Fedora :: Finding A GUI Configuration Utilities For GRUB?

Feb 12, 2011

I have a system recovery partition on my drive. It's size is 1.4gb. I'm supposed to be able to boot to it but the MBR got rewritten a few times already I think. Maybe GRUB can get me to boot to it.

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Software :: Finding Disk / File Utilities For Ubuntu

Aug 21, 2010

Once more I am playing with Linux. First it was Mandrake on an 386/33 box. Then Ubuntu 8.04 on an Athlon 64 box. And now Ubuntu 10.04 on an Athlon 64 Black. In Windows, there are beaucoup utilities, such as disk cleanup, dupe file finder, et cetera. I already know to NOT defrag a Linux HDD. Is there a need for any of the more common Windows disk utilities in Linux? FWIW - If I don't run Norton Utilities, CCleaner, and Glary Utilities regularly in Win7, I endup with gigabytes (yes, gigabytes) of trash files.

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Fedora :: Standardization Across Utilities Included With 14?

Jan 15, 2011

Is there standardization across utilities included with Fedora 14 such as



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Software :: Users And Groups And Authentication System Utilities Not Loading In Fedora 14?

Jan 19, 2011

have recently encountered an issue in fedora 14 whereby upon entering the root password the users and groups and authentication utilities do not run. (system/administration/users and groups) They used to run fine.

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Fedora Installation :: Grub Configuration - Can't Boot Ubuntu

May 18, 2009

I had installed Ubuntu on my one and only hd. I partitioned with GParted and installed fedora Release 9 Sulphur. i can not boot Ubuntu. I tired some changes to grub.conf but with no luck, namely, 1. title Ubuntu root (hd0,0) chainloader +1 2. title Ubuntu configfile (hd0,0)/boot/grub/menu.lst. this one gives error 15 file not found. Here is my fdisk-l output:


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Fedora :: GRUB Error 18 - Couldn't Read Configuration File

Apr 5, 2010

I'm playing with Fedora 12 and can't get GRUB to work. To boot, I've been using GRUB4DOS. While that works fine, I'd like to figure out what's wrong with regular GRUB 0.97. After the initial installation, GRUB came up on reboot, but it was broken -- it couldn't read the config file apparently, and no commands would work correctly. So I attempted to reinstall grub via the grub prompt. No matter what I do, or which hard disk I install GRUB on, I get "Error 18". I tried using the "grub-install" command as well as the prompt, and that did the same thing.

My system here is an ASUS M4A785TD-M EVO mo/bo. I've got four hard drives. Two 1TB SATA drives and a couple of PATA drives (300 and 500GB) on a Si608 controller card. Using the BIOS "BBS" boot menu, I can boot NTLDR and BOOTMGR off active partitions on any of the drives (with proper Boot.ini modifications to handle the change in drive order). GRUB4DOS works as well, and will boot Fedora 12 correctly off any of them (with proper menu.lst ministrations). But GRUB 0.97 that comes with Fedora just refuses to do anything other than say "Error 18".

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Debian Configuration :: Apt Not Finding Source?

Feb 21, 2010

I just finished installing Debian 2.1 on a very old laptop for some light word processing and web browsing, and am trying to get apt working so I can use it and dselect to install packages. Whenever I run apt-get update as a first step, I get stuck at 0% with an eventual timeout (this also happens when running the update step of dselect).

I know that my network card (a Farallon EtherWave) is working because I can ping my local gateway and remote sites. In my sources.list, I have this line for the Debian archive for this release: deb [url]contrib main non-free

Can anyone think of why I can ping the archive successfully, but apt will not read it? Do I need to change some network configuration, or my source line?

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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB Looks Like Not Finding 9.10?

Jan 27, 2010

I bought new Sony VAIO NS31S. It had preinstalled Windows Vista. I wanted to go back to Ubuntu, cause I used it (but never been really understanding how its working) on my previous notebook. I downloaded Wubi with Ubuntu 9.10, installed, rebooted - everything was fine. I even had connection to the web (what I was very suprised to see, cause I had troubles with that Net provider on my old hardware with U 8.something).

I removed several programs, mainly games or accessories for PalmOS, etc. On the second hand I installed Kadu, Google Chrome (here I couldnt use Software Center, it was installed form downloaded package), Netbeans, and then some errors occured, so I allowed system to get updates. After installing them I switched off computer, and today (the whole story was yesterday and day before) I wanted to boot Ubuntu, but GRUB gives me command line & some info(in a while I swith VAIO off, go to the old machine, and try to rewrite text from GRUB here). I TABbed, and there was a list of commands, so I tried some of them, and It looks like my system is gone. On Windows side I think its all ok - here's my folder hierarchy:




if there are /'s before files name it means its a directory. else its a normal file. Whitespaces shows what belongs where.if there already has been topic like this. Ive searched this forum for 'wubi' 'vaio' and 'grub' and there was nothing I thought might be simillar. Is it possible to switch off double system choosing? I mean Windows gives me choice to boot Windows or Ubuntu, or use some windows recovery tools. If I try to boot Ubuntu, there comes GRUB, which gives second choice of choosing Windows. But this is smaller problem, then nnot booting linux I rebooted once again. Here's what GRUB says:


GNU GRUB version 1.97~beta4

[ Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. For the first word, TAB lists possible command comletions. Anywhere else TAB lists possible device/file completions. ] So I pressed TAB, found some commands (there's quite lot of them, so as for now I wont write them here).


sh:grub> ls
(loop0) (hd0) (hd0,2) (hd0,1)


sh:grub> linux
error: no kernel specified


sh:grub> boot
error: no loaded kernel

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Fedora Installation :: 14 - Install Program Make An Addition To The Existing GRUB Configuration?

