General :: Gnome And Debian Are Too Large For My Original IBook. What Distro/gui Should I Use?

Jun 19, 2011

The machine I'm using has a PowerPC architecture so I'm somewhat limited to what flavors of Linux I can use and I don't want to go back to Mac OS 8.9. The HD is only 3.3 GB so I can't get both Debian and GNOME on it.

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General :: Debian Squeeze PowerPC On IBook / Relentless DriveReady SeekComplete Errors

Jan 28, 2011

I've been trying to set up MintPPC on my girlfriend's old iBook. I started with the debian squeeze installation from a burned cd. Everything went fine and i booted into the new system.

No matter what I try to install I get that error, with different sectors each time. I can install .debs using dpkg just fine, I can compile source code. apt-get just won't work.I've been reading about this for hours, and the machine is currently running e2fsck -c on the main filesystem. It is a more or less never ending stream of those errors with a few that reference task_pio_intr rather than dma_intr thrown in for good measure.I've been reading for hours but I haven't found anything on the google or forums that matches my problem(or atleast not that I could understand).

From my research I've tried hdparm to change the DMA mode, slower and faster and no luck, removing the .bins in one of the apt folders, and reinstalling debian.I've read the posts I could find on here, and mostly the problem seemed to be intermittent for them. For me it is only when I use apt-get, and now apparently e2fsck(badblocks). It happens every single time with apt, I can't use it to install anything. But i've done plenty of other file operations without a bump.Any suggestions would be most welcome! Especially an in depth explanation of what that message means. I'm happy to do my own research and work, I just have no idea what's going on!

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General :: What Is The Best Distro For Gnome 3

Apr 6, 2011

The gnome 3 will be relased in 24 hours and I have heard that Ubuntu 10.10 doesn't support gnome 3. The 11.04 version supports as for testing or smth but it's at it's first beta stage. What are the distros that are perfect for gnome 3?

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Debian Installation :: Debian/Lenny On A Clamshell IBook?

May 3, 2010

I'm trying to install Debian/Lenny on a iBook clamshell. I couldn't seem to burn an install CD that the iBook would recognize, so I eventually copied the contents of the CD onto a self-powered USB drive and I can now get the iBook to boot off of that thru open firmware. However, when I get to the Debian installer main menu, it still won't read the CD, and apparently it does not have network drivers to install over Ethernet. Is there any way I can supply a driver for the ethernet interface (lspci reports that its a sun GEM ethernet interface) or somehow convince the installer to install from the content of the USB drive (which is a duplicate of what's on the installer CD)? Heck, if it'd be easier to get the Airport interface running to reach the Internet I'd be up for that too.

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Debian Installation :: Installing Debian On IBook G4 / PowerPC

Jul 17, 2010

I have downloaded Debian/PowerPC_lenny from The netinst CD or the minimal CD for some reason doesn't boot. When I put it in the CD-ROM it doesn't begin whatever it has to do. Do I need to do anything? I restart my iBook G4 (1.33 GHz PowerPC G4) several times and held the "c" button (for CD-ROM) but nothing has happened. I wonder if someone can help me begin the installation process.

FYI, I have partitioned my hard drive into two volumes. I would like to install Debian in one of them. I *do not* want my Mac OS X to get disappeared in the Debian installation process. So please help me if you would as to how I can (1) boot Debian minimal CD and (2) install Debian on one of the two volumes I have on my iBook.

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Debian Installation :: IBook G3 Stalls On Install

Aug 28, 2010

I am trying to install the PPC kernel on an iBook G3. The CDs boot up, however both the net-install and the regular install cd both freeze up after it looks for harddisks. The screen is blue. The box title says

"Loading additional components"
"Retrieving lvm2-udeb"

I have no clue what to do. I am trying to get an error readout, but nothing but the power button works. It shuts it off. I check the system clock and it was wrong, but I got it set to the correct time. I don't have and OSX disks. I am wanting a full Linux HD. Please let me know how to trouble shoot. (I have seen that many people have no problem installing this on there macs. The os is still working on the os side, but I want to switch it to Linux.)

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Debian Installation :: CD-Change During Install On An Ibook G4 ?

Jul 17, 2011

since a whole week now i am trying to set up a Debian System on an old Ibook G4, with 1.2 GHz and 768 MB RAM. My Install Media is the Wheezy 8-CD-Set. I am not going to have anything besides Debian on the Notebook.

