Fedora :: Really Bad Idea To Multi-Tasking During Update?

Oct 18, 2009

It seem like a good idea to leave the computer along when it is updating. Because if for some reason I still using the computer, it might interrupt the updating process.(e.g. update manager freeze, or corrupt some file) I remember I run into this problem quite a few times back in FC6, but did not have problem on F10 and F11(merging from preview?) until the day before yesterday. I was tried to downloading a relative large file updating system and running 2 folding at home in the terminal at the same time (ram usage at the time was around 300+/512). Then disaster strike. The hard drive spin like crazy with large cpu I/O pending(or wait time?). The problem reoccur during the boot up and login after the update.

And this is the message continue recorded in the (F11) log:
Oct 17 11:52:22 localhost kernel: ata1.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x0
Oct 17 11:52:22 localhost kernel: ata1.00: BMDMA stat 0x24
Oct 17 11:52:22 localhost kernel: ata1.00: cmd c8/00:08:22:9c:57/00:00:00:00:00/e6 tag 0 dma 4096 in
Oct 17 11:52:22 localhost kernel: res 51/40:07:23:9c:57/00:00:00:00:00/e6 Emask 0x9 (media error)
Oct 17 11:52:22 localhost kernel: ata1.00: status: { DRDY ERR }
Oct 17 11:52:22 localhost kernel: ata1.00: error: { UNC }
Oct 17 11:52:22 localhost kernel: ata1.00: configured for UDMA/100
Oct 17 11:52:22 localhost kernel: ata1: EH complete

I saw this message in F10 before, and had been told it might have something to do with the kernel. But I suspect the problem is source from corrupted file rather than kernel this time around, since back then the problem will go away after a successful file system check. Unfortunately, it does not work this time. So I have no choice to reinstall the system. Therefore, I am thinking if it is really a bad ideal to let the computer muti-tasking during the update? Because it may rise the possibility of update failure or system files corruption. I really do not like LVM, is there a way to get around it? The installer from live usb does not allow me to customize partition during the installing....

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Ubuntu :: Idea For A Useful Applet / Utility

Sep 18, 2010

i constantly find myself opening and closing terminals (which, in turn, i lose output on the terminal window and what not..). i use the terminal screenlet app and i really enjoy that, but sometimes find it cumbersome to have to constantly minimize the current window to go to my desktop with the built in terminal screenlet. i had an idea for a panel applet that will do the following: it will act like the drawer applet, but when you click the button, a terminal window will un-roll and pop up with the past output from previous commands/work. you then can click the button again and have it roll back into the panel to wait for the next use, etc. has anything like this been done already for terminals? also, if not for terminals, has anything like this been done for any application? i ask because if i can get the previous source code, it will be much easier to modify it for terminal usage. (im a grad student and don't have much time to devote to a completely new formulation of code haha).

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General :: Use Idea Net Sitter Usb Modem IN OS ?

May 8, 2010


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Ubuntu One :: 8.04 - Evolution Mail Sync Idea

May 24, 2010

I am wondering if I set the /home/user/.evolution folder to synchronise with ubuntu one on my eee, and then when I update the desktop remove the /.evolution folder and replace it with the one synchronised with ubuntu one would all my setting and messages be copied as well or not? And no I can use Imap as I use that dreaded thing known as hotmail! My desktop is running 8.04 but is due an upgrade soon so I can test my idea out!

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General :: Echo Password To SU - PPPD Call Idea

Feb 25, 2011

I have to run "pppd call idea" command from root shell every time to connect to internet from mobile. Now I want a script so that I just run it to connect. Something like :

echo "password" --stdin | su -
pppd call idea

But its showing error that "standard in must be a tty". Why is this. Using CentOS 5.5

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Hardware :: ATI Multi Card Multi Display Xinerama Composite

Jun 24, 2011

I have an ATI Radeon HD 3300 on-board video chipset, and an ATI Radeon HD 4350 PCI card. What I want is to have both displays available from one mouse/keyboard. I want to play media on one and have the other as my main desktop.The problem is that with Xinerama enabled, KDE desktop effects do not work (KDE says XComposite and XDamage are not available, even though I explicitly enabled them as extensions in the xorg.conf file), and performance is quite bad. Without Xinerama enabled, performance is great, desktop effects work great, but there's a lot of trouble with full-screen video, and the KWin window manager does not apply in the second display (although I can run a second instance of KWin on :0.1).

