General :: How To Detect Hardware Trouble In Fedora 12?

Feb 17, 2010

my asus lappy always freezes and not responding when loading fedora 12,is it caused by hardware problem or bugs?can i detect hardware problem through installing any software in fedora?

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Fedora Hardware :: Endless USB Loop - Detect - Disable - Detect

May 2, 2010

I have a new F12 install, and my syslog is filling up with messages about USB. I have 2 USB devices plugged in directly to the mobo (bluetooth keyboard receiver, touchscreen), and it keeps redetecting them and then disabling the port for some reason.

A small sample of what keeps on repeating:


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Fedora :: TRouble While Mounting NFS Share

Aug 29, 2009

Recently i share the file with nfs share in fedora 10 , but my problem is that is unable to mount it from fedora 11 . i didnt get any error while starting the nfs service in f10 .but still i cant mount it from f11 machine.

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Fedora :: Trouble In Installing Software

Nov 25, 2009

I'm having a tough time trying to wrap my head around the command line and any help would be greatly appreciated. I've downloaded and am trying to install mpg123. I'll tell you what I THINK I'm supposed to do and if someone could correct me where I'm going wrong I would appreciate it.The program is in my downloads folder. it looks unpacked to me because I can see all the separate files but I will assume that I'm wrong. so to unpack it:$ tar -jxvf

or do i need to unpack it to a certain place like: $ tar -jxvf ~/username/downloads/if thats the case I tried and it says no file or directory exists. IF I do get it unpacked the install instructions tell me:

1. New installation via GNU autotools

I dont understand because I can see it in the exact file path that it tells me doesnt exist. All I'm trying to do to install some software and its very frustrating because I dont know these simple commands that are the backbone of linux, which I really want to use. I realize that there are a ton of howto's out there but I havent found one that is easy enough to understand for someone who's never typed a command in his life or that isnt so broad and all encompassing that it blows my mind just look at the screen. Please help

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Fedora :: Trouble Installing Flash

Jan 15, 2010

Everytime I try to install Adobe Flash, I have problems. I go the RPM route or the YUM route and still have problems. I've even tried yum a 2nd time and it says its already installed, but if I go to a website that requires Flash, it says pluggin missing. On the other hand, if I go and install JAVA it somehow installs the pluggins and everything works from there on. Can someone tell me what I'm missing on the original install ?

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Fedora :: Bootup Failure Trouble

May 15, 2011

I am facing bootup issue in Fedora 14.I troubleshoot the bootup issue i m facing probably because I have done change the name of volumes from disk utiltiy. I read somewhere that it should be done from another place (administration option, the last menu of fedora and there is some volume/disk thing that give rod like blue/red picture of disk=>System-config-lvm) rather then disk utility under system tools. I think that my LVM path is not setup..due to rename of is mismatched somewhere...that includes path...finally using rescue disk i enter in shell prompt and mounted my system using chroot /mnt/sysimage
then found that my /home is empty, so done some readings and found that using mount /dev/vg_brs/home /home
i am able to get my home fixed that now appeared my user and whole data.

but that is till i m in shell prompt. Don't know where and how to fix/add this line so that boot loader of fedora will take this instead of something other that it is taking and not founding resulting in failure to boot with message (in between lines)

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Fedora Installation :: Trouble Installing Via Live CD

Sep 12, 2009

I boot it up using the live cd then try to install it to my hard drive. I want to dual boot Vista and Fedora, so I've created another partition.However I'm having trouble whilst installing. When I get to the stage to select where I want to install it I choose the "Custom" choice. It is then also obvious what partition to choose as one is much smaller. But no matter what options I pick for it, it brings up an error. >_<

I know this is probably a terrible and confusing explanation, but I'm a huge newb to linux and especially fedora.If you want a better explanation please ask and I will try to deliver.

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Fedora :: Trouble With Waking From Suspend Mode?

Feb 22, 2010

Is anyone else having trouble with waking up from suspend mode? After bringing the computer (Dell Studio 1555) back from suspend mode, GNOME moves very slowly. Cursor is unresponsive for significant amounts of time - any open windows do not respond to selection... Effects don't usually go away until a reboot is performed. This evening, one such restart resulted in a crash, where the shutdown process locked at the attempt to shut down the mouse/pointer module..

