Ubuntu Installation :: Switching Between Multiple Gcc Version?

Mar 24, 2010

I need to test my code under different versions of GCC. At leat GCC 3.4 in addition to the default. I was hoping I could simply do the switch from CodeBlocks's build settings... Of course, it's not that simple.

By the way, GCC 3.4 is not even in synaptic manager. I suppose some apt-get install command can do it.

ideally I'd like to be able to switch between versions. I've heard of ccontrol, but I'm cautiously posting here before for any advice before blowing up my set up.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Switching Different Version Of Linux

Nov 10, 2010

I have a dell inspirionB130 and I installed mandriva dual boot with windows 7.. However I was not able to connect to a wireless network, but yet I could when i switched back to windows 7. Ive also just been wanting to try other versions of Linux to see which one I would prefer.. But Im not really sure on how to uninstall Linux or replace it with different version.. I have read in this link Mandriva Installed with Windows; Looking to try another Linux Distribution Read more: URL... here and I was wondering if this was a correct way of doing it, I just didnt know if some kind of conflict would occur when doing this, or if other people suggested a different way.. Specifically talking around middle of the page under "Mandriva Installed with Windows; Looking to try another Linux Distribution"

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Ubuntu Installation :: Multiple Version Of Same Package?

May 10, 2010

I have (after upgrading from 9.10 to 10.04) several packages who are installed with multiple versions.

e.g. Python

dpkg -l | grep python2
ii libpython2.6 2.6.5-1ubuntu6 Shared Python runtime library


I guess I only need the newest one .. The other ones have status "RC" Or am I wrong here, and do I need to keep these old versions ?So how do I get rid off 2.4 and 2.5 and just keep version 2.6.How can I easily remove these "old" packages. I tried aptitude purge, aptitude clean, aptitude autoclean. But they don't do the trick.I am looking for an easy way, because python is only an example. Else I could just delete them be using their name.... (of course)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Remove Multiple Version?

Nov 16, 2010

I have a 1 tera byte disk with windows xp nad a 120gb disk with ubuntu 7.10. I used install CD to install 10.04.

Now two versions of ubuntu are running and is creating confusion. How to remove the old version?

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Ubuntu :: Will Switching From Desktop Version

May 14, 2010

I am looking at switching from the 10.04 desktop version to the netbook remix version.I was wondering the easiest way to do this, and if I will lose all my files in the process.. I have an Acer Aspire One A0532H-2254 10.1" and a lot of Windows wont fit in my smaller screen, which is extremely frustrating.Also, if doing so would cause me to lose all my files, best way to back up about 56 Gigs of movies and music?

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General :: Switching From One KDE Version To Another?

Apr 14, 2011

how to switch to a different version of KDE without difficulty? I've never changed desktop software in the same installation of a distro before. Pursuant to [URL] , I want to try KDE Trinity (which, when I first heard of it, I didn't realize was a version of KDE) and, if I like it, replace my KDE 3.5 with it. Obviously, I can't remove KDE 3.5 completely before installing Trinity; and even if I have 3.5 and Trinity installed simultaneously (can I?), I'm guessing that only one of them will ever be available in the "session type" option at system startup.

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Ubuntu :: Multiple GRUB2 Listings For The Same Kernel Version

Jun 5, 2010

I did a fresh 64-bit install of 10.04 workstation a few weeks ago, and my grub seems to "double up" the listings of my kernel versions. I have removed the older versions hanging around on my system, but you can see in the list below, that I still get the listings more than once:

jim@jim-laptop:/etc/grub.d$ sudo update-grub
Generating grub.cfg ...
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-22-generic
Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-22-generic
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-22-generic


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Ubuntu :: Multiple Version Of 10.10 - Delete Some Of The Older Versions?

Mar 17, 2011

When I turn on my computer, because of frequent updates it will display several versions of Ubuntu 10.10 that I can choose from. I wonder if it is possible to delete some of the older versions and how. I think having several versions of Ubuntu uses up a lot of space in the hard drive.

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Fedora :: Burn DVD Version To Multiple CDs

Mar 3, 2010

Im wanting to take the DVD version of Fedora and put it on multiple CD's...i currently have no DVD Reader in the machine i want to install Fedora..

