General :: Old Ppc IBook G3 Xorg Display?

Dec 26, 2010

So currently im attempting to resurect an old ibook with debian and ran accross an issue with the display after installing xorg. After researching I found a thread that posibly has exact same problem and seem to have found a solution with a modified xorg.conf (link included bellow for refrence). Any how I can realy use this fix yet because I dont seem to have access to download forum attachments.

To be more of a constructive post though, any other resources or information that can help me with this problem? Short of that post I have found very little other than just playing around with xorg.conf configurations Also while im at is there any recomendations for a lightweight window manager that would work well for this old system when I do fix this display problem? The labtop is 500 MHz with 64 megs of ram. My current plan is to install Xfce but im quite open to other recomendations. [URL]..

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General :: Double Display On IBook G3?

Feb 20, 2010

I've been getting a weird display on my Mac iBook G3 power PC W/ Dual USB.This has happened on Kunbuntu 9.04 PPC and Ubuntu 9.10 PPC. Both are standardnstalled fully patched.Attached is a picture of the display as you can see the right 2 inches is black and 2 inches from the bottom is where the display start over again.

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General :: IBook G3 Dual USB Ubuntu 10.04 And Dual Display ATI Configuration?

Sep 20, 2010

I would like to use the VGA-Port for Beamer in "Mirror" Mode how to modify the xorg.conf? I am not familiar with linux configuration.

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Ubuntu :: IBook Display \ Screen Is Split Up In A Rather Strange Way?

Jun 22, 2010

I've been working on getting Linux on this iBook I have.It's running fine HOWEVERThe screen is split up in a rather strange way.I've drawn a diagram, but I can't post it due to the fact I haven't made 15 posts yet.I have a full working desktop in the top left.About 2 inches of the right are just black, and I can't move my mouse over it.Under the address bar, there is a mysterious white line, that extends into the black.Under that, there is the top 2 inches of my desktop being shown again.

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General :: Xorg Setup - Display The Screen To Choose Horizontal And Vertical Settings For The Monitor

Nov 21, 2010

This is my third SLackware install. I installed 10,12, now 13. the Xorgsetup has changed I think, it does not display the screen to choose Horizontal and Vertical settings for the monitor. In addition, how can I set the Refresh rate?

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Ubuntu :: Xorg Not Detecting Display Properly

Aug 10, 2010

I am new to Ubuntu.I have used Gentoo Linux for about ten years, but got to a point in my life where fixing problems is not as much fun as it used to be. I just need something that works, and so I switched to Ubuntu.So recently, I decided to hook up my desktop computer to my 40" LCD TV. It's running an onboard Nvida geforce 7150 with 256 MB of RAM. It's got an HDMI out put that I'm running directly to my TV. The problem is, it's not detecting the size of the TV quite properly, and I lose the top and bottom of the screen, where my gnome menus and icons are. I can't boot into recovery mode because it no longer shows me my grub menu. I can't reconfigure X because I can't stop X from running. Not sure that it would help anyway. I do still have the LCD that it worked with before that I could hook up if need be, but I'd really prefer not to have to move it to where the TV is.I'm running the latest Ubuntu for AMD64, with a 1.6GHz Core 2 Duo and 2GB of RAM. Any advice?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Xorg/HDMI Display Anomalies With LCD TV

Feb 28, 2010

I just bought a new desktop with integrated intel graphics and built in HDMI. I don't have a monitor, only a 42 inch LCD TV. Now, when I plugged in the HDMI cable, when ubuntu loaded, it was oversized(overscanned) cutting off both panels(think zoomed in a bit). After failing to fix, I bought an ATI HD4350. When using the open source ati drivers(default on reboot), the screen looked perfect and fit perfectly when using the DVI to HDMI cable to the TV, was a bit UNDERsized when using a regular HDMI cable to the HDMI port on the new video card. Now, when I installed Catalyst...same problem as before. Entire image was overscanned using either port. Decided to get a better video card anyways, so returned ATI for Nvidia 9500. When booting again into a clean install, with nv drivers and using DVI-> HDMI cable(9500 doesn't have HDMI out), the image again fit perfectly on the TV. When installing the Nvidia proprietary driver, image goes back to being overscanned(Exactly same proportion as intel HDMI out and ATI with catalyst). Thankfully Nvidia gives an overscan correction tool that I scaled the picture down with, but it's ever so slightly off center or our of proportion(that is, it leaves small black strip on either side when height is adjusted perfectly).

