Software :: Front End Database Application

Dec 22, 2010

Does anyone have or know where I can find a front end application that will inventory personal contacts or equipment such as model, serial #, location, etc etc etc? Looking for a PHP or front end proprietary application that will let me input data based on their database configuration so that I can see how schema's, databases, tables, and more are generated. I don't know how to program anything so I would think there are some available applications I could download / use to build my PostgreSQL database.

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Fedora :: Relational Database With A Graphical Front-end ?

Apr 20, 2011

I'm looking for a simple to use relational database with a graphical front-end. What are the options on Fedora?

For those that know Filemaker, I'm looking for something like that and I'd llike not to have to build one in Qt.

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General :: JavaScript Desktop Application With HTML Based UI Front-end?

May 20, 2010

I have created which uses Gnome Seed which is in the Ubuntu repositories (although the newest version needs to checked out from Git to allow it to work) and SeedKit which unfortunately isn't in synaptic but needs to be downloaded. The links to get the source for both projects are as follows:


The proof of concept is a JavaScript/HTML based frontend of Gnome's Log Viewer. It doesn't replicate 100% of Log Viewers functionality but it produces the basics of it which is to display the contents of Linux log files. The tutorial and link to download the source files are as follows:


For more information about SeedKit and HTML based User Interfaces are in my blog, link for that post is as follows:


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General :: Application Running As User Foo Log Onto Database As (database) User Foobar?

Jan 5, 2011

I am writing a simple application that will run as user foo (i.e. Ubuntu user foo).However, the application will connect to my database as (database user foobar). IIRC, database users have nothing to do with Linux system users - but I just need to clarify that.So can an app launched to run as user 'foo', connect to a database as user 'foobar'?

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Ubuntu :: Test Sound - No Application Sound Through Front Audio Socket - 10.04

Jun 22, 2011

Strange one. Just upgraded my mother-in-law's computer from 8.04 to 10.04 via the update manager. All seems to be working beautifully except ...

* When I run gstreamer-properties and do an output test I get a test sound through the headphones plugged into the front audio socket of the machine using the 'Analogue Headphones' setting in Sound Preferences. (This rules out dead headphones.)

* When I try to play audio through any app I get no sound through the headphones, but if I change the setting to 'Analogue Output' in Sound Preferences I get audio loud and clear through the speakers which are plugged into the audio socket at the rear of the machine. how the gstreamer-properties test is getting audio to the front socket I guess I'd be getting somewhere.

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General :: Database Application Using MYSQL

Mar 24, 2010

I posted a thread regarding a CD Base Application. I can run the program, but for some reason It does not seem to work properly.

For some reason in exits the program back to the command prompt. I am using the code from Linux programming 4th edition which you can get it from here...and in the folder ch08/app you will find all you need to create the CD database application.

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Server :: How To Connect Database In Apache When Trying To Access Any Application

Sep 3, 2010

I've created a application,i tried to deploy in JBoss application server..that application working i tried to run my allication in apache web server,i have done some configuration in apache & installed apache-tomcat connector also..its working fine.but i will try access next page its showing error.

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General :: Centros Or Slackware For A Mission-critical Web Database Application?

Feb 14, 2011

I think that Centros is closely connected to Red Hat, right?And, I have heard that if you are going to go for a non-free linux system for your business, Red Hat is rated # 1 followed by OpenSuse.So, if you are going for a free linux system, is it best to go with Centros, or, is Slackware good enough?

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Software :: Starting Firebird Database From Wine Windows-based Application

Oct 1, 2009

I have a Windows-only language lab program ('Logolab') which provides students with listen and repeat exercises on audio and video material loaded by the teacher. It operates in conjuction with a Firebird database which stores subtitles (I think) and the sequencing data (the lengths of each segment) for recording (a recorded piece will be subdivided into small audio/video segments during which the student repeats what's been said).The audio and video functions are run internally by Windows Media Player, and the video input must be in .WMV format for the system to function.Using Wine, I've managed to install the language lab program on Ubuntu, as well as the Firebird database program. However, each time I start the language lab program, I get the message "Firebird database not started!".There is a BIN folder with the language lab software that contains a .INI file with the following contents:

Perhaps that needs to be modified for Linux or Wine on Linux? I've tried changing the DataBase field with the Linux path to the appropriate .FDB file, and likewise the ServerName field to the Ubuntu computer name or the ip address, but to no avail. Lately, I've installed the Linux version of Firebird and Flame Robin (which I couldn't understand).If anyone can provide any help or suggestions, I'd be most grateful (it's the only thing preventing me from migrating 100% to Linux).

