Ubuntu :: Compiz Wont Take Settings?

Dec 26, 2010

I have compiz installed an tried to change some things from default but after I did so...it would look the same but show that the settings where diffident

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Ubuntu :: Reset Compiz Settings From Command-line To Default System Settings?

Jan 31, 2010

Did you play too much with compiz and after-a-while you realize that certain functions are not working anymore?

Well, just follow the steps below:


gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz



Restart your PC / lappy


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Ubuntu :: What All Settings Mean' And 'using' Compiz

Apr 9, 2011

I've been looking around on the Internet for a comprehensive tutorial on 'how Compiz works', 'what all the settings mean' and 'using' Compiz; but, so far, have only seen things describing how to do a certain thing or other. I've gone into Compiz Configuration Settings Manager and poked around but what I've seen in there seems extremely technical (in other words - I don't know what the heck these settings mean or what would happen if I changed one of them).So far I've manged to get the magnifying glass thing and I have wobbly windows (don't know if I can take credit for that though). So I see all these amazing demonstrations of it on you tube and whatnot and I wish I could do some of that stuff but I'd really like to approach this by learning all about Compiz from A to Z rather than learn this thing and then that thing, etc.

Is there anything out there that you know of? Ann ebook or something? I saw a book called: "Compiz Fusion" URL... that really, interests me but it is not available as an eBook (believe me I looked and looked and looked) and it's pretty expensive.

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Ubuntu :: Custom Compiz Settings Will Not Save?

Jan 23, 2010

I am experiencing a similar problem as this thread but I do not use the fusion-icon.[URL].. Compiz will not save custom settings when compiz-settings-manager is used. It will save setting thru "Simple-settings-manager". In addition, some settings will not take effect immediately. Example: The "viewport switcher" in "Desktop-wall". Color changes will not take effect unless I change the "preview scale".Quote:

System: Host Astroman Kernel 2.6.31-14-generic i686 (32 bit) Distro Linux Mint 8 Helena - Main Edition
CPU: Single core AMD Athlon XP 2600+ (UP) cache 256 KB flags (sse) bmips 4009.1 clocked at 2000.00 MHz
Graphics: Card nVidia NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] X.Org 1.6.4 Res: 1280x1024@50.0hz


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Ubuntu :: Get Location Of Compiz Settings File?

Sep 24, 2010

I would like to copy a Compiz settings file to a new installation, so I would not have to go through all the customizations again. Is this possible?

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Ubuntu :: Compiz Settings Are Reset Every Session?

Oct 9, 2010

Since a while ago, any changes I make to my Compiz settings are not remembered when I log in again.

On starting a new gnome session, Compiz is firstly always disabled ("Visual Effects" in gnome-appearance-properties is set to "None"). I can enable the "Extra" option, but when I open gnome-appearance-properties a second time, the option is not selected (although Compiz will now be running), and when I log out and back in, Compiz will be disabled again.

After enabling it manually, I find that secondly, the "Desktop Cube" largedesktop feature is replaced by "Desktop Wall". I can change this in ccsm, and the changes take effect immediately, but when I start ccsm a second time, the changes are gone (the "Desktop Cube" checkbox is unselected). After logging out and back in, the old settings are in effect again.

Since ccsm will forget the changes even before I log out, I suspect it is somehow unable to save them. I've tried looking at the stderr output of gnome-appearance-properties and ccsm, but haven't seen anything that looks relevant.

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 - Missing Compiz Config Settings

Nov 22, 2010

Searching for what appears to be "missing" CompizConfig settings in the CompizConfig Settings Manager. How to change the "Cube" into a "Cylinder" and how to enable floating windows (windows that seem to hover just over the cube when it is rotated. Were these eliminated? They were both available in 9.10.

System: Ubuntu Maverick Meerkat
SubSpecifics: SuperOS [URL]

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Ubuntu :: Restore Previous Compiz Settings?

Mar 9, 2011

I was playing around with compiz too much and kinda messed up some stuff. Is there anyway I can just go back to how stuff was? Without system restore, I don't know of a way I can restore my previous compiz settings.

