Ubuntu :: Having Trouble With Web Camera

Jul 29, 2010

The camera is plugged into the usb port. But nothing is happening. I do not have a cd or anything with the camera. Is there any way to make it work?

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Ubuntu :: Trouble Using DOS CD That Came With New Camera

Jan 30, 2011

I just got a new Olympus FE-47 and the CD is in DOS as a PDF. I have not been able to figure out what program in 10.10 will open and auto run it.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Having Trouble With Canon Camera Won't Mount

Jan 18, 2011

I'm trying to get photos off my Canon PowerShot SD1100 IS but while Device Notifier pops up telling me I've attached a canon, and I can see it when I run lsusb, It's not actually being mounted anywhere, or creating a device for itself to be mounted with..I plug the camera in to the computer while it's still off, and I turn it off again before disconnecting (As I've heard this is the proper way to do this.) but I am still not getting a device. I've also tried the following advice (Although I'm obviously on openSUSE not Ubuntu).Ubuntu Forums - View Single Post - Unable to mount camera or import digital pictures.

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General :: Which Camera Can Use In Laptop To Have More Better Quality Than Iphone Tiny Camera

Jul 17, 2011

I was looking to iphone and i was surprised the quality of such tiny camera.

Is there any alternative camera for my laptop to have similar or much better then the one in iphone? So that i can use it from my laptop, but have very sharp HD quality with maximum megapixel + highest frame per second.

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Ubuntu :: Trouble Removing GNOME

Jan 13, 2010

I had installed Ubuntu Studio to check it out alongside my normal KDE system, and have decided to remove it. Problem is, having installed GNOME, I also got programs and libraries I no longer want or need alongside my existing KDE ones (ex. File Roller and Ark, I don't really need both, so I removed FR; I've removed other such programs I know about, as well). But I don't know all the programs or libraries that are still on here; in my package manager with a filter set for only installed programs I see a lot when I search 'gnome', but I'm wary of uninstalling things when I don't know what they do or if they're being used (I do have GNOME applications; I prefer Pidgin so I chose that over Kopete, for instance).

I ran apt-get uninstall ubuntustudio-desktop but despite the install process taking about 20 minutes it removed it in about 20 seconds...and seeing all these programs weren't removed along with it, I can see why. Is there a way I can remove all these things? They're taking up room and I'm not using them. I already did apt-get autoremove, as well. Anything else I can do to find and remove these programs besides reading through every single entry in my package manager's list of installed programs?

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Ubuntu :: Trouble Installing Java

Mar 10, 2010

I am having problems installing Java runtime on karmic. The problem is: jre depends on the bin, and the bin depends on the jre package... Anyway to solve that? Should I try forcing? I can't get Ubuntu to connect to the internet, so I downloaded the deb packages and put them on a USB stick.

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General :: Trouble In Updating Ubuntu 10.4

Mar 20, 2011

Last week, I wanted to view a web page that requires Internet Explorer to navigate through and decided to install wine and a compatible version of IE that was supposed to work according to a website I found on the matter.I've removed Wine using the Ubuntu Software Center, but still can not do updates.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Trouble Mounting NAS On Startup

Aug 22, 2010

I am having difficulties to mount my NAS (zyxel nsa210) on startup. After some online research, i stumbled upon the "solution".I was advised to write an entry into the fstab-file and that's what i did.And this actually worked like a charm and i was then able to find NAS in "Places". (Not on my desktop since i disabled it). BUT this works not after booting up...meaning there is nothing like NAS in "Places" and i have to mount it manually by using the "sudo mount -a"-command...there is nothing automatic about this solution...So now my question for everyone capable of answering me: "Where did i go wrong? i have installed smbfs and the folder where the NAS should be mounted in actually exists, so the usual suspects should be ruled out i guess

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Ubuntu :: Trouble Rebuilding Kernel Module

Jan 6, 2011

I need to rebuild a kernel module and I'd like the module to be compatible with the ubuntu distributed kernel.I tried something along these lines:

* get the sources via: apt-get source linux-image-2.6.35-24-generic
* cd to the unpacked (and patched, I believe) directory: cd linux-2.6.35
* take kernel config that I'm currently running (I'm running 2.6.35-24-generic): cp /boot/config-2.6.35-24-generic .config
* build the module I care about: make drivers/usb/class/usblp.ko

The module is built, but when I try to load it, insmod fails and I see this in dmesg: usblp: no symbol version for module_layoutI tried to generate the kernel config via debian/rules genconfigs, which resulted in the same config file (with the exception of the local version string). I tried building some other modules and loading them, but I always get that error on loading.