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Fedora Networking :: Trouble Automating IP Aliases

Jun 18, 2010

My system is F13 (upgraded from F11) with all of the latest patches available. I haven't gone through and combined all of the rpmnew configuration files, but none of them seem to address networking.I'm trying to get subinterfaces (secondary IP addresses) to work in Fedora 13. So far, I have been able to configure them on the command line, but not to get them to persist on booting.My base address for the NIC is: A.B.C.254. It is statically assigned.

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General :: Trouble In Updating Ubuntu 10.4

Mar 20, 2011

Last week, I wanted to view a web page that requires Internet Explorer to navigate through and decided to install wine and a compatible version of IE that was supposed to work according to a website I found on the matter.I've removed Wine using the Ubuntu Software Center, but still can not do updates.

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Fedora Installation :: Trouble With Booting Up To The Login Screen

Aug 13, 2009

I think that everything is installed correctly onto my system. I am using Fedora Core 6, but I am having trouble booting up into the login screen.

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Fedora :: SELinux Trouble Shooter About A Security Alert?

Jul 30, 2010

I sue Fedora 13. Since a few times ago, every time when I start the computer, it appears a message of SELinux trouble shooter about a security alert. But most of times there are no errors to show.

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Fedora :: Facing Trouble While Sending Mail Using Sendmail

Nov 30, 2010

I am facing a problem while configuring a sendmail AS MY MTA.My problem is when is try to send mail from root to local user account(Any user existing in my local machine) , i m getting a unknown user error but normal users can successfully send a mail to root but root account does not.I can successfully compile a without any error and sendmail deamons start successfully.When I Try to send mail from root account to local user Account , i got a Returned mail:see transcript for detail (which Has A following Detail )

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Trouble Formatting RAID 1 Array To Ext4

May 24, 2011

I'm trying to install SL6 to a pair of 2TB harddisks in a RAID 1 array. The problem is that when the "Formatting" progress window that says "Creating ext4 filesystem on /dev/mapper/pdc_eahgdeafbgp1" comes up it appears to eventually freeze. It's been like that for 6 hours without the progress bar moving at least. I have another identical system that I booted up using the gparted live cd to see if I could get any more information using that. I first created a 500MB ext4 partition and mkfs.ext4 ran almost instantly. I then tried 5GB and it seemed to take maybe about a second or two and worked fine. I then jumped up to 500GB and it's been running for about 5 hours now. I'm pretty sure that I remember the creation of an ext4 filesystem occuring extremely fast even for very large partitions, but this is the first time I've played with RAID.

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General :: Trouble Booting Up To LVM Partition On Raid1

Jul 10, 2010

I been trying all day to boot debian on a lvm partition on a raid1. I have found some howtos but they only show how to do it for one or the other not both at the same time. Using those howtos I think I have grub2 setup right the problem is my kernel. It has support for both LVM and Raid built-in. I setup the raid and lvm partitions while running that kernel. But when I use it to boot up the system on the lvm/raid it gives a kernel panic.

The OS is by itself on an old disk sda1. The raid1 is on two other disks sdb1 & sdc1. It is divided into 2 logical partition vg-root & vg-media. I just copied the OS onto vg-root. Then tolled grub to boot to it. The grub entry is like so..I tried setting root=(md0) but that didn't work either. I'm pretty sure the problem is with the kernel but I don't see why since it can it can see the raid and lvm partitions once it is booted up and both the raid & lvm options are built into the kernel so it should be able to see them at boot time.

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General :: Having Trouble Installing Flash Player 10

Jan 10, 2010

I have linux linpus lite and I am having trouble installing flash player 10. Once it gets into my downloads I open it and get a message asking me "do you want to install the update patch?" I click ok and it then says "the patch file does not available."

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General :: Trouble In Sending And Receiving Email

Nov 23, 2009

i have a problem regarding our email server. all the users can send email but they cant received mail. .when hitting send receive on outlook there were no error found. .i have already reboot the server and restarted the sendmail services but still same problem.