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Ubuntu :: Compiz Settings For Maximize / Tiling

Mar 9, 2011

I have been missing this feature from windows, and had thought I would just have to do without, but today, people have alluded that it is possible to do with compiz. I am referring to the ability to take a window, drag it to the edge of the screen and it to then fill up that side of the screen.. or if drug to the top, maximize itself. I have looked and messed with settings, and have been able to do something to the effect of dragging my mouse to the edge of the screen will kind of tile windows, but it does it to all my windows or all of a certain type and whatnot.

And I want to do it to a specific window, and then another - for the side by side viewing. it also does not vertically maximize it, only taking a portion of the screen from top to bottom. I have been able to do it this way by having only 2 windows open and using a keyboard to do so, but i would like to be able to use only my mouse. Is there a way to drag one window the the edge of the screen and have it maximize to that half-side of the screen AND/OR drag to the top and have it maximize to fullscreen?

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Ubuntu :: Back-up And Restore Compiz Settings?

Jul 1, 2011

to back-up and eventually restore compiz settings, is it enough to back-up and restore the .compiz directory in $HOME? Reason is that the setting in my classic gnome set-up are different and partially conflict with the unity settings. Since I want to be able to run both environment (to give Unity a chance) I'd like to be able to switch settings easily.

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Ubuntu :: No Advanced Desktop Effects Settings In Compiz?

May 31, 2010

there is no System > Preferences > Advanced Desktop Effects Settings .im runnig compiz with lynx and im trying to access the advanced desktop effects but i can find it.

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Ubuntu :: Compiz Config Settings Manager In Lucid

Aug 2, 2010

So I decided a while ago to download the newest distribution release, Lucid Lynx, and try it out on a LiveCD. The first thing I installed onto the LiveCD environment was CompizConfig Settings Manager. One question I have about it is... Why are so many of the plugins missing or limited?

In 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope, there are many plugin options, and to be honest, I use a large quantity of them. For example, a plugin I use on 9.04 called "Reflection." For those of you who don't know, reflection allows you to show an image in window decorations and shadows. This plugin is completely missing from CompizConfig Settings Manager in 10.04!

Another example, this time a limited one, is the Animations plugin. It's missing the option for closing animation called "Burn." This is an animation I LOVE showing off and using, yet it's... Gone.

Am I missing something? Did I do something wrong on installing it? Is there a way to get the parts that are missing?

Just in case you're wondering how I installed it, it was the popular method of using GNOME-Terminal and typing:

sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager

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Ubuntu :: New Compiz Settings Manager Missing Maximumize

Sep 22, 2010

I just updated to Ubuntu 10.04 and am in love with it. However, when I tried to restore everything I had on my compiz, I realized that a integral part for me was missing. The "maximumize" feature is gone. This is the feature that makes a window fill up all the space it can without interfering with other windows, essentially making it like the windows 7 tiling feature, only better since you can do it with multiple windows and in any way you want. This was in the compiz settings manager in 9.10.

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Ubuntu :: Don't See An Option To Turn On The Widget Layer In The Compiz Settings In 10.01?

May 1, 2010

In 9.10 I had compiz turned on, and had enabled the widget layer so I could hide the top & bottom panels (pressing F9 displays the widget layer).However I don't see an option to turn on the widget layer in the Compiz settings in 10.01?

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Ubuntu :: Compiz - Cannot Modify Cube Reflection And Deformation Settings

Oct 10, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 10.10 on my desktop and installed the AMD restricted drivers (Radeon HD 5770). I installed compizconfig-settings-manager and compiz-fusion-plugins-extra. All of the plugins have worked fine so far. However, while "Cube Reflection and Deformation" works, I cannot change the settings. Specifically, I tried changing the cube caps from the visually irritating logos to which it defaults to plain white, but the logos stayed. I also tried removing the annoying "Reflection" option, but to no avail.

I soon discovered that none of my settings would apply to the plugin, although they would display as though they were applied in the settings manager. Changing the settings in other plugins, like "Desktop Cube," works fine. So far, I am sticking just with the "Desktop Cube," "Rotate Cube," and "3D Windows" plugins, but I would really like that cylinder. And I have used Compiz, including the deformation plugin, for years with no difficulty.