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General :: Git Version Control With Multiple Users?

Mar 30, 2010

I want to setup a git repository, three of four users will contribute, so they need to download the code and shall be able to upload their changes to the server or update their branch with the latest modifications.So, i setup a linux machine, install git, setup the repository, then add the users in order to enable the acces throught ssh.Now my question is, What's next?, the git documentation is a little bit confusing,i.e. when i try from a dummy user account to clone the repository i got:

xxx@xxx-desktop:~/Documentos/git/test$ git clone -v ssh://xxx@
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/xxx/Documentos/git/test/pub/.git/
xxx@'s password:


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Ubuntu Installation :: Update For An Older Version Kernel When Using A New Version?

Sep 29, 2010

What happens if you get an update for an older version kernel when you are using a new version?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Replace Desktop Version With The Netbook Version?

Nov 22, 2010

i would like to replace my Ubuntu Desktop version with the Netbook version. I dont mind losing my current data on the desktop version but if there is a way for me not too i would love to know

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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrade From Desktop Version To Laptop Version?

Jul 18, 2011

I have installed Ubuntu 10.10 desktop version on my Lenovo L420 laptop. Now my friend told me that if I had installed laptop version on it then it would have recognized events related to laptop like closing down the laptop screen and all.

Q1. Is there any way by which I can upgrade it to laptop version?

Q2. What are the differences between both?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Use The Desktop Version Or The Netbook Version?

Feb 5, 2011

Just got my AW M11x and I am following a thread on installation issues and work around. My question is should I install the desktop version or the Netbook version? Not sure the best location to post, if incorrect please move accordingly Wanting to run gimp, open office, wine to access MS office (use for school) and possibly install photoshop for raw work gimp cant handle.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install 64-bit Version Or 32-bit Version With PAE?

Oct 10, 2010

my laptop currently has 8GB of RAM and I wouldn't want that going to waste. I have read about the issues with flash on the 64 bit versions of buntu. Would you recommend going 64-bit or 32-bit with PAE? also, does the 10.10 kernel have PAE enabled by default?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Switching From 32 Bit To 64 Bit?

Mar 22, 2010

I got a new 64 bit computer and in my infinite wisdom I installed the server edition of Ubuntu 9.10. I managed to correct that issue and now I'm running the 32 bit version of Ubuntu on my new machine on a dual boot with Windows7.

What I'm wondering is if there is a way that I could possibly switch to the 64 bit version of Ubuntu 9.10 and still be able to boot my Windows OS. I know that I could remove the 32 bit Ubuntu and start fresh, but I'm concerned that if I do that I might not be able to boot the Windows OS, due to the replacement of the Windows boot with GRUB.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Switching System Between Gnome And KDE?

Mar 11, 2010

I want to have a KDE desktop on my ubuntu OS, I mean that I want to have a switching system between Gnome and KDE! And I don't know how to do that?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Switching Between 2 Autonf Versions?

Apr 28, 2011

I need to use autoconf 2.13 and i was wondering if i can install it on the side of my current version and if yes how can i switch between them afterwards?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installs Cut Short By Desktop Switching Off

Mar 6, 2011

So I have decided to switch to ubuntu since xp gave out on me. Everything seemed so easy during install untill it randomly shut off. It now does this during different stages of installation but never gets further than after entering my user details and beginning the install. Its not faulty hardware as boots into xp home ed fine. I want a full install of ubuntu only though.I have tried both 10.04 and 10.10 (32 bit) booting from Live CDs (3 diff copys, as was paranoid of probs with the iso download)

The hardwares largely unknown but easily ran xp media center previously a year or 2 before. I'm very confident its not underpowered for this.As you can probably tell I'm completely new to this and not overly technical. I have looked around and some things suggest a problem with graphics cards.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Broke System By Switching To Gnome 3

May 3, 2011

Just updated my system to 11.04 and was not a fan of Unity. So I decided to switch to gnome 3. I downloaded all the packages and made the switch, only to realize I had made a HUGE mistake. While gnome 3 looks beautiful, it doesn't work at all for me. I have no internet (wired or wireless) now, and a host of other complaints.But when I try to restart Unity, the system fails. I also cannot start up Ubuntu in normal or Classic modes anymore.