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General :: Trouble In Removing Svn Repository Completely

Mar 19, 2011

I have googled it profusely but still am quite confused about how to remove an svn repository:I have accidentally imported the contents of a directory into the repo instead of the directory itself and now I need to remove everthing from the repo (in fact i would like to just delete the repo and re-create it)."you can svn delete directories, but if you want to get rid of the entire repo forever-ever, just delete the database file from your repo directory. since the project info is self-contained in its .svn directory, the correct way to delete a repository is actually to delete the directory. "

- what is this 'database file' being referring to?
- what is 'the directoy' being referred to?

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General :: Trouble Shooting For JAVA Installation

May 31, 2010

I was trying to install JAVA on my laptop but I got the following errors ! Does any one know how to solve these errors?

E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)
E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?

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Fedora :: Netgear Router WGR614L Source Compilation Trouble

Dec 27, 2009

i am trying to compile netgear wgr614l sources.i am using fedora 11 [leonidas] for compilation. system core is

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Fedora :: Install Anything; The Package Manager Is Having Trouble Contacting The Source?

May 25, 2011

I first installed Fedora 15 (full clean install) on a spare laptop I had sitting around and the install went flawlessly. I was able to install it and use it right out the gate. I was then able to install two of my must-have programs, xchat and libreoffice without any problems either.Then I tried the same thing on my primary desktop at work (and since I run an IT department, I already have permission to do this :-)

The problem I'm getting is trying to install anything;the package manager is having trouble contacting the source.The exact error reads: "Software source download failed. Could not contact source 'fedora', so it will be disabled."I have not made anychanges to the firewall on the machine and the machine does have a working internet connection (I am posting from the machine). Any tips or advice on ways to troubleshoot would be great. I'm by no means a linux expert, but I can get around the system fairly well

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General :: Page 2 Folder Sharing On Samba Trouble

Jan 12, 2009

Originally Posted by van 2.0 If you are not having a problem with Samba and have nothing to offer the OP in his bid to solve the problem then your post is not relevant to the discussion. The reason I asked you to point out where SELinux has been mentioned is that those are the docs of an Enterprise OS and any relevant steps would be included.I see you are new to SELinux, but interrupting a post to point out something unrelated does not help, it just adds confusion and consternation.I think that, perhaps in your your zeal to serve as police officer of the relevance trees, you've failed to see the forest. It could be that I was not sufficiently clear in my first post here, so I'll explain it very, very slowly and carefully, so as not to cause any you any further confusion.

The original poster is unable to access his Samba shares. The original poster does not understand why and seems to think that it is configured correctly. Other posters have added suggestions about smbpasswd and testparm to check for correct syntax. Presumably, these things have not yet solved the problem, since the OP has not returned to say the problem is solved, though you linking to one of the first links that would appear in a google search for redhat and samba was no doubt wildly and extraordinarily helpful.

So, I had an idea. I recognized that, in a crazy plan to make a functional OS, the authors of Linux had allowed more than one binary to execute simultaneously. This means, that SELinux and samba can both run at the same time. Now, stay with me here - if SELinux is not configured to allow permissions for the samba user on the Samba share.... "permission denied" log errors can occur in Samba. Now, that sounds familiar for some reason. Hmmm... oh, yeah! That was what the original poster mentioned! And, I just dealt with that exact problem, caused by insufficient SELinux permissions!I knew there was a method to my madness.So, anyway, adopting your own ironically sanctimonious tone, I hope you've learned a lesson today that can improve the quality of your posting. This lesson is two-fold: (1) it's not especially good form to quibble with someone trying to help in good faith and (2) if you are going to, it pays to have something tangible to offer to go along with your condescension.No need to thank me - helping you be a better poster is its own reward, and I'm rapidly losing interest in anything you have to say in general, anyway. From what I've seen, it's not anything I couldn't find in under 10 seconds on google.

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Ubuntu :: General Trouble Shooting Wizard For Linux?

Mar 12, 2010

I often struggle to fix small problems (networking, printers, graphics, etc.) because I can't remember all the cryptic sysadmin configs and tools.Is there a smart tool or wizard that can diagnose 1 or more of these areas? I'd like a tool that figures out why I can't connect to the network. Either it solves the problem or explains the issues to me.

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General :: Grub Freeze And Trouble Installing / Resolve This?

