General :: Centros Or Slackware For A Mission-critical Web Database Application?

Feb 14, 2011

I think that Centros is closely connected to Red Hat, right?And, I have heard that if you are going to go for a non-free linux system for your business, Red Hat is rated # 1 followed by OpenSuse.So, if you are going for a free linux system, is it best to go with Centros, or, is Slackware good enough?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Non-Mission-Critical Clean-Install Partioning?

Jan 26, 2011

I have been happily using Ubuntu for a good while now. It started out sometime around the end of '09 when I purpose-built a machine to continue using WinXP Pro as my primary OS, but using a ROMTEC Trios to mechanically switch to another hard disk, booting Ubuntu Karmic. I liked the fact that the Trios kept my two disks from "seeing each other", because, at the time (and perhaps, still now), I was not ready to keep the peace between a Linux boot and a Windows boot. It was simple: use XP for "day-to-day" for a while, then power down, flip a switch, and boot up Ubuntu to get my toes wet in the Linux world.

I very quickly developed an affinity for the Ubuntu experience, and ditched my XP installation in favor of a blank slate for Linux experimentation. The disk which previously contained XP has since housed various musings of mine, including Ubuntu Studio, Puppy Studio (yes, I am a recording musician), and straight Puppy, along with some recent tinkerings with straight Ubuntu Maverick (which I've had problems with due to what I believe is lack of driver support for nvidia-96).

BTW, my current primary install is that of the original Karmic install, but upgraded to Lucid...running just fine to this date, but wondering a bit at how I'm only showing 11GB of free space on a 160GB disk...I can't quite figure where the space has gone...the math doesn't seem to work in my head, but then again, I'm still a n00b in a lot of ways.

At any rate, I've gotten a lot of mileage out of Ubuntu so far, and I'd like to experiment with "pimping" a clean Lucid installation from the ground up (as I said, I'm having graphics driver issues with Maverick, and I'd kinda like to stay with an LTS release for the time being anyway).

I'm thinking that a customized partition scheme would be a good thing to think about, and the geek in me is inclined to reach beyond the installer defaults and even beyond the common recommendations of adding a separate /home partition. I've read an awful lot about the subject, and there are as many opinions as there are underarms, but I've just gotta ask it anyway:

For a single-user desktop, is there any efficacy in using separate partitions for /boot, /tmp, /usr, /var, /opt, and/or /usr/local? I know most that I can do without a separate /srv partition, but for the others, I just wonder if I can use separate partitions for both security and optimization reasons.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Performance For Large Scale Website Or Critical Mission?

Aug 6, 2011

anyone of you could share if you have been using ubuntu for large scale website or critical mission project, say for 500.0000 secure transaction per 3 hours with 4 million users accessing server. how does ubuntu perform?

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General :: Application Running As User Foo Log Onto Database As (database) User Foobar?

Jan 5, 2011

I am writing a simple application that will run as user foo (i.e. Ubuntu user foo).However, the application will connect to my database as (database user foobar). IIRC, database users have nothing to do with Linux system users - but I just need to clarify that.So can an app launched to run as user 'foo', connect to a database as user 'foobar'?

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General :: Database Application Using MYSQL

Mar 24, 2010

I posted a thread regarding a CD Base Application. I can run the program, but for some reason It does not seem to work properly.

For some reason in exits the program back to the command prompt. I am using the code from Linux programming 4th edition which you can get it from here...and in the folder ch08/app you will find all you need to create the CD database application.

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General :: Installing TYPOlight In Slackware Virtual Machine - Get The Database Parameters?

May 18, 2010

I m busy installing TYPOlight in slackware virtual machine, Im stuck I do not know where to get the database parameters from, I have configured phpMyadmin on the virtual box with mysql enabled so i guess i have to get the database parameters from there, how do I get the database parameters. Which mysql file stores the parameters.

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Software :: Front End Database Application

Dec 22, 2010

Does anyone have or know where I can find a front end application that will inventory personal contacts or equipment such as model, serial #, location, etc etc etc? Looking for a PHP or front end proprietary application that will let me input data based on their database configuration so that I can see how schema's, databases, tables, and more are generated. I don't know how to program anything so I would think there are some available applications I could download / use to build my PostgreSQL database.

