Ubuntu :: Move Installed System From A 80 Hdd To Another?

Apr 12, 2011

How to move installed ubuntu from a 80 hdd to another 80 hdd?
(first one got bad sectors)

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Ubuntu Networking :: Move Pre Installed Driver So It Won't Get Loaded

Nov 26, 2010

i found this quote: WPA/WPA2 are broken in every module everybody has tried (AFAIK) since Adam's DKMS driver. Downgrade like so: 1) Get the driver from [URL]... 2) Go to terminal, and move the pre-installed driver so it won't get loaded. cd /lib/modules/2.6.28-11-generic/kernel/drivers/staging/rt2860/ sudo mv rt2860sta.ko rt2860sta.bak. 3) Install rt2860-dkms_1.7.1.1_all.deb. It will also install dependencies needed to compile the driver. If it doesn't retrieve the right packages, make sure "build-essential", "linux-header-generic" and "dkms" is installed. Let it run and it should complete without a problem. 4) Restart. The new driver should work automatically. the deb file gives me an error.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Move Installed U10.10 To Dual Booting Harddrive / Solve This?

Mar 5, 2011

I have a single boot ubuntu installation (that I like very much) that I want to migrate to a larger hard drive that has an XP installation on it so that I can dual boot on one hard drive. I've already partitioned it.


Hard drive A: has Ubuntu on it

Hard drive B: has two partitions, one XP the other one waiting for Ubuntu.

I'd rather not just install Ubuntu all over again as it was annoying to install the wireless dongle. among all the other secondary installations and tweaks that have been done.

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General :: Move A VB Installed OS To Actual Hard Drive?

Jan 2, 2010

I did a quick search but came up with nothing. I'll list things in point form to make it less confusing

-I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 with GRUB 1.97

-I have Windows 2000 installed on VirtualBox

-I have an NTFS partition with just music and my data on it, but no windows OS

-I want to take what I have on VirtualBox and put it on my NTFS partition

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Ubuntu :: System Stucks Until Move The Mouse?

Oct 11, 2010

I just tried to install Ubuntu 10.10 x86 on my netbook (Lenovo S12 - Intel at all) but this is just horrible. The system is dead after a few seconds but after I moved the mouse or pressed a key it goes on normally for a few seconds and then it stucks again and so on.

Ubuntu 10.04 had the same problem but it was not that extreme! Maybe it stucks after 2-3 minutes but not after 3-5 seconds! And after I installed all the updates it runs just fine. What can I do? I really love Ubuntu and it's a pitty that I cannot use it.

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Ubuntu :: Wifi Indicator Won't Move In System Tray?

Dec 16, 2010

My problem is that in the System Tray, my Wifi indicator won't move. It is stuck to the upper-right hand corner. When I right-click on it, there is no "Move" option. I provided a picture to show where it's stuck.

I am using Ubuntu 10.10 32-bit with a GNOME Environment.

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Ubuntu :: Unstable System Freezes But Can Move Mouse?

Mar 3, 2011

My work machine crashes 1-3 times a day, and I often lose work. This is getting very frustrating--I've never known a Linux system to be so unstable.

When it freezes, I can still move the mouse around. I believe it's also still doing some background tasks, since files have finished copying before and my music will still be playing, if it was before. But the mouse cursor doesn't change, and it's totally nonresponsive.

The trouble is, I don't know how to diagnose this problem, to tell you something less vague. I might be able to check, to see what's going on? The problem usually comes about when I'm doing something--either loading a new web page, or starting a new program, or even when I just hit a button. Otherwise, I'm just stumped.

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General :: Move And Expand GNU / System Ubuntu Maverick Folder?

Feb 24, 2011

I installed Ubuntu Maverick as a file within Windows XP. A folder was created called Ubuntu and two files called wubildr and wubildr.mbr appeared on my C-Drive. The Windows boot.ini file looks like this code...

The initial 8 GB I gave to Ubuntu is too small and I would like to move the file to my D-Drive and expand it to 40 GB.

I would hate to have to begin again from scratch. Is this possible? If so, how?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Transfer Users From Old System To New Installed System?

Jul 19, 2010

we have a server running with Suse linux many years. Meanwhile we changed server hardware about 4 times, mostly also updating to newest Suse version. We used to copy group, passwd and shadow to a backup medium, installed the new system and restored those files onto the new system and all was running fine. Now, some weeks ago we installed 11. on new hardware and after restoring those 3 files after rebooting the system hangs when starting GUI. I can boot into runlevel 3 and login with no problem, but when I boot into runlevel 5 mouse and keyboard are frozen. Also when starting GUI from runlevel 3 with startx mouse and keyboard immediately freeze. If I restore the files group, passwd and shadow as they came from fresh new installation I can reboot and login in runlevel 5 without problems.