The Install process works fine until the Installation of the Core System. At the end of this process a window pops up and tells me that the CD with the title Wheezy-CD-1 or something like that is inserted and asks me to insert another CD or DVD now. Up to this point everything seems fine to me, but when i hit the "OK" Button the CD wonŽt come out of the Notebook, and besides that the Installer freezes. A progress bar, entitled with "executing cdset", is shown at a progress of 25% and does not move, also nothing happens when i try to cancel the process.

Whats the problem with my Installation? I already downloaded a second copy of the first Image and burned it again in case something was wrong with Installation Media, but the problem is still the same.

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Debian Configuration :: Firmware For Ibook G4 Wlan?

Jul 18, 2011

IŽve set up a Squeeze System on an old Ibook G4 and, besides wlan, everything works fine.i guess i need some firmware, i have tried several things and couldnt resolve the problem. I am unsure which firmware i actually need, or of something else has to be done.iŽll post the outputs of ifconfig, iwconfig and lspci and hope someone who could guess the problem or find the solution with it.

root@debian:/home/robert# ifconfig
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet Hardware Adresse 00:11:24:32:20:54
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0


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Debian :: Finding Video Driver For Mac Ibook?

Sep 19, 2010

I installed debian 5.06 on my Mac ibook g3, I had the same problem, the interface is only on a portion of the screen (about 70% x 70%) of the size of the screen.The screen is configured for 800x600, there is no another resolution, so I suppose I need another is the lspci output ; vga compatible controller : ATI technologies Inc Rage Mobility M3 AGP 2x (rev 02). secondly, If i couldn't install linux on this mac, can I retrive or reinstall ? the mac OS ?

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Debian :: Wrong Resolution In LXDE - 500Mhz IBook

Jun 26, 2011

I have installed Debian Lenny with LXDE on a Dual USB 500Mhz iBook g3 the login screen appears displaying the screen using "800x600" pixels with the screen resolution at "1024x768" - so the login screen fills 2/3 of the LCD with black space to the right and the image repeating itself in the bottom 1/3 of the screen The "System Tools" > "Monitors Settings" only list one setting size of "800x600" and "Auto" After trying to search for answers I have tried editing the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file (after stopping gdm and rebooting afterwards)

# ... after these lines
Section "Screen"
Identifier "Default Screen"


But nothing changes.

I have also tried [ dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ] but there is no prompt for resolution

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Debian Hardware :: What Is Running IBook G3 Airport Card

May 27, 2011

I have a 2003 iBook G3 White Dual USB laptop running Squeeze. I have a weird question. I found that get the WEP or WPA to work with the card, I basically delete the firmware "agere_sta_fw.bin". As the computer boots, it complains that it can't find the firmware, because it obviously isn't there anymore. However, the wireless card works just fine once it boots up. I can connect to my WEP wifi immediately, which is impossible if it uses the firmware. However, when the computer sleeps (which it likes to do all the time when it isn't plugged in) it hangs on wake trying to find the firmware. After awhile, it gives up and comes back up. The network controllers (LAN and Wireless) are completely missing and cannot be re-activated unless the computer is rebooted.

Now my question is this. What is driving my Orinoco Airport card and Network port when it can't find the correct firmware. Is there a command or program that will tell me what driver it is using to run it. Then, do you suppose that I could map the firmware file to that driver so the computer can wake with out problems?


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Debian Installation :: Ethernet Not Found Squeeze Net Install PPC Ibook G4?

Apr 21, 2010

I was going to try out Squeeze on my ibook so I downloaded one of the weekly snapshots of the netinstall image and booted the installer. The installer was unable to recognize the ethernet card of my ibook which I found odd since I have used Lenny in the past without having any problems. Does anyone know if this is a bug in the installer or has firmware for my ethernet card been dropped from Squeeze? I searched around and couldn't find any bugs that were specific to PPC with this installer. It is not a deal breaker as I can just install Lenny and then dist upgrade to Squeeze,

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Debian Multimedia :: SMART Board Configuration On Lenny On An IBook?

Jul 20, 2010

I was trying to get a SMART board to work with my install of Lenny on my iBook G4. By work with, I just need it to display what's on the iBook's screen, I don't need any kind of interactivity. Since it is an iBook, it uses a PowerPC processor, instead of an Intel, and the SMART board driver only works on an x86 processor, I can't use the driver provided. Is there any way to get this to work? I imagine that I need to edit the configuration file!

