I am running F11 and would like to use ccsm to modify compiz settings. However; when I modify any settings in ccsm they do not seem to take effect at all. I have tried rebooting etc. I have checked the file /home/*username*/.config/compiz/compizconfig and all that's in there is:
Ok, let me explained what I did. I was curious and decided to try out Gnome 3. Big mistake. I did a purge to get rid of it and now Unity comes back up. So far so good. Now none of my settings save... my "keep in launcher" apps do not stay there, my settings (accounts work fine) in Empathy don't stay and the weather settings reset. How do I get things to save when logging out or rebooting?
Is there a way I can save system settings and have yast revert to a config file in case I ever need to reinstall the system again? I hate having to configure the firewall, runlevels, samba shares, samba workgroup, apparmor, and all the other junk after every install. It's not like I install often, but should suse 11.5 or 12 roll out, I'd like it to be a snappy upgrade.
Openoffice.org apparently ignores the window manager altogether for questions of focus. This combined with opening lots of little dialogs and menus is making it almost unusable. (Over at openoffice.org, this has been answered with (essentially) "I use click to focus, so raising on focus is normal, so I'm putting at the lowest possible priority because it has nothing to do with usability.") The problem is that I use focus following the mouse, with click to raise. This is very convenient for copying between two windows and saves me a lot of time and energy, as I have to do this quite often. Current behavior, however, causes Openoffice.org to raise any window you happen to pass over, thus hiding the floating toolbar or dialog box that you were trying to click on. Worse, as the window you brushed by has gained focus, in most cases, the toolbar or dialog disappears entirely. The only solution is to move everything around so as to have a path to get to your toolbar/dialog without touching another window, or to minimize all but one openoffice document. Is there anyway to make Openoffice.org usable with this setting?
I've installed Lucid, and so far the only problem I'm having repeatedly is that my appearance settings aren't saving. Every time I reboot I have to change the visual effects from "none" to "normal", whereupon it searches for drivers and changes the settings. Any ideas what could be causing this and how to fix it?
I followed the instructions for installing Gsynaptics on 10.04 to configure my touchpad and it seems to be working. except, something seems to override my settings whenever I close Gsynaptics or after about 10-20 seconds has passed.
Mainly, all I'm trying to do with it is use it for a simple way for me to turn my touchpad on and off since it's overly sensitive and causing problems. Does anyone know why gsynaptic changes may not be sticking?
I've been playing around with my gnome set up and getting it to look nice, but every time I log out, it messes itself up in just a couple of ways. I saved the session, but that doesn't appear to be catching everything. The problems I'm having -I disable trackpad clicking with "sudo trackpad notap", but I need to reenter this every time I log in or it's turned back on again.
No matter what I do to screenlets, I can't seem to get it to remember that I only want ONE picture frame on my desktop when I boot up, and only ONE CPU monitor. It instead boots up 2 and 3 respectively.I have set stickynote to open up automatically, but it never boots up to the screen, only the panel above. I then have to double click on it to get it to open.Is there a way to save not just the session but every setting you've got running currently on a Ubuntu machine, and then load them automatically when you boot?
Initially, Debian detected my M-Audio soundcard right off, and things were going great, until I tried to get a Logitech webcam working. Got video going, but no audio, so I installed cheese, alsa-base and alsa-utils, and played around with settings according to copious forum threads dedicated to the problem of Linux and webcams, all to no avail. Then I had NO SOUND, until I did a alsa-conf, which detected and (re)set my M-Audio card, until reboot, then again, NO SOUND. Settings were not saving through reboot.
So I purge removed alsa-base and alsa-utils, hoping that things would magically revert to pre-webcam experiment. Still no sound. I have given up on the webcam idea; I'll use my XP Pro laptop for that. But I need sound on this Linux box. Oh and when I'm playing ....., etc. the soundcard itself is making chatter noises to the beat of the music. This soundcard was working perfectly before I started the webcam debacle, so it's not a hardware issue.
so I just got 10.04 installed. My settings anyway for compiz and appearance are not staying "saved" after I shut down then log back in. For now, I just say save sesssion under the startup menu. how to make this work?