OK, if I compare the userlist, as it is generated bei installation,there are some usernames I formerly not had in older Suse versions. I don�t know if this can make problems? I tried to edit the files, to combine the system users from 11.2 with the list of local user names from the old system but without success, again the mouse and keyboard freeze.So some questions arise:1) Why now mouse and keyboard freeze in xsystem, when there are changes in the user list (but only in runlevel 5)2) What is the correct way to save and restore users and groups from old to new system. I googled several hours but did not find a smart way. Maybee someon can point me to a link or a howto where I find the solution

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General :: Move Boot Drive To New System?

Jul 19, 2010

I have been given a new system, but want to try moving my old server's system / boot drive directly to it, rather than re-install.

All of the hardware is different, what am I letting myself in for? What should I prepare for?

Existing system OS is Ubuntu 10.04 Server, non-specific install from live CD.

I've done this before on Win XP and it was a nightmare, but I suppose that's not really designed for that sort of thing. I'm hoping that linux will be easier.

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CentOS 5 :: Move System And File Structure To New Box

Feb 7, 2011

I am new to Linux and not sure how to explain what I want to do, but I will give it a try. I have a system running CentOS 5.x on a system the is dying. Is there an easy way to migrate the system over to a brand new system that I recently purchased? I only have / and swap partitions, so nothing fancy; however, I have read that Linux is nothing like Windows when it comes to applications, and I could simply drag and drop files on the new server; however, I suspect that there is more involved than that. I hope I can just move the files over, and the system will boot; however, I am worried about new hardware on the new system. I am looking for recommendations to this issue. I am not sure if I have described it correctly; however, just point anything out that I need to change.

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Ubuntu :: Move The System Tray Stuff To The Bottom Panel In Xubuntu?

Jan 24, 2010

I want to move the system tray stuff (The wifi moniter etc..) to the bottom panel in xubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Install Crash - Cant Move The Mouse Or Anything And It Is Stuck On Installing System

Jun 15, 2011

I downloaded ubuntu 11.04 and did the usual shizz and it was all going well. I went to get a drink and by the time i got back my computer had completely crashed. I cant move the mouse or anything and it is stuck on 'Installing System'.

Ive restarted my computer (unplug), i had to format the harddrive i was installing it on (luckily it was empty already).

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Debian :: Turn Off System Beep When Can't Move Cursor?

Mar 29, 2010

It's annoying to get the system beep when I can't move the cursor anymore, is there a way to turn it off?

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Server :: Move File System Content Between 2 Disks?

Oct 14, 2010

I have to move all the files and directories between 2 file systems. Is it good practice to move them at once or first copy them and then move ? How to do this to preserve the permissions and directory structure ?

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General :: Move To Previous System Date Using Command Line?

Sep 21, 2010

I want to know the command, so that i can move back two days i.e. all the changes i made during the two day is rolled back .

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CentOS 5 :: Need To Move Space From Root File System To Swap

Apr 7, 2009

I currently have a server with the default VolGroup00 that contains logical volumes for the root file system and swap using logical volumes LogVol00 (root) and LogVol01 (swap.) I need to take space from LogVol00 and move it to LogVol01. I have found documentation for increasing the swap, and the resizing the logical volumes. However in the documentation and the man pages it says that I have to reduce the size of teh file system on the logical volume I am going to shrink. I have found documentation resizing the logical volumes but not the file systems.

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Fedora :: System Grinds To Halt - Takes Several Seconds Just To Move Cursor

Aug 21, 2011

I'm running Fedora 14. I'm running a Athlon X2 with 4gb memory and nVidia 8400. I'm using the nvidia drivers ver 260. I'm running KDE 4.6. I've disabled desktop effects (when turnt on they work a charm, performance issues are the same either way). If I open any more than a few applications at once, the system grinds to a halt. even working with Kwrite is painful and it can take several seconds just to move the cursor, browsing the file is almost impossible.

When I have even 7 windows open X goes into a frenzy and sticks around 90% cpu usage. Even with no windows open if I move my mouse between screens X cpu usage stays between 50% and 90%. The system is unbearably slow. i have a XP Pro system with the same spec, lower GPU and I have no problems having 2/3 Visual Studios open, Photoshop, a few skype windows, Eclipse and the android emulator the system remains responsive but with this Linux box I can't even do basic stuff in Kwrite without it grinding to a haltJust.

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OpenSUSE :: System Freeze Temporarily And Wake Up When Move Mouse Or Press Any Key?

Nov 7, 2010

I have a big problem with my openSUSE 11.2 32bit (but I have experimented the same error with other distributions), this problem consist in a temporarily freeze of my system after some seconds or some minutes if I don't move the mouse or I don't press any key... but when I move the mouse or press any key the system magically wake up and each applications begins to run from the point where was interrupted... this problem also affect on the system clock that loses every second that the system remain frozenMy computer is a notebook with: CPU Intel Core2 Duo T81004GB RAMGPU GeForce 8600M GT

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General :: SFTP Chroot - Unable Move Directories To Other Locations Of The System

Sep 26, 2010

I tried setting up sftp for my users. Each of my user have their home directory at "/var/www/public_html/$USER". When my users are using sftp, they can only see their own directories and unable to move to other locations of the system. I followed through the following tutorials: [URL]

The users are able to sftp into the system successfully. However, they are able to see the whole system. Somehow, it appears that the users are not jailed in their home directory although in the tutorial it states otherwise. The difference of my system against the tutorial is that I am using Dropbear for SSH server while it is using Openssh server. Although dropbear does not support sftp, I am able to login through sftp through the use of sftp-server. For the internal mechanics, I am not sure how though.

