General :: Fedora Installation Caused Probs In Windows?

Mar 1, 2010

I installed fedora 10 recently in my lap which had Windows Vista Home Premium. And now there is a prob tat i could access only Fedora. If i try booting into Vista it says

"BootMgr is missing Press ctrl+alt+delete to restart" I came to know tat I shud have actually installed fedora first before windows. Now i wanted to know how to Get both fedora and windows in my laptop

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Fedora Installation :: Monitor Setting Caused Out Of Range

May 12, 2009

I think the settings in /etc/X11/ are wrong. I do know what the settings should be and have SSH access, (root plus password). Being new to linux I cannot figure out how to save the file after editing. I have been using: vi /etc/X11/ to get to the file, but haven't been able to save the file.

the edit and save commands I need, I hate to do an entire install since this is about my 6th install.

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Server :: Open LDAP Authentication Probs

Feb 16, 2011

I'm having a pretty weird problem, and really have no idea where to begin in tracing and fixing it. But here goes.I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 on 2 machines, and have installed OpenLDAP as per the guide it all seemed to be going well having it installed and running on Server A, including authentication. So a few days later I decided to setup server B to be a slave replica. Which after a little bit of fiddling seems to working and keeping the records in sync.

Then I did an apt-get upgrade on server A. then my problem started.Basically getent passwd, only returns one entry from the LDAP and so does getent group.But a search of LDAP returns everything that's there.I've been comparing the config files between Server A and Server A for PAM etc, and everything is the same.but if I change ldap.conf on server A to point the uri ldap://server B/ and rerun getent passwd it returns all the users and getent group returns all the groups.I've compared the LDAP entries between Server A and Server B and they're staying in sync.It looks like it's more to do with ldap than the auth config if just changing the server fixes it, but as server A is the master LDAP server I'm really at a loss.

If getent was only returning local users it'd be something, but it's returning local + 1 LDAP user or 1 group. Which just seems weird.Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm sure posting some logs would be helpful, but I have no idea which so if someone can let me know what extra info would be more helpful I'll post it back asap.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Nvidia Sound Card Probs And Others?

Apr 10, 2010

I have 3 problems here that are kind of rolled into one. I will explain. They refer to my HDA Nvidia ALC 888 Sound card, Various software that comes bundled with new digital cameras, and drivers for my blood/sugar meter connected to the PC. (I am diabetic).

Senario:----- I am an experianced Windows user and have lately been looking into Linux. Having made up my mind to go for Ubuntu, I had a transition period where I was running both os. I am now pleased to say that I am now windows free and running totally Linux Ubuntu.

My problems are with the drivers for the above devices. In Windows (7) all of the devices ran perfectly, The sound card worked superbly with dolby and a host of other options. In Linux, the same sound card I dont think was picked up. It is as if I have just a generic driver giving me sound. I am still getting good sound, dont get me wrong but it just does not have that extra bite that I know the HDA Nvidia ALC 888 can produce. That I believe is the hardest question to solve..... Phew!

The other 2 are both very connected. One is the numerous software that comes bundled with new digital cameras that I have a habit of buying and the other is the software to my Roche Industries Blood/Sugar meter. I have phones Roche and they told me straight that their software does not run on Linux or Mac. As for the camera software, there are too many to mention here.

Given the 3 problems, would it be suggested I find a space on my h/d to re-install Win 7 for the said items as then I could still keep Linux as my main os. I would then have to go into Windows to play music for the real rich sound? Or, is there something I can do to get full use of my sound card in Linux?

I have been looking for 3 days now on various parts of this forum and though I have found several interesting posts, I have found none relevant to my case. I read that I could try to use OSS, I barely know what that means, if I am running it or how I get it and if I can get it how do I switch over from whatever I am using at the moment, whatever that is.