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Optimus Workaround Idea For Playing Through HDMI

May 14, 2011

I've been waiting for nVidia for too long or any genius for me to get things working about my ASUS N53JF and this Optimus tech on it.My brother has a FULL HD 1080P waiting for me Is there a way I could get HDMI through his tv without paying for another laptop or nettop or media player.I saved the original HD image with Windows 7 that came with it but oh my. i don't want to come back to Windows.I've been in Ubuntu since Lucid Lynx (that was on my Sony VAIO VGN-AW120D, now waiting to be repared - no money for the reparation broke).

I thought that I would insert the Windows 7 HD image each time I go visit my brother but do any of you have other solutions .. workaround? I mean stable solution, i've heard that Optimus is no where near what Windows 7 can do with this technology Optimus workaround idea for playing through HDMI.

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Debian :: Using VNC In A Multi-user / Multi-system Network

Mar 21, 2011

Anyone successfully using VNC client on a Mac to control a Debian server?I have the vncserver setup on the Debian machine properly. But I'm having problems connecting to it from both a PowerMac running Tiger and a MacBookPro running leopard.I can connect no problem from a machine running Slack12.2, have not setup port forwarding on my router to connect remotely yet.My Debian machine is running the latest stable release of squeeze with KDE4.I originally tried this with RealVNC Enterprise for OSX but I'm not gonna buy it so I need another alternative after the 30 day trial ends as they have no free version for OSX.
The situation is that I do freelance graphic design on the PowerMac with Cinema4D and Photoshop so I spend most of my time on that machine which is located in my home studio in my attic. Aside from the MacBook and a Dell desktop(family machine)all my other machines and network hardware are in the basement. So to go from the attic to the basement everytime I need to do something on another machine is not practical, and the only other machine I need to access on a regular basis is the Debian box in the basement, this makes the most sense.

I also have a 14 year old living in the house and he's fascinated by all this and will meddle in anything he gets the chance to so all the Linux machines and network hardware need to be behind lock and key.

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Ubuntu :: Multi Pointer Instead Of Multi Touch?

Sep 17, 2010

Now that Ubuntu 10.04 has multi-touch capabilities built-in, if I do not have a multi-touch screen or surface device, can I get 2 USB mice and get 2 pointers on the screen? One for the right hand and one for the left hand as I am ambidextrous, and would find it very convenient to have 2 mice.

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CentOS 5 :: Xen VM - Multi Core CPU VS Multi CPUs?

Sep 12, 2011

Im running 64bit centos 5.6 and using virt-manager.On one of my guest OS's, Windows 7, The max Physical CPUs is 2, you can have unlimited CPU Cores however. (like my machine i use for work has 1, 4 core processor).The issue im having is xen only allows you to set the vcpu arguemnet in your xen config file. How can i set it so that 1 CPU has several Cores just as windows would recognize this machine if i were installing directly to the hardware vs via a VM.Ive searched for 2 days staright trying to address this issue, very little progress, Does anyone know where a XEN support forum is? all i get is the citrix xen support forums.

here is the best info i have found on this, but i dont know how to change this for my CPU to work, when i enter this in my xen config it essentially ignores it and just takes the value of vcpu= so windows shows 2 CPUs each with ONLY one core. Id like 1 or 2 CPUS showing Several cores.The physical Hardware is 2x Xeon 5300 Quad Core CPUs.

> # Expose to the guest multi-core cpu instead of multiple processors
> # Example for intel, expose a 8-core processor :
> #cpuid=['1:edx=xxx1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,[code]........

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Programming :: Inverse Regexp Matching / Developing Of An Idea 'pattern Based Filtration'?

Sep 3, 2010

I am interested in the following problem: given a string (pattern) find a regexp which match this pattern.
I will need this for a developing of an idea 'pattern based filtration'.

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Fedora :: Multi Clocks On Desktop?

Aug 29, 2011

I'm using F15 with Gnome 3 and Gnome Shell (Default Environment).

I'm looking for some sort of solution to have different clocks (of different time zones) displayed on my desktop! Anything such as gadgets, screenlets, ...

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Fedora :: F15 Still Crashes On Multi Monitor Setup

Jun 5, 2011

I have asked about this issue before to no avail but since then I have been able to narrow down the main cause of the crashes. My setup:

HD5770 - Running 2 19" LCD's
HD3300 onboard Running 1 47" lcd

Whenever I am in firefox and have pictures open in the browser and move the mouse to the other 19" monitor it crashes, not everytime but often enough to be annoying. Sometimes when it crashes the screen goes blank and I wind up at the login screen, other times it just goes blank and stays blank.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Get Multi Colored Text In The Terminal?