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Ubuntu :: Trouble Logging Into External Modem?

Apr 15, 2011

Can not log into Speedstream 4200 external Adsl2 modem connected via ethernet cable. I know the ip is to log in but browser returns back nothing, not even sure if system is seeing modem once plugged in. Running Ubuntu10.10.

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Ubuntu :: Grub2 Trouble Recognizing Win7OS?

Jun 3, 2011

I recently had a problem where for some reason I couldn't boot into my computer. Long story, shorter, I just reinstalled Ubuntu and I am fine with that. The problem now is, Grub2 doesn't recognize my windows7 hard drive and subsequently doesn't make an option for it in the boot menu.

My setup is this:
Hard Drive(A): 500GB Windows 7
Hard Drive(B): 320GB (no OS, formatted in NTFS and is used as storage)
Hard Drive(C): 2TB Ubuntu 11.04

The HD that isn't being seen by Grub2 does show up on Gparted and is accessible through Nautilus simply by clicking on the drive and it does the usual mounting. I have tried reinstalling grub-pc. Here is one error I get that I was able to copy:
After this operation, 0 B of additional disk space will be used.
Preconfiguring packages ...
(Reading database ... 129453 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace grub-pc 1.99~rc1-13ubuntu3 (using .../grub-pc_1.99~rc1-13ubuntu3_amd64.deb) ...


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Ubuntu :: Running Into Trouble Removing - Restoring MBR

Jul 17, 2011

I have another machine now that I'm dedicating to Linux so I'm taking it off of my laptop. I deleted the Linux partitions, GRUB2 died, tried reinstalling Ubuntu to reinstall GRUB, and that didn't help. Followed


To restore the MBR, and that said it worked, but now turning on my computer just goes to a black screen with a blinking white line in the top left corner. I deleted the Linux partitions from the Windurrs disk manager, and also used that to extend my NTFS partition a bit. Could that have killed it?

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Ubuntu :: General Trouble Shooting Wizard For Linux?

Mar 12, 2010

I often struggle to fix small problems (networking, printers, graphics, etc.) because I can't remember all the cryptic sysadmin configs and tools.Is there a smart tool or wizard that can diagnose 1 or more of these areas? I'd like a tool that figures out why I can't connect to the network. Either it solves the problem or explains the issues to me.

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Ubuntu :: Trouble When Replyin All In Evolution Email Client

Jun 9, 2010

I'm having trouble when replyin all in my Evolution email client. It includes my email address when I reply all. Any ideas how to fix?Ubuntu 10.4

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Ubuntu :: Trouble Accsessing The Functions Used To Get On GNOME When Right Click?

Nov 10, 2010

I'm trying to play Minecraft on my netbook like I did before with Ubuntu Netbook Edition 10.04, but on 10.04 i opted at the log in to use the GNOME interface, so to run Minecraft i just right clicked it and chose the option to run with SUN Java(insert version numbers here) and it worked just fineBUT with the new Unity interface I can't get it to work! I right click and nothing happens. How do I run with Java on Unity? It worked fine when i logged out and switched to the GNOME interface, so I know the game works. I just don't know how to do it in Unity.

