General :: Install An Installed Software In Ubuntu On Another System?

May 27, 2011

First i must note that i`m new in linux.
i installed ubuntu 10.10 on my PC. also i installed some softwares by Ubuntu Software Center, now i want to install some of those software on another Ubuntu system without downloading again. how can it be done?

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General :: Install Xp On System Which Has Red Hat Already Installed

May 27, 2011

a way to install xp on a system which has red hat already installed on in, second but an important issue is that system logs into the - bash 3$ with in the vtys, xterminal and also the terminal in graphical window.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Transfer Users From Old System To New Installed System?

Jul 19, 2010

we have a server running with Suse linux many years. Meanwhile we changed server hardware about 4 times, mostly also updating to newest Suse version. We used to copy group, passwd and shadow to a backup medium, installed the new system and restored those files onto the new system and all was running fine. Now, some weeks ago we installed 11. on new hardware and after restoring those 3 files after rebooting the system hangs when starting GUI. I can boot into runlevel 3 and login with no problem, but when I boot into runlevel 5 mouse and keyboard are frozen. Also when starting GUI from runlevel 3 with startx mouse and keyboard immediately freeze. If I restore the files group, passwd and shadow as they came from fresh new installation I can reboot and login in runlevel 5 without problems.

OK, if I compare the userlist, as it is generated bei installation,there are some usernames I formerly not had in older Suse versions. I don�t know if this can make problems? I tried to edit the files, to combine the system users from 11.2 with the list of local user names from the old system but without success, again the mouse and keyboard freeze.So some questions arise:1) Why now mouse and keyboard freeze in xsystem, when there are changes in the user list (but only in runlevel 5)2) What is the correct way to save and restore users and groups from old to new system. I googled several hours but did not find a smart way. Maybee someon can point me to a link or a howto where I find the solution

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OpenSUSE Install :: Bootloader Installed On Partition That Does Not Lie Below 128 Gb - System Might Not Boot

Mar 12, 2011

I'm trying to install opensuse 11.4 but I got this error:

"The bootloader is installed on a partition that does not lie entierly below 128 gb. The system might not boot if BIOS support only lba24(result is error 18 during install grub MBR)"

What should I do before click next step to install? I installed opensuse with this error and some times opensuse can boot and some not. At least I was able to boot safemode.

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Installation :: Install A Version On A Computer That Has No Operating System Pre-installed

Jan 14, 2010

Can you install a linux version on a computer that has no operating system pre-installed i.e wiped hard drive

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Debian :: Install The Nvidia Package As The System Has A XFX 9 Series Card Installed?

Jul 19, 2011

I'm very new to Linux and have recently installed Debian Squeeze on my pc. I'm trying to install the Nvidia package as the system has a XFX 9 series card installed. I'm unable to get stop X to complete package installation. I keep getting permission denied when I run the command /etc/init.d/gdm stop. After reviewing a few forums I also log in as root to the console and tried the command there as well. I'm still getting the permission denied response. Can anyone advise on how to get around this?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Successfully Installed 11.2 On Dell PowerEdge 1850 System?

Apr 19, 2010

Has anyone successfully installed openSUSE 11.2 on a Dell PowerEdge 1850 system?Undoubtedly, it wasn't wise to attempt to upgrade from 10.2 to 11.2 but I was forced into it by a security audit of DMZ systems.It didn't go as smoothly as the jump from 9.3 to 10.2.I've spent the better part of a week getting an openSUSE 11.2 system installed.I went back to reiserfs and managed to get through and apply all the updates to openSUSE 11.2 today.When I got to the final reboot, it failed when I attempted to log into the system.Basically, the keyboard and mouse became inoperable.The only way out of this situation is to mash the reset button.

Rebooting into safe-mode and adding level 3 to the safe mode boot options, I get to the point of starting sshd when the lock-up occurs.It looks like X11 is the culprit.Booting a forensics DVD, I find that there is an xorg.conf.installation but no xorg.conf file.The ATI Radeon VE chip set is used on the PowerEdge.From another openSUSE system that I haven't upgraded, I see that X11 was configured for VESA mode. This is, probably, the mode that is needed as console access is, normally, through a KVM.Can anyone provide a way to get past this problem with a workable keyboard and mouse?

