Fedora :: Update Of KDE After Reinstall In - 10

Oct 10, 2009

I have just reinstalled my fedora, because I messed up with the unsuccessful installation f the Beta Nvidia driver. The problem I am having is that when I try to update KDE to 4.3 (currently is 4.1) I get this


I understand I need KDE 4.2 at least, but can I exclude somehow this update, because I dont need marble anyway. Or at least how do I update first to 4,2 and then to 4.3.1.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Reinstall The Games Package Or Reinstall The Update?

May 2, 2010

So I was messing around trying to uninstall Nibbles and reinstall since I have an issue starting that game and something happened and removed the submenu under Games called "Logic", which had another whole list of games.

Is it possible to reinstall the games package or reinstall the update?I'm thinking more of the lines of a system restore or something so back 2 days from today.

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Fedora :: Unable To Update/reinstall Kmod-wl 13

Sep 14, 2010

Every time I attempted to run "yum update" dependencies failed to resolve citing kernel version problems. I cleaned out a bunch of old versions of kmod-wl that were still on my system (some dating back to my old f12 install) and still had no luck. Finally I removed kmod-wl altogether so that I could update the rest of my system and hoped I could just re-install it once the update was finished. No dice. "yum install kmod-wl" still produces this message (identical to what "yum update" gave when the old kmod-wl was installed):


Error: Package: kmod-wl- (rpmfusion-nonfree-updates)
Requires: kernel-uname-r =
Installed: kernel- (@updates)
kernel-uname-r =


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Slackware :: Update Or Reinstall That Is The 13.0 To 13.1?

Aug 31, 2010

it doesn't look like I can copy and past my way to updating slack like I did in the past

reinstalling has the advantage of installing software that was not included in 13.0

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Debian :: Can Reinstall Update-manager?

Oct 23, 2010

I can't run the update-manager.When I run the Update Manager, it starts to check and then gets"A fatal error has been detected in the update-manager. Do you want to submit a bug report? Selecting No will close the application."What should I do now? Should I reinstall the update-manager? How do I do that?

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Ubuntu :: Reinstall Kubuntu And Update Kde To 4.5.5 If Possible.

Feb 25, 2011

Is nothing but garbage on my dell inspiron 1501 laptop,It has to do with the drivers of the nouveau or the vesa driver.I am going to have to reinstall kubuntu and update kde to 4.5.5 if possible.

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Ubuntu :: Reinstall Ati Card Driver After Every Update?

Jun 23, 2010

seems that i have to reinstall my ati card driver after every update. i forgot reinstall it yesterday , now i can't get into unbuntu. the screen is black with white lines. how can i go into safe mode? i want to reinstall ati driver . cause i only install ubuntu in my computer, it has no boot menu, and i 've try ESC key, but it was useless.

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General :: Yum Update For The Whole System First, Then Reinstall The Packages Right?

Jan 13, 2010

In my company's production server, there are already mysql, php and httpd packages installed and running. Configurations are already made to the httpd.conf and my.cnf files.

Now I have to upgrade the packages to the latest version. I have to perform a yum update for the whole system first, then reinstall the packages right?

Will this affect the changes made to the configuration files? If yes, how do I upgrade so that the changes are not affected?

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Debian Configuration :: Squid3 Not Working After Update Or Reinstall

Aug 3, 2010

I run a Squid 3 server that is acting as a web filter. It worked fine on Etch. The system stopped working properly due to two of the three SATA cables being bad. Before I figured that out, I tried doing updates. Since Etch updates were no longer available, I did a distupgrade to Lenny. Immediately, Squid stopped working properly. It would take up to two and a half minutes for it to respond to a web request and add it to the access.log. This was using the same configuration file that it was using before the update.

After I found the hardware problem, I did a clean install of Lenny. I used the basic squid.conf like I did on the previous system, only changing it to add my ACLs and because it wasn't saving an access.log to the default location unless I uncommented the path directive. Now, it won't respond to a request at all. Forwarding is enabled and the firewall seems to be set up correctly.

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Ubuntu :: Last Update Messed Up Install - How To Reformat My Parttion So Can Reinstall

May 2, 2010

My last update for Ubuntu 9.10 messed up my whole install. My question is how do I reformat my parttion so I can reinstall Ubuntu. I am using dual boot with Windows and Ubuntu!

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Ubuntu Installation :: Recent Update Broke Firefox / Reinstall It?

Apr 8, 2011

RE: Ubuntu Desktop 10.10 64bit Updates from 2-3 days ago.

Since then, Firefox starts and runs fine the first time. Close it down and later try to restart, error says that Firefox is already using that profile and will need to quit it before proceeding.

