Fedora :: Most Images Online Are Solid Black?

Aug 31, 2009

i recently installed F11 and i'm pretty new to linux. When I browse the net most images will start to load and then turn completely black and stay that way. I've searched and searched for info on this but can't find anything. I've made sure i had all the plugins like flash and everything and it still won't work. i'm using Firefox 3.5 beta 4.

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Fedora :: Set Start-up Screen To Solid Black-splash Instead Of Light-blue?

Aug 25, 2011

In Fedora-14, how do I set the start-up screen to solid black-splash instead of the light-blue?

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 - Black Screen - No Sound - Solid HDD Light

Jun 29, 2011

I installed Ubuntu 10.10 last night, it worked fine, installed my graphics drivers, worked fine, and then I ran "sudo apt-get update" and then "sudo apt-get upgrade". There was about 240MB of packages to be downloaded, and since I was going to be on for a while, I did. I didn't restart after it finished, I just turned off my computer and went to bed.

Well now, when I turn on my computer and boot to Ubuntu, after the boot screen, my monitors stay on, but show a blank screen. There is no boot up sound, the HDD light is solid on, and I can't access terminal through Alt + Ctrl + F1.

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Fedora :: Images Come Up Completely Black?

Jul 15, 2009

I have a problem with images showing up as black boxes in konqueror, firefox, galeon, etc. I originally thought the problem was Firefox related, so I updated and the problem is still there.

I can't find anything with search that matched this exactly, so if I overlooked.

It seems to me that any time an image is re-sized it shows up as a black box. If I look at a wallpaper that's large, say 1200 x 800 or something, and the browser tries to resize it, it comes up black. However, if I click the same image and it returns to it's actual size, it looks perfect, as it should.

I look at a website I have to individually view each image and this is beginning to drive me crazy!

I have an Acer 5515 Laptop, with a ATI Express X1200 graphics card. I have taken a snapshot of when it happens.


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Ubuntu :: No Boot After Update \ Goes To A Black Screen With A Solid White Line In The Top Left Corner?

Mar 3, 2011

Today brought some new updates. I did the updates and while not required I did a restart. Then it goes to a black screen with a solid white line in the top left corner (flashing). It does not boot. I held down the power button to shutdown. When I press the power button, I get the Dell splash screen, then it goes to a black screen with a solid white line in the top left corner (flashing). Nothing like this has happened before

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Software :: Access To An Online Archive Of Images?

Sep 7, 2010

Hi. I purchased a book that comes with access to an online archive of images, and I want to download all of them. The website is only set up to download the images one at a time, though, so I want to use a program to automatically download them. [URL]..I tried the command:

curl -u username -O http://www.taschen.com/media_archives/type1/downloads/_Q6Q5783.jpg.zip
but it downloaded the following text file:
The document has moved here.


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OpenSUSE Install :: Screen Goes Black While Watching Online Video Clips

Sep 15, 2010

i tried kde settings: disabled screen saver, disabled monitor power management. nothing worked. even i tried to find something in yast -- no luck. actually screen goes black after about 10 mins of inactivity which is annoying while watching in ex. videos. playing kaffeine is ok - i think it's because kaffeine makes "fake mouse movements". suse 11.3, linux x86_64, kde: 4.4.4 (kde 4.4.4) "release 2". adm athlon dual core 4450e (2.3ghz), 2 gb ram, geforce 9600 gso 512 with nvidia driver.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: 11.4 KDE 4.6 - All Images Print Inverted - White On Black

Mar 22, 2011

Just updated to OpenSuSE 11.4 with KDE 4.6


When I print to my HP LaserJet 1020 - which has worked fine since OpenSuSe 10.x to OpenSuse 11.3, any images print inverted.

For example, what is white in the image is printed black, and what is black in the image is printed white. When printing a document from LibreOffice, text on the same page as the image prints correctly.