In a nutshell, the open source drivers display perfectly. Proprietary and intel drivers are overscanned. Now, to confuse you anymore, with Lucid, even the open source ATI driver is overscanned by default. I'm trying to track this problem down and have no idea where to start.

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Ubuntu :: Xorg Finally Properly Display Any Of Computers?

Oct 7, 2010

i've finally given up playing with xorg.. i've been with ubuntu since dapper, and wasted countless hours configuring ubuntu to properly display on 3 different computers. the old xorg configuration used to at least provide a functional xorg.conf to work with, but in lucid all i get is a bunch of gibber jabber (as Mr. T would say). why does my mouse need to load dri and xgl modules? this is just a mess.. the nouveau drivers don't display properly on 2 of the 3 computers and leaves all kinds of artifacts, nvidia drivers dont display proper resolutions on monitors that nv and nouveau do, and leaves artifacts at boot and shutdown, and nv doesn't display proper resolutions on 2 of the 3, and previous xorg.conf files that i've saved sometimes work with upgrades, and sometimes don't [end rant] Anyway, i give up, it's too much pain and wasted time, so i'm wondering if i overlooked a program or something that can actually properly create a new xorg.conf that will work with the newest ubuntu, or if any other linux distro can configure displays better then ubuntu..i've heard suze is much more friendly for nvidia users (can anyone confirm?) and i know puppy linux has an excellent configuration wizard for this that's worked on all 3 computers but puppy isn't what im looking for as a main os. will ubuntu EVER start providing reliable tools for this, rather than assuming that people arnt having problems because many of those that are simply go back to windows...?

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Ubuntu :: Use A Live CD To Reset Xorg And Screen Display?

Feb 18, 2011

Can I copy the setting of the live cd in my current 10.10 build? If Not can I do a new clean install of 10.10 over my current upgraded 10.10 build? My display is screwed & I don't know how to fix it

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Change Primary Display With Ati Ccc Or Xorg.config?

Apr 8, 2011

I have google'd the crap out of this and have yet to find a "solved" forum. I currently have 2 sapphire ati 5770's in xfire. I also have two monitors. My (preferred) primary display has a dvi input and my other display is hdmi. I have them both plugged into only one of the cards. For some reason it keeps setting the hdmi display as the primary. And I want them in extended view. The ATI CCC suite does not support changing the primary monitor and I have tinkered with the xconfig but I do not really know what I am doing, so I have ultimately not been successful. here is my xorg.config file.

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "aticonfig Layout"
Screen 0 "aticonfig-Screen[0]-0" 0 0


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Ubuntu :: Restore Xorg Files \ When Boot The Display Tells That There Is No Input?

Oct 13, 2010

I messed up my xorg file and now my pc wont start, when i boot ubuntu the display tells me that there is no input.

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Fedora Hardware :: System-config-display Creates Incorrect Xorg.conf?

Mar 3, 2010

Now that I have system-config-display installed I tried to create a new xorg.conf so I can have 3D acceleration, etc using the correct driver. But the xorg.conf file generated does not work. It locks up the laptop (Toshiba Satellite A45-S250). I don't understand why this happens because the Fedora 12 Live CD (for i686) works find on boot.

I tried looking for the xorg.conf file after booting the live CD but it doesn't exist. I don't understand what is happening here. Also, when I used an older version of Fedora (8 I think) the X driver was i810 which worked fine. It gave me all the 3D acceleration, etc. When I installed F11 it gave me a dumbed down install using the VESA driver. What happened to the i810 driver? Why does the intel driver not work? Why does the Live CD work great but an installed system not?

Necessary info: Toshiba Satellite A45-S25 Fedora 12 (preupgraded from F11)

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General :: Live Cd To Install On An Apple G3 Ibook ?

Jul 24, 2010

I am having trouble finding a live cd to install on an apple g3 ibook. I have 256 mg ram, and want to erase hard drive and install linux. How can I find a live cd to install. I am thinking about debian or slackware.

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General :: Gnome And Debian Are Too Large For My Original IBook. What Distro/gui Should I Use?

Jun 19, 2011

The machine I'm using has a PowerPC architecture so I'm somewhat limited to what flavors of Linux I can use and I don't want to go back to Mac OS 8.9. The HD is only 3.3 GB so I can't get both Debian and GNOME on it.