Mar 7, 2011

I've just got another sata HDD and thought lets put in a nice install of Fedora 14 having tried out the live CD over the weekend. Right my system is configured thus


will Fedora 14's install program make an addition to the existing GRUB configuration or will it do something different Yes I have searched.... and looked at the installation documents....

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Ubuntu :: Finding Kernel Versions For GRUB?

Apr 16, 2011

it turns out that I don't have my Ubuntu option in GRUB any more. I need the kernel version in order to add it to my list file. Any help? I can't boot it to find out because GRUB doesn't recognize it as an option.

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Debian Configuration :: Finding A Firewall On Home Worstation?

Dec 11, 2010

I wonder do we need firewall for home pcs at all?I mean, fine, for servers and stuff, but I have my own laptop station. People have different position on this issue.

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Server :: Finding Vsftpd Or SFTP Minimum Configuration?

Jul 16, 2010

I need to establish an FTP server- one with VSFTPD & one with sFTP having at least 300 users in both. My question is what minimum hardware configuration should I go for both to have excellent performance.

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Slackware :: Finding A Sample Wireless Configuration File?

Jul 7, 2010

After several attempts in setting up the rc.inet1.conf using alienbob's site as a guide, I'd like to see a sample of a working setup. My setup is very simple: home router and a desktop wireless, with wpa security. Using wicd is snap, but I'm tired of dropping connections; everthing worked with slack 13.0, but this 13.1 dropping wireless connection is driving me nuts, both on the desktop and the laptop.

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Debian Configuration :: Get The Windows One Working Again - Grub Configuration

Oct 3, 2010

I was trying to get the Windows one working again. Here's what fdisk -l reads:


I'll change these or do some grub configurations, if anyone knows what ones can work.

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Debian Configuration :: Finding A Command That Can Search For New Usb Hardware Without The Described Procedure?

Mar 15, 2011

I am using NetworkManager Applet in Gnome to connect to the internet with a 3G modem. After last update few days back it changed the way it was recognizing the modem. I used to click on the NetworkManager Applet icon on the notification area and choose my configured mobile connection from the list. Because, as I said, I am using mobile broadband connection and I have to check via SMS my usage in order not to overcome the GB I am supposed to use (to avoid overpriced charge). In order to use Wammu to send/receive SMS I have to close the internet connection by right clicking on the NetworkManager Applet and uncheck "Enable Mobile Broadband" otherwise Wammu can't use the usb dongle because it's locked by the internet connection. Up to this point all is working exactly the same. Except when I uncheck the "Enable Mobile Broadband" the NetworkManager Applet disappears and I can only get it back with a reboot. Also I tried clicking on the applet and choosing "Disconnect" from the menu. The applet stays there but there are no more options for mobile connection. Only wired connections and VPN (whatever that is). In this case if I disconnect and reconnect the usb dongle it recognise it again. So my question is: Is there a way to make NetworkManager Applet to always stay aware of the usb modem without disconnecting or rebooting? Or at least is there a command that can search for new usb hardware without the described procedure?

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Debian Configuration :: Finding Opensource Central Management Software To Manage Squeeze Workstations

Jun 26, 2011

I'm looking for opensource central management software to manage squeeze workstations.

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Debian :: How To Run Vbox Guest Utilities

May 8, 2015

#1. Host Wheezy 7.8 KDE 64 bit

VBox 4.1.18_Debian r78361
Ext.Pack 4.1.18 r78361

Can use a WIN XP appliance (from my old PCLinuxOS) as guest there without any issues.

Added a second guest - Jessie 8.0 KDE 64 bit. Works, but no seamless display, mouse issue ...

So added inside guest:

non-X11 guest utilities + X11 guest utilities from the repositories

(These utilities are meant to be run inside the the virtual machine. They provide closer integration ...)

I simply don't know, how to run those utilities ...

What I get is

Code: Select all# systemctl --failed
  UNIT                           LOAD   ACTIVE SUB    DESCRIPTION
● virtualbox-guest-utils.service loaded failed failed LSB: VirtualBox Linux Additions
● virtualbox-guest-x11.service   loaded failed failed LSB: VirtualBox Linux X11 Additions

LOAD   = Reflects whether the unit definition was properly loaded.
ACTIVE = The high-level unit activation state, i.e. generalization of SUB.
SUB    = The low-level unit activation state, values depend on unit type.

