General :: Live Cd To Install On An Apple G3 Ibook ?

Jul 24, 2010

I am having trouble finding a live cd to install on an apple g3 ibook. I have 256 mg ram, and want to erase hard drive and install linux. How can I find a live cd to install. I am thinking about debian or slackware.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: How To Install Only On IBook G4

Mar 13, 2010

I'm trying to install ubuntu on an old iBook G4. I have two cds (9.10 (not PPC specific) and 8.04.1 (the PPC specific version)) along with the G4 install cds. I've tried booting while holding down C, and I've tried to boot holding down option. When the boot menu comes up it does not recognize either one. I've also reset the PRAM.I've read a lot of guides, and look through this very thoroughly. I don't even want to dual boot, just Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Mac - Install On Ibook G4

Jul 5, 2011

I want to install Ubuntu on my ibook G4 (I don't care to have a dual boot) but I can't find a simple and concise set of instructions here.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Install New Kernel With Audio In Ibook G4?

Feb 3, 2010

how to compile my own kernel for a ibook g4 and when you install it all works, because more and I compile everything but the audio worked, nose on me but I'm not mistaken at the sound card detected. I can do where there is a good manual?where can I get a kernel to this machine and it compiled?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: HOW To Install Lucid On An IBook G4 1.3 Ghz 12"

May 31, 2010

I was fiddling with trying to get KMS working for about a week till I realized that it was probably broken and decided to drop it and use userspace DRI. Lo and behold, it was faster than I think I've ever gotten out of this model before. I'm aware that KMS supposedly supports the Mobility Radeon chip in this machine, but until I can find an easy way to get it to work, I'm probably going to stick with UMS. That being said, if anybody can get KMS working, I'd LOVE to change the tutorial around a bit.That being said, I'd like to take a moment to address a few things. This is not a tutorial for all iBooks, or all PPC Macs for Lucid. I cannot stress enough that your mileage may vary, and you should not hold me responsible for your individual situation.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Apple Ibook Won't Boot

Dec 2, 2010

I have been given an Apple Ibook that wont boot

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Ubuntu / Apple :: No Wifi On Ibook G4 With 10.04?

May 6, 2010

I thought it would be great to update to the latest version of ppc ubuntu on my old ibook g4, so i did just that. Everything seemed to install correctly, and the broadcom driver was properly detected and downloaded...however...when I connect to my wireless network, I can't get any data flow. No web pages, no connection to empathy...nothing.verything worked so flawlessly in 9.10, and I had just been using the wireless connection before I installed 10.04, so I know the hardware is fine

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Installing 10.04 On Ibook G3

Jan 2, 2011

I have an ibook g3 that I'm trying to resurrect with Ubuntu 10.04. However, booting into live CD always freezes it at some point in the installation process. I got it installed but everything takes five minutes to open. any way to make it faster?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: 10.4 Glitching On Ibook?

Jan 18, 2011

I have an old ibook g4. I was trying to install 10.04 on it. It booted from the cd,but when I installed ubuntu there were 2 or three error messages near the end that it couldnt delete some files. When I restarted, the computer went fine, until it got to a black screen with white text, which said it couldn't find files and said it would reboot in 180 seconds. I let it, and it just ended up the same. Did I trash my computer?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Compiling Java On Ibook?

Mar 18, 2010

I just installed ubuntu 9.10 on my ibook G4 and now i am wondering: how would i compile .java files and run then in xterm? What packages would i have to install? What commands would i use to do the compiling and the running? Would i use the gcj

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Ubuntu / Apple :: IBook Screen Just Goes Off Unexpectedly - Fix This?

May 23, 2010

I have been running Ubuntu in my iBook/g4 800, 12' inch screen since jaunty and I must confess that I have had a fair share of graphics issue, however, since karmic, my computer would just go off especially when the AC is disconnected then on plugging back the AC, it comes back on but with the windows or the previous items on the screen completely deformed, that kind of deformation you would only blame graphics for. So the deformation stays for long and a reboot is all I'm left with.While still in karmic, i thought an upgrade to Lucid would get things back in place but that never happened, so I have been wondering what to do. I thought of a key combination that would turn on the screen in an iBook but I cant seem to find that through google, so I'm left with just fixing the underlying issue which according to some post on the Internet, wrong graphics settings might cause the monitor to shut down unexpectedly. I don't know exactly what exactly am I supposed to do? If that post is anything to go by, here is my xorg.conf(I know karmic+ does not need this but my system needs it) code...

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Cant Update Jaunty Ppc On Ibook G4?

Dec 24, 2010

so after install several different versions of ubuntu on my ibook g4 I finally got xubuntu jaunty up and running. the problem is it wont update anything when i run sudo apt-get update it fails to fetch anything from the repos. also when i go to aplications software sources it wont let me check the important security updates tab at all.I installed ubuntu hardy on my g4 powermac and that runs just fine but it doesn't work correctly on my ibook so i would really like to stick with jaunty but i cant seem to find a is my sources.list

# deb cdrom:[Xubuntu 9.04 _Jaunty Jackalope_ - Release powerpc (20090423)]/ jaunty main
# See for how to upgrade to
# newer versions of the distribution.