My Computer and os details are as follows... Acer Aspire x3000, AMD Phenom II x3 710 processors, 4gig RAM, 450gig h/d, Linux Ubuntu 9.10, Kernal generic-pae, Gnome 2.28.1

I feel that as I have problems with my Blood/Sugar meter it is going to be suggested that I install a small version of windows on this computer, that would certainly solve all three problems at a stroke but I am reluctant to install windows again unless I really have to, but would like the opinions of people that know a lot more than me.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrading Caused Firmware To 'disappear'

Jan 4, 2011

I am having a huge issue with my Dell inspiron 6000 and the effects the new ubuntu 10.10 is having on it. I switched this morning and forgot to back-up some of my drivers.. most importantly my wireless driver. My computer now fails to get a connection or even recognize that there is a connection it could well connect too. I have tried everyting every one has said before... i went in to terminal to install fakeroot,patch,bcmwl kernals and dkms ect ect.. I know that i have a broadcom bcm 43xx wireless card and that it worked this morning.. and that f2 and fn should turn it on. but nothing seems to work..

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Ubuntu Installation :: Nvidia Update Caused System Boot Freezing

Jun 14, 2010

I had Ubuntu working perfectly until I installed updates for the proprietary Nvidia drivers.Now Ubuntu freezes at the Ubuntu loading screen. Im using Ubuntu 10.04 64bit.I used to know how to access the terminal at bootup but I no longer remember.

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General :: Mitigating Damage Caused By Alphas?

Jun 22, 2010

I would like to test alphas (of distros and packages), but without doing so from my everyday environment.Obviously, frequent backups are essential for maintaining important files.Apart from that, what other measures can I take to prevent catastrophic data loss?Could a well-designed partition structure the chances of an alpha blowing up data on other partitions?

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General :: Filesystem Corruption Possibly Caused By Bad Blocks

Nov 5, 2010

I'm trying to RMA a month old SSD, and they're giving me a hassle about it. The drive currently seems to work just fine, but I'm 95% sure that a few blocks went bad and corrupted some data about a week ago. I was able to mostly recover the data and correct for the bad blocks, but I don't really trust the drive anymore.

I'm running an up to date Debian Squeeze install with ext4 on this drive. My system started doing some bizarre things, to the point that it was unusable, so I rebooted it. As it was booting up, it complained about needing an fsck, which found dozens of non-trivial errors that it was mostly able to fix. It then proceeded to boot normally, except the drive mounted itself as read only (due to errors). Another fsck turned up a similar number of problems. This happened a couple of times before I ran fsck with '-c', which is supposed to scan for and work around bad blocks. That seemed to fix the problem, it hasn't given any more problems since then.

The manufacturer is refusing to RMA the drive unless it's completely unmountable right now this minute, saying that it was a one time problem that could have been caused by anything. Am I right in thinking that the problem has to have been with the drive if 'fsck -c' fixed it, or could something else be going on? If it was the drive, am I somehow being unreasonable in asking for a new one while the current one is "working"?

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General :: Renaming Multiple Files Caused By Dropbox

Jul 20, 2011

Recently I installed Dropbox on a server to do file synchronization and it added " (Case Conflict 1)" to a whole bunch of my files! I realize now that it was caused by case insensitivity but I'm still left with hundreds of files that are in this renamed state. Is there a script in Linux that would allow me to recursively go through the directories and strip out this string?

a (Case Conflict 1).jpg --> a.jpg
/myfolder/abc (Case Conflict 1).doc --> /myfolder/abc.doc
/myfolder/subfolder/mydoc (Case Conflict 1).pdf --> /myfolder/subfolder/mydoc.pdf

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General :: Finding Out What Caused The Computer To Wake Up From Sleep (Ubuntu)

Dec 11, 2010

Is there any way to find out which device/event caused Ubuntu (10.10) to wake up from the most recent sleep/hibernation? I am trying to troubleshoot some sleep issues on a new box, and knowing what's causing it to wake up would help. I did check /var/log/pm-suspend.log but all it seems to say is Sat Dec 11 22:18:27 GMT 2010: Awake.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Update - Error - PkgProblemResolver:Resolve Generated Breaks - This May Be Caused By Held Packages

Oct 10, 2010

I'm trying to update my Ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10... But I get this error message:pkgProblemResolver:Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages

I tried to disable all the repositories, and also "sudo apt-get -f"... But still having this error message...

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General :: Windows XP Installation Over Fedora 13?

Aug 17, 2010

First of all, I'd like to tell you that I had installed Windows 7 (clean) on my new computer. Then, I installed Fedora 13 64-bit. Eventually, I wanted to install Windows XP, so, formatted the drive (NTFS) which had Windows 7. Now, I have Fedora 13 running good. But, now, when I'm trying to install Windows XP I'm getting different errors. At first, it was - "A disk read error has occurred. Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete to restart".