2 loaded units listed. Pass --all to see loaded but inactive units, too.

To show all installed unit files use 'systemctl list-unit-files'.

#2. Host Jessie 8.0 KDE 64 bit (on a second hdd)

VBox 4.3.18_Debian r96516
Ext.Pack 4.3.26 r98988
VNC 4.3.18 r96516

Same situation as in #1.

How do I run those xxx VBox applications inside guest?

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Ubuntu :: Norton Utilities - 9.10 Karmic

Jan 10, 2010

Is there an all inclusion Ubuntu deb like to N/U?

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Ubuntu :: Create .po Files With Gnu Utilities?

Dec 9, 2010

i want to know how to create .po files with gnu utilities??there are several things which i want to know--

1.how to download gnu utilities?

2.how to use xgettext for extracting the main lines and how this xgettext works??

3.i know that msgmft is used for converting the po to mo but what is this(msgmft)??

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Ubuntu :: Install Benchmarking Utilities Via WINE

Mar 12, 2010

if I install some benchmarking utilities via WINE, should I expect inaccurate results? I know about other benchmarking apps such as phoronix, but there are so many more I want to use that are of the .exe nature.

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General :: Which Filesystem Usually Contains System Commands And Utilities

Nov 16, 2010

which filesystem usually contains system commands and utilities?

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Debian :: Error On Startup - Starting NFS Common Utilities Failed

Apr 18, 2011

I'm not very sure when this issue started. Anyway, the system finally boots and I haven't had any further problems, but I somehow notice the booting to be a bit slower since this error appeared and I don't like watching the red letters that say "failed" every time I switch the computer on. I googled this before posting it, and other users have had this issue, but the solutions that worked for them didn't work for me.

This is the content of my /etc/network/interfaces file:
# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

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Ubuntu :: Find Equivalents For Some Windows Utilities - Installing Zip Or Tar.gz Files?

Jan 1, 2010

I've loaded it as dual boot with Windows XP & I'm now trying to find equivalents for some Windows utilities. I have found two possible replacements for allway sync but how do I install them? One is Synkron and the other is FreeFileSync both downloadable from sourceforgenet. But they come as packages, one as a tar.gz and one as a zip. What do I do now? In Windows there is an .exe or install file.

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General :: Directory Contains Utilities Available On System In Form Of Binary Files?

Mar 28, 2010

1.What character instructd the shell to interpret a special character as an ordinary character?

2.What directory contains some of the utilities available on the system in the form of binary files?

3. What command is used to search the location of a utility?

4. What command is used to instruct the editor to write the file and quit the editor?

5. What key quits the more utility and displays the shell prompt?..........

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General :: Installation Utilities Split Root File System

Jan 21, 2011

standard Linux installation utilities split the root file-system and the home file-system on two separate but relatively equal-sized partitions? For example, when I put fedora on an 80GB disk, it automatically gave the root file-system 32GB and home 30GB and the swap 8GB of space. However, since my home file-system has a directory with 28GB of files in it, why is my root file-system reading 100% usage? Is the home FS overlaid on top of the root FS? Is there an advantage to doing this? I just made a boot partition (50mb or so), a root partition (90% of the disk space) and a swap (4%-5% disk space).

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General :: Bunch Of Utilities Running On Machine - Where To Start Because Of Existing Partitions

Jul 17, 2010

I have been given Toshiba Tecra S11 with windows 7 running on it to install Ubuntu 10.04. Toshiba has a bunch of utilities running on the machine set up as dev/sda1, dev/sda, dev/sda3 and dev/sda4. I do not know where to start because of these existing partitions.

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General :: Cross-platform / Command Line Utilities To Convert PDF / DOC And DOCX To Text

Jul 28, 2011

I am making a text search engine. I need to first convert binary documents to text. I want to go with cross-platform (we develop both on windows and linux) command line (so that I can get the output via python subprocess). What are the choices for this?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Launch Utilities And Other Programs That Have .exe Extensions By Double Clicking The .exe File?

Apr 27, 2010

I recently installed ubuntu 9.10. I have been trying to launch utilities and other programs that have .exe extensions by double clicking the .exe file. Each time I attempt this I get the following error message in archive manager:


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Ubuntu :: XP Nod32 Finding Ubuntu/GRUB As False Positive ?

Jul 12, 2010

Win XP is running ESET Nod32 AV and Comodo firewall, I'm having a big problem with Nod and Ubuntu, for some reason Nod is picking up the MBR on 0 physical disk (sda) as a virus "Probably unknown TSR.Boot Virus", and says is unable to clean. Since I've just that second installed XP I'm pretty sure it's not a virus or trojan, but is picking up GRUB as a false positive.

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Debian Configuration :: Windows 7 Ate Grub

Apr 18, 2011

I recently installed Debian, and its great except hardware config, any way already fixed that, I reinstalled windows 7, and it removed Grub I tried reinstalling it, and reconfiguring it no luck I've booted into Debian using a boot CD.

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