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Ubuntu / Apple :: Scrolling Is Laggy On IBook G4?

Feb 20, 2011

So I recently installed Ubuntu 10.04 on my 800 MHz iBook G4 with a Radeon 9200. After messing around with the xorg file, I was able to get compiz working well - but now the only problem I'm having is that scrolling in any window is ridiculously choppy - comparable to scrolling a window of a computer over remote desktop.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Can't Connect To Airport Extreme On IBook G4

May 11, 2010

I was easily able to install Ubuntu 10.04 (powerpc version) on my old iBook G4 just to see what it was like. After installation, I tried to connect to my Airport Extreme, and it didn't work.

For the past few days, I have been trying to research how to be able to connect to my Airport Extreme, and I have had no luck. Apparently, there is some sort of driver that I have to install called b43-fwcutter, but I have no clue where to find it or how to install it.

Btw, the iBook obviously isn't the only computer I have, so I am able to download necessary packages on other computers, and transport it with USB flashdrives.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Ibook Boots To A Black Screen

Jul 17, 2010

after spending more than 48 hours watching the install bar creep along, it has finally finished! but when i boot up my ibook it gos to a black screen and nothing happens.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: IBook G3 Dual USB Livecd On Fw Or USB Drive?

Sep 23, 2010

I have an old iBook G3 12" Dual USB (M7692LL/A) with 128Mb extra of RAM.

I was trying to boot Ubuntu from an external USB DVD and a FW CD drive, and the same thing happened. When I select the disc from the boot select screen and press enter, the colors get funky and it stays like that for minutes!

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Ubuntu / Apple :: 10.10 IBook G4 PPC Blank Screen After Installation?

May 17, 2011

I installed Ubuntu 10.10 alternate PPC on my iBook G4. I have to used this command upon installation or else it went to white screen which doesn't go away:

install video=ofonly

Installation went smooth till the end.

After reboot, it did prompt me to pick l or c, then yaboot screen appear. However, after I entered 'Linux' and hit Enter, nothing happened - blank screen.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Installing Onto IBook G3 Through External Harddrive?

Jul 26, 2011

I have a iBook G3 that dosnt want to boot up at all. It makes the ding then a grey screen pops up. How do I install Ubuntu onto my iBook G3 with a external USB harddrive? is there a way?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: IBook G3 - Screen Started To Turn Pink ?

May 8, 2010

I have an iBook G3 and about 4 months ago after Mac OSX was corrupted I installed Ubuntu 9.10 on it. During the install the screen was divided and partly blacked out but when I installed it, the resolution was fine and the OS encompassed the whole screen.

After a few weeks everything on the screen started to turn pink until all the colours on the whole screen were a shade of pink! I decided that I would abandon my laptop as I had a fully functioning Ubuntu desktop which was my preferable computer to use anyway.

Following the release of Ubuntu 10.04 I decided that I would try a fresh install on my laptop. When I started the install I was disappointed to find that the screen was divided and everything was shaded pink. I went ahead with the install regardless hoping that everything would be fine once I installed Ubuntu. Once again I was let down, the screen was still divided and pink. I have included some pictures for you to have a look at.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: 10.04 & MythTV Frontend On IBook G4 - No Sound And Video On Playback

Jun 8, 2010

I set up Ubuntu on an old iBook G4, planning to use it as a front end to my main box. Installed 10.04 no problem, and from there, used Software Center to install MythTV Front end. Have done the same thing on a netbook, no problem.

However, on this PPC Mac, the front end works fine, navigation, menus, etc, until I try to play a recorded programme - the screen is blank, and I just get white noise from the speakers.

(BTW am trying Ubuntu as I don't have a Mac OS new enough to get any of the current Mac MythFrontEnd builds working)

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Ibook G4 (9.10) "resume" After Closing Lid / Sort It?

Jan 12, 2010

I installed ubuntu 9.10 on my ibook g4 that i just bought recently (i hate mac xD) it all went perfect... the only things that im concerned about is if i close the lid it goes to sleep... but when i open it again i only see a black screen with a mouse on it! (hard reboot is required)

i read somewhere that you need to disable dri in a file named xorg.conf but i cant find that file and the topic where i read it was 5 years old so im not sure what to do now xD

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Partition G5 For Ubuntu Install From Live Cd

Apr 20, 2011

I get to step 4 in the install and it tells me i don't have enough free space. I go to "specify partitions manually" and i'm lost. Mac osx partition leaves has all the space and it wont let me shrink it nor have i been able to create a free space partition. Anybody recognize where my problem is?