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Server :: How To Connect Database In Apache When Trying To Access Any Application

Sep 3, 2010

I've created a application,i tried to deploy in JBoss application server..that application working i tried to run my allication in apache web server,i have done some configuration in apache & installed apache-tomcat connector also..its working fine.but i will try access next page its showing error.

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General :: How To Set Character Set Per Application In Slackware

Jul 9, 2010

I am attempting to set a character set of IBM850 on slackware linux for a particular application (epic5). I am using rxvt-unicode and have setup LANG/LC_*=en_US. Now if I set the encoding to IBM850 in kde's konsole program im able to display certain characters correctly. I'd rather not use IBM850 for everything; is there a way to set/alias a command for a per application execution?

I've tried things like:
LC_CTYPE=IBM850 epic5
LC_ALL=IBM850 epic5

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Software :: Starting Firebird Database From Wine Windows-based Application

Oct 1, 2009

I have a Windows-only language lab program ('Logolab') which provides students with listen and repeat exercises on audio and video material loaded by the teacher. It operates in conjuction with a Firebird database which stores subtitles (I think) and the sequencing data (the lengths of each segment) for recording (a recorded piece will be subdivided into small audio/video segments during which the student repeats what's been said).The audio and video functions are run internally by Windows Media Player, and the video input must be in .WMV format for the system to function.Using Wine, I've managed to install the language lab program on Ubuntu, as well as the Firebird database program. However, each time I start the language lab program, I get the message "Firebird database not started!".There is a BIN folder with the language lab software that contains a .INI file with the following contents:

Perhaps that needs to be modified for Linux or Wine on Linux? I've tried changing the DataBase field with the Linux path to the appropriate .FDB file, and likewise the ServerName field to the Ubuntu computer name or the ip address, but to no avail. Lately, I've installed the Linux version of Firebird and Flame Robin (which I couldn't understand).If anyone can provide any help or suggestions, I'd be most grateful (it's the only thing preventing me from migrating 100% to Linux).

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General :: Monitor Database IO And Available Database Threads?

Mar 7, 2011

am using zabbix open source solution for systems monitoring. I am facing a problem and discussed it on zabbix forum. my post was as "My zabbix server is behaving abnormally, approximately daily from 9 to 12, the server stop accumulating logs. I observed that the server report is RUNNING but it did not accumulate log values and also the machine have no extra load. Its shown in the graph image attached.t the following reply,"database performance?are you monitoring database IO and available database threads? "So any one have any idea that how can I do this as I am using MySQL as backend database on RHEL 3.

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General :: Ram Showing Critical Status - Only Few Kb Are Free

Feb 16, 2010

I am using nagios to monitor vm in blade servers, everything is working fine. The ram size of the vm is 4 gb and whenever the machine starts, the status of ram is critical as showing only few kb are free.

I set the critical limit as 5% and it comes as 3% and showing as critical. when i give top, i got it as

As shown in the % mem , the total memory used is of about 23% only whereas it shows used memory about 3.7 gb.

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General :: Deleted Virtual Machine With Critical Data

Jan 18, 2011

I deleted by accident a folder containing a VMware server virtual machine, that contains most critical information. The host OS is CentOS 5.5, which I believe by default uses Ext3.I shut down the PC intermediately after noticing this.Is there any chance of recovering the files? Would they be able to mount to the same or another virtual machine?I need to get this information somehow, there are no backups.

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General :: When Try To Upload Or Download Get An Ftp Critical Error Message

Dec 30, 2010

I have two questions.

1- The vfstpd is running on the Centos server. The server is in the same home network. The SeLinux and firewall are disabled. I can use Filzilla from a Windows PC from another computer and connect and see directory listing. There is a user names adminftp and he is a memeber of root group. When I try to upload or download I get an ftp critical error message.

2- How can I install Adobe Acrobat Reader, Flash Player and Adobe Shockwave on this Linux box?

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Slackware :: Kde4.4 And Sesame2 Database?

Mar 1, 2010

I have installed Alien Bob's KDE4.4 packages and have eveything almost in working order. However I am getting a nepomuk warning that says that the sesame2 database is not working or something to that effect. Has anyone else come across this problem?