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General :: Monitor Database IO And Available Database Threads?

Mar 7, 2011

am using zabbix open source solution for systems monitoring. I am facing a problem and discussed it on zabbix forum. my post was as "My zabbix server is behaving abnormally, approximately daily from 9 to 12, the server stop accumulating logs. I observed that the server report is RUNNING but it did not accumulate log values and also the machine have no extra load. Its shown in the graph image attached.t the following reply,"database performance?are you monitoring database IO and available database threads? "So any one have any idea that how can I do this as I am using MySQL as backend database on RHEL 3.

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Server :: Database Stopped Showing Up - Files Still There - Restore The Database From The Files?

Jul 8, 2011

I recently moved into a new place and when I hooked up my webserver, I wasn't able to bring up my page, even from localhost. With some digging, it seems that I can't access the database that housed my posts (wordpress installation). I looked for the datadir in MySQL and that directory shows the wordpress directory that should be holding the database and all the files are still there. 1) why the database no longer shows up 2) how to restore the database from the files?

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Networking :: Database Error: Unable To Connect To Database:The MySQL Adapter "mysql" Is Not Available

Jun 16, 2011

I've setup a CentOS apache web server, and loaded a site onto it. The site previously was functioning under windows xp (before I "stepped in") and wamp. What I did was copy the site in /var/www, reconfigure the httpd.conf (DocumentRoot /var/www/site, etc). Although when I try to open the webpage I get this error: Database Error: Unable to connect to the database:The MySQL adapter "mysql" is not available.


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Fedora :: No Input From Front Mic With F12?

Jan 31, 2010

The microphone input of the soundcard itself (it is an on-board Realtek card, standard with most Nforce4 boards) works just fine. Recording quality is very good. But when I try to use the mic input on the front of my PC case, pulseaudio receives no signal from the microphone. Skype doesn't work, Audacity can't record anything either.

Everything is wired inside the case just fine, Windows XP has no problems in using the input on the front. Also the Line-out at the same panel on the front works in F12 without problems, it is just the mic input that doesn't work.

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Software :: GUI Front End For LVM Management?

Oct 5, 2010

Is there a front end for LVM management like the "Expert Partioner" in YAST (OpenSUSE)?

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Fedora :: Looking For Sample MySQL And Web Front End App?

May 9, 2010

Really interested if anyone knows of any pre-compiled or pre-built demo applications that could run on a MySQL back-end with a web-based front-end?

Ideally, it would be really, really simple having a web front-end that attaches to the database and just either reads data from it (or even enter data into it). Nothing too flash.

I'm thinking along the lines of a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MYSQL, PHP) install but I'm not a developer so if I have to build something I'll probably be out of my league here Does MySQL/Apache etc. have sample/demo databases with a web-front end application that could be fired up and installed without having to build the environment?

Years ago I remember M$ had the PetShop .Net app running on a SQL2000 environment easy to setup and simple enough to showcase the database and a simple front-end. A colleague wrote a small .NET app to just read the data from it and continuously scroll the data in a text box which was fine. Something like that on Linux would be perfect.

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Ubuntu :: Get Sound On Front Channel?

Sep 5, 2010

I have a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.04 and I cant seem get the sound working properly. I have a checked to make sure that nothing is muted, and I do have sound over the rear channel when I change the wiring on the physical machine. However, I get no sound over the headphone channel. I also changed the conf for pulseaudio to have a default of 2 sound channels. In addition the sound works fine in my Fedora 13 and Win 7 installs, this is a triple boot machine .

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General :: Use Startx To Get Into Front Desktop?

Aug 2, 2010

I use startx to get into my front desktop.

What command should I use to restart my desktop?

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Hardware :: Get Front Side Bus Info?

Aug 4, 2010

I need to know the fsb speed of my motherboard. I used dmidecode and lshw commands to view such information

[vova@vschenev /]$ su -c dmidecode


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CentOS 5 :: WOL After Front Button Shutdown (s5)

Sep 10, 2009

I am about to put a server in a data center for the first time.I have got Wake on Lan/Network working on the server, however I have noticed that if the server is shutdown from the front button, it is unabled to be awoken via WOL.Is there a centos solution to this, or is this a BIOS issue, or something else? The server is a Super Micro X7SBi

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Fedora Installation :: Cannot Load Front 8*13bold

Feb 20, 2009

When I tried to run an application on terminal in Fedora 10. It occurs an error as following: cannot load front 8*13bold. Does it mean I should install a front package with 8*13bold? If yes, where and how can I install it? I am a beginner.