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.3 : DVD Menu Missing Repair Tools For The Installed System

Jul 17, 2010

It used to be that the dvd menu offered an option to "repair the installed system". THis was really very convenient. The openSUSE 11.3 dvd for x86 now only gives a "system rescue" option which leads to command line directl. Where have been "the repair the installed system" tools? How can we access them now? What is a reasonable set of tips that's supposed to be used after logging into "system rescue"?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Unable To Get The System To Shutdown Or Fully Poweroff Using The Installed OS?

Jan 10, 2011

Built new system and installed openSUSE 11.3 x86_64 with Gnome desktop about 6 weeks ago. Have never been able to get the system to shutdown or fully poweroff using the installed OS. If I use the Knoppix live CD - no problem. System boots up fine and shuts down and powers off correctly. With the installed OS, it originally crashed on shutdown and had to power off using the power button. After trying many things, the OS shuts down, powers off the fans etc, but the keyboard is still lit. I cannot restart the system without turning off power at the power supply. Starting my computer by turning off the power supply switch, waiting
10-12 seconds, turning on the power supply switch and then hitting the power button gets to be very annoying after a few weeks.

Installed KDE and switched to that to see what difference it might make. System does not shutdown, but reboots instead. Switched back to Gnome. Have tried sudo /sbin/shutdown -h now and poweroff. Identical behaviour. System is completely up-to-date. BIOS, kernel, video drivers.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.3 - Installed Several Times And Each Time System Freezes/crashes During Boot

Dec 7, 2010

LIVECD of 11.3 Gnome works fine in my old PC. I installed several times and each time system freezes/crashes during boot. I am linux newbie, so, I am trying to figure out my problems. In Livecd I noticed Hardware info list's my SATA disk as IDE. Driver Modules: "ata_piix"Attached to: #24 (IDE interface). Is it right? I have posted Hardware information output in 01: None 00.0: 10105 BIOS [Created at bios.186] - Suse 11.3 install problem My machine specs are: Intel DG31PR motherboard, Intel core2duo, 3 GB DDR2 Ram, 250 GB SATA harddisk

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General :: Know Which Firewall Is Installed On Red Hat 4 System?

Apr 26, 2011

How do I know which firewall is installed on my Red Hat 4 system?Are there any commands or procedures I can follow?

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General :: 32 Bit Packages Installed In 64 Bit System?

Mar 9, 2010

I just installed CentOS 5.4 Final on a 64 bit system. After install, I found a lot of 32 bit packages are also installed. Is it necessary for a pure 64 bit system to run (let's say, I will never want to run any 32 bit app on this system), or is it something I could have avoided during install?

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General :: Burning Installed System Onto Cd Or Dvd

Mar 8, 2010

Is it possible to burn a installed system onto a dvd because of the size and run that from the cd-rom, I don`t mean running from a live cd. Using Ubuntu 9.10 For example I have tried running a installed system on a memory stick which works fine, can that be achieved from a cd or dvd.

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General :: Getting A Single System Cluster Installed For 32 Bit

Jul 27, 2011

I tried the openssi for debian. I've tried linux from scratch but flopped trying to get mosix or kerrighed on it. Anyone got a simple way to go to get a hard drive installed single system image cluster with 32 bit machines. I'm not a new linux user but I have seemed to reach the limit of my skills. I don't like the live cds because I plan to add software later. The live cds don't fit my needs.

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General :: Broadband Very Slow On Newly Installed System / Increase It?

Jan 22, 2011

Just installed Linux (Ubuntu 10.10-net book-i386) on an acer 5310 laptop, everything is working great except for the internet. Google home page takes over a minute to load on Firefox, the actual search results takes only a second but then it takes 2 or 3 minutes to load any site i click on. I have broadband, only 1mb, but it worked perfect on the previous OS, also using Firefox.