I've checked that this is happening when printing images from LibreOffice, Okular, and Gimp, and tried it with PNG, TIF, and GIF image formats.

However, when I open HPLIP and send a test print through, it prints correctly - text and images all normal.

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Programming :: Loading Images - Java - Just See The JPanel With Black Background

Jul 19, 2010

I am making a simple snake game and have problem when loading the images (apple, snakes head, snakes body). When running this code, I just see the JPanel with black background which I have created. where is my mistake?

I highlighted my code with image and paint method.


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Fedora :: Matlab And Solid Works Compatibility?

Nov 20, 2010

I wanted to know if matlab and solid works run well on linux and fedora especially.

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Fedora :: Openoffice Writer Ver 3.2.0 - Places A Solid Line Across The Page?

Jul 28, 2010

FC13/KDE. when typing text in writer, when I hit the tab key it places a solid line across the page.
Is this a setting in openoffice?

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Software :: Download Some Images From A Website - Single Column Of Links To The Images?

Jul 26, 2010

I am running Linux from a DVD, not installed. I am not good with installing software, but since the DVD cannot be corrupted, I am content to operate this way. Lately, I have been having problems that previously did not occur. When I try to click on the checkbox to get rid of emails, it doesn't register in most cases, or when it does, I am clicking multiple times so it registers twice, meaning it is unchecked again. Even more frustrating is some issues that are affecting my ability to update my business. I am trying to modify spreadsheets (text not calculations).

Whenever I try to click & drag to select something to change, it keeps jumping around to select only some of what I want, something else or some combination of the 2. When I try to copy and paste several fields from 1 column to another, everything from the several fields in the source column ends up together in the last field in the target column. I am also trying to download some images from a website. There is a single column of links to the images. I have to click on the link to get to the image in order to copy it, then back out to continue looking for more links to do the same.

My computer keeps jumping back 2 steps, then forward 2 steps, and sometimes I lose my place in that list. I could deal with it if it were a small number of links, but this is a list of probably close to 20,000 links. Again, i am operating off of a live DVD so this should not be corruptible, but this has just started happening, and has been an issue the last several sessions.

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Ubuntu :: Images Available 2.6.31-17 Generic And After The Download Is Complete Both Images Exist?

Jan 6, 2010

using the update maneger to update on ubuntu new linux images available 2.6.31-17 generic and after the download is complete both images exist in the grub menu should i remove them ? or just remove them from the boot menu ? and if so how could i do each.

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General :: Concatenate Several Images Into A PDF File With Several Images Per Page

May 2, 2011

I know that ImageMagick's convert program can be used as follows to convert a collection of images -- say, in PNG format -- to a PDF file:

convert *png output.pdf

The problem with this is that each image is then stretched to fit on one page, whereas I would like to keep the original dimensions of the images and put as many as possible on one page in the PDF file before moving on to another page.

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General :: Replace DVD / CD Install Images With USB Images

Sep 21, 2009

I am just spent half an hour hunting for a thing that should be totally available already:USB install images of Ubuntu, knoppix and all the others.And, the only good way are so far complicated tutorials where you extract the stuff from an CD image. Why??Hasn't everybody notices that CDs/DVDs are vanishing big time? That more and more systems don't have the readers anymore? Instead of following a 10 point instruction list, it would be nice to just be able to download a Ubuntu 8.10 or whatever USB image and be able to beam that DIRECTLY to a USB stick with a dd command.

Or am a missing something here? Does this exist?It should by no means be mariginal, considering how important USB stick in specific and flash memory in general have become.

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Ubuntu :: U10.10 Freezing Up Solid / Fix It?

Feb 9, 2011

I'm a bit perplexed on this issue. I searched through Google looking for similar issues and can't seem to find one that quite fits and I was wondering if someone else has heard of this happening.