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Fedora :: Put A Command In Front Of Every Line In File?

Jan 15, 2011

I have a list of domains in "domains.txt" , and I wanted to put an "nslookup" in front of each line and run it.. However I could not figure out a command for it.. Any ideas how to do this simple task?

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Fedora Hardware :: Canot Get Front Mic Working In KDE?

Jan 26, 2011

I cannot use my front mic port in KDE on Fedora 14 (Upgraded from Fedora 13if that matters) on Skype.In Gnome I can select "Microphone 2" in sound preferences and it works, but in KDE I see no place to select front mix. I tried KMix and the "Phonon" in System Settings.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Karmic No Front Audio

Feb 17, 2010

I spent over an hour today and over an hour last night googling and trying everything and so far no success. I found many threads with oddly similar complaints, but their solutions haven't worked for me.Last week I upgraded my system, basically a complete overhaul (in the old case). The new system is based on an ASUS MB which comes with VIA VT1708B audio onboard. I installed the latest 32-bit Linux Mint on it. The case's front audio jack doesn't work, the rear audio works but is too quiet.

Things I have tried that have not worked:Different combinations of settings in the basic sound preferences dialog, the GNOME ALSA mixer, and the PulseAudio volume control (I've probably played around with these so much that I've tried every combination)

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Ubuntu :: Clicking Does Not Move Window To Front

May 25, 2010

I have two windows A and B open unmaximized such that their area overlaps with A in front. If I click window B it gets the focus as I expect, but window A stays on top of it. All my keyboard events get sent to window B correctly, but I need to click on the title bar for it to appear on top of window A. Switching windows using Alt+TAB or taskbar click works as I expect - window B will appear on top. I encountered this in 10.4, not sure if it was there before or I only noticed it now. Is this a bug or some setting somewhere I need to adjust?

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Ubuntu :: Script Only Work With 'Front' Or 'Surround'

Jun 8, 2010

I'm having a frustrating problem with a .sh script. It's a fairly simple script to get a volume readout in Conky. I refer to the .sh file in my Conky file as such;


It seems to be talking about; if [ $mute == "[on]" ] What else would it be expecting and why does it work using Front & Surround but nothing else? I've attached a pic. The volume script I'm trying to get working is just under the clock. I'd really love to get the Master volume working on this.

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Ubuntu Security :: Clamtk GUI Front End For ClamAV?

Sep 15, 2010

Does anyone know how to update Clamtk from 4.25 to 4.29 through Software Sources?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Myth Front End Will Not Start

Sep 26, 2010

I have an htpc running mythbuntu 10.04 connected to a plasma tv via hdmi. Initially i was able to boot fine and the front end loaded ok but the resolution was off. My display is 1024x768 but my only options in myth was to use 1024x720. I have since enabled the proprietary ATI video driver. Now my desktop dispay perfect on the tv. However, i can no longer start the mythtv front end. I also ran an update that updated over 100 packages.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 5.1, No Sound In Front Left And Right?

Nov 4, 2010

Basically as the title suggests. I'm a linux noob, I've spent a few hour's looking around, but all I seem to be finding is people with problems of no sound, and so I dont know if the solution would be the same.

I have perfect sound from the rear speakers, the front centre, and the sub, but the front left and right are completely silent.

Things I think anyone may need to know
Mobo - GA-880GM-UD2H
Onboard sound - SBx00 Azalia Intel HDA
Ubuntu 10.10 x64

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't See Window Opened In Front Of VLC

May 6, 2011

I have strange problem that I couldn't even find on google.

When I play any video in VLC or any other player my video is on top of everything.

For example, if I open a video and play it - everything looks ok. But, if I open another window "above" VLC, video suddenly appears at top and I can't see window opened in front of VLC.

This print-screen will make it more clear.

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Ubuntu :: Creative X-Fi Front Panel Not Working?

Aug 22, 2011

I just installed a copy of Ubuntu 11.04 yesterday on a spare computer. I'm having trouble getting the front panel of my Creative X-Fi Fatal1ty to work. The sound card works just fine when I plug my headphones into the analog stereo output in the back. I'm not trying to do anything fancy with it right now like digital optical out or anything, just trying to get the one analog output on the front panel to work so I can plug my headphones in up front and leave the speakers plugged in the back.

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