Fedora :: Changing What Applications Open Filetypes

Oct 30, 2010

I was tackling this question before using specifics and got nowhere, so now I am going to general. I have a certain application on my machine and many files which can only open using that application. When I open those files, they do not use that application, but use the Archive Manager instead. When I go to "Open With" --> "Other" this application is not in the "other" list. I want to emphasize that because so far everyone assumes too quickly that I didn't try that. This application was installed using the Software Manager, the files that came with fedora. The application is on my machine, this is a fact. I am able to go find the application and open it up manually. Why wouldn't Fedora know that this app is on my machine?

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Fedora :: Changing Associated Applications To File Types?

Apr 17, 2009

What file where holds the information for file opening application preferences?

I have Fedora Core 10 ( with openoffice 3.0 installed.All of the OpenOffice programs show in Applications>Office drop down window and work fine.

Problem is this: If I double click on a calc spreadsheet file (.ods) then the archive manager wants to open it, and I have to right click and manually select scalc as the program to use. If I double click on an odt text file (.odt), okular opens it. I have to right click and select swriter.

If -- BTW -- I click on an excel (.xls) file, calc will start and open the file.

I would like to change these file application preferences, but can't find where to do it or what file to edit to break the current preferences.

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Fedora :: Open Graphical Applications Through SSH - Remotely

Mar 21, 2010

I have a small question regarding remote access through SSH. Here is the thing: it's been a while now that I am using SSH to remotely login servers, and more recently my own machines to transfer information from my school's workstation to my Aspire One (I effectively work in the Aspire One through a 24 inch monitor).

Anyway I was wondering if it is possible to open programs like evince through SSH. I'll describe what I am doing: the Aspire One sits next to my workstation (so I am seeing it's screen as well) and in the workstation I work in LaTex documents actually residing in the Aspire One, so what I want to do from time to time is to open graphical apps in my Aspire One from my workstation through SSH (needless to say that I open the graphical session in the AO with the same user I do SSH, and the AO runs Fedora 12).

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General :: Rm Command For Specific Filetypes?

Jul 30, 2011

I've spent hours searching the net to solve my problem, w o luck.My problem is that I've tried to delete some files with specific filetypes (html) from a number of subfolders, but always ending up with, rm: cannot remove `./*html': No such file or directory. I've tried many variants of rm -R *.html

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Fedora :: KDE Taskbar Displays All Open Applications / Not Just Current Desktop

Jun 14, 2010

I have been searching and searching for the way to make the taskbar just display the applications that are currently open on the current desktop. It's maddening to click thinking you'll pull up the terminal that's hiding beneath the browser and be whisked away to a different desktop.I'm running KDE 4.4.3 and FC13. I know there's got to be a simple option to have the taskbar only show what's there...I've changed it before in other distros and just can't seem to find a clear, obvious option for that this time around.

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Applications :: Error Glibtop: Open (/proc/stat): Too Many Open Files

Oct 1, 2010

I have a while(1) loop, and the error is: glibtop: open (/proc/stat): Too many open files This error occurs after about a half hour to an hour of running. I've tried running this multiple times, both with using glib_close() at the end of the loop, using glib_init() and glib_close() at beginning/end, and just using glib_init(). The strange thing is these have no effect on the actual glib_get functions.

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Applications :: Open A MS Access File In Open Office?

Mar 17, 2009

I have a MS Access database I would love to able to use in OOo. How do I do it

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Ubuntu :: Karmic Applications>Games Not Changing?

Jan 6, 2010

I've recently installed Karmic on my desktop and I've been tweaking everything to my liking. I was recently attempting to clean out all the applications I don't use and I wanted to remove all the games from the list except for one game which I play oftenAfter going into System>Preferences>Main Menu and unchecking everything except the one game I want to show I noticed the games remain unmodified in the Applications>Games menu

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Ubuntu :: Prevent Applications From Changing Monitor Resolution?

Jul 7, 2010

Sometimes when starting applications, especially with Wine, the screen resizes to a much lower resolution. Sometimes when I close the application & usually when it crashes/I have to kill it, the screen stays at that much lower resolution. To get my normal 1900*1200 resolution back I have to delete all the applets I've put in the top menu bar to for there to be enough space for the menu to appear for me to select System>Prefs>Monitors.How can I prevent an application from altering my resolution & just force it to run windowed, or at a higher resolution?

