are multiple vulnerabilities in Apache httpd, that version 2.2.16 or later is better. However, I did a package update this week and 2.2.3 is where I sit. Is there a newer version that will run or a patch for 2.2.3? Upgrading Red Hat is not an option.

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General :: MySQL And Apache Configuration For Busy Server?

Mar 4, 2011

I need to tune the mysql and apache server for the comparatively busy webserver. My scenario is like this.

1. The Web request is around 2000 request at a time or more.
2. Each web request will generate one mysql query.
3. The query to database is all read.
4. This server load will be at peak for around 3-4 hours after that the load will subside. As the task will be published, around 300,000 will be viewing the page.

5 quad servers are deployed, load is balanced via DNS but performance is not as expected. Centos 5.5 is used as OS. Top command shows The mysql process is around 185%!

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General :: What Is The Use Of /etc/sysconfig/httpd Conf File In Apache Server

Aug 4, 2010

what is the role of /etc/sysconfig/httpd configuration file in apache server .

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General :: Lampp Won't Start Apache 'another Web Server Daemon Running'

Mar 7, 2010

I installed LAMPP a couple of weeks ago and was working fine. Today when I try to start lampp, it will only start MySql and ProFTPD. It says "XAMPP: Another web server daemon is already running." How can I find out where this other server is located and stop it?

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General :: Multiple Instances Of Apache On One Physical Server - Configuration

Apr 2, 2011

I have to run multiple instances of apache on the same physical machine, as we have different OAM policies for different in the httpd.conf file can I have ServerName same in two instances of apache, like

ServerName: prod_machine (actual machine name)

In the vhconf files I do have different servernames for virtual hosts. Apache instances are running on same IP but different ports. I am including various vhost files in the main httpd.conf file. Can I skip servername in the main httpd.conf file and include different servernames in the virutal hosts configs. OS: Solaris10

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General :: Added LEACH To Ns 2.35 ?

Apr 5, 2011

I have just added LEACH to Ns 2.35. HAd to make a couple of changes, but it has passed all the validation tests.

Now, while trying to run LEACH, am stuck at ::

I know this is from uamps.tcl. I know the file is there, and the env variables are set.

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General :: Bash - Links -command Not Found - Error In Apache Server

Nov 6, 2010

I am using rhel5 with ip am using rhel on vmware 7. when i run links then i got error "bash : links : command not found" i want to know why this error is showing? when i use red hat without vmware then there is no problem.

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General :: Setup A Development Test Zone On A Live Apache Server?

Mar 12, 2010

I have dedicated LAMP server running and I was wondering if I am able to run a dev/testing zone on it so to speak?...That way, I can have my come back soon, site is being constructed page live, and develop elsewhere on the server. I was trying a virtualhost, but since that is name based, the web browsers don't know what to do with it. I know the safest way is to develop on this machine then move to web server but I'm just seeing if what I was trying to do is possible.

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