Aug 11, 2010

how do you get color in the terminal like DSL in red-hat 9.

i have red-hat 9 running on a old 3dfx gaming pc I'd post a pic of the DSL terminal but the site would not let me

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Software :: Idea For Software 'Stream Grabber'

Dec 29, 2010

I would like to give an idea I had for software (maybe a script). Where would be the best place for this on this site or elsewhere on the Internet? The idea is some software that will grab and put into a list all the streams available on various Internet TV sites such as URL.... I think such software could be very helpful for various open source software like XBMC Element HTPC and others. There are thousands of channels available on that site alone.

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Fedora :: Dynamically Monitor Multi-core Cpu In Gnome?

Mar 13, 2009

Many people have multi-core cpus supporting frequency scaling now, if you want to see if the workload is being evenly distributed then add as many CPU Frequency Scaling Monitor applets to the Gnome panel as you have cores/cpus. Then right-click each one and select preferences and choose which cpu to monitor.

Now compile a large program or run a cpu intensive game and watch how the workload dances around between the two (hopefully)

Some clever apps like gnome chess will multi-thread and make max use of both cores, sadly many others won't.

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Multi-boot - What Is Kernel Number

Mar 29, 2009

Ive loaded 64studio (hda6) grub in MBR, and fed10 grub on its partition (hda8), but from Studio it seems i cant Mount fed10 files to look at the Kernel path from MBR. (studio did not auto pick it up, like it did for Mandriva on hda7)

Does anyone know what it is ? something like kernel /boot/vmlinuz.....and Initrd(hd0,7)/boot.initrd.img .....then i can Edit menu.Lst in MBR grub.

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Fedora :: Option For Multi-core Booting In System?

Sep 14, 2009

I've tried searching the forums / google and haven't been able to come up with anything... in Debian-based distros there's an option that can be set to allow boot concurrency so that multiple processor cores can be used for the boot process. Windows also has an option similar to this to specify how many processor cores to use for boot.

Is there an option for multi-core booting in Fedora?

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Fedora :: Print Multi Page Document From GIMP ?

Jan 24, 2010

Opened with Gimp multi - page document. It opens fine and gives the layers! When I do : File, Print to File, pdf it gives out only one page! How to get all pages out?

Also when gimp loads all pages they are in layer! Is there a way how to see everypage without swiching written text off to see the next page. Because for mee its

Now if Im here and want to see again stage in y, I need to swich off all layers from y to z? It's normal or is there a way how to see all that in different way?

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Fedora :: Open Multi Processes (command) Using Only One Terminal?

Apr 28, 2010

I just switch to fedora from windows recently. And I love the terminal of fedora alot. The problem is when I run some command on the terminal, I need to wait for that command to finish before executing another command. This is very inconvinient, say If I open eclipse using the terminal, this eclipse program will hog to the terminal until I closed it. So if I want to use terminal again I have to open another one.Hence the question is: Is there any way open multi processes(command) using only one terminal?

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Fedora Hardware :: Install Multi Touch Touchpad?

Dec 11, 2010

I am using Dell latitude e6410, fedora 14 64 bit.
i want to install multi touch touchpad, for now its not working...

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Installation :: Fedora 13Beta, Windows 7 & XP Multi-boot?

May 17, 2010

So I'm new to modifying Grub, and I've recently setup my laptop to contain all of Windows 7, XP, and the Fedora 13 beta on a single drive.Grub is currently setup to boot to Fedora, and the Windows 7 boot loader, and from there I can boot to XP.I'd like to set it up however, to have XP boot "directly" (i.e. bypass the 7 bootloader and go straight for the XP loader).The current setup is:

Partition 1: 7 ntfs on sda1 (primary)
Partition 2: sda2 (extended containing sda5 XP ntfs)
Partition 3: sda3 ext4 containing /boot


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General :: Adding Fedora 13 To A Multi-boot Setup?

Jul 17, 2010

I am currently booting 4 flavors of Linux - Ubuntu 10.04, Xubuntu 10.04, Linux Mint 9 KDE RC and Linux Mint 9 Gnome. There is so little difference between Ubuntu Gnome with the right packages installed and Linux Mint 9 it is redundant and I would like to replace it with Fedora 13 and try that out for a while. I understand that Fedora still uses a legacy Grub while the others are all using Grub2. I also understand that the two bootloaders do not get along. Is there a way to do that? How? If I have Fedora install its legacy Grub to the Fedora partition will Grub2 see Fedora and update itself properly? I'm open to starting clean if that would simplify things.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Some Processes Does Not Start In Multi-user Mode

Feb 2, 2009

Few days ago, the server did not respond to a ssh request from a user at night. A user tried to check what went wrong with computer and tried to login from terminal next morning. As the computer was unresponsive, he somehow decided to boot it by turning the power off. To make the story short, the server rebooted; however, he can't login to his account. Actually, the server could not start some processes; but was able to ask user to enter his account username. Even though, he enters the correct username and password, server does not accept the request. I also could not login as root.