I recently installed Ubuntu 10.10 (32 bit) on a friend's Dell Inspiron 1501 to replace the entirely screwed up Windows Vista that was on it. The install process went without flaw or issue. Everything worked perfectly out of the box. My issue comes when I try to copy files from my terabyte external onto the computer (the files she had backed up from her vista install). Files larger than about 300MB cause the computer to freeze up solid. The only thing that works is the power button to force shutdown. There's no mouse... nothing. This made me think there was a hardware issue but...

The external drive has no issues on any computer other than this one so I'm inclined to think the Dell is causing the issues. I ran Ubuntu's drive test and it reported no errors, and MemTest 86 comes up with no errors.

So, I'm looking for some educated guesses. If Ubuntu can handle installs and lengthy updates with no problem, but then connecting an external USB HDD and copying over files causes it to freeze up tighter than I've ever seen Ubuntu freeze before... could a faulty USB port cause this? Motherboard? Ubuntu itself? I'm installing Ubuntu from CD.

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Hardware :: Getting The Solid State Drives?

Aug 21, 2010

I was looking into getting some solid state drives for the 1st time. I have always used Seagate traditional SATA drives for my home systems but I think I would like to try something new and that has much better performance. Do you guys know if I will see any performance gains and or issues using SSD on Linux? I run Arch and Debian Linux in general...

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Ubuntu :: Make The KDE Panel Solid Instead Of Transparent?

Nov 6, 2010

How do I make the panel solid and not transparent as seen in the attached image.

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Software :: Way To Wipe Solid State Drive

May 14, 2011

What should be done to completely wipe clean a solid state drive (before selling a computer)? What should be done for a regular drive, and what considerations apply to a SSD?

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Fedora Hardware :: Black Screen \ Can Force A Shutdown, Login And Get The Same Black Screen?

Mar 6, 2010

I was messing around with the screen orientation and thought it would be funny to orient it sideways. Big mistake The screen went black.I can force a shutdown, login and I get the same black screen. I tried hooking up an external monitor and the monitor showed no input so I'm guessing my laptop doesn't have that capability with Fedora.This is my main computer.

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General :: Transparent Background In Editor But Solid Text?

Jan 26, 2011

Is there a way to make the background to an editor e.g. gedit transparent without affecting text's transparency? Is there any other program that supports this?

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Ubuntu :: No Boot Up - Screen Not Showing Solid Picture

Mar 17, 2010

I was trying to fix my audio driver so that my speakers would work after installing Linux Mint 8. I rebooted it to see if it worked but the computer won't boot up. It gets past the toshiba screen and the mint logo shows up like normal, but then I get what I think is an error message. I can't be sure though because the screen is not showing a solid picture. If I hit escape, I get another similar screen. If I hit escape again the screen goes blank and I can no longer get it to do anything. I'm new to Linux and not much of a computer wiz.

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Ubuntu :: System Locks Solid During Disc Writes?

Jun 9, 2010

System spec:

Core 2 Quad, Q6600, 2.4GHz OC'd to 3GHz
Asus Rampage Formula m/b
2x WD RE2 500GB HDDs ("linux boot" and "winxp boot")
1x Seagate Barracuda HDD ("boneyard")
4GB DDR2-800 RAM
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS

I'm having a really annoying problem with disc activity on my desktop system. Basically, if anything is writing a large amount of data to the hard drive (say, 10MB or over), the machine basically freezes solid. The mouse goes jittery (you move it and it takes a second then moves in one big leap).

For instance, if I try to image a USB hard drive to a file:

# dd if=/dev/sdh of=usbdrive_dump bs=1G

Effectively this works in two portions: it reads 1GB of data to RAM, then blats it out into a file. The machine is perfectly responsive while the USB drive is getting thrashed, but locks solid when the internal SATA drives are in use. Writing to USB HDDs doesn't seem to have the same effect -- I can copy 1GB files to/from them all day long and the machine is perfectly happy.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Will Not Install To New Solid State Drive

Jun 12, 2010

Had a laptop with a Hardy install - my two year old knocked it on the floor and after that it no longer recognized the drive, and I could hear the hard drive read head hit the platter when it tried to read it.