I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit and I'm having the following issue: a lot of the programs I use seem not to be able to save their settings on shutdown (Visual Paradigm for UML, for example. Kile is another one). This happens only for some of my programs. What is causing this? Have I installed them in an inappropriate location? (e.g. VP is in /opt). I also have this problem sometimes with system settings (screensaver reverted to old value upon reboot once, but after that it worked...).
Edit: Just noticed running as root doesn't work either, I rebooted and it's back to square one
Once I bring up alsamixer, or mixer from menu, how do you save the settings and have them restored next boot so you don't have to always set them again after a re-boot up?
Over the last two months I've been trying out Ubuntu 10.04 32bit using Wubi under my current Windows 7 32bit OS, and I'm at the point where I want to reformat and partition my HDD making Ubuntu my main OS (with a very small partition for Windows 7 on the side for certain things).I was just wondering if it is somehow possible to export all my current settings and preferences for my current installation of Ubuntu so that once I've reinstalled it, I can import them and everything will be the same as it is now (I hope that made sense...).I'm not too fussed about reinstalling apps and things, just all my current settings and preferences.Oh and also, (this might not be the place to ask, but I know you'll probably be able to answer this as well) is there anything I can use to do the same export/import process with my Windows 7
I am wondering if there is a basic tool out there that will work with graphics card powered by FOSS drivers that allows to adjust resolution (and configure secondary monitors) and then save that configuration so it can automatically be restored next time the system starts up.
When i installed Ubuntu, everything worked fine, sound drivers installed automatically and volume was perfect.Then one day as I was talking to a friend on skype, I tried changing the output to speakers from my headset during the call and i didnt get any output. I tried changing a few settings, can't remember which ones exactly until I noticed someone had pulled the audio cable from the back of my PC. I replaced it but I started getting very very low sound.I found out about alsamixer and when I ran it, I found that the volume on that device was turned down, i turned it up and voila! sound back to normal.However, now when I reboot, my sound goes down again. I have tried deleting the asound.state file and running the save command, "sudo alsactl store 0" I think, as someone suggested, but no cigar.
When I reinstall my distro (MEPIS, for the last 2.5 years), making my new user account preserve all the old account's settings has always been a difficult and very messy process, especially if I have installed a new copy on another partition. (I'm doing that soon, so I have this copy as a backup until I have everything the way I want it on the new copy.) Most of my stuff gets saved, but not everything. The biggest problem is that, even if I select "preserve data in /home" in the MEPIS installer, my keyboard shortcuts become unusable (not completely erased) under odd circumstances. They're still listed in file /home/josh/kde/share/config/khotkeysrc, but they still can't be used, and I have to open hhotkeysrc and manually delete them and then reenter them in the menu editor (the K menu, by the way, gets completely overwritten).
I can't just overwrite the entire new user account with the old one; I've tried, and something goes wrong so that the new account can't be opened (probably because some important files are inaccessible--I can't tell which ones they become inaccessible).Anyway, is there a program that can preserve all the user account settings neatly for a new installation of the distro? I am supposing there is a program or at least a method, because I never hear others complaining about this problem. I probably don't know something I should know.
I am wondering if there is a basic tool out there that will work with graphics card powered by FOSS drivers that allows to adjust resolution (and configure secondary monitors) and then save that configuration so it can automatically be restored next time the system starts up
something odd I've noticed with 11.3 on my laptop--if I adjust my resolution through the Monitor applet in the Control Center or if I make changes to my Touchpad settings through the Control Center, the changes are lost when I log into my laptop. Do you think I botched an installation?