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General :: Freenas Installed It's System Files To A New Small UFS Partion

Sep 26, 2010

Here's my situation :

I had a samsung 1TB HDD that I used for storing data, on an xp machine, so it was formated as NTFS.I moved this HDD to another machine and installed Freenas on it, and the installation worked fine (fyi, I used the tutorial posted here :[URL]..During the installtion, Freenas installed it's system files to a new small UFS partion. After finishing the setup, I realised that I had changed the file system of the other partion (980gb, previously NFTS) to UFS and now I don'T know how to go back. I had about 400gb of data on it and I'm pretty sure it's still there, but don't know how to get it back.

I tried messing around with recovery software such as R-Studio, and I was able to see some of my files so I know they're still there. After quite a bit of googling around, the only solution I seem to find is using gparted which is a tool to modify partions file system without loosing data, but I'm afraid to use it.

So is there a way to browse NTFS data on a UFS partition and convert it so FreeNas can see my files ? Or is there a way to put the partition back to NTFS so I can back up my data to another drive before I lose something valuable ?

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General :: Add More Drives In Already Installed Linux Operating System/fedora11?

Aug 20, 2009

i have fedora11 installed on my computer as well as windows xp,but now i want to delete all my drives from windows and add those drive to fedora11 because i do not need windows can i do that?also i want to increase size of root partition, can i do that?

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General :: Root Of Previously Installed System Not Found Getting Message When Upgrading?

Jul 4, 2010

I am trying to Upgrade from Fedora 12 to Fedora 13 using Preupgrade. My system downloads the the Upgrade and tries to install it but returns a message "Root of the previous system not found". I would really like to fix this problem but dont know how.

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Install Linksys WUSB600n Dual-band USB Wireless-N Adapter Onto A Desktop System With 11.1 Installed

Apr 27, 2009

I'm trying to install a Linksys WUSB600n dual-band USB wireless-N adapter onto a desktop system with opensuse 11.1 installed; this system will be migrating to a back porch with no cabling access, hence the wireless solution. Everything works fine under Windows XP, but on Linux, not so much. Hardware info is as follows; there is no "Wireless LAN" entry, but there is a USB entry:

99: udi = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_1737_71_noserial'
info.subsystem = 'usb_device'
usb_device.vendor = 'Linksys'
usb_device.bus_number = 1 (0x1)
linux.subsystem = 'usb'
usb_device.product = 'Dual-Band Wireless-N USB Network Adapter'
info.product = 'Dual-Band Wireless-N USB Network Adapter'

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General :: Migrate An Installed Ubuntu System From A Software Raid To A Hardware Raid?

Jun 29, 2011

migrate an installed Ubuntu system from a software raid to a hardware raid on the same machine? how would you go about doing so?

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.3 - Red Error: "the Boot Loader Installed On A Partition That Does Not Lie Entirely Blew 128 GB .The System Maight Not Boot"

Mar 29, 2011

i want to install opensuse on my new lap top i partition my hard (600gb) with 5 parts:

c: 97 gb
d: 150 gb
e: 150 gb
f: 100 gb
g: 50 gb
and 38 gb unlocated part

in opensuse instalation , the yast makes a 2gb for swap 14gb = root , 21 gb = home, but in Instalation Overview under Booting has a red error: the Boot loader Installed On a Partition that does not Lie Entirely Blew 128 GB .The system maight Not Boot;

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General :: Trying Install Installed Arm-2008-11-24 - Gcc - Command Not Found

Nov 17, 2010

I have fedora 11 (64 bit).i was trying install i installed arm-2008-11-24.

After installation when i go for make command it shows error like /opt/edlk/usr/bin/arm-linux-gcc: Command not found details:

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General :: Installed Java Applet For Firefox - Install Missing Plugins ?

May 17, 2011

I installed java applet for Firefox. It seems that I get the same message all the time "Install missing plugins". The path is located at:

Is there something wrong with the path ?