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Ubuntu :: Laptop With Extra Samsung Monitor Trouble

Dec 26, 2010

I was given a Samsung SMB 2330 (TFT) monitor for Christmas. It is pretty nice and nice and big. Here is the problem: when I connect it to my laptop (Dell XPS M1530 with nVidia GeForce 8600M) I can use the Nvidia Settings Manager to view and use both screens, but on the Samsung screen there are lighter colored blurry lines that race up and down. You don't see this so much on lighter windows, but any darker color shows them clearly. This is a constant whether I set the refresh rate on "auto" or 60 kH (which is what the manufacturer says it should be).I can't for the life of me figure out how to get rid of this problem. I am fair to middling on my Linux experience, but this is the first time I have wrestled with dual monitors and I'd really appreciate any pointers The screen is great, but the flicker is distracting to say the least.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Trouble On Fujitsu Laptop

Jan 27, 2011

I've just installed Ubuntu desktop 10.10 on a Fujitsu Amilo laptop but it does not see any wireless network. It recognizes the wireless card but I don't know how to activate it or whether the drivers are already installed..

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Ubuntu :: Compiz Config Trouble On 11.04 Natty Narwhal?

May 10, 2011

I am having some trouble using the compiz config settings on the new "Natty Narwhal" 11.04. On 10.4, it worked seamlessly; the 3D desktop cube worked, 3D windows worked, and rotating desktop cube also worked. On Natty Narwhal, nothing works-- at all. It may seem kind of childish for me to download compiz config just for the cube, but the fact that compiz config alone isn't even working is kind of making me nervous. Though, it would be great if someone could help me with the cube.

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Ubuntu :: Can FAT32 Partitions Cause File Browser Trouble?

Mar 22, 2009

I have just recovered my desktop Ubuntu system, thanks to SuperGrub, and Larryfroot, who pointed me to it. It had crashed due to an incomplete install to a pen drive, but prior to this I had made some changes to my partition layout, and now if such moves could cause the problems I'm having now.I wanted to be able to access my pictures, music, and projects while testing different Linux distros from CD or pen drive (DreamLinux looks much like the Mac interface, which I like, it's rated for speed, gotta try), but I've not been able to do that from any which I've tried yet. I learned somewhere that replacing the unused bulk of the OS partition with a big FAT32, and moving your files to that drive should make them accessible to most systems. I just viewed my files from the DreamLinux distro CD, so it seems to be working. I knew the action on this type of partition would be slower, and it really is when I move files to it, so is there a better way to get what I want than this?I have since had the following annoyances from Ubuntu's Nautilus file browser, and am wondering if the drive changes had anything to do with the following:

1. I am getting error messages when I try to move files to this drive through the Nautilus GUI file browser, but then these errors are wierdly negated when the file transfer is performed anyway. Well, I should be happy that it does what I ask, but where are these false error messages coming from?

2. It gets even more strange - when viewing files on Fat32 through Nautilus, in my Ubuntu hard drive partition, the file window has a banner which states "These files are on a Picture CD". Huh??? I know where I moved my files to, and they are not on CD! What is a "Picture CD" anyway?

Can anyone find a logical explanation for these weird messages, or does it look as much to you like corruption damage?

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Fedora :: TRouble While Mounting NFS Share

Aug 29, 2009

Recently i share the file with nfs share in fedora 10 , but my problem is that is unable to mount it from fedora 11 . i didnt get any error while starting the nfs service in f10 .but still i cant mount it from f11 machine.

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Fedora :: Trouble In Installing Software

Nov 25, 2009

I'm having a tough time trying to wrap my head around the command line and any help would be greatly appreciated. I've downloaded and am trying to install mpg123. I'll tell you what I THINK I'm supposed to do and if someone could correct me where I'm going wrong I would appreciate it.The program is in my downloads folder. it looks unpacked to me because I can see all the separate files but I will assume that I'm wrong. so to unpack it:$ tar -jxvf mpg123-1.9.2.tar.bz

or do i need to unpack it to a certain place like: $ tar -jxvf mpg123-1.9.2.tar.bz ~/username/downloads/if thats the case I tried and it says no file or directory exists. IF I do get it unpacked the install instructions tell me:

1. New installation via GNU autotools

I dont understand because I can see it in the exact file path that it tells me doesnt exist. All I'm trying to do to install some software and its very frustrating because I dont know these simple commands that are the backbone of linux, which I really want to use. I realize that there are a ton of howto's out there but I havent found one that is easy enough to understand for someone who's never typed a command in his life or that isnt so broad and all encompassing that it blows my mind just look at the screen. Please help

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Fedora :: Trouble Installing Flash

Jan 15, 2010

Everytime I try to install Adobe Flash, I have problems. I go the RPM route or the YUM route and still have problems. I've even tried yum a 2nd time and it says its already installed, but if I go to a website that requires Flash, it says pluggin missing. On the other hand, if I go and install JAVA it somehow installs the pluggins and everything works from there on. Can someone tell me what I'm missing on the original install ?