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General :: Debian Squeeze PowerPC On IBook / Relentless DriveReady SeekComplete Errors

Jan 28, 2011

I've been trying to set up MintPPC on my girlfriend's old iBook. I started with the debian squeeze installation from a burned cd. Everything went fine and i booted into the new system.

No matter what I try to install I get that error, with different sectors each time. I can install .debs using dpkg just fine, I can compile source code. apt-get just won't work.I've been reading about this for hours, and the machine is currently running e2fsck -c on the main filesystem. It is a more or less never ending stream of those errors with a few that reference task_pio_intr rather than dma_intr thrown in for good measure.I've been reading for hours but I haven't found anything on the google or forums that matches my problem(or atleast not that I could understand).

From my research I've tried hdparm to change the DMA mode, slower and faster and no luck, removing the .bins in one of the apt folders, and reinstalling debian.I've read the posts I could find on here, and mostly the problem seemed to be intermittent for them. For me it is only when I use apt-get, and now apparently e2fsck(badblocks). It happens every single time with apt, I can't use it to install anything. But i've done plenty of other file operations without a bump.Any suggestions would be most welcome! Especially an in depth explanation of what that message means. I'm happy to do my own research and work, I just have no idea what's going on!

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Ubuntu :: Xorg Doesn't Detect Monitor / Won't Display Higher Than 800x600 On A 1400x900 Monitor

Apr 3, 2010

I installed Karmic on an older PC I had laying around, and the only trouble I am having is with screen resolution. It uses an old ATI chipset (onboard) for video, and it doesn't seem to do EDID correctly, so I can't display anything higher than 800x600. I have tried creating an xorg.conf, but it's still not working. How can I tell Xorg to ignore the fact it can't detect a widescreen monitor and display something larger than 800x600? I noticed the log says the sync's are out of range, but I am not sure how to fix it.

Here is my current xorg.conf.

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier " Configured"
Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0
InputDevice "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"


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General :: Know Which Display Number For The Variable DISPLAY To Be Exported When Ssh To Server?

Dec 26, 2010

When i ssh to server using -X, i always confuse about which display number i should export. It seems to me sometimes the display number has been used by something, so what i can do is only

export DISPLAY=localhost:0 && xclock
export DISPLAY=localhost:1 && xclock
export DISPLAY=localhost:2 && xclock


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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Centos 5.4 Hardware - Display Driver Not Support And Also Missing Xorg.config File?

Jun 15, 2011

I tried to installed Centos5.4 version on Dell PC intel corei3 inspiron580s and succeeded but found some issues following below

1 Hardware issue for LAN driver ( Broadcomlink(TM)gigabit ethernet)

2 Display Driver not support and also missing Xorg.config file (i.e ., My Screen Starts from center of screen )

3. What is minimum configuration for centos 5.4 ?

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General :: X11 Forwarding - Error: Can't Open Display: <ip Of Display>

Jun 28, 2011

I have the following scenario that doesn't seem to work normally. I have a windows 7 pc from which I am using putty to connect to my other linux servers (all running redhat 5 and 6). So here is the scenario that works and one that does not work. And I'm trying to figure out the one that does not work. Scenario that works:

From windows 7 (putty) I ssh into Linux_Server_1.

I run xclock and I see it pop up on my windows 7 pc. I am using xming on windows 7 to help me populate the display from linux to windows. One that does not work:

From windows 7 (putty) I ssh into Linux_Server_1. Then from Linux_Server_1 I ssh into Linux_Server_2.
<no output>

I try to setup $DISPLAY with localhost:10.0 or 0.0 or even my windows 7 pc ip address:0.0 ....etc Then when I try to run xclock I doesn't work.

I get these error messages: Error: Can't open display: <ip of display>

Also as a side note all our Linux servers are sitting on one subnet. My pc is sitting on another subnet. I use vpn to connect to the subnet where the servers sit from my pc.

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OpenSUSE :: Xorg.0.log The The Xorg ATI Driver Is Failing ALL Options?

Jun 18, 2011

I found in my xorg.0.log the the xorg ATI driver is failing ALL options.

(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
[ 8.942] (WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/TTF/" does not exist.
[ 8.942] (WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/OTF/" does not exist.
[ 8.942] (WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/TTF/" does not exist.