I took a MS-DOS 6 CD and booted up. Ran chkdsk, but it checked only my CD-Drive. Nothing else. When I tried to run fdisk and looked for existing paritions, it showed me nothing inspite of having 6 partitions on my 1TB HDD.

One of it is ext4 (Fedora), swap and others are FAT and NTFS. Now, after running chkdsk, when I tried to install XP, I get an error - Error loading operating system. I googled, and found this [URL].. And I'm pretty sure that my issue is "Cause" (as on the page) #3, that is - Quote:

Issue with drive's partitions. And it the solution is suggests is - Quote: This issue can be cause if the disk drives are not properly setup or have been changed by another program, such as a utility that comes with a Linux distribution. To resolve this issue, delete and recreate all the partitions before running the Windows XP setup.

I don't want to delete and recreate all the partitions I've well setup-ed Fedora installation. Does anybody know a solution?

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General :: Recover Fedora After Windows Installation?

Jan 13, 2010

In my dual booting system consisting windows & fedora 12, for some unfortunate reason I have to reinstall windows .Earlier it was XP. Now it will be Vista. Now how shall I recover my fedora after windows installation. Can I follow the following steps or I have to do something else:

#root(hd0,8) [since my / partition is in /dev/sda9]

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Fedora :: Log In Failure \ Using The Theme "wildbush" Caused XFCE To Crash?

Dec 26, 2010

I recently installed Fedora 14 and have been very pleased with how everything has been running. Unexpectedly, however, I was logged out of Fedora and have been unable to log back in since. When this happened, I was looking at the XFCE themes in preferences; I received a black screen and was then logged out (I believe that part of the error message read "buinit," although it passed very quickly so I may be wrong).Now every time I try to log in, the system tries for a few second, the screen goes black, and then it reverts to the same log in screen (with no error messages). Does anyone know what may be the cause of this problem?

Although I believe that it is unrelated, I updated the kernel approximately 30 minutes prior to this happening ( from ....10-72....). The system worked fine after the upgrade/reboot and the error occurred abruptly during regular computer use, so I do not believe that this is the source of the problem. I tried starting the older kernel version from GRUB, but am still getting this same issue.[URL]

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Fedora :: "Automatic" Update Caused Desktop Effects To Stop And Slow Downs / Sort It?

Aug 8, 2011

Seems like the latest Kernel (2.6.40-4.fc15.i686) update screwed with my setup a little bit.

This is what happened:

I had about 100 updates to my F15 pending in my taskbar's update notifier.
I let the system update itself.
Reboot and desktop effects don't work.
Takes a long time to open up Dolphin.
electricsheep (OpenGL screen saver) doesn't work.

I'm assuming it's a problem with OpenGL or my nvidia video drivers which I tried reinstalling from mjmwired's guide.

That didn't fix anything.

I'm looking for a point in the right direction or a way to revert back to my previous state before the system updated everything.

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General :: Installation Of Ubuntu Alongwith Windows Xp And Unable To Access Data From Windows

Mar 1, 2011

Last week I installed Ubuntu 10.10 on my system in dual booting. I had installed succesfully both but unable to see data files from windows OS. Though I have excercised the options in various resources available on internet/blogs. System takes about 03 hrs during installation process. I am also unable to configure Thunderbird.

System hardware info is as -
System ManufacturerVIA Technologies, Inc.
System ModelKM266APro-835
System TypeX86-based PC


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General :: Unable To Boot Into Windows Vista Installation And Only Boot Fedora

Jan 28, 2010

Having a major issue with my laptop. I am unable to boot into my Vista installation.I am currently posting this through my Fedora 11 installation which I had already. If anyone is interested, the BSOD error is:

0x0000007B (0x80399BB0, 0xC0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)

As far as I know, a '7B' BSOD is usually a hard disk error but I am 100% sure the HDD is fine as I can read and write from both Fedora and Knoppix without issue. Steps taken so far: Obviously, I have tried the usual steps of trying to start windows in safe mode, last good config, and all of the F8 options. When they failed, I used fedora to check for some solutions online (Mostly useless answers from MS) and I found one successful case when a person flashed his BIOS back to an earlier time. Unfortunately, I cant get the BIOS update I got from the Dell website to boot from a USB drive (Says invalid boot disc - the BIOS on it is in the .exe format which I can't use in linux) and I do not have a floppy drive on the laptop.