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Fedora :: Bootup Failure Trouble

May 15, 2011

I am facing bootup issue in Fedora 14.I troubleshoot the bootup issue i m facing probably because I have done change the name of volumes from disk utiltiy. I read somewhere that it should be done from another place (administration option, the last menu of fedora and there is some volume/disk management..like thing that give rod like blue/red picture of disk=>System-config-lvm) rather then disk utility under system tools. I think that my LVM path is not setup..due to rename of volume..it is mismatched somewhere...that includes path...finally using rescue disk i enter in shell prompt and mounted my system using chroot /mnt/sysimage
then found that my /home is empty, so done some readings and found that using mount /dev/vg_brs/home /home
i am able to get my home fixed that now appeared my user and whole data.

but that is till i m in shell prompt. Don't know where and how to fix/add this line so that boot loader of fedora will take this instead of something other that it is taking and not founding resulting in failure to boot with message (in between lines)

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Graphics Driver Trouble On 9.10 With ATI Mobility Radeon

Feb 23, 2010

I'm having some graphics driver trouble on my Lenovo Thinkpad T500. I tried getting the ATI Proprietary driver to work (fglrx) but everytime I boot my X just crashes. Now I'm trying to use the open source driver, but i dont think its working becaues a) It doesn't detect that an external monitor is plugged in (for dual-view) and b) when i run glxinfo i get a "Error of failed request: BadRequest" message.

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Fedora Installation :: Trouble Installing Via Live CD

Sep 12, 2009

I boot it up using the live cd then try to install it to my hard drive. I want to dual boot Vista and Fedora, so I've created another partition.However I'm having trouble whilst installing. When I get to the stage to select where I want to install it I choose the "Custom" choice. It is then also obvious what partition to choose as one is much smaller. But no matter what options I pick for it, it brings up an error. >_<

I know this is probably a terrible and confusing explanation, but I'm a huge newb to linux and especially fedora.If you want a better explanation please ask and I will try to deliver.

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Fedora :: Trouble With Waking From Suspend Mode?

Feb 22, 2010

Is anyone else having trouble with waking up from suspend mode? After bringing the computer (Dell Studio 1555) back from suspend mode, GNOME moves very slowly. Cursor is unresponsive for significant amounts of time - any open windows do not respond to selection... Effects don't usually go away until a reboot is performed. This evening, one such restart resulted in a crash, where the shutdown process locked at the attempt to shut down the mouse/pointer module..

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Fedora Networking :: Trouble Automating IP Aliases

Jun 18, 2010

My system is F13 (upgraded from F11) with all of the latest patches available. I haven't gone through and combined all of the rpmnew configuration files, but none of them seem to address networking.I'm trying to get subinterfaces (secondary IP addresses) to work in Fedora 13. So far, I have been able to configure them on the command line, but not to get them to persist on booting.My base address for the NIC is: A.B.C.254. It is statically assigned.

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OpenSUSE :: GDK Warning - XID Collision Trouble Ahead

Mar 24, 2010

(exe:25667): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead
Why are some applications giving this message and what can I do about it?

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OpenSUSE :: Yast2 Runlevel Editor Trouble

Aug 7, 2011

I have a problem with the runlevel editor. It hangs at 28 per cent when initialising the runlevels. (Process: y2base runlevel qt). It used to work fine, probably until.I installed an update recommended by yast, including a new kernel. I did not immediately reboot after installing the new kernel but used the runlevel editor, which has hung since then.I've tried a reboot without success.Does anyone know what I could do to get this running again?

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Trouble Shoot GUI Login

Jan 11, 2011

We are having login issues via GUI, but ssh2 seems to work fine. Where do I start to troubleshoot this issue? the clients are member of NIS domain, which I have tested working

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