I bought a new Kingston 128GB solid state drive to replace my old 40GB drive - figure it will be more robust.

I tried installing Lucid, and it stopped after partitioning the drive and was unable to format it. I attempted to use my old Hardy install disks, and had the same issue. I spent time with Kingston tech support, they had me try a few things, then RMA'd me a new drive. New drive still had the same error.

I figured something else must've broke and let it be for a while. Today, just for the heck of it, I attempted to install XP on it. Flawless. So, it's not a hardware issue.

Any known issues with the Ubuntu installer and Laptop SATA-2 Solid State Drives? (I'll put more details in a later post if needed, don't have them at this very moment)

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General :: X86 Distro Running From Solid-state Memory?

Jun 25, 2010

I'd like to build a compact x86 host running off a CompactFlash or some equivalent solid-state memory instead of from a SATA disk, to reduce the risk of failure once they're deployed at customers' premises. Those are SOHO users, so performance is not an issue, but stability is (The less I have to drive to replace faulty hardware and restore data, the better.)

Do you know if the usual suspects (Ubuntu, CentOS, Gentoo, etc.) can easily be made to run from solid-state memory, and if yes, is there some good documentation to customize them thusly?

I assume it's just a matter of tweaking /etc/fstab, but it could be more involved.

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Fedora :: Does 14 Online-defrag

Nov 5, 2010

Does Fedora 14 online-defrag?

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Ubuntu :: SSD Partitioning A Solid State Drive On A Dell Mini 9

May 26, 2010

I'm having a particular problem trying to partition a solid state drive on a Dell Mini 9; I'd like to install Ubuntu Netbook on the computer. The machine came with MS Windows XP on it. When I try to use the automated installer, it fails and quits at the partitioning stage. I have tried both fdisk and parted but both of these also fail and quit with errors when they try to write to the disk. I've also tried using Fedora and Knoppix to install and they both fail as well. I did check in the BIOS that the drive, supervisor and user passwords are clear.

Some technical bits that fdisk chucks out;
[ 1913.488878] ata1.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x0
[ 1913:494318] ata1.00: failed command: WRITE SECTOR(S)
[ 1913:500232] ata1.00: cmd 30/00:02:3f:00:00/00:00:00:00:00/e0 tag 0 pio 1024 out
res 51/05:02:3f:00:00/00:00:00:00:00/e0 Emask 0x1 (device error)
[ 1913.511226] ata1.00: status: { DRDY ERR }
[ 1913.517018] ata1.00: error: { ABRT }

can get access to partition the drive or diagnostics to tell what is the problem with the drive?

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Hardware :: Solid State Disks - Support For TRIM Command

Jul 26, 2009

With the new Intel G2 SSDs coming out, I'm thinking about upgrading my hard drive. However, there seems to be an extra level of software support needed for SSD drives. From what I have read there can be performance degradation over time and other issues. Does anyone know how well SSD drives are supported in Linux and also if there is support for the TRIM command or if it is planned?

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Slackware :: What Is The Most Streamlined And Reliable, Simple, Rock Solid System?

Jan 20, 2010

I would like to ask your opinion on what is the most streamlined and reliable, simple, rock solid system :1.) OpenSolaris2.) Slackware3.) FreeBSDMy personal opinion is that Slackware is the best......but I want to know other's opinions, since, i know nothing on OpenSolaris, and FreeBSD.

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Fedora :: All Online Walkthroughs Don't Work Either

Jan 21, 2010

I have tried and tried to install this program. I end up in dependency hell if I go one way, then if I go the other it can't find files...

I have tried searching google, the forums and everything else I can think of, but all attempts at a solution and I can't find one that works.

All online walkthroughs don't work either.

I am trying to get Gnome's Mail Notification to work with Yahoo! Mail.

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