System Monitor then shows that firefox and firefox-bin are still loaded (although nothing in the gnome app tray at bottom of screen). Jill those 2 processes and Firefox loads normally.

Should I wait this out and see if later updates cure this? Reinstall Firefox? Submit a report to launchpad?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Reinstall Windows 7 But Its A Pain To Reinstall All Programs?

Apr 29, 2010

I recently installed opensuse 11.2 on my laptop which also had windows vista and windows 7, i created a new partition and the installation went smoothly, after i went to boot back into windows 7 i got a blue screen of death, strangely vista boots perfectly.I could just reinstall windows 7 but its a pain to reinstall all my programs and such

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General :: Retrieve/reinstall Grub Without Having To Reinstall Ubuntu?

Feb 4, 2011

how do I retrieve/reinstall Grub without having to reinstall Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Reinstall Grub After Reinstall Of Win 7

Dec 6, 2010

i have ubuntu 10.04 64 bit installed and configured and working sweet. I have reinstalled windows 7 and now i can't boot ubuntu i've tried easybcd to add ubuntu to win boot loader which failed and tried to follow the instructions to reinstall grub through a live cd which i am in at the moment. i go to a terminal and type sudo grub and it brings up the grub prompt. i have mounted all discs and entered the command find /boot/grub/stage1 and it keeps spitting this back at me Error 15: File not found

my hd is a 80gb with partions like this
/dev/sda1 105mb ntfs system reserved
/dev/sda2 45gb ntfs win 7 home premium 64 bit
/dev/sda3 34gb ext4 ubuntu 10.04 64 bit
/dev/sda4 1.5gb linux swap

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Fedora :: Reinstall GRUB Using CD?

Feb 18, 2009

I reinstalled winXP and lost grub loader. I have LiveCD with Fedora 10. How can I reinstall GRUB using this CD ?

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Fedora :: How To Reinstall Grub In F11

Jun 20, 2009

I've restored a Clonezilla image of my Fedora 11 ext4 installation but realised that I hadn't backed up the ext3 /boot partition. I decided to create a Clonezilla image of the ext3 /boot partition from my laptop, as that has exactly the same partition scheme. I've restored that. I realise it may not work but it might save me reinstalling F11 from scratch. How does one reinstall grub in Fedora 11 given that /boot is on a separate partition? Booting from the F11 DVD in rescue mode, running chroot /mnt/sysimage and grub-install /dev/sda doesn't work.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: What Package To Reinstall Php On 14

Mar 5, 2011

For backwards testing reasons I had to uninstall my php package. Now that I've done I need to reinstall php 5.3.x. What is the full package name to reference as I'm coming up blank looking for a reference. I normally use yum or apt-get to install things.

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Fedora Installation :: How To Reinstall Quicktime In 10

Mar 14, 2009

easy way to reinstall Quicktime and its partner LibMPEG3 in Fedora 10 without going back and reinstalling Fedora 10 from scratch?

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Fedora :: Which One Will Reinstall Without Compromising Data?

Nov 11, 2009

I am getting kernel panics multiple times per day. I want to reinstall Fedora but the only option is to "replace existing Linux system," "shrink current system," "use entire drive," "use free space," and "create custom layout." Which one will reinstall without compromising my data?

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Fedora :: Reinstall All Installed Packages?

Nov 16, 2009

Running F11 x86_64 on recently rebuilt desktop with new processor/motherboard

I tried to build mplayer from source, and something got messed up. When I realized I had done something wrong, I did a "make remove", and then tried to reinstall mplayer from rpmfusion using yum.

(There is a bug in mencoder that was fixed in the latest source tree - a documented bug that has to do with subtitles. I don't think I can patch a library with a diff line of code, so thought the best answer to get the update would be to install mplayer by source. I love using Fedora, and would like to make that next step in learning linux by building a few custom packages. Apparently, I don't have all the skills yet!)

That being said, my system is still not quite right. I figure the easy answer is to wait until tomorrow, upgrade to F12, and all should be well. But... I will probably compile something else and mess something else up - that's just how I roll...

I can get a list (sort of) of install packages with "yum list installed". Is there a way to strip off all of the extra information, then pipe this to yum reinstall? I may resort to doing this by hand, but there has to be an easier way!

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Fedora :: Using Yum To Reinstall Python And Zlib?

Jan 9, 2010

I've recently installed fedora 12 and I'm trying to install setuptools using the following commands:

wget http://peak.telecommunity.com/dist/ez_setup.py
python ez_setup.py
However, I get the following error:

zipimport.ZipImportError: can't decompress data; zlib not available

I've tried using yum to reinstall python and zlib to no avail.

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Fedora Installation :: Anaconda In F10 -> F12 Reinstall?