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Ubuntu :: 10.4 - Cannot Open GUI For Most Of Applications

Aug 25, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.4 netbook remix on an Asus Eee PC 1001PX.
uname -a says:
Linux localhost 2.6.32-24-generic #41-Ubuntu SMP Thu Aug 19 01:12:52 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux

I can't open the GUI for most of the applications in system > administration and some in system > preferences. In preferences IBus preferences, Main Menu, Prodcast Preferences, Ubuntu One are affected and in administration only Disk Utility, Login Screen, Synaptic, Network Tools, Time & Date, Users & Groups, Update Manager do start (Sorry, that I state the apps that run, but this list seemed shorter to me.). There's just a notification prompted that the program is started but then nothing happens.

Further, the update manager posts a notification in the panel that "A problem occurred when checking for updates." I have the feeling that this occurred at the same time as I couldn't start the programs anymore. Up to now I wasn't able to find out what the problem is, but I didn't touch the software sources. I read threads about similar problems and there something seemed to be mixed up with the files /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname. But I checked on that and it's fine in my case.

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Software :: Applications Won't Open?

Feb 21, 2010

I can't get many applications to open on my ubuntu 9.10. As far as I know, it's in a fresh install state, so it shouldn't be missing dependencies....For example, if I try and open Pidgin, it'll appear on the taskbar for a few seconds and disappear again. Running in terminal gives:michael@linuxserver:~$ pidginBus errormichael@linuxserver:~$ I also can't get Movie Player, Empathy or evolution to open

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Ubuntu :: Win Key On 10.04 Open Applications Menu?

May 23, 2010

- open terminal and type gconf-editor - apps -> metacity -> global_keybinding and look for panel_main_menu - right click and edit, change value to "Super_L" without the quote.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Open Applications While In Vncviewer

Jan 7, 2011

i've tried different vncservers and with all of them, when i use vncviewer, i'm unable to open some applications. for instance, i can open firefox and terminal. but other programs are giving me problems, like google chrome or the disk manager, which will open for a split second and then disappear. i am so mad i've looked all over the place for a couple days and ready to pull my hair out. i've installed vnc4server, tightvncserver, and a couple others i can't think of right now.

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SUSE :: Applications Open Twice Everytime?

Jul 9, 2010

If i open any application, it opens twice everytime and if i close one, the other one also closes.

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OpenSUSE :: Applications Open In Full Screen?

Mar 16, 2010

when the properties of a file change the default application, such as pdf or okular for gwenview for photos and to open these from the nautilus is opened as if they were full screen.

How can I correct this?

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OpenSUSE :: Not Able To Open Any Applications After Fresh Update

Sep 27, 2010

Just installed OpenSuse 11.3 kde version on my laptop. After install added few repositories and updated the system. Now the whole desktop looks very polished however problem started after that. When i tried to open Dolphine, Fire fox, Terminal or for that mater any application nothing happens. None of the applications opened successfully. Then i tried to configure plasmoid widgets and for my surprise all worked fine. With this problem i can not login to opensuse desktop.

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OpenSUSE :: Force KDE 4 Applications To Open As A New Instance Not New Tab?

May 17, 2011

When a new instance of a running KDE 4 application (kwrite, konqueror, etc.) is run under opensuse 11.4 with KDE4 it seems that the default behaviour is to open a new tab in the running instance.

This occurs when the new instance is called from the command line; the start menu; the run dialogue; or a desktop icon, even when called from a separate desktop. In konqueror the menu option <File> <new window> opens a new tab and seems redundant.

How can a user force KDE 4 applications to run a new instance in a separate frame / window when another instance of that application is already running?

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Ubuntu :: OPEN WITH Listed Duplicated Applications

Mar 24, 2010

I was trying to install some Windows applications in Wine/PlayOnLinux. The result was not very useful for what I wanted and I removed all the application including wine and Playonlinux completely from my computer (9.10 64bit).But I was not really able to completely clean up what I did because when I right click on any files and use "OPEN WITH", I got a LONG list of application with many of them are uninstalled and duplicated.