Feb 23, 2011

I just bought a Intel D525MW ITX board, a PicoPSU and a stick of 2GB ram.
I burned the new stable debian netinst to a disk and booted it up from a usb cdburner. At this point I had a usb keyboard and a usb kingston pen drive (temporary / ) connected. The computer would freeze whenever I chose a menu item. I rebooted a couple of times, same thing. I disconnected the usb pen and were finally able to start a graphical install. I quickly reconnected the pen and the install went fine as far as I could see.
Now. When I boot from the pen it just freezes showing "GRUB lading. Welcome to GRUB!" and a blinking underscore.

I were able to boot the usb pen on my Alienware laptop just fine - although it wanted a reboot after it ran a fsck.

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General :: Having Trouble Finding Right Distro For Toshiba Laptop

Jul 22, 2010

I'm having a lot of trouble finding a good Linux Distro that will work with my Toshiba A505-S6020. Here are some specs

i5-430M Intel Processor
NVidia Graphics Card
Realtek Network Adapter

One of the big problems I'm having is with the Network Adapter. It won't work with Ubuntu or any Ubuntu based distros. Backtrack 4 won't even start for me (there's a problem with the ACPI, and I'm not sure how to turn it off on Backtrack). Is there any distribution that I won't have to mess with the Kernels too much (I tried Gentoo, but that was a bit over my head)

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General :: Unable To Detect Sata Dvd Drive In My Fedora Box / Sort This?

Mar 18, 2009

Recently i upgraded my dvd writer from pata to sata, now i install LG sata dvd writer into my system, now my problem is that its unable to detect in my fedora 8 box , but i can successfully boot fedora 8 from this dvd writer.i have a kernel version 2.6.23. solution for this.

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Debian Multimedia :: XOrg Auto-detect Failing To Detect Max Screen Resolution

May 29, 2011

I've installed Squeeze 2.6.32-5-amd64 on my laptop (Alienware M17X R3, Intel i7 Sandybridge, ATI Technologies Inc Broadway [ATI Mobility Radeon HD 6800 Series])The screen is 17", with maximum resolution of 1920 x 1080. After a default install of the operating system, the maximum resolution I can select is 1280 x 1024.My research so far has suggested that I need to edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and provide xorg with the necessary resolution.

Again, by default, the xorg.conf file is not created. This leads me to believe that xorg is scanning my hardware at startup and providing me with whatever it thinks is appropriate. I tried following these instructions to generate an xorg.conf file. This process created an xorg.conf file under /root/.

When I copy this xorg.conf file to /etc/X11, I get a blank (i.e. black) screen. Deleting this file restores the default resolution 1280 x 1024.This system is dual booting with Windows 7. Under windows I am able to get a 1920 x 1080 resolution, so I know my hardware is up to it.At this stage I have yet to install the drivers for the Radeon graphics card.What are my options regarding configuring xorg to give me a higher screen resolution?

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Debian :: Where To Find The Fw-detect Command ? (for Firmware / Wireless Detect)

Jan 12, 2010

To find the appropriate firmware without knowing the make or brand of your wireless chip, you can use the command:


But apparently debian package do not offer this useful tool, well, certainly for sidux exclusively.

Is there a package of fw-detect eventually?

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Fedora :: *PAE* Kernel Still Does Not Detect All RAM

Aug 12, 2011

A while ago I upgraded to 4GB of RAM on an x86 system, up from 2GB. However, even with the PAE kernel installed ("2.6.40-4.fc15.i686.PAE", at the moment), I can't actually access the full 4GB, only 2.9GB as if I was running a non-PAE kernel. Both the BIOS and lshw can see the 4GB installed, and my CPU does support PAE, so I really don't know what could be causing this.

For what it's worth, I'll post the blurs lshw gives about my CPU and RAM:


Originally Posted by lshw
description: CPU
product: Intel(R) Core(TM) Duo CPU T2450 @ 2.00GHz
vendor: Intel Corp.
physical id: 4


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Ubuntu :: Having Trouble With Web Camera

Jul 29, 2010

The camera is plugged into the usb port. But nothing is happening. I do not have a cd or anything with the camera. Is there any way to make it work?

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