I've installed SalixOS LXDE and thought it was the best thing but... After I disabled almost all services except syslog, dbus, and hald while inside lxde desktop. I rebooted and my mouse and keyboard no longer worked. So then I booted my Slackware install and edited /etc/inittab on the salix partition so I could boot into init 3 (I kinda like init 3 more than 4 anyway). Booted back into salix and keyboard seems to work but gpm doesn't... Gpm can't find any mouse so I do an lsmod and there's only about 4 modules loaded? Crap... So I dig around /etc/rc.d folder and I think it's got to do with me disabling the udev services when everything was fine after a fresh install...
I ran the init script for udev but it does nothing... I also ran pkgtool and went to setup, selected services and hit enter but it jumps back to the main menu?! I don't know if that's a glitch or what but it won't even let me pick the services with pkgtool... So what can I do to change everything back to their default value? I only booted once into my new salix install, changed services, rebooted, and then problems... I really loved the way everything was working on my first boot. Salix is one of those distro's that really gave me a happy feeling with linux so I'd really hate to stop using it over this one wrong thing I did...
I have a scond hand eee 701 4g pc which I think has the original xandros o/s. At the moment I havefirefox 2 installed and wish to upgrade. I have dowloaded firefox 3.6 15 to my home file but am unable to install. I have tried yurenju's method but get the message - no such file or directory.
Debian 6 ("Squeeze") uses a rebranded version of Firefox called Iceweasel. It however lacks plugin support, most of my favorites don't work.So what is best way to install the "real" Firefox on Debian?
I have installed Ubuntu 9.10 Server on a machine primarily as a LAMP & File server. I also have installed Webmin with this.
The problem is oviously I need a browser to do this. I am having issues trying to install firefox 3.5 and the open correctly from terminal to access Webmin. I am very new to this especially commands wise to open Firefox. Idont know if I need to change directories to open it. A few guides I looked at said type in ~firefox/firefox. Which didn't work.
Also I saw something about profile which I haven't setup yet. Would I need to do this?
I am really trying to learn the heart of linux, and not rely on gui's and package managers for everything. I am trying to download firefox 3.6. I downloaded the arc file, and extracted it to my home folder, but I don't know what to do next. I am also clueless as to how to install tar or tar.gz files, and tell them where to go, etc. Firefox is the priority question here. I am sure I can get it from the package manager, but I want to learn to do it with the arc files, and tar files, etc, and not rely on the gui for everything like in Windows. I am a Linux newbie, converting to Linux for hobby and educational purposes, but I have no direction, or no sense of where to go, or how to learn. I am running Kubuntu 10.04 LTS.
I am trying to install Firefox 3.6 in the tr.bz2 format on Kubuntu. How do I get it to install? Is there a way to do it using add/remove programs and the Adept installer or do I need to use the command line. If I need to use the command line what do I need to do to get it installed?
just did Red Hat Linux (Fedora Core 2) install. It's the only OC on the machine. Boots and everything seems to work just fine. Everything but the operator, that is!
I want to install FireFox and Thunderbird and AVG (free) antivirus so I first went to the Mozilla site for a download, only to discover that the best way to install is as part of a Package Manager.
Fair enough - but what is a package manager? Part of the distro? Where do I get one for these items?
UPDATE - I figured out the Package manager thing and no , FireFox is not an option, nor is Thunderbird or any antivirus.
If I can't get a package manager, the site tells me that I can install with me as the only user by downloading and typing in a couple of commands (Unzip and run, I think). But I get a report that I need a something or other file (library?) for it to run. How do I find that file and why would I be the only user? Surely as root I can set it up for all users can't I?
I guess the short(er) question is: How does a new user download and install a program onto a new setup without a package manager?
Question 2 - this install is for a class and the instructor wants screen prints as proof I'm doing certain operations. How do I get a screen print of, say, a history listing and can I save the screen print or view into a file for submission?
just brought a revo 3610 with l linpus os i need to install the latest version i have downloaded it how to i get it on to the sytem Please dont be to technical (silver surfer)
I installed java applet for Firefox. It seems that I get the same message all the time "Install missing plugins". The path libjavaplugin_oji.so is located at:
i am wanting to use Firefox to connect to my smb shares. However, i keep getting this error message: Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (smb) isn't associated with any program. My client configuration is as follows: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20100106 Ubuntu/9.10 (karmic) Shiretoko/3.5.8preI tried the instructions below to try and fix the problem with no success: Quote: From [URL]
Linux with Firefox In order to connect to a network share directly from you browser under Linux, you must configure Firefox to handle URL's starting with "smb://". This is done by typing "about:config" in the address line and hitting return. After that you must right-click the list of settings and choose "New -> Boolean" as shown below.
As name you must type: "network.protocol-handler.external.smb" with a value of "true". After that you must do the same thing over again, but this time choose "New -> String", type the name: "network.protocol-handler.app.smb" with a value of the path to the application you wish to use for browsing network shares. If you use KDE, this will typically be "/usr/bin/konqueror".
Yesterday I wasn't able to successful enable JRE in my firefox.This is what I did ,
I downloaded the rpm from the file and installed it in /usr/java Code: chmod a+x jre-6u<version>-linux-i586-rpm.bin./jre-6u<version>-linux-i586-rpm.bin This successfully installed Firefox JRE in my system now in order to make firefox know abt it
I went to /usr/lib/firefox/plugins and Code: ln -s /usr/java/jre1.6.0_24/lib/i386/libnpjp2.so as said in the instruction manual. Still firefox isn't able to recognise the plugin.
I've been using Epiphany web browser, and I really like it.But now I'm trying to fill out an online application and it says that my browser is not supported.It says that Firefox is ok, but I can't seem to install it. I just searched Firefox in Synaptic, but nothing relevant comes up. Is it a big deal to install firefox in debian?
I'm new to Debian and Linux. I downloaded the archive from mozilla for Forefox 4 and it was placed in the "Downloads" folder. I decompressed the file which created a Firefox folder with all the files. How do I get this in the package manager (Synaptic) so that everyone that uses this machine can use the browser? I can't figure out how to get it to install.
In my tower for the grandkids, Fedora-14, Firefox, won't install add-ons...I get a pop-up that says the certificate is bad.. I click it, and the add-ons window crashes..? Would a reinstall of Firefox fix it..? Or does it require a Fedora reinstall..? Or could it be a bios glitch/setting..?
How to install Firefox 6?Currently installed version(installed during installation of OpenSUSE 11.4) is 5.0 I am tryed from here software.opensuse.org: Search Results And there is no version 6 on list? I am only know how to install software from this site with 1-Click Install or with Yast software Manager.
The Problems solved. I found that it was Internet connection, "may be" wrong DNS setting in the router.(I cannot change setting in the router to proof this Theory yet. I will update later, when I have permission to change the router setting)