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Debian Installation :: IBook G3 Stalls On Install

Aug 28, 2010

I am trying to install the PPC kernel on an iBook G3. The CDs boot up, however both the net-install and the regular install cd both freeze up after it looks for harddisks. The screen is blue. The box title says

"Loading additional components"
"Retrieving lvm2-udeb"

I have no clue what to do. I am trying to get an error readout, but nothing but the power button works. It shuts it off. I check the system clock and it was wrong, but I got it set to the correct time. I don't have and OSX disks. I am wanting a full Linux HD. Please let me know how to trouble shoot. (I have seen that many people have no problem installing this on there macs. The os is still working on the os side, but I want to switch it to Linux.)

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Debian Installation :: CD-Change During Install On An Ibook G4 ?

Jul 17, 2011

since a whole week now i am trying to set up a Debian System on an old Ibook G4, with 1.2 GHz and 768 MB RAM. My Install Media is the Wheezy 8-CD-Set. I am not going to have anything besides Debian on the Notebook.

The Install process works fine until the Installation of the Core System. At the end of this process a window pops up and tells me that the CD with the title Wheezy-CD-1 or something like that is inserted and asks me to insert another CD or DVD now. Up to this point everything seems fine to me, but when i hit the "OK" Button the CD won´t come out of the Notebook, and besides that the Installer freezes. A progress bar, entitled with "executing cdset", is shown at a progress of 25% and does not move, also nothing happens when i try to cancel the process.

Whats the problem with my Installation? I already downloaded a second copy of the first Image and burned it again in case something was wrong with Installation Media, but the problem is still the same.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: The Default Option Is "live" Bla Bla Bla But In Case Of Problems Use "Live Video=ofonly"?

Apr 22, 2011

I've got an old iMac g3 on which I'd like to install Ubuntu Dapper Drake.Here's the problem:I insert the disk in the computer.Keep pressing "C" till this comes out:Quote:"The default option is "live" bla bla bla but in case of problems use "Live video=ofonly"I write "Live".The orange progress bar appears, but the the screen becomes black.I still can hear sounds: the classic ubuntu log-in music, but I can not see anything: I guess the live has started, but the screen is just black.By pressing CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE I'm able to come back to shell.

Once rebooted, I try "Live video=ofonly".Again the orange progress bar, but then this message comes outQuote:"Failed to start the X Server, It is likely that is not set up correctly. Would you like to view the server output to diagnose the problem?"Even if I dont select anything, some random words appear in the screen, too fast for me to read them.Then I'm back to shell.I read here (that the problem is caused by Xorg and that the solution can but editing his configuration by using Quote:sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.confBut I just don't know when to do that: Ubuntu is not installed yet and there is only MacOS 9.2 on that machine.

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Debian Installation :: Ethernet Not Found Squeeze Net Install PPC Ibook G4?

Apr 21, 2010

I was going to try out Squeeze on my ibook so I downloaded one of the weekly snapshots of the netinstall image and booted the installer. The installer was unable to recognize the ethernet card of my ibook which I found odd since I have used Lenny in the past without having any problems. Does anyone know if this is a bug in the installer or has firmware for my ethernet card been dropped from Squeeze? I searched around and couldn't find any bugs that were specific to PPC with this installer. It is not a deal breaker as I can just install Lenny and then dist upgrade to Squeeze,

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Ubuntu / Apple :: How To Boot From Live CD

Jun 9, 2010

I keep running into things that say "Boot from the live CD" and I'm trying to expand one of my hard drive partitions right now using gparted, and I need to boot from the live cd.... but I can't seem to figure out how to do that.

Is this an easy thing?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Making A Live USB On Mac?

Aug 11, 2010

I am writing in order to find information on making a Live USB with Ubuntu with a Mac.
I have a laptop that Im going to install Ubuntu but I cannot use it to make the Live USB for various reasons.

In the past, I used on my laptop the "Unetbootin" software to make a Ubuntu Live USB and it did worked well. Now, I just realized that Unetbootin can only be used with Linux or Windows so I would really appreciate if someone could provide information and maybe name a software that could be useful to me to do this task.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Using 10.10 Live CD With G4 MDD 1.25GHZ?

Jan 13, 2011

trying to test out ubuntu 10.10 on my G4 mDD 1.25GHZ 2GB RAM and am able to boot the ISO file from disc and then get to the screen where you type in all that live-nosplash stuff and have tried all the diff combos with like video=ofonly and stuff and can't seem to get it to work. I've gotten as far as seeing the purple ubuntu screen with the white dots and then the screen blacks out and then i hear the ubuntu chime.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Running An App From Live CD/USB?

Jan 15, 2011

I'm going to create either a live CD or USB to demo Ubuntu on my Intel Mac Mini. I'd be doing this only to test one piece of software under Linux.

Is it possible to run the software from my live CD or USB just as I would running Linux (thus, without the need for the software to be installed on a HD)? If so, where do I need to save the software file(s) when creating my live CD or USB?

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