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Debian Hardware :: Sound Not Working With IBook G4 Running Jessie

Mar 22, 2015

I am having sound issues with iBook G4 running Debain Jessie. I am dual booting Ubuntu_MATE 15.04 and Jessie on the same HD. For PowerpC iBooks and PowerBooks you need to manully load the snd-aoa-i2sbus module in order to open alsamisxer so you can set you PCM Channel. I have done this when I ran Jessie on my PowerBook and sound worked with no issues. Now on this iBook I have ran both Lubuntu and Ubuntu-MATE with sound working by using this method. However when I installed Jessie I loaded the module, got aslmixer to load and set my PCM Channel but no sound.

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Debian Hardware :: IBook Sound Card Works But Only After Running Alsaconf

Mar 7, 2010

I have an white iBook (G3 900mz model) and it doesn't autodetect the sound card. Running lspci | grep audio doesn't produce anything but running alsaconf does detect the PowerMac sound card which works if you follow all the prompts. Unfortunatly this doesn't make anything permanent and I was looking for advice as to how to set this up so that the sound configuration is actually there across boots.

One of the screens of alsaconf after selecting PowerMac and watching it say configuring snd-powermac it asks; Would you like to modify /etc/modprobe.d/sound? (and /etc/modprobe.conf)

Which I say yes to and then it gives me the happy message about having fun with your working sound card. I then log out and back in and the sound works great.

I've tried using alsactl store but that doesn't seem to work because at every boot there is a message that scrolls past saying "alsactl restore" failed with a state of 1573: No Sound Cards found.

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General :: Distro - Nominate A Disastrous Distro From Past Or Present

Jan 9, 2010

nominate a disastrous distro from past or present that was simply AWFUL and what exactly was so bad about it?

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General :: How To Make A Debian Based Distro

Aug 2, 2011

Ubuntu, Knoppix, etc are based on Debian.
What does that mean. How I can make my own distro based on debian.

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General :: Debian Distro For A Toshiba N205?

Jun 14, 2011

What is the best Debian distro for a Toshiba N205 netbook?

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Debian Hardware :: Install Old Ibook G3 Upon Normal Boot Get A Black Screen With A Bar (attached Image)

Jul 8, 2011

I'm attempting to install debian on my old ibook g3. Upon normal boot I get a black screen with a bar (attached image) I boot the kernel with init 1 and I see that I have no xorg.conf, so naturally I input xorg -configure. Attached is the log, as I am under Windows and read it. Let me know what you think and let me know if you need any output from me[URL].. p.s As I'm a new member I can't attach anything yet so I uploaded it to media fire. (includes xorg.log & IMG_20110707_203900.jpg /984.41 KB)

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General :: Gnome - Configure The Definition Of "full Screen" To Make Large VNC Windows Behave Nicely On A Dual Screen Setup?

Dec 15, 2010

In my corporate environment, I'm required to run a Windows machine that acquires a VNC session on a machine in the server farm. My windows machine is dual head with different resolution monitors ( 1600x1080 on left and 1920x1200 on right). If I create a VNC session that spans the monitors, then maximizing a window in the VNC session causes it to stretch across both my monitors.

Instead, I want a "maximize" event to behave like it does on my windows machine -- I only want to maximize to the display that the window is on.

How can I define what, what I'll call, "maximize regions"? Regions in the VNC graphical plane where when I click "maximize", the window only expands to the region it currently ( and mostly) resides in.

Can I do this in gnome, X, xrandr, or some other magical interface?

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General :: KDE Distro Based On Debian That Is As Good As OpenSUSE ?

May 10, 2010

All my friends say, OpenSuse is the best distro. I have tried it, but I just can't make it work for me. I have a lot of problems touchpad not working properly, wireless, it crashes. It looks good, but I need a distro which will work on my dell Vostro 1700. I have found Ubuntu (gnome) best for my laptop, but I would like to try (KDE) something more polished like OpenSuse. A distro which works like a charm.

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General :: Lightweight Distro Based On Debian - Ubuntu

Aug 7, 2010

I have an old Dell cpt500 laptop with a 4 gig hard drive, I am looking to install a lightweight distro based on Debian/Ubuntu.

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General :: Double Display On IBook G3?

Feb 20, 2010

I've been getting a weird display on my Mac iBook G3 power PC W/ Dual USB.This has happened on Kunbuntu 9.04 PPC and Ubuntu 9.10 PPC. Both are standardnstalled fully patched.Attached is a picture of the display as you can see the right 2 inches is black and 2 inches from the bottom is where the display start over again.

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General :: Old Ppc IBook G3 Xorg Display?

Dec 26, 2010

So currently im attempting to resurect an old ibook with debian and ran accross an issue with the display after installing xorg. After researching I found a thread that posibly has exact same problem and seem to have found a solution with a modified xorg.conf (link included bellow for refrence). Any how I can realy use this fix yet because I dont seem to have access to download forum attachments.

