General :: Rm Command For Specific Filetypes?

Jul 30, 2011

I've spent hours searching the net to solve my problem, w o luck.My problem is that I've tried to delete some files with specific filetypes (html) from a number of subfolders, but always ending up with, rm: cannot remove `./*html': No such file or directory. I've tried many variants of rm -R *.html

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General :: Run A Specific Command From One Server To Another?

Mar 15, 2010

I want to run a specific command from one server to another. For example I have a server called A(client) and a server called B(Server). How would i fire a command on Server(B) while working on Client(A). One way of doing it is using ssh

"ssh -tq ls -ltr"

but whenever i execute the command it ask for the password. How would i reduce effort of putting password again and again.

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Fedora :: Changing What Applications Open Filetypes

Oct 30, 2010

I was tackling this question before using specifics and got nowhere, so now I am going to general. I have a certain application on my machine and many files which can only open using that application. When I open those files, they do not use that application, but use the Archive Manager instead. When I go to "Open With" --> "Other" this application is not in the "other" list. I want to emphasize that because so far everyone assumes too quickly that I didn't try that. This application was installed using the Software Manager, the files that came with fedora. The application is on my machine, this is a fact. I am able to go find the application and open it up manually. Why wouldn't Fedora know that this app is on my machine?

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General :: Command For Finding Specific File Types?

Oct 15, 2009

If there is a command I can use to find specific file types? Say if I want to find all the jpg's in my home folder, but they don't have the .jpg extension in the name, how would I do it? Or can I set some kind of size parameter to find them? The ones I want are all from my digicam and roughly the same size.

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General :: Command To Find A Specific Word In Directories And Subdirectories?

Jun 7, 2010

tell me the command used to find a specific word in directories and sub-directories in linux?

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General :: Command To Check Specific Processes That's Using The Most IO/disk Usage?

Apr 12, 2011

Is there a command to check specific processes that's using the most IO/disk usage? I know sar and ps but I want more specific details on IO on individual processes

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General :: Command For Listing Files/dirs Recursively Of Specific Directories?

Jul 22, 2011

suppose in my current directory, I have 50 sub-directories. Now, I am interested only in about 20 of those sub-directories (whose names match a pattern). I would like to recursively list the contents of these 20 sub-directories. How do I do that ? I would like to do this in Solaris 10 and Linux(RHEL 5.x).

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General :: Kubuntu 9.10 Boots Only A Command Terminal / Specific Commands To Get The Files?

Nov 6, 2009

In a couple days I plan on changing to opensuse from kubuntu. Anyway in the Kpackagemanager I removed the pulseaudio client (and its dependencies) and it messed up my system a bit. I don't really mind but all I need is to get my files from my home folder off my hdd to an external through usb 2.0. When Kubuntu 9.10 boots now all it is is a command terminal basically and I don't know the specific commands to get the files. Or if I need to reinstall something so that it boots up with a graphical looking UI again.

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General :: Command Line To Check For A Specific Email - By Subject - On An SSL Secured IMAP Server?

Feb 1, 2011

Anyone know a simple command line to check for a specific email - by subject - on an SSL secured IMAP server?

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Ubuntu :: A Command To Find A Command With A Specific Substring?

Mar 19, 2011

want to know if Ubuntu provides a command to search for a command having a specific word.e.g.If I know a command contains editor as a substring but don't know exactly what the command is,then is there a way to find that command or the list of commands having editor as a substring.

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General :: Change A Specific Characters To Capital In A Specific Text?

Dec 2, 2010

for example

else {
for fileDOC in $location/*.doc


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General :: Ubuntu - Package For Specific "command History" On Terminal Line?

Sep 19, 2011

Is there a package I can download for Ubuntu that would allow me to type in,for example, cd [tab key] and then it would go through the recent cd commands I've typed in?

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Ubuntu :: Set Specific Terminal Command As Shortcut?

Feb 13, 2010

Is there a way to set a specific terminal command as a keyboard shortcut? I know gnome-terminal opens the terminal, but is there a way to make a keyboard shortcut that opens the terminal and runs top?(I don't like how cpu heavy gnome-system-monitor is)

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Hardware :: Add Button To Execute Specific Command?

Oct 27, 2010

I have a headless server and I'd like to add a physical button that when pressed would execute a specific command, is there such a device?

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Ubuntu :: Allow A Specific Group On Machine To Execute One Command With Sudo?

Aug 22, 2011

I'm trying to allow a specific group on my machine to execute one command with sudo without requiring a password, so what I want to do is add something like this to sudoers:

%groupName ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: /bin/bash /path/to/ argument1 argument2

argument1 needs to be a url :

argument2 needs to be a path of the form /var/www/demo/SomeFolder/application/config/config.php

How do I put in a regex form that sudoers will understand ? I tried reading the sudoers manual, but it didn't help a lot .

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Programming :: Bash Command To Remove All Files Within A Specific Folder?

Oct 19, 2010

I want to delete all files within a specific folder without actually deleting the folder, what is a good bash command for this?. I found this one but encountered some errors even though I am executing it within the specific folder:

useratdebian:/home/user/folder# find . -type f -exec rm -rf {} ;
[1] 5052
useratdebian:/home/user/folder# find: missing argument to `-exec'
[1]+ Exit 1 find . -type f -exec rm -rf

The command as it appears is:

find . -type f -exec rm -rf {} ;

how to delete only the files contained within the folder called "folder" for example?

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Programming :: Print Images From Command Line At A Specific Size

Jan 7, 2010

I have a requirement to print images (two to be precise) from the command line of a given size and without losing too much quality.

So, I may have two images, a.jpg and b.jpg which may be 4x4" and 6x4" respectively (the sizes may vary). I need to be able to print both these on a single sheet of paper (one under the other) at a given size for each - so a may be 2x2" and b may be 3x2" - the aspect ratio will always be maintained (or as near as possible!)