Assuming that when I tried to SFTP, the sftp-server is ran with the sshd_config, then everything should be working fine right? Do i need to run chroot command at all? The following is the procedure I used to attempt the objective:

1) Add a new user to the group: SFTPonly
2) Chown user:SFTPonly user/home/directory
2) Modify the sshd_config to what is reflected in the tutorial and other paths.

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Ubuntu :: Panel Applet - If Right-click Doesn't Include Move - How To Move That Icon

Sep 19, 2010

For Ubuntu 10.04 LTS / Gnome 2.30.2.

I have two applets on my Gnome panel -- NetworkManager Applet 0.8, and Klipper (it works better than Glipper) -- that I want to move.

HOWEVER, right-clicking the panel icons does not enable me to move these applets, as follows:

- NetworkManager Applet 0.8 does not include a Move item in its list of options.

- Klipper displays a long list of Klipper options but no Move option.

How I can move these items to new locations on the Gnome panel?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Move Indicator Session Applet To The Right Of The System Date/clock Applet

May 6, 2010

I thought I was removing the chat status piece of the indicator applet (I know what it is now, didn't then), but I accidentally removed the whole thing. Now when I figured out how to put it back on the panel, I can't get it back to where it was (which was to the RIGHT of the system date/time applet). How can I do this as well as move the indicator applet that has the volume control in it?

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Ubuntu :: Installed 11:04 - System Uses 18,000MB

Jun 19, 2011

Just installed Ubuntu 11:04, system uses 18,000MB. Can this be condensed as computer is crashing.

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Ubuntu Installation :: System Vanished After New HDD Installed

Apr 9, 2010

Running solo Ubuntu 9.1 on current AMD-965/MSI_gd70 desktop. Recently I upgraded hardware ( new ram/2nd hdd/temp-probe ) on this kit. All function appeared nominal and all hardware appeared in BIOS. After adding a new line in /etc/fstab to conjure-up my new 650-G sata I rebooted. I can access **nothing** on my system .except FireFox and THAT because I have a FF_icon on my desktop. The system boots, and std Gnome GUI appears, but excepting *LOGIN* none of the tool-bars have any function whatsoever.I cannot reach the command-line.

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Ubuntu :: Identify All Packages Installed From PPA's On The System?

Apr 22, 2010

I'm currently running 9.10 and am anticipating upgrading to 10.04 when it is released next week. I am however, running several packages from PPA's that were simply not working well at the versions included with 9.10 (I know specifically the 64-bit version of Flash and Wine are setup this way).

Since these installs are out of the scope of the official Ubuntu sources, how are these handled when I upgrade? More importantly, since some of these packages were just installed as a temporary fix until 10.04 came out, for some of them I'd like to remove the PPA version and reinstall the default version (since for several of them the 10.04 version has caught up to where it needs to be). Is there any way to identify all packages installed from PPA's on the system?

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Ubuntu :: System Hangs After Installed Gnome-do

May 1, 2010

In Lucid Lynx, if you install gnome-do, then the system freezes at startup. The only solution is to uninstall gnome-do.

any workaround to this? I really like having gnome-do launcher

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Ubuntu :: Get The Option To Boot - Installed On System?

Oct 16, 2010

Here is the log for what I have already done: Downloaded ubuntu.iso for my 64bit Sony Vaio Burned DVD System showed 2 option Windows 7 and Ubuntu (to boot from DVD) Booted to live Ubuntu from DVD (using option 2)Installed Ubuntu along with my existing Windows 7 After installing Ubuntu, system is still showing 2 options viz. Windows 7 and Ubuntu. On taking option 2 (Ununtu)...it says Not able to find a media with live boot... I think it is pointing to my DVD drive. How can I get the option to boot to Ubuntu installed on my system?

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Ubuntu :: Check All Installed Modules In System?

Mar 31, 2011

1) How to check all installed modules in Ubuntu?
2) How to check whether I installed a specific module or not? For example, uhci_hcd ?
3) How to install a specific module?

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Ubuntu :: Remove Apache2 From Desktop System As If Never Installed?

Aug 4, 2010

I have apache2 on my system, and it stopped working since the router was messed with (not by me). I removed apache2 and deleted /etc/apache2, but if I install apache2 it doesn't bring the files back. How do I fix everything that I messed up so it's as if apache was never installed so I can install it again?

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Ubuntu :: Converting Ext3 To Ext4 On An Installed System ?

Nov 18, 2010

I've recently installed Ubuntu 10.10 on a machine, unfortunately, the hard drive was ext3 partitioned. Is there a way of converting this partition to ext4 without having to re-format and hence reinstall the entire OS ?

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