So, I put in my Dell drivers and utilities CD hoping that it would give me some option to update (Or roll back) the BIOS but there was no such option. However, it did give me a load of diagnostic options including repair options by symptom so went with the "Unable to boot from BIOS". Unfortunately, that didnt help me at all. So, I got my Vista installation disc (OEM supplied) and managed to get to the repair menu (Which I had among my F8 options anyway) but this also has the option to reinstall. Unfortunately, it states that "Upgrade is unavailable" and that a clean install is the only thing I can select (At the expense of my files and settings).

As for the repair options, the automatic recovery doesn't seem to find any errors, asks to reset and see if all is well (It isn't). For some reason, system restore doesn't detect any restore points. There are no windows memory errors detected and I have no backups. So, i'm left with a command prompt that, by default, is asking for a file in this folder: X:/WINDOWS/System32/ I have no idea where it is getting the X: drive from - I have C and D drives for windows only. As per another online guide, I tried:


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Ubuntu :: Chromium Caused UNR 10.04 Freeze

Sep 22, 2010

I would like to report my experience while using UNR 10.04.

Everytime I connect my Nokia handphone either as a mass storage mode (for transfering video/image) OR using my handphone as a 3.5G Modem.

While connected or even after I finished connecting my handphone for the above purposes, when I close down Chromium browser, the whole OS will freeze!! Neither keyboard or mouse would work. This thing does not happened if I'm using Firefox for browsing internet.

I have to do a hard restart to use my netbook again.

6.0.472.53 (57914) Ubuntu 10.04

UNR 10.04: with updated software packages

HP Mini 110-1006TU
Standard specification with 2GB RAM.

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CentOS 5 :: Distinguish Between What Caused A Shutdown?

May 8, 2010

I am running a server at home, and on rare occasion my server will shut down. Is there a logfile I can check to determine whether the server was shutdown due to a script on the computer, a power loss, or someone hitting the power button? I am not by any means a linux guru, but I know enough to get around.

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Fedora Installation :: VNC Level 3 Installation - Remote Into The System Via My Windows Xp Systems

Sep 15, 2009

What I'm trying to do at this point is setup VNC so I can remote into the system via my windows xp systems. I have VNC installed on those computer and I was able to get GNOME's remote desktop operating when I log in on level 5 and actually logged into my user account. However, when I'm not logged in on level 5 it will reject connections entirely. Ultimately I want to remote into the system using tightVNC and view the level 3 (command line only) thing, and allow me to telinit - 5 to switch to gui if I need it from VNC on the windows system. This way I don't need a monitor, keyboard and mouse plugged into the server. Right now that's what I'm having to do.

The problem is that it doesn't run in level 3 at all and level 5 (gui mode) doesn't work if i'm not logged into an account. So how can I get this to work at as a constant running server no matter what level and login point i'm at? Ultimately for this Linux admin class I have to setup a working server and I figured I'd get a base setup with VNC support that I could log into from school to work off of instead of having to use the local connection. Once I get VNC working on my network i'm pretty sure I can get it working beyond my local network.

Here's some commandline stuff that may diagnose my issues:


As you can see I'm having issues with the libstdc++ lib being detected. I have it installed, but apparently not everything is setup properly. I also have an RPM file for VNC and I've tried to install it with the gnome shell but it gives me an error: "Can't install /home/[user]/Download/vnc-4_1_3-x86_linux.rpm as no transaction" I'm not sure what that means. When I use the command line I get this:


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Fedora Installation :: Reinstall Grub After A Windows Installation Deleted It?

Jul 23, 2011

This is partly a note to myself for the future and a guide to anyone who experiences similar issues.

So, I had to reinstall Windows XP since my previous installation gave me a blue screen error due to reasons unfathomable. Naturally, this deleted the GNU Grub and I could not login to my Fedora.

I read that apparently booting from a DVD installation offers an option to enter the rescue mode. I did not have a DVD, I only had the LiveCD so I had to figure out a way to reinstall Grub from the LiveCD. The following method seemed to do the trick.

Run the LiveCD and open Terminal.

