Fedora :: Burn DVD Version To Multiple CDs

Mar 3, 2010

Im wanting to take the DVD version of Fedora and put it on multiple CD's...i currently have no DVD Reader in the machine i want to install Fedora..

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Ubuntu :: Burn Multiple Movies In One Dvd?

Jul 14, 2011

I need a program that I can use to burn multiple movies into one DVD, in windows I used DVD shrink. I need to reauthor them and put em in one DVD playable in DVD players. what Linux software may I use

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Ubuntu :: Watch AVI's Or Burn DVD With Multiple Language Selection?

Jul 6, 2010

I downloaded some AVI files (legally of course...) and there are multiple sound tracks on each file, meaning supposedly I should be able to select the language it plays. How do I set the movie player to select a language or how do I burn those AVI's onto a DVD allowing language selection (or to burn them all, already selected with English as the language it will play)?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Upgrade 11.1 To 11.3 - Burn ISO DVD File To Multiple CDROMs?

Apr 19, 2011

How can I burn the openSUSE 11.3 ISO DVD file to multiple CDROMs to upgrade a legacy notebook (Sony Vaio PCG-FXA32) running 11.1 that has only a CDROM drive? I have the 11.3 ISO on a DVD disk.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Current Daily Build Of 10.10 - Burn Newer Version?

Oct 3, 2010

If I were to install the current daily build of 10.10 (cd) will there be a live update that can be installed on Oct 10? Or do I need to burn the newer 10.10 version on that day and install again by cd?

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Fedora Installation :: Kernel-devel Package With Version Between The Fedora And Update Repo Version

Sep 11, 2009

I have a fedora 11 with kernel package: kernel-PAE-

I would like to install the devel package for this kernel version, but I can't find it, because in the fedora repo there is only the original kernel ( and in the updates repo there is only the newest kernel package (2.6.30....)

Where can I find the packages which are between the fedora and update repos' versions?

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General :: Git Version Control With Multiple Users?

Mar 30, 2010

I want to setup a git repository, three of four users will contribute, so they need to download the code and shall be able to upload their changes to the server or update their branch with the latest modifications.So, i setup a linux machine, install git, setup the repository, then add the users in order to enable the acces throught ssh.Now my question is, What's next?, the git documentation is a little bit confusing,i.e. when i try from a dummy user account to clone the repository i got:

xxx@xxx-desktop:~/Documentos/git/test$ git clone -v ssh://xxx@
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/xxx/Documentos/git/test/pub/.git/
xxx@'s password:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Switching Between Multiple Gcc Version?

Mar 24, 2010

I need to test my code under different versions of GCC. At leat GCC 3.4 in addition to the default. I was hoping I could simply do the switch from CodeBlocks's build settings... Of course, it's not that simple.

By the way, GCC 3.4 is not even in synaptic manager. I suppose some apt-get install command can do it.

ideally I'd like to be able to switch between versions. I've heard of ccontrol, but I'm cautiously posting here before for any advice before blowing up my set up.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Multiple Version Of Same Package?

May 10, 2010

I have (after upgrading from 9.10 to 10.04) several packages who are installed with multiple versions.

e.g. Python

dpkg -l | grep python2
ii libpython2.6 2.6.5-1ubuntu6 Shared Python runtime library


I guess I only need the newest one .. The other ones have status "RC" Or am I wrong here, and do I need to keep these old versions ?So how do I get rid off 2.4 and 2.5 and just keep version 2.6.How can I easily remove these "old" packages. I tried aptitude purge, aptitude clean, aptitude autoclean. But they don't do the trick.I am looking for an easy way, because python is only an example. Else I could just delete them be using their name.... (of course)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Remove Multiple Version?

Nov 16, 2010

I have a 1 tera byte disk with windows xp nad a 120gb disk with ubuntu 7.10. I used install CD to install 10.04.

Now two versions of ubuntu are running and is creating confusion. How to remove the old version?

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Ubuntu :: Multiple GRUB2 Listings For The Same Kernel Version

Jun 5, 2010

I did a fresh 64-bit install of 10.04 workstation a few weeks ago, and my grub seems to "double up" the listings of my kernel versions. I have removed the older versions hanging around on my system, but you can see in the list below, that I still get the listings more than once:

jim@jim-laptop:/etc/grub.d$ sudo update-grub
Generating grub.cfg ...
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-22-generic
Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-22-generic
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-22-generic


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Ubuntu :: Multiple Version Of 10.10 - Delete Some Of The Older Versions?