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General :: Monitor Filesystems And Notify When The Status Is Warning >=80 And Critical >=90

Jan 13, 2010

I need to monitor my filesystems and get an email when the status is warning >=80 and critical >=90. I am not very good for scripting so I found an script but is not working for me This Red Hat Enterprise 5.0

# set alert level 90% is default
df -H | grep -vE '^Filesystem|tmpfs|cdrom' | awk '{ print $5 " " $1 }' | while read output;

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Slackware :: Slack Build Binary Dependencies In Database

Jul 17, 2011

sbbdep is a program that reads the elf header of dynamic linked files found in the given argument. argument can be

a package file from /var/adm/packages/...
a DESTDIR destination path of make install
a single given binaries/dynamic libraries

as result it prints out, or into a file, the package names the given argument require. sbbdep scans installed packages, extract some information about dynamic linked binaries and libraries and dumps these infos into a sqlite database usually sbbdep works fast. time consuming is only the first where the cache becomes created this takes about ~? (1 - 2) minutes, of cause, duration depends on the number of cpus and speed of disk io on other runs than the first sbbdep syncs the cache, this is usually a fast operation (~1sec), even if some packages where undated/remoed/installed using the cache with a sqlite client some custom queries can be done like what is required by pkg or file, what are the dependencies of file xy,....

current state of sbbdep is 0.0.1, the first public release. of cause I wanted to make some things better, prettier, more documented and o on but before going on holiday, than waiting until Christmas cause work stresses and than an other year comes I place the code now to a public repo. for me it looks stable enough to release it without stress people that will test/use sbbdep to much with problems. but there may be some bugs I did not noticed, or better say there will be some bugs like it is always the case in software. but since sbbdep does not anything critical an can/shall be run as normal user it will not do anything bad.......

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Slackware :: Add Own Personal Database Of Quotes For The Fortune App To Call When Open A Terminal

Feb 5, 2010

I'm trying to add my own personal database of quotes for the fortune app to call when i open a terminal. I was able to successfully create the data base from a text file along the lines of this thread [URL] And it works when i type :$ fortune mydatabase The problem is, when i open a terminal i dont believe fortune knows to look for the new database, and im yet to see one of my quotes appear. If anyone can point me in the right direction as to where the command is issued to run fortune when i open the terminal

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General :: Application Called Impact - Paths In Java Application ?

Apr 14, 2010

So, I have this application called Impact, it is an explicit time integration Finite Elements code written in Java...


I untar the pack, and launch the application calling a script, from within the untarred folder,


This launches a gui which allows me to setup a case, which needs some setup file, tipically some *.in and a mesh file, tipically some *.msh.

Other mode of executuion consists of calling the setup file as argument to script ( CLI execution mode, for g33k5 )

My problem is : I have packed the whole stuff into a Slackware .tgz, that places it in /usr/local/Impact, and placed a calling script in /usr/local/bin,



I decided to hack the script from



no avail,


even after adding /usr/local/Impact/bin to PATH... won't go...

I can run this thing from within its directory... but I do not like messing within the directories of my applications, this is why I sent this to /usr/local, and placed a calling script in /usr/local/bin...

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General :: [B][RED]Critical - Error Yum Install Nagios-plugins.x86_64 Yum Error Unsatisfied Dependency

Oct 7, 2010

i need to install nagios-plugins 64 bit, when i tried to install via yum i got this error yum install nagios-plugins.x86_64 yum error Unsatisfied dependency i hv installed openssl 32 bit but it needs openssl 64 bit, even php and perl. i tried to to install via yum yum install openssl.x84_64 but its not getting installed i tried to uninstall openssl but its shows so many packages to remove

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Slackware :: Can't Print From Any Non KDE Application On Current

Aug 2, 2010

Using current 32 bit I'm unable to print anything outside of KDE. If I print something from Konqueror or Koffice for instance, my printer shows up in the dialog and everything prints fine. However if I use openoffice or abiword, etc then my only option is to "print to file" It is a samba shared printer that is attached to a 13.1 server, but I don't know that that makes a difference.

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Slackware :: Minimize An Application Windows On KDE 4.4.3

Nov 19, 2010

I use slackware 13.1 with KDE 4.4.3 When I minimize an application windows, I don't see it no more in my task bar but the system Monitor still show me this application is running. and I can only see it again using


show application window in the system monitor.Otherwise I have to run it again and then my data are losted.

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Slackware :: Paste To Another Application - Get Rxvt To Use Clipboard?