1. Find the partition where the Grub Stage1 is code...

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Ubuntu :: K9Copy Crashed & Caused Signal 11

Mar 14, 2010

About 2 weeks ago I upgraded my Ubuntu OS from 8.04 to 8.10 and then to 9.04 with kernel 2.6.28 - 10 - Generic.Today I discovered K9Copy no longer works. When I start K9Copy it comes up ok but if I click on anything in the main window (file, copy, etc.) I get a message that says:A fatal error occured.The application K9Copy crashed and caused the signal 11 (SIGSEGV)

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Ubuntu :: Upgrade From 10.04 To 10.10 Caused It To Be Stuck At Bootscreen?

Aug 23, 2010

Im not to sure where to post this, but i upgraded from Ubuntu 10.04 to Ubuntu 10.l0 and it gets stuck at the bootscreen, i followed the instructions on how to do a upgrade. Im not to sure whats caused it or how to solve it, and i dont really want to reinstall 10.04 as i forgot to backup my files

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Ubuntu :: Error Caused By Update Manager

Sep 9, 2010

As usual, I let the update manager run.. But now something bad happened and a red button is showing in the system tray, which when I hover my mouse over it, tells me to open package manager or try "sudo apt-get" in terminal to see what is wrong..

If I enter sudo apt-get upgrade, I get the following errors.. How can I fix it.. I am unable to open package manager itself..

E: Problem parsing dependency Depends
E: Error occurred while processing gconf2 (NewVersion1)
E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/dpkg/status
E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.

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Server :: XEN Machine Hung Sometimes Caused By Java?

Jul 23, 2010

I have several xen virtual machines but the issue is occurring only on the one of them. Sometimes (4 times per month) the server hung. I can ping this server on the network but I am not able to login to server using local console or ssh session.


I sounds like the issue is caused by some Java application. But I am not sure is this message is related to root cause or the Java is impacted as a result of issue.

Could you help me with this? I need more details regarding error message described below and I also need to identify the root cause and resolve the issue. Is there any way how to determine which Java application is causing this issue?

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CentOS 5 :: Upgrade Caused Reboot Failure?

Apr 1, 2009

At 4:00 pm on 4/1/2009 I accepted the offer to dowload and install a number of small improvements. This has always worked in the past. This time there were a few problems with the install, but I went ahead and rebooted. It stopped at grub, stage2.

I am now trying the rescue feature of my install CD. I will report on this later.

As for the always possible hardware failure, I have a raid setup, so I was not expecting this.

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Fedora Installation :: During A Dual Boot Installation With Windows Xp?

Jul 21, 2010

i just wanted to know that during a dual boot installation with windows xp, if fedora is installed after windows, where does the GRUB go on the hard disk? In the /boot partition or the MBR of the hard disk?

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Fedora Installation :: Install The Original Version Of Fedora 15 And Make It Dual Boot With Windows 7?

Aug 17, 2011

So I want to install the original version of Fedora 15 and make it dual boot with my Windows 7. Problem here is that I don't have a cd/rom. and the iso file didn't have a .exe thingy.....

so now what? Also this is my partitions>

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Fedora Installation :: Windows 7 Beta Won't Boot After Fedora 10 Install

Jan 31, 2009

Originally I had Ubuntu running on my machine. I installed windows beta 7 with a working dual boot. Get everything working in grub again. I decided to give Fedora a try and wiped my Ubuntu partition and installed Fedora. Everythings all good...except the reconfiguration of grub has left out my Windows 7 partition (nothing out of the norm) I tried manually adding windows 7 to /boot/grub/menu.lst but it's not working, when I try to boot into Windows 7 i get a little flashing "_" for a really long time and nothing happens.

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OpenSUSE :: Weird KDE Desktop Effects Caused By Down Arrow Key

Sep 6, 2011

I have a logitech coreless keyboard that has always "just worked" and I've lived without programming any keys, no factory. no tumbleweed, recent fresh re-install of 11.4, updated generally and with kde 4.6.5, xorg 7.6, nvidia driver 275.21 Mysteriously, the down arrow key no longer works as it should, (up, left, right are fine)

Rather it has the effect of crashing the transparent task manager and adjusting the focus of open windows. If I repeatedly hit the down arrow key the focus toggles and then transparency is re-enabled. The best way I can describe the effect is that it is as if I were using [tab] to toggle through a text based menu (e.g., YaST launch in terminal mode)

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