Mar 17, 2011

When I turn on my computer, because of frequent updates it will display several versions of Ubuntu 10.10 that I can choose from. I wonder if it is possible to delete some of the older versions and how. I think having several versions of Ubuntu uses up a lot of space in the hard drive.

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Hardware :: Share DVD Drive In Windows [version 7] And Use It In System [version Fedora 12]?

Jan 8, 2010

I have a doubt, may sound funny but wanna know whether it is possible to share DVD drive in windows [version 7] and use it in Linux system [version fedora 12]?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Can Upgrade Kernel To Version 2.6 And Glibc To Version 2.5?

Feb 5, 2010

I have a server running Reh Hat Linux 7.3 with kernel 2.4.18. Can i upgrade kernel to version 2.6 and glibc to version 2.5?

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Ubuntu :: Burn A Mp3 Cd But Brasero Can't Burn Mp3 Cd

Dec 25, 2010

I want to burn a mp3 cd but brasero can't burn mp3 cd. How can I do this. If any further software need burn mp3 cd

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Fedora :: Upgrade Version From 10 To Latest Version 13

Mar 10, 2010

I am using Nagios 3.2.4 monitoring tool on a Linux box with Fedora 10 installed on it and Apache version is 2.2.10. I would like to upgrade my Fedora version from 10 to latest version Fedora 13.

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Fedora :: Avi To DVD Then Burn?

Feb 8, 2011

I've tried a whole bunch of thigns but things keep crashing and i dunno what to do, I'm using FC14 really i just wanna do it all from the terminal but i dunno what commands or yum installs to use ive been trying for a couple days.I have .avi and i wanna burn them to play on a dvd player.

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Fedora :: Unable To Burn DVD+R

Jun 20, 2009

I'm getting following error "There was an error writing to the disc: Unhandled error, aborting"

1. I write click file I want to write to DVD
2. select Write to disk
3. select Write

I'm using Fedora 10.I tried three different brands of DVD+R.I was able to burn same DVD+R few months back in the F10..but I did not try recent months.

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Fedora :: Error Trying To Burn DVD

Jun 21, 2009

i have a file that i'm trying to burn and for some reason when the burn process completes i get the following error message: Error while burning.You do not have the required permissions to use this drive.i'm not sure why this is happening- is there something i have to set/enable to be able to use my DVD drive? i am using brasero to burn my dvd, and it appears that the failure occurs during the verification process.

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Fedora :: F13's Brasero Won't Burn Cds

Jul 3, 2010

Both my cd/dvd drives work fine out of xp so they're connected properly.

I tried to use Brasero to burn an iso to a cd; Brasero responds with the message "Please replace the disc with a supported CD or DVD." But my Sony and Maxell discs should be supported, so what could be causing this message?

Is the bash command cdrecord an alternative to Bresaro? If so then what is the command syntax to burn file.iso to a cd in a cd/dvd drive?

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Fedora :: Can;t Burn DVD But CDs Are Fine

Jan 28, 2011

So, I've been using Brasero to burn cds with no problems, but when I try to burn a DVD video, it starts converting the file mpeg-2 then just hangs about half way through. I tried it like 5 times and then moved on to Bombona, which I heard was great. When I start the burn process for a DVD video with Bombono, it just says "DVD-video building broken ffmpeg failure." its driving me nuts, this shouldnt be so complicated. I havent run into others with this problem, so Im assuming Ive just missed something obvoius.

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Software :: Burn Fedora 15 Iso ?

Jul 19, 2011

I seem to be having trouble getting the Fedora Live CD onto CD. I have the iso, downloaded as a torrent.

I used: wodim -v -dev=1,0,0 -data /home/pedroski/Downloads/Fedora-15-i686-Live-Desktop/Fedora-15-i686-Live-Desktop.iso

I get no errors;
....a lot of blurb ....then
Performing OPC...
Starting new track at sector: 0
Track 01: 565 of 565 MB written (fifo 100%) [buf 100%] 24.0x.
Track 01: Total bytes read/written: 592445440/592445440 (289280 sectors).
Writing time: 241.472s
Average write speed 16.4x.
Min drive buffer fill was 99%
Fixating time: 21.222s
BURN-Free was never needed.
wodim: fifo had 9332 puts and 9332 gets.
wodim: fifo was 0 times empty and 9141 times full, min fill was 89%.

But when I reinsert the CD, it says 'blank CD inserted' I check properties, it says: 0 bytes used, 0 bytes free.