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Ubuntu :: Open Applications In Windowed Mode?

Jun 20, 2010

Is there a code to type in terminal before a application or game to make it open in windowed mode instead of fullscreen.

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Ubuntu :: Open Applications In The Background While Using Terminal?

Nov 25, 2010

it's really easy to launch an application using alt+f2 without having to worry about it while it's running but in terminal the window must remain open and you can't run anything else while the application is running e.g. firefox, rhythmbox. does anyone know how to run applications in the background while using terminal?

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Ubuntu :: Use Super Key To Open The Applications Menu

May 15, 2011

I want to use the super key to open the applications menu. If the applications menu is already open, I want the super key to close it. 1 click.

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Applications :: Open Source Alternative To Dropbox?

Feb 2, 2010

I am looking for an application that works in both linux and freebsd (windows would be a plus) that keeps a file tree in sync in the background like Dropbox does. I can no longer use Dropbox because it does not support FreeBSD (you might see a forum thread saying otherwise, but its fix is out of date). The application does not have to sync to a separate web server, I can host from my house, but it would be nice. A system tray icon to check on state would also be nice, but not required. The platforms that I really need are kubuntu 9.10 and FreeBSD 8.0.The simplest thing I could think of would be a script that had git update a repository with all my docs in it every minute or so, would this work?

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Applications :: Unable To Open Some Of The Sites In Firefox ?

Feb 7, 2011

i hv installed firefox 3.6 in fedora 14. From 2 days i m not be able to open some of the sites in firefox like warez-bb, addon.firefox, etc.

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General :: Changing The Default Application To Open Files - Ubuntu 11.04

Jun 30, 2011

I want to change the application that opens my mp3 files.

At present if I double click an mp3 it opens in the movie viewer for some reason. I know I can use "open with..." to get a file to open in Rythymbox instead, but I have over 800 mp3 files and want to change the default for all of them.

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Debian :: Writing Open Source Java Applications?

Feb 13, 2010

I always wanted to get into writing open source applications for debian. The only problem I ever saw was that I do not know C++ which seems to be the popular language to build applications. My expertise is Java and I think that java applications could run on debian just as good as C++ applications. What I do at work is write applications in java for unix systems so I think I porting my skills over to debian would not be a problem. I have not seen any applications in java on debian yet and thought people might have a problem with them. Is there any reason more java applications are not being written on debian? Also does anyone know of hand if there is any orphaned java application for debian. I had a look on this page but it is hard to know what language the application is written in. [URL]

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Ubuntu :: Setting Applications To Open In Specific Workspace

Oct 26, 2010

I have two applications that I would like to always open up in Workspace 2, even when i restart my computer. Is there a GUI solution that can do this? One of the apps is the Sound Preference window I would like set to open with the input tab selected.

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Ubuntu :: Make Windows Key Open Applications Menu?

May 9, 2011

I've switched to Xubuntu and the procedure is obviously different How can I make my Windows key open the Applications Menu in Xubuntu?I found the keyboard shortcuts in the Settings menu but I see no option for adding a shortcut. It only shows the existing shortcuts.

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Ubuntu :: Show Open Applications At Top Of Unity Launcher?

Jul 26, 2011

Is there a way to make Unity launcher have the open applications/programs at the top?This way I don't have to scroll through the entire launcher to see what is open/running.Or, is there a way of seeing what is open - like <Super>+W but that shows minimised items too?

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Applications :: Linux Program To Open .mus Notation Files

Aug 2, 2010

Is anyone aware of a program which will open .mus music notation files or convert them to .xml files? I have several files from FINALE which I would like to open in Linux, but Linux distros will not allow FINALE to run. .xml files will open in MuseScore.

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Applications :: Nessus Command Error - Could Not Open Connection

Sep 15, 2010

I am using nessus 4.2.2. When running with command line:
nessus -q -x -T html 1241 myUser myPassword listTarget.txt output.txt
1241 is default port of nessus

The error throw out:
nessus : Could not open a connection to
But when I running nessus GUI by browser with localhost on port 8834 is ok.

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