Apr 9, 2011

Using fluxbox in 13.1. If I select text in rxvt and then click the mouse wheel it pastes the selection at the cursor. But apparently it does not use the clipboard to do this, because if I Ctrl-v into another app, say jedit, it doesnt paste the rxvt selection, it pastes the last thing that was put on the clipboard. Is there any way to get rxvt to use the clipboard?

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Slackware :: Kickoff Application Launches From /usr/bin Rather Than /usr/local/bin?

May 26, 2010

Using Slackware 12.0 32-bit. KDE KDE 4.2.4.When I choose the Menu (Kickoff Application Launcher)then choose Development, and then 'Emacs' I get the version of emacs that came with the distribution.

It is at /usr/bin

In the meantime, I have installed a compiled version of emacs that is installed at /usr/local/bin.

How do I modify Slack so that the App launcher launches /usr/local/bin/emacs?

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Slackware :: Postfix - Cyrus SASL Authentication - Pam-mysql - Mysql Database

May 10, 2011

Pam-mysql can not connect to the database and below are my configurations.

saslfinger -s Output:
root@mailbackup:/# saslfinger -s
saslfinger - postfix Cyrus sasl configuration Tue May 10 10:12:10 EAT 2011
version: 1.0.2
mode: server-side SMTP AUTH

-- basics --
Postfix: 2.7.2
System: Slackware 13.1.0

-- smtpd is linked to => /usr/local/lib/ (0x00007f74ebfb7000)

-- active SMTP AUTH and TLS parameters for smtpd --

-- listing of /usr/lib64/sasl2 --

-- listing of /usr/local/lib/sasl2 --

-- content of /usr/lib64/sasl2/smtpd.conf --

-- content of /usr/local/lib/sasl2/smtpd.conf --

-- active services in /etc/postfix/ --

-- mechanisms on localhost --

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Slackware :: Sensors X Window Docking Application From Packages?

Jul 9, 2010

I want to display cpu temperature and fan speed, network activities, load, etc on a simple window mangement, such as fvwm, wm, or blackbox. Is there a software in slackware packages to show these sensors reading in X windows similar to wmsupermon? I don't want to compile it, if slackware has something same that i can just use.

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Slackware :: System Wide Application/filetype Defaults?

Sep 8, 2010

I have been searching around into /etc/xdg/ and ~/.config and also /skel/.config (for newly created users!) so I can ensure specific applications open filetypes by default.

I would prefer to be able to use a system wide configuration so that i may be able to run a script with each new slackware release that would change application/filetype defaults for all users including existing to our liking (unless they have already preset their own app/defaults in ~/.config).

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OpenSUSE :: Critical Zypper Bug ?

Sep 7, 2010

I don't know why but sometimes zypper (v1.4.5) removes some of the installed packages before upgrading them.

Actually it removes it even before downloading a newer version. I just wonder what a stupid f**k implemented this behavior. I wish something awful happens to him.

An hour ago I tried to update few packages, among those were sysconfig, firefox and yast. Guess what? Zypper removed those before downloading newer versions. Due to a temporary network connection loss zypper could not download packages and quit leaving me without firefox, without yast and, what's even worse, without sysconfig package which contains essential system scripts such as ifup, ifdown etc (so my network went down completely without a possibility to restore). It's a big luck there was no new package of rpm (or it would be removed by zypper too) so I could just download those packages with my second PC and reinstall them from a memory stick.

Now I'm interested where should I file this bug, because without a doubt it's a critical one.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Do Non Critical Updates

Mar 29, 2011

I'm running 32 bit 10.10 on a Lenovo N200 laptop, I have 3 other Ubuntu computers on my home network and they don't suffer from this problem, 1 is 10.10 32 bit, 1 is 10.10 64 bit and one is 10.04 32 bit. they are on the same network and I cannot see a difference.

However when update manager says there are some updates available, I can install the critical ones but not the "other updates", it tells me that they would require installation from non authenticated sources then after agreeing will not install and goes back to the start of the update process.

The error message lists ALL the "other updates" if I deselect them then the critical upgrades down load and install OK.

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Software :: Munin - Critical Value ?

Apr 19, 2011

I started to use the smart plugin for munin to monitor my HDD. I changed the script a bit to report the raw value instead of the value for Power_On_Hours and temperature. It all works.

However, it now reports the values for these 2 sensors as critical, even though the power on hours is 928 and threshold is 999 (I even tried 9999) and temperature is 51 (threshold is 60).

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