I am currently doing this a very messy way (because I don't know any other way!!) - basically I am converting the picture to a given size using a set density using convert and then concatenating the two using montage.

Here is part of my script:


Don't worry too much about the case statement at the end - that is just to be able to select to print either A, B or A and B.

The issue with this is that is doesn't work great if the aspect ratio is not maintained perfectly and also, it loses quite a lot of quality on the print.

I have a very old windows app which I wrote years back in VB (o dear! ) which does the same thing and the quality is fine (I am running it through wine). I want it to be command line though because I want to run it as part of other scripts etc.

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CentOS 5 :: Command To Find And Remove Specific Letters From A File?

Nov 4, 2009

I have a file with tens of thousands of lines. I need to remove specific letters eg eggs, from every line that has the letters in it. Is there a command which can help me do that easily?

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Ubuntu :: Open A Specific Tomboy Note With A Command To Create Launcher?

Jul 15, 2010

I tried

tomboy --title-note "To Do"
but it returns


[INFO 14:55:56.264] Initializing Mono.Addins

and opens in notification area.

but the note does not open.

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General :: Run A Program For A Specific Amount Of Time Starting At A Specific Time?

May 18, 2010

I want to record an internet radio station starting at 2:00am tomorrow morning. The specific program on the radio station lasts until 6:00am. The command I need to run to record the station is: Code:mplayer -ao pcm:file=indie_heat_of_the_night.wav -vc dummy -vo nullI'd use cron, but 1. I'm not sure how to and 2. it seems unnecessarily complicated for something that I only want to run once. If cron is the only/easiest solution, I guess I'll just have to resort to that, but I'd rather not.

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Ubuntu :: Command Line (write A Short Script That Will Compress A Specific Folder) - 7zip

Oct 6, 2010

i need to write a short script that will compress a specific folder that`s on the Desktop (and all it`s content) and also will encrypt it with a password that is inside the script --->meaning it wont ask for a password+verification when compressing+encrypting

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Ubuntu :: Giving A Specific User Permission To Start/stop A Specific Service?

Jun 8, 2010

How do I give permission to a logged in user to stop/start a specific service without entering a root/sudo password? So they can do a simple "service SomeService stop|start" It is for a headless Ubuntu server.

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Programming :: Search A Bunch Of Files In A Specific Folder For A Specific Number?

Jul 24, 2010

I need to search a bunch of files in a specific folder for a specific number and add all the numbers together to a total sum. I use Rsync everyday, everytime I run rsync i get a logfile (rsync output) witch contains the textstring "Total bytes sent: xxxxxx".

The "xxxxx" can vary in lenght. I need to extract the "xxxxxx" from each file and add the numbers together to a total size over a week or a month. Is this possible? And I wish to only use bash. One way of doing stuff at a time my friends .

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Ubuntu :: Allow A Specific User To Mount Or Remount A Specific Partition?

Jun 9, 2010

my system I want user1 and only user1 to be able to mount and unmount a specific partition, this partition contains backups and is usually mounted read only, needs to be temporarily mounted read/write by user1 while doing the backup.user1 is an unprivileged user. I've read that the user option will let any user mount the file-system (and only that user can then subsequently unmount it) and that the users option allows any user to mount or unmount the file-system.I also found this in mount's man pageQuote:The owner option is similar to the user option, with the restriction that the user must be the owner of the special file. This may be useful e.g. for /dev/fd if a login script makes the console user owner of this device. The group option is similar, with the restriction that the user must be member of the group of the special file.So it looks like I'd need a login script for that user to make the user owner of the device file (/dev/voiceserv/backup in this case)

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Server :: Sendmail: Block Specific Sender To Specific Recipient?

Oct 1, 2009

I'm trying to configure our mail server to block email from a specific sender reaching a specific recipient. In other words, if one of our employees is getting harassed by a 'stalker', how would one go about blocking, at the MTA (Sendmail) level, a specific sender email address from reaching a particular users inbox? We do not want to capture the email - simply block it before it consumes server resources.The Sendmail server (MTA) is a front end to our Exchange server so no user accounts exist on the Linux server. We simply use it as a SPAM and Virus scanner then forward clean email to the Exchange server.

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Software :: Check The Contents Of A Text File For A Specific String And Remove It From The File From The Command Prompt?

Oct 14, 2010

I want to be able to check the contents of a text file for a specific string and remove it from the file from the command prompt. I would basically be searching through a number of files and if a specific string is found I would like it removed automatically. pretty much a find and replace, were the replace is nothing. any one got any ideas on how you would do this. I already have the search part sorted just need to be able to remove the string I don't want from the multiple files.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Find "cd" Listed As A Specific Command

Jun 24, 2010

3) Open a terminal emulator (xterm, konsole, whatever) and cd to the folder you downloaded the PyLotRO source code to.

Anyone know what exactly that means? I can understand all of the rest of the download instructions, but it appears cding to a folder draws me a blank. I cannot find "cd" listed as a specific command either 8(

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Programming :: Replace Specific Character After Specific Line By Awk?

Jul 19, 2010

I want to replace specific character in a file after every specific line. example as follows.

O 000000000000000000
A 111111111111111111
C 222222222222222222


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Server :: Redirect Specific Ip To Specific Web Page?

Jul 1, 2009

I configure squid to work with squidGuard , and all thing work properly , but there is problemfirst look to this squidGuard.confdhhome /usr/local/squidGuard/dblogdir /usr/local/squidGuard/log

src blacklist {


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General :: How To Rename All Subfolders With Specific Name

Jun 11, 2010

How to go through all the subfolders and rename all the folders named 'Old' to 'New'

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