I just checked the server logs by booting it in single user mode. Here are some interesting lines:

Before the reboot:
irqbalance : can't balance irqs on a uniprocessor system: failed

After the reboot:
irqbalance : can't balance irqs on a uniprocessor system: failed


This might be something related with shadow file.

Here is part of /etc/shadow

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Multi Boot: Selected Disk Does Not Exist?

Nov 17, 2010

Currently I'm running 3 operating systems on my machine; Windows XP, Windows 7 and Fedora 14. I've installed them in the following order: XP -> Win7 -> Fedora14, with the idea that this would work fine regarding operating system selection at boot time.

But unfortunately, I just installed Fedora, and now I'm unable to boot Windows 7/XP. When I select the "Other" option in the Grub menu, I get the following error: Code: Error 21: selected disk does not exist To provide as much info as possible, here is a boot info script log:


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Fedora :: Tool To Extract A Multi-sector Nrg File?

Dec 16, 2009

I have a multi-sector nrg file that I would like extracted. I can't seem to find a way to extract the contents of it! Please tell me if there is a tool I can use to do this!

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Fedora :: Multi Boot Error 21 - Selected Disk Does Not Exist

Nov 19, 2010

Currently I'm running 3 operating systems on my machine (in order of installation); Windows XP, Windows 7 and Fedora 14. Unfortunately, after I installed Fedora I'm no longer able to boot Windows 7/XP. When I select the "Other" option in the Grub menu, I get the following error:

Error 21: Selected disk does not exist
To provide more info, here is a boot info script result:
Boot Info Script 0.55 dated February 15th, 2010

Boot Info Summary:
=> Windows is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda
=> Grub 0.97 is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdb and looks on the same drive in partition #3 for /grub/stage2 and /grub/grub.conf.
=> Windows is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdc .....

mdadm: No arrays found in config file or automatically

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Fedora Installation :: Reuse The /home Partition On Multi-boot Systems?

May 5, 2009

Having already borked my system once while deciding to nstall Fedora 10 under the influence of a false sense of bravado, alcohol induced, I thought I should ask for a little insight before trying things again. Once I get my system fixed and before consuming alcohol that is.Short version:I thought Id be smart and mount the /home partition I use for openSUSE as /home for Fedora, I mean that why I made /home it own partition right? Well, thatwhen the alcohol took over and I thought I be rilliant(not so much) and just use my SUSE username for Fedora too, since, you know,e already got all my files and settings stored there.

Thus my request for the answer on how to correctly use the same /home partition across multiple OS installations; with the preferred goal of retaining access to email folders, various files, games (WINE) and such no matter what distro I�m using. Would it really be as simple as just not using the same user name for more than one distro? What addtional issues does that solve/create

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Fedora :: Mplayer Builds With Video Acceleration And Multi-threading Support?

Sep 4, 2009

I thought this may be of interest, so I'm sharing. I've built some experimental mplayer packages for Fedora 11 and Rawhide (x86-32 and x86-64 arches) with shiny new features. Aside from being very recent snapshots, one of them includes support for hardware video playback acceleration via VDPAU and VAAPI, and the other includes support for multi-threaded playback (so you can split the decoding load across multiple cores).

The playback acceleration can definitely be used on NVIDIA adapters (from the GeForce 8xxx series onwards) using the proprietary driver (not, unfortunately, nouveau). Also on Intel Poulsbo (GMA 500) adapters, using my packaged version of the native driver for that chipset (link is in the blog post). VDPAU acceleration is also allegedly possible on S3 Chrome 530 GT and S3 Chrome 540 GTX adapters using S3�s own driver, but I haven't had the chance to test that. Multi-threaded playback can be done on any system, but only really makes sense on those with multiple processors (cores).

Full details of where, how and why are in my blog post:[URL]..

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Format For Server & RAID Setup For Multi Platform Read/write/access?

Jun 23, 2011

I'm looking to set up a server with attached mass storage device and tape autoloader to run linux. It's set up under Windows at the moment. Goal is to have users, connecting from individual workstations and laptops, backup their data to the linux server. On their personal machine, some users run linux, some MacOS, some Windows. I plan to set up the 5 500 GB drives as RAID5. I understand that if setting up as software raid the format is "physical volume for RAID". Under this setup, will Windows users be able to read/write and function as expected? I can't assume only linux user access.

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