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Fedora Installation :: How To Burn The ISO On Vista

Feb 20, 2009

I have a clean Linux box on which I want to install Fedora 10.I downloaded the 3.6GB ISO file (Fedora-10-i386-DVD) onto my Windows Vista machine, and then installed ISO Recorder, with which I burned the image to a DVD.I was surprised that the image took only about 10 minutes to burn, maybe less.When I then tried to install Fedora 10 on the Linux box from the DVD, after a minute of checking devices and such, it says "Error loading operating system." It goes no further.I'm thinking that the technique I used to burn ISO into the DVD was insufficient. I followed the instructions I found in the ISO readme for burning with the ISO Recorder V2 Power Toy:Obtain and install the ISO Recorder power toy from the

1. In the file manager Explorer, right click on the first Fedora ISO file.2. In the context menu, select Copy image to CD.3. Follow the steps given by the CD Recording Wizard pop-up.4. Repeat for the remaining ISO files.Actually, the ISO Recorder I downloaded said nothing about being a "power toy"--it was ISO Recorder V3.1 - for Windows Vista/Windows 7. But the wizard gave no choice of specifying which in the ISO were boot code vs. package code. It was basically a one-click burn. I just selected Image File (Fedora-10-i386-DVD.iso) and clicked Next. I expected there would be a step for specifying something about boot code. Or, when you install Fedora from

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Fedora :: Easy Way To Burn Mp3s

Aug 1, 2009

Is there an easy way to burn mp3 on Fedora ? Brasero doesn`t want to and I haven`t found the relevant plugin, and I can`t install Kb3 the Add/Remove even with RPM fusion.

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Fedora Hardware :: Burn DVD Is Very Slow On F12?

Apr 10, 2010

I'm trying to burn a DVD on Fedora 12 using:

- a LG BH08LS20 [ BR burner ] (either SATA or USB)
- a LiteOn LDW-851S [ DVD burner ] (USB)

It's slow (reported speed of 0.3x). The same burner in windohz or Ubuntu gives full speed. The LG is new but the LiteOn burner was working fine on previous Fedora.

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Fedora :: Can't Burn DVD -- Incompatible Format

Mar 6, 2011

Update:so I can burn DVD+Rs fine. I burned Fedora 14 originally on this machine (in F13), although I'll have to check to see what kind of disks I was using.

Here is my posting from unix.stackexchange.com:

I have been trying to burn a few ISOs lately with no success and have certainly used this hardware in the past, so I am not sure what's going on. I am using DVD-R media (tried multiple discs) which appears to be supported by my drive. Here is the error I received in GnomeBaker on Fedora 14 (64):


Executing 'builtin_dd if=/home/tja/Downloads/Torrents/bodhi_0.1.6.iso of=/dev/sr0 obs=32k seek=0'
/dev/sr0: "Current Write Speed" is 1.0x1352KBps.


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Fedora Installation :: F7 Software To Burn Iso Image To CD

Jun 13, 2009

I read in the F11 install guide that you can download a install iso image and then do an internet install. Since my F11 DVD hasn't arrived yet; I downloaded that ISO ; and figured it'd be a quicker install anyway, since that way I'd avoid having to download all the updates after the DVD install.I have a USB CD-RW drive attached to my laptop, currently running F7. Almost all of the instructions I see for burning a CD image are for Win users and Win software. I did download Brasero and it's acting flaky; it seems to want to unmount my CDRW drive, even when I'm logged in as root; so it doesn't give me that option to burn to that disk.

I found K3B, but that's for KDE and I'm using Gnome -- is there any good CD burning software (with a link please?) I can use?

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Fedora Installation :: Most Recent ISO File To Burn FC11 DVD?

Aug 18, 2009

I'd like to know, if there is more recent ISO to be download to burn the FC11 Installation DVD. I could get around this Ndvidia graphic installation problem where I am getting a command line system only.

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Fedora :: Can't Burn Disk Using Nero As Normal User?

Jun 28, 2010

Problem is that I can't burn disk using nero linux as normal user. If I try to do so, it tries to create a .nrg image in the drive rather than burning those files in the disk. But if i run nero as super user then it works okay. If I run it as normal itan't even recognize my burner

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Fedora Hardware :: DVD Double Layer Burn Fails?

May 13, 2011

I can't burn dvds double layer at all. I managed to ruin 3 DVDs so far (DVD burner from fedora says an error unknown appeared and that burn failed. I tried with Gnomebaker and I got:


If you need more info, tell me what you need (also what command to use) and I will write it. I am wondering whether the problem is with the DVDs or if it's a hardware problem.

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