Ubuntu :: Multi Pointer Instead Of Multi Touch?

Sep 17, 2010

Now that Ubuntu 10.04 has multi-touch capabilities built-in, if I do not have a multi-touch screen or surface device, can I get 2 USB mice and get 2 pointers on the screen? One for the right hand and one for the left hand as I am ambidextrous, and would find it very convenient to have 2 mice.

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Ubuntu :: Run With Touch And / Or Multi Touch Capabilities?

Jul 8, 2010

I would like to use as much FOSS as possible, particularly with touch screen computers. Is it possible to run Ubuntu with touch and/or multi touch capabilities? If so, will an HP Touch Smart computer run Ubuntu? I would very much like to purchase said machine via Linux Foundation discounts if this is the case.

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Ubuntu :: Multi-touch For Eee PC On 10.04?

May 17, 2010

I searched around and it seems like other people are having similar issues with multi-touch on Lucid, although my specific problem hasn't been brought up. I have an Eee PC 900A that I upgraded from 8.10 to 10.04. In 8.10, two-finger tapping was processed as a middle click, and two finger scrolling worked perfectly with the other functions.

After upgrading to 10.04, a two-finger tap is now the same as a right click, and middle click is three-finger tap. There does not seem to be any place in the touchpad settings to adjust this.

What's more, if I enable two-finger scrolling in the touchpad settings, the two-finger tapping suddenly stops working. If is change scrolling to edge or disabled, the multi-finger tap functionality comes back again. Has anyone else had this problem? Is there a solution?

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Ubuntu :: Run A Terminal Command At Startup For Multi-Touch Scrolling?

Jun 12, 2010

I'm a day-1 Ubuntu user with a question about getting multi-touch scrolling enabled on my laptop automatically each time 10.04 loads. I'm very green when it comes to all-things-Linux. Basically, I'm just searching for help, following step-by-step guides, and copying-and-pasting commands. I found the following website that helped me create a little script to enable multi-touch control:[URL]...

But I can't figure out the last step: "All you need to do to have this run at startup [instead of typing ./2fsrl in terminal manually each time] is add it to you startup programs." I tried creating a file path to the 2fsrl file in Preferences -> Startup Applications program, but upon re-starting the laptop, the multi-touch isn't enabled anymore. I'm sure I'm missing something simple. Can anyone advise? (Keep in mind my beginner's status!)

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Fedora Hardware :: Install Multi Touch Touchpad?

Dec 11, 2010

I am using Dell latitude e6410, fedora 14 64 bit.
i want to install multi touch touchpad, for now its not working...

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General :: Multi-touch Graphics Tablet (DIY Version)

Feb 2, 2010

After watching the absolutely amazing 10/GUI video, I have been dying to try to implement something like this. I can do the software side quite easily, but I don't have the hardware. The Wacom Bamboo Fun would work, but the Linux drivers don't support the multi-touch features. Microsoft's "UnMouse Pad" looks like the perfect solution, but it is not commercially available yet.

Are there any similar devices that would work? Alternatively, is there a way to build a DIY version? (It is fairly easy to build a multi-touch display with a webcam and IR LEDs, but it would not be pressure sensitive. Does anyone have any info on how the UnMouse Pad works and if it is possible to build one?). I should clarify that I don't want a multi-touch display. I want the sensor to be separate from the display. If that sounds crazy, watch the 10/GUI video.

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Hardware :: ATI Multi Card Multi Display Xinerama Composite

Jun 24, 2011

I have an ATI Radeon HD 3300 on-board video chipset, and an ATI Radeon HD 4350 PCI card. What I want is to have both displays available from one mouse/keyboard. I want to play media on one and have the other as my main desktop.The problem is that with Xinerama enabled, KDE desktop effects do not work (KDE says XComposite and XDamage are not available, even though I explicitly enabled them as extensions in the xorg.conf file), and performance is quite bad. Without Xinerama enabled, performance is great, desktop effects work great, but there's a lot of trouble with full-screen video, and the KWin window manager does not apply in the second display (although I can run a second instance of KWin on :0.1).