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Fedora :: Saving Compiz Settings Does Not Work?

Sep 3, 2009

I am running F11 and would like to use ccsm to modify compiz settings. However; when I modify any settings in ccsm they do not seem to take effect at all. I have tried rebooting etc. I have checked the file /home/*username*/.config/compiz/compizconfig and all that's in there is:

backend = ini
profile =

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Software :: Desktop/AWN/COMPIZ Settings Keep Disapearing?

Feb 13, 2011

I'm using Linux Minte Helena, and keep getting a recurring problem - my AWN/Compiz settings keep disappearing, and I have to keep doing settings like Desktop theme, AWN Applets, CompizConfig settings every so often. Isn't there any file(s) which i can backup, so everytime this problem comes up I would just have to restore the same and avoid having to spend hours getting things back the way they looked?

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Ubuntu :: Opacity Options In Compiz Config Settings Manager - Not Found?

Feb 3, 2011

i wanted to change the opacity settings in compiz config settings manager (i read it in the forum post that i can change opacity using compiz settings) when i opened the ccsm, i did not find the opacity settings in general options...do i have to update or upgrade?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Find The Settings To Enable Or Adjust Compiz In Unity

Apr 15, 2011

I have been unable to find the settings to enable or adjust compiz in Unity. I am so used to Gnome that this is almost like starting over.

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Ubuntu :: Compiz Stopped Working, CompizConfig Settings Manager No Longer Accessible?

May 18, 2010

I did a clean install of Ubuntu 10.04 on a Toshiba Satellite, Intel graphics card, a few days ago, and had no trouble accessing the CompizConfig Settings Manager. I changed a number of settings, and everything seemed to be working just fine. But two days ago, I noticed that the compiz effects (rotating desktop cube, minimize effect etc.) were gone; and when I now try to access the Settings Manager, I see a "Starting CompizConfig..." appear in the panel and linger for about five seconds; then it's gone. No settings manager, no error message.

The day that happened, I had (to the best of my memory) not installed any updates. I had, however, removed a bunch of applications through the Software Center. I had also launched Ubuntu Tweak and changed a couple of settings. The only option it showed, and shows, under 'Compiz Settings' was then (and still is): "Prerequisite Conditions" : "Install Advanced Desktop Effects Settings Manager". The box was checked. I have since unchecked and re-checked it, thereby uninstalling and re-installing the settings manager. But that hasn't changed anything.


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Fedora :: Openoffice.org Ignores Compiz Settings For Mouse Focus?

Jun 4, 2010

Openoffice.org apparently ignores the window manager altogether for questions of focus. This combined with opening lots of little dialogs and menus is making it almost unusable. (Over at openoffice.org, this has been answered with (essentially) "I use click to focus, so raising on focus is normal, so I'm putting at the lowest possible priority because it has nothing to do with usability.") The problem is that I use focus following the mouse, with click to raise. This is very convenient for copying between two windows and saves me a lot of time and energy, as I have to do this quite often. Current behavior, however, causes Openoffice.org to raise any window you happen to pass over, thus hiding the floating toolbar or dialog box that you were trying to click on. Worse, as the window you brushed by has gained focus, in most cases, the toolbar or dialog disappears entirely. The only solution is to move everything around so as to have a path to get to your toolbar/dialog without touching another window, or to minimize all but one openoffice document. Is there anyway to make Openoffice.org usable with this setting?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Install "Simple Compiz Config Settings Manager"

May 31, 2011

Am not able to install "Simple Compiz Config Settings Manager" When I try to install via Ubuntu Software Center (running unity) I get the following messages: "Package dependencies cannot be resolved" "CCSM has unmet dependencies". How can I resolve this issue to install Simple compiz config settings manager ? Is there a workaround ?

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Ubuntu :: Compiz Won't Work Using The Compiz Ppa

Feb 19, 2011

As said here: [URl] I want the sphere deformation, but that needs the PPA apparently (I can't find it anywhere in the default compiz Ubuntu 10.10 ships with.) Compiz starts, but it says it can't load plugin 'decoration.'