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Fedora Installation :: Switching From GNOME To KDE?

May 22, 2009

I am trying to switch desktops managers from GNOME to KDE followed the wiki page but can't seem to get it right as in my /etc/sysconfig folder there is no desktop file to be modified to tell my system to use KDE at startup. download a new F10/KDE live cd today and try the install that way if I get the chance to do that. But if I can't...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Getting Black Screen When Switching Users In Lucid 10.4?

May 3, 2010

I just upgraded from 9.10 to 10.4. I am having the following problem:

When I attempt to switch from the user that I am currently logged into, to another user who is also logged in, I get a black screen.

To elaborate, here is the exact sequence of events:

- Boot ubuntu and login to user A
- Then Click on power menu (top right corner) and select: Switch from A
- I get the login screen
- I select user B and enter my password


I did try to change my session (at the login screen) to gnome-failsafe, xterm, even kde, but still I get the black screen.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Switching Hard Drive Newly Built Rig

Jun 26, 2010

I have just built a new machine and want to transfer my hard drive over to it, can i just plug it in and power up?, will ubuntu 10.04 detect the new hardware and reconfigure. if not whats the best way to backup the data and re-install.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Switching To Win7 After 11.04 Dual Boot Install

Sep 1, 2011

I installed ubuntu 11.04 to my Compaq Presario CQ61-402SA (Dual boot with windows 7 Home premium 64-bit, Via a partition) And now I can't get back to my W7! Disk Utility says that it is "unallocated"! It had lot's of important info on it! Sorry for urgency, but it's important I get this OS and files back, intact.

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Debian Installation :: Preserving Partitions Switching From LMDE?

Sep 27, 2014

I'm going to move from Linux Mint (Debian Edition) to Debian on my Laptop (3 user). The current setup is LMDE-Cinnamon, with 4 partitions; /, swap, home and data. All the important data lives in data while home is used for preferences only.

Am I right in thinking that preserving the data partition is as simple as not formatting it during the installation?

And what about home? Obviously this now contains a lot of irrelevant stuff (Cinnamon settings for example) and many programs will be in different versions...
- Just keep it (after all the irrelevant stuff should not do anything bad?)? And if so how do I tell the installer to do this?
- Format and restore the relevant preferences manually from the backup?
- Format and have everybody set up their preferences as needed?

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Fedora Installation :: Kernel-devel Package With Version Between The Fedora And Update Repo Version

Sep 11, 2009

I have a fedora 11 with kernel package: kernel-PAE-

I would like to install the devel package for this kernel version, but I can't find it, because in the fedora repo there is only the original kernel ( and in the updates repo there is only the newest kernel package (2.6.30....)

Where can I find the packages which are between the fedora and update repos' versions?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lucid Shows Blank Screen / When Switching User With Ati Card & Desktop Effects

May 4, 2010

Lucid is not in testing but it's released.It seems it works now, with all desktop effects activated and switching users and closing sessions.The only thing I still don't know is which screensaver can I use if removing gnome-screensaver?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Switching From Kubuntu Netbook To Netbook Remix?

Mar 20, 2010

i would like to change my OS to Ubuntu netbook remix, but I already have installed Kubuntu netbook package.

Is there any easy way to make switch from Kubuntu to Ubuntu? Without need to delete all my data?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Changing From Windows Version To Complete Installation

May 25, 2010

I have Ubuntu 10.04 installed in my laptop through a windows installation and I want to make a new, complete, install so I can boot directly in Ubuntu (and change some configuration choices I didn't get right in the first place). Is there any (as simple as posible) way to save my actual data (users, software installed, personal files...) as a whole so I can "install" all that back to the "new" Ubuntu installation?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Select Exact Version Of Software During Installation?

Mar 11, 2011

I did horrible mistake and installed upgrade for firefox 3.6.15 via KPackageKit. There would be normally no problem but this version does not work with Q3 live Is there a way to select older version of software in KPackageKit, Synaptic or via dpkg?P.S. I don't want to install it from tar.gz2 file - I want normal installation.

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