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General :: Getting All RPMs By 'yum Install Pkg1 Pkg2 Pkg3' To Install On Offline System ?

Jun 12, 2011

I need to somehow do a yum installation (or equivalent of) on a system that is offline with no access to the internet. (I do have access to another Linux system that has internet access, but the Linux installations on both systems have different packages installed and enabled.)

Let's say the command to enter is 'yum install pkg1 pkg2 pkg3' (the documentation for some applications I need indicate the installation instructions this way, and not as the actual RPMs I need). Is there a way for me to run that on my offline system?

e.g. one way I can think of is to run that command on the online system, somehow if possible take note of what RPMs get installed, then transfer them to the offline system via USB and install all the RPMs via rpm command.

The problem with my above idea is that the two systems have different packages enabled, so even if yum on the online system shows a few dependencies being downloaded, I could run download and install all these RPMs and their dependencies on the offline system only to find several more missing dependencies, and dependencies of those dependencies.

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General :: Installed ASUS HD4670, Now Unable To Install ANY Debian Due To Low Memory Corruption?

Feb 1, 2010

I have a desktop PC which initially had the Intel D946gzis mobo, its chipset as video controller, some RAM and so. There I installed Debian without a problem alongside WindowsXP.

I've bought an ASUS HD 4670 video card, installed it on the PC and now the installed Debian does not work, while the Ubuntu live CD refuses to run no matter if I set acpi, apic on or off... it throws me some low memory corruption at position just like shown here. With normal configuration, Debian throws kernel panic (keyboard lights blinking). Anyone have faced this before? Ideas? Thanks!! (meanwhile, debian hides in a virtualbox :'( )

Edited: Tried Ubuntu 9.10 x64 (due to the fact i've a core2duo at 2GHz) and it throws a kernel-panic to me (flashing caps and num LEDs). On screen, can be read different lines with things like:

[ 1.957161] [] rb_erase+0xd6/0x160
[ 1.957266] [] page_fault+0x25/0x30

Could it be something about this new video card having ddr3?

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Ubuntu :: Move Installed System From A 80 Hdd To Another?

Apr 12, 2011

How to move installed ubuntu from a 80 hdd to another 80 hdd?
(first one got bad sectors)

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Ubuntu :: Installed 11:04 - System Uses 18,000MB

Jun 19, 2011

Just installed Ubuntu 11:04, system uses 18,000MB. Can this be condensed as computer is crashing.

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Ubuntu Installation :: System Vanished After New HDD Installed

Apr 9, 2010

Running solo Ubuntu 9.1 on current AMD-965/MSI_gd70 desktop. Recently I upgraded hardware ( new ram/2nd hdd/temp-probe ) on this kit. All function appeared nominal and all hardware appeared in BIOS. After adding a new line in /etc/fstab to conjure-up my new 650-G sata I rebooted. I can access **nothing** on my system .except FireFox and THAT because I have a FF_icon on my desktop. The system boots, and std Gnome GUI appears, but excepting *LOGIN* none of the tool-bars have any function whatsoever.I cannot reach the command-line.

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Ubuntu :: Identify All Packages Installed From PPA's On The System?

Apr 22, 2010

I'm currently running 9.10 and am anticipating upgrading to 10.04 when it is released next week. I am however, running several packages from PPA's that were simply not working well at the versions included with 9.10 (I know specifically the 64-bit version of Flash and Wine are setup this way).

Since these installs are out of the scope of the official Ubuntu sources, how are these handled when I upgrade? More importantly, since some of these packages were just installed as a temporary fix until 10.04 came out, for some of them I'd like to remove the PPA version and reinstall the default version (since for several of them the 10.04 version has caught up to where it needs to be). Is there any way to identify all packages installed from PPA's on the system?

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Ubuntu :: System Hangs After Installed Gnome-do

May 1, 2010

In Lucid Lynx, if you install gnome-do, then the system freezes at startup. The only solution is to uninstall gnome-do.

any workaround to this? I really like having gnome-do launcher

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