I've tried to determine what actual files are affected via the two applets with the thought that maybe I don't have the necessary permissions on them or that I can throw a bandaid on it with a start-up task to overwrite them. Alas, I've got nuthin'
I made a fresh install of Fedora 13, installed the video card driver for my video card. How do I get compiz fusion to work and what do I need to install? when I enable desktop effects the system panels disappear. Also I'm looking to install that effects editor that has all the different effects menus.
Okay I think I got the menu loader and Compiz working.. for those who browse to this thread.. the answer is. yum install compiz-fusion fusion-icon the desktop cube was a little tricky to get working.
However if I enable desktop effects fromt he preferences menu the system panels still disappear.
I am unable to get any transparencies to work with compiz. The only way I can get a window or panel to change it's transparency is if I hold ALT + mouse scroll. This changes it temporarily but reverts back to it's original setting as soon as the window is closed.I'm trying to accomplish transparencies to all windows and drop down menus. I know this can be done because I've seen guides doing it.[URL]
I've been looking around on the Internet for a comprehensive tutorial on 'how Compiz works', 'what all the settings mean' and 'using' Compiz; but, so far, have only seen things describing how to do a certain thing or other. I've gone into Compiz Configuration Settings Manager and poked around but what I've seen in there seems extremely technical (in other words - I don't know what the heck these settings mean or what would happen if I changed one of them).So far I've manged to get the magnifying glass thing and I have wobbly windows (don't know if I can take credit for that though). So I see all these amazing demonstrations of it on you tube and whatnot and I wish I could do some of that stuff but I'd really like to approach this by learning all about Compiz from A to Z rather than learn this thing and then that thing, etc.
Is there anything out there that you know of? Ann ebook or something? I saw a book called: "Compiz Fusion" URL... that really, interests me but it is not available as an eBook (believe me I looked and looked and looked) and it's pretty expensive.
As said here: [URl] I want the sphere deformation, but that needs the PPA apparently (I can't find it anywhere in the default compiz Ubuntu 10.10 ships with.) Compiz starts, but it says it can't load plugin 'decoration.'
I have compiz installed an tried to change some things from default but after I did so...it would look the same but show that the settings where diffident
While working fine in KDE, multimedia settings don't work in Gnome. When I go to System/Preferences/Sound it pops up dialogue box after a while: Quote: Waiting for sound system to respond Cancel
I am experiencing a similar problem as this thread but I do not use the fusion-icon.[URL].. Compiz will not save custom settings when compiz-settings-manager is used. It will save setting thru "Simple-settings-manager". In addition, some settings will not take effect immediately. Example: The "viewport switcher" in "Desktop-wall". Color changes will not take effect unless I change the "preview scale".Quote:
System: Host Astroman Kernel 2.6.31-14-generic i686 (32 bit) Distro Linux Mint 8 Helena - Main Edition CPU: Single core AMD Athlon XP 2600+ (UP) cache 256 KB flags (sse) bmips 4009.1 clocked at 2000.00 MHz Graphics: Card nVidia NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] X.Org 1.6.4 Res: 1280x1024@50.0hz
Since a while ago, any changes I make to my Compiz settings are not remembered when I log in again.
On starting a new gnome session, Compiz is firstly always disabled ("Visual Effects" in gnome-appearance-properties is set to "None"). I can enable the "Extra" option, but when I open gnome-appearance-properties a second time, the option is not selected (although Compiz will now be running), and when I log out and back in, Compiz will be disabled again.
After enabling it manually, I find that secondly, the "Desktop Cube" largedesktop feature is replaced by "Desktop Wall". I can change this in ccsm, and the changes take effect immediately, but when I start ccsm a second time, the changes are gone (the "Desktop Cube" checkbox is unselected). After logging out and back in, the old settings are in effect again.
Since ccsm will forget the changes even before I log out, I suspect it is somehow unable to save them. I've tried looking at the stderr output of gnome-appearance-properties and ccsm, but haven't seen anything that looks relevant.