Backend : ini
Integration : true
Profile : default
Adding plugins
Initializing core options...done
Initializing move options...done
Initializing resize options...done
Initializing place options...done

compiz (core) - Error: Couldn't load plugin 'decoration'

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Ubuntu :: Change File Permission Settings To Force All Documents To Inherit Parent Document Settings?

Aug 21, 2011

i have a computer with 3 users on it, and a folder using samba that everyone on the network has access to. Lets say that, the folder is stored in /etc/sharedfolder. What happens is, when user1 puts a folder in it, then logs off, user 2 attempts to modify it and fails, because permission is set to 755, and they are not in the same group. (even if they were, it should still need to be 775) Anyway, my current solution is, every 5 minutes a crontab changes permission like so: chmod 777 -R /etc/sharedfiles && chown useradmin:superadmin -R /etc/sharedfiles Which works, but seeing as there is getting close to a gig in there, this is a bad solution, as it eats up the computers resources. Solutions that i think might work:

1) create a script that only changes permissions that need be changed.
2) change file permission settings to force all documents to inherit parent document settings

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General :: Fedora 13 - Cannot Get Any Of The Resolutions Settings To Look Right On Separate X Screen With The Nvidia X Server Settings Gui

Aug 21, 2010

I am using Fedora 13 x86_64 on a Acer Aspire 7730ZG laptop with: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G98 [GeForce 9300M GS] (rev a1) I have kmod-nvidia- installed from rpmfuison when I plug in the hdmi cable to the tv, my tv says the resoultion is at 720p, and I can not get any of the resolutions settings to look right on seperate x screen with the nvidia X server settings gui. my tv is a vizo 42inch. also another question is their a way to set the video card to output at 1080? this might be part of my problem?

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OpenSUSE :: Sharing Of Chromium Settings / Share The Browsers And Email Settings?

Sep 28, 2010

I have a triboot windows suse 11.3 stable and suse 11.3 factory pc, I would like to share the browsers and email settings between the suse stable and factory, I succeed with thunderbird and firefox moving the /home/.thunderbird and /home/.mozilla in an ext3 shared partition and linking these in the respecive /homes, I found that there isn't a /home/.chromium folder, I found probably /usr/lib64/chromium could be the same as /home/.mozilla for firefox, but I don't know if is secure or can damage my system to move this in a ext3 partition and then link this to the respective /usr/lib64/chromium, /usr/lib64/chromium has root owner, root group, visible and modifiable for root and only visible for group and other.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Saving System Settings (yast Settings)

Apr 1, 2011

Is there a way I can save system settings and have yast revert to a config file in case I ever need to reinstall the system again? I hate having to configure the firewall, runlevels, samba shares, samba workgroup, apparmor, and all the other junk after every install. It's not like I install often, but should suse 11.5 or 12 roll out, I'd like it to be a snappy upgrade.

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Hardware :: Gpointing-device-settings Settings Will Not Stay After Reboot?

Oct 18, 2009

I am running a debian squeeze machine on a ibm t40 laptop with window maker as my window manager. I am using gpointing-device-settings as a program to get the scroll bar on my touch pad working. unfortunately, I can't get the settings to stick after i shutdown and turn on. I have to go into the program and unclick then reclick the button. i'm using version 1.3.2 (ive tried both deb and source versions). does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this? and if there is any configure files that I could configure instead of having to use the gui program.

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Ubuntu :: Advanced User Settings / 'Connect To Ethernet And Wireless' Option Of The Advanced Settings?

Aug 12, 2010

I'm trying to create a user account for my children in Ubuntu 10.04

When creating their account, I have turned off the 'Connect to ethernet and wireless' option of the Advanced Settings.

However, when I log into their accounts, they still have full access to the internet through both the wireless and ethernet connections. Is this option for some other purpose?

Is there an alternate way to limit internet access for childrens' accounts in Ubuntu? (I'm used to MS Family Safety as a filter for internet access - is there an eqivalent for Ubuntu?)

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Fedora :: Change Default Window Manager To "compiz-manager" Compiz Wrapper?

Nov 28, 2010

I spent *#@$ hours trying to figure out how to change my default window manager to "compiz-manger".I tried using gconf-editor and .gnomercAnybody has an idea how to do this?

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