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Ubuntu :: Open Source Multi Touch Project Going On Called Tbeta

Jun 24, 2010

How tp build a multi-touch table on Ubuntu 10.04. I've starting some research and I see there have been some folks out there have done this on a windows environment...i want to be able to get this going on a Linux environment. what I've found so far is there an open source multi touch project going on called tbeta...not sure if any of you are familiar with tbeta. Has anyone gotten tbeta to work on Ubuntu 10.04? If there are other multi-touch projects going on and working under Linux (hopefully Ubuntu 10.04)

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Multi-touch - Dragging With One Finger While Holding Button With Another?

Mar 22, 2011

I've just got the multi-touch driver work with ubuntu 10.10 64bit on my alumni macbook. Now I can do scroll and right click with two fingers. However, one thing I really miss is the ability to move the cursor while holding the 'big button', I want to drag windows/icons with one finger holding down the physical button, and another finger dragging around.

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Debian :: Using VNC In A Multi-user / Multi-system Network

Mar 21, 2011

Anyone successfully using VNC client on a Mac to control a Debian server?I have the vncserver setup on the Debian machine properly. But I'm having problems connecting to it from both a PowerMac running Tiger and a MacBookPro running leopard.I can connect no problem from a machine running Slack12.2, have not setup port forwarding on my router to connect remotely yet.My Debian machine is running the latest stable release of squeeze with KDE4.I originally tried this with RealVNC Enterprise for OSX but I'm not gonna buy it so I need another alternative after the 30 day trial ends as they have no free version for OSX.
The situation is that I do freelance graphic design on the PowerMac with Cinema4D and Photoshop so I spend most of my time on that machine which is located in my home studio in my attic. Aside from the MacBook and a Dell desktop(family machine)all my other machines and network hardware are in the basement. So to go from the attic to the basement everytime I need to do something on another machine is not practical, and the only other machine I need to access on a regular basis is the Debian box in the basement, this makes the most sense.

I also have a 14 year old living in the house and he's fascinated by all this and will meddle in anything he gets the chance to so all the Linux machines and network hardware need to be behind lock and key.

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CentOS 5 :: Xen VM - Multi Core CPU VS Multi CPUs?

Sep 12, 2011

Im running 64bit centos 5.6 and using virt-manager.On one of my guest OS's, Windows 7, The max Physical CPUs is 2, you can have unlimited CPU Cores however. (like my machine i use for work has 1, 4 core processor).The issue im having is xen only allows you to set the vcpu arguemnet in your xen config file. How can i set it so that 1 CPU has several Cores just as windows would recognize this machine if i were installing directly to the hardware vs via a VM.Ive searched for 2 days staright trying to address this issue, very little progress, Does anyone know where a XEN support forum is? all i get is the citrix xen support forums.

here is the best info i have found on this, but i dont know how to change this for my CPU to work, when i enter this in my xen config it essentially ignores it and just takes the value of vcpu= so windows shows 2 CPUs each with ONLY one core. Id like 1 or 2 CPUS showing Several cores.The physical Hardware is 2x Xeon 5300 Quad Core CPUs.

> # Expose to the guest multi-core cpu instead of multiple processors
> # Example for intel, expose a 8-core processor :
> #cpuid=['1:edx=xxx1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,[code]........

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OpenSUSE :: Multi Touch Gesture Support In OpenSuse 11.4?

Apr 21, 2011

I was wondering - is there any multi touch gesture support in openSuse 11.4? I have enabled multi touch scrolling under the 'Mouse' module in Yast, and it works fine. However, i was wondering if a multi touch gesture set is available - such as pinch zoom, or even custom gestures mapped to keyboard combos - e.g. using a spiral to launch terminal?

System - Acer Aspire One D255 (n550 version)
Mouse Pad - SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad

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Ubuntu :: Have The CPU Set To 12x Multi And 150 Bclock In The BIOS?