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Ubuntu / Apple :: How To Install Only On IBook G4

Mar 13, 2010

I'm trying to install ubuntu on an old iBook G4. I have two cds (9.10 (not PPC specific) and 8.04.1 (the PPC specific version)) along with the G4 install cds. I've tried booting while holding down C, and I've tried to boot holding down option. When the boot menu comes up it does not recognize either one. I've also reset the PRAM.I've read a lot of guides, and look through this very thoroughly. I don't even want to dual boot, just Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: No Wifi On Ibook G4 With 10.04?

May 6, 2010

I thought it would be great to update to the latest version of ppc ubuntu on my old ibook g4, so i did just that. Everything seemed to install correctly, and the broadcom driver was properly detected and downloaded...however...when I connect to my wireless network, I can't get any data flow. No web pages, no connection to empathy...nothing.verything worked so flawlessly in 9.10, and I had just been using the wireless connection before I installed 10.04, so I know the hardware is fine

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Ubuntu :: Internet Sharing From IBook G4

Jul 11, 2010

I am using a much older desktop as a Ubuntu desktop running 10.4. I use internet sharing from my iBook G4. I haven't changed anything from yesterday, when it worked perfectly, but now it can't find any server, whether it be internet or IRC. I've tried different ethernet cords, restarting both computers, etc, but to no avail.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Installing 10.04 On Ibook G3

Jan 2, 2011

I have an ibook g3 that I'm trying to resurrect with Ubuntu 10.04. However, booting into live CD always freezes it at some point in the installation process. I got it installed but everything takes five minutes to open. any way to make it faster?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: 10.4 Glitching On Ibook?

Jan 18, 2011

I have an old ibook g4. I was trying to install 10.04 on it. It booted from the cd,but when I installed ubuntu there were 2 or three error messages near the end that it couldnt delete some files. When I restarted, the computer went fine, until it got to a black screen with white text, which said it couldn't find files and said it would reboot in 180 seconds. I let it, and it just ended up the same. Did I trash my computer?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Mac - Install On Ibook G4

Jul 5, 2011

I want to install Ubuntu on my ibook G4 (I don't care to have a dual boot) but I can't find a simple and concise set of instructions here.

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Debian Installation :: IBook G3 Stalls On Install

Aug 28, 2010

I am trying to install the PPC kernel on an iBook G3. The CDs boot up, however both the net-install and the regular install cd both freeze up after it looks for harddisks. The screen is blue. The box title says

"Loading additional components"
"Retrieving lvm2-udeb"

I have no clue what to do. I am trying to get an error readout, but nothing but the power button works. It shuts it off. I check the system clock and it was wrong, but I got it set to the correct time. I don't have and OSX disks. I am wanting a full Linux HD. Please let me know how to trouble shoot. (I have seen that many people have no problem installing this on there macs. The os is still working on the os side, but I want to switch it to Linux.)

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Debian Installation :: CD-Change During Install On An Ibook G4 ?

Jul 17, 2011

since a whole week now i am trying to set up a Debian System on an old Ibook G4, with 1.2 GHz and 768 MB RAM. My Install Media is the Wheezy 8-CD-Set. I am not going to have anything besides Debian on the Notebook.

The Install process works fine until the Installation of the Core System. At the end of this process a window pops up and tells me that the CD with the title Wheezy-CD-1 or something like that is inserted and asks me to insert another CD or DVD now. Up to this point everything seems fine to me, but when i hit the "OK" Button the CD wonŽt come out of the Notebook, and besides that the Installer freezes. A progress bar, entitled with "executing cdset", is shown at a progress of 25% and does not move, also nothing happens when i try to cancel the process.

Whats the problem with my Installation? I already downloaded a second copy of the first Image and burned it again in case something was wrong with Installation Media, but the problem is still the same.

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Debian Configuration :: Firmware For Ibook G4 Wlan?

Jul 18, 2011

IŽve set up a Squeeze System on an old Ibook G4 and, besides wlan, everything works fine.i guess i need some firmware, i have tried several things and couldnt resolve the problem. I am unsure which firmware i actually need, or of something else has to be done.iŽll post the outputs of ifconfig, iwconfig and lspci and hope someone who could guess the problem or find the solution with it.

root@debian:/home/robert# ifconfig
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet Hardware Adresse 00:11:24:32:20:54
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0


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Ubuntu / Apple :: Compiling Java On Ibook?

Mar 18, 2010

I just installed ubuntu 9.10 on my ibook G4 and now i am wondering: how would i compile .java files and run then in xterm? What packages would i have to install? What commands would i use to do the compiling and the running? Would i use the gcj

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