To be more of a constructive post though, any other resources or information that can help me with this problem? Short of that post I have found very little other than just playing around with xorg.conf configurations Also while im at is there any recomendations for a lightweight window manager that would work well for this old system when I do fix this display problem? The labtop is 500 MHz with 64 megs of ram. My current plan is to install Xfce but im quite open to other recomendations. [URL]..

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General :: Debian Libfaac0 Requires Version Of Libc6 That Is Much Higher Than Distro

Jan 14, 2009

I think I need to upgrade my libfaac libraries due to some problems I am having with ffmpeg (the libraries are in the package 'libfaac0'). However, it won't install it because my version of libc6 is really out of date, supposedly (but it is actually the most up-to-date version).Do I need to manually upgrade libc6 or is something else messed up? I don't want to do anything that would put me at risk of screwing up a lot of dependencies.

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General :: Live Cd To Install On An Apple G3 Ibook ?

Jul 24, 2010

I am having trouble finding a live cd to install on an apple g3 ibook. I have 256 mg ram, and want to erase hard drive and install linux. How can I find a live cd to install. I am thinking about debian or slackware.

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Debian Configuration :: Possible To Reinstall Original Kernel?

Apr 23, 2010

I'm running lenny 2.6.26-2-686 and have accidently lost some of my kernel modules is it possible (and painless) to reinstall this kernel? if I do what data will I loose? will it effect my raid1 setup?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Shutdown Prompt In Every Gnome Distro

Sep 3, 2010

Every single Gnome based distro I have tried on a desktop machine has immediately popped up with the Log Out, Shut Down etc prompt as soon as the desktop loads. I doesn't happen with any KDE based distro!

I have tried resetting the CMOS/BIOS etc and it's not the Power Pack, tried two!

The machine is a Fujitsu Siemens Desktop with 3GB RAM, decent graphics etc...

I've tried KDE distros and don't like them as much and really want to get back to a Gnome environment.

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Software :: Distro Which Supports Gnome And NVidia GeForce 9600?

Jul 21, 2011

Can anyone recommend a good fairly current distro which provides Gnome and well-supports an Nvidia Geforce 9600 GSO card? It appears the current versions of Ubuntu 10.10 and Linux Mint 11 do not, meaning they are now useless to me.

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Debian Installation :: Reinstalling With Original CD And Additional Packages?

Jan 19, 2010

What is the simplest way to combine an original installation CD with several hundred additional packages that I have downloaded since the installation? My goal is not to waste future bandwidth downloading packages I already have downloaded. Bandwidth has costs both in time and money.

Background Recently I started experimenting in earnest with Debian Lenny in VirtualBox. I am new to Debian but not Linux based systems. I have seen enough the past several days with my experiments that I would like to migrate from my current Linux based system to Debian.

I installed the Debian 5.03 KDE CD to a virtual machine. In the past several days I have downloaded and installed several hundred packages since the initial installation. I have encountered no major hiccups along the way.

For future use and safekeeping, I copied all of the downloaded packages from /var/cache/apt/archives to a different directory. To become more comfortable with the Debian installation process, I want to repeat the installation several times using the original 5.03 KDE CD --- and all of the subsequently downloaded packages.

As I am new to Debian I am looking for advice and instructions for the simplest way to perform these reinstallations. I would like to perform them without any internet connection. If I understand correctly, I can copy the additional packages to a DVD and then use apt-cdrom to add the disk to my sources.list. Then I should be able to 1) use the Debian 5.03 KDE CD to perform the initial installation, 2) install the additional packages manually. If I understand correctly, something like dpkg -i * should work with the additional packages? Doable?

The "common sense" way is to somehow merge the original Debian 5.03 KDE CD with my additional packages to create my own personal Debian 5.03 KDE Plus DVD for my personal installation use. All I would want is to merge the downloaded packages into the original CD to create my own installation DVD. Nothing fancy or dramatic. Being new to Debian I don't pretend to understand the Debian Installer mechanism. Yet I can tell from the original CD image that I need to merge my additional packages into the pool directory.

I found the wiki how-to for simple-cdd. I started to run the app but stopped because I was unsure how much bandwidth the app is using. The simple-cdd tool needs internet access, but is simple-cdd downloading all the deb packages again? I don't want any of the installed packages to be re-downloaded when I already have them at hand. I'm not comprehending the how-to very well or the various options. I also want to perform a complete installation without an internet connection.

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