Jan 12, 2010

I'm trying to install F12, over my existing F10. I ran preupgrade, and it installed anaconda into the boot menu, without apparent problems. On reboot, however, it fails with the following message:Unable to read package metadata. This may be due to a missing repodata directory. Please ensure that your install tree has been correctly generated.Cannot retrieve respository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386. Please verify its path and try again.I must admit to being a bit unclear as to what's going on here. Is it looking in the cached pre-install tree for said repomd.xml, but said tree is somehow corrupt; or is it trying to find it via the network, and failing (for whatever reason).

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Fedora :: How To Reinstall /boot Partition

Mar 13, 2010

i accidentally on purpose deleted my boot partition and rewrite something on it. Now i'd like to know how can i restore it. All i have now is the live cd. It's really bugging me that i can't have something nice for more than a week i'm seriously thinking to give my money back to old billy the kid or better to get an abacus and some sheets of paper and never again touch a computer.

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Fedora Installation :: Looking Forward To Reinstall F15?

Jul 15, 2011

getting stick to Fedora so much but unfortunately i have only 20GB of LVM partition which i want to resize or expand. But if i am not wrong, there is no way i can do with any partition manager and more over i am planning to reinstall Fedora from scratch having a good size.

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Fedora Installation :: Reinstall Frash F9 After Bad Upgrade From F8?

Jan 12, 2009

I upgrade to fedora 9 from fedora 8. After upgrading I still gets F8 modules appear when I used system update. It seem that my Fedora 8 installation has a know bug that updates are halted, and this problem is not resolved during OS update. Since I have not install any other software yet I would like to make a clean installation of fedora 9. How can I remove the fedora 9 from my hard drive and make a fresh installation?
I use GRUB as a boot loader and have window install as well.

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Fedora Installation :: Reinstall WinXP After Installing 10

Feb 3, 2009

I have a dual boot system - WinXP and Fedora 10. I am happy with my fedora 10, but as usual the WinXP has lots of malware on it. So I wish to reinstall it and patch it up with a AV. Is it possible to reinstall WinXP without breaking the system - becoz AFAIK, installing will remove grub from the superblock and then there will be no way to reload fedora even if it is still there. Can't I copy grub and the partition table away and reinstall it from windows after the intallation completes? That way I shall have my dual boot system back as usual if I didnot do any changes to the partition table during the fresh windows installation.

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Fedora Installation :: How To Reinstall Gnome - Deleted?

Jul 16, 2009

I was slimming down my Fedora Install for security reasons and i accidently deleted Gnome. How do I reinstall Gnome?

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Fedora :: Reinstall Vista Without Reinstalling System?

Oct 8, 2009

Is there any way to reinstall Windows Vista on the second partition without reinstalling Fedora on the main partition? I always reinstall Vista because of the performance issue.

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Fedora Installation :: Reinstall 12 In Dual Boot?

May 20, 2010

I have pc containing 80 GB Hard Disc with 1 GB RAM. I am using 60 GB for windows and 20 Gb for Fedora 12. Recently i formatted the pc and reinstalled both. I installed windows 7 instead of Windows XP i am using earlier. Now i do not like windows 7. My system became very slow. perhaps as my pc is five years old and motherbord configuration may not be matching. Now i want to revert to windows XP. I do not know any method by which i can retain fedora 12 and change from windows 7 to XP. Earlier i formatted complete hard disc and installed fedora 12 (myself) after windows 7 (by professional). but now i do not want to reinstall fedora 12. It will lose all upgradation and installed packages.

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Fedora :: Recover Software RAID After OS Reinstall?

May 24, 2010

I recently installed Fedora 12 on a system with 3 HDs, using the first hard drive for root and swap, and the other two as a RAID 1 device mounted to the folder /data. This was all set up while installing from CD. /data appeared as a folder under Filesystem in the GUI

After trashing the OS, I reinstalled from CD. I formatted only sda to recreate the OS; sdb1, sdc1, and RAID MD0 were not changed during the reinstall. When the newly built system is started up, RAID MD0 does not appear when I run fdisk -l. It does show up in the GUI when I open "Computer" as RAID-1 Drive. When I open it and authenticate as root, it then appears as RAID-1 Drive 320 GB Filesystem. I can open that and authenticate as root again to access the files that were on the initial RAID 1 device when I reinstalled. At this point MD0 is listed when fdisk -l is run, with the message "Disk /dev/md0 doesn't contain a valid partition table"I am able to mount the opened RAID-1 device to a folder, but each time I reboot the system I have to open and authenticate the RAID device twice to access the files in it. Is there a way to configure the OS to recognize this RAID 1 device as it did before I reinstalled? My goal is to recreate the RAID device without having to move the files on it to another drive.

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