Mar 13, 2010

System:Asrock X58 ExtremeIntel i7 920 w/ stock cooler, HT on6GB Gskill Pi pc16000Geforce2 MX200GB Maxtor SATALite-On DVD-RW SATAOCZ 600W ModXOS: Ubunt 9.10 x64I have the CPU set to 12x multi and 150 bclock in the BIOS, which should be 1800 mhz. However Ubuntu seems to think I still have the 20x multi on.Here is the output of /proc/cpuinfo for one of the cores (no need to see it 7 more times):

processor: 0
vendor_id: GenuineIntel


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Ubuntu :: Messenger That Allows Multi-session?

Sep 11, 2010

I just completely put Ubuntu on my laptop and I am looking for a replacement MSN messenger that allows multi-session. Basically, in most of the WLM versions of MSN Messenger it allows Multi-session, as in I can login into the same MSN account on both my desktop (Windows) and my laptop (Ubuntu). Both Pidgin and Empathy don't, and rather going through all of them I thought I'd ask here.

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Ubuntu :: Creating A Multi-boot DVD?

May 25, 2011

I am wondering if it is possible to put multiple distros on one DVD. I am wanting to put Ubuntu, Linux Mint, and Fedora 15 on one DVD so that I can pop it into the cd drive and choose to boot from the DVD into any one of them. I know I can just load them on a virtual machine but I will be using different computers and don't want to install it on all the machines.

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General :: Best Way To Do A Multi-partition OS?

Dec 29, 2010

I-ve just bought a new hard disk and i wonder what is the best way to do a multi-partition

So my set of drives is:
120Gb - sata
1Tb - sata2
I was thinking to do like this:
1st partition - Slackware Main OS
2nd partition - Arch Linux
3rd partition - /home
4rd partition - swap
5th partition - wind0ws Gaming only

the 120Gb hard drive i intend to do a /home2 for movies, etc. Is that order above the best or i could make swap as 2nd partition

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Networking :: Multi-hop VNC Tunnel Over SSH

Oct 21, 2010

Is it possible to chain together multiple SSH tunnel hops in a single `ssh -L` command on the client side? I have two gateways I need to get through in order to access a remote host. For a normal SSH client connection, it's simple enough chain this all together by simply appending the additional SSH connection commands to the first one:Code: ssh gateway.1 ssh gateway.2 ssh remote.host.

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Slackware :: 64-current - After The Big One - Multi-lib ?

Mar 6, 2010

Well this pretty much sums up the experience with Slackware current these days. This is not to say it was all plain sailing. So what problems were there?

1) Nvidia drivers did not work, this was fixed by re-compiling the kernel modules and installing a patched or beta driver, but it introduced another fault. However this problem cannot be accredited to Slackware, all operating systems have driver problems after being updated. Nvidia however had a new version out in a couple of days, which completely fixed the problem.

2) The problem introduced by the hacked fix of the older Nvidia driver wouldn't allow me to switch to the generic kernel (it would not create a valid initrd.gz). I think this was because of re-compiling the kernel modules, so I re-installed them and the problem was fixed. Again not a Slackware fault but a samac fault.

3) Program A couldn't find library B. Slackware has moved some libraries from e2fsprogs to util-linux-ng. This may cause some stuff to break if you are using the multi-lib extensions. This was fixed by creating a compat32 package for util-linux-ng. Again not actually Slackwares fault, but a little closer to home. Alien Bob could you update the massconvert.sh please.

That's it so far, after an update that ran to over 500 lines in the change log, an updated kernel, updated glibc, updates X server etc. etc. and three paltry problems none of which could be attributed to Slackware directly.

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Slackware :: Upgrade 13.1 Multi-lib To 13.37?

Apr 29, 2011

I'm using Slackware 13.1_64 with multi-lib. Now that 13.37 is out I would like to upgrade my system but thought I would ask if there are any problems or considerations for upgrading multi-lib systems ?

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Ubuntu :: Dynamic Multi Display Management?

Jan 3, 2010

i would like to know if there is anything like this out there or in development and if not i think there should be. i feel that one of the areas that ubuntu still lacks majorly is when it comes to handling multi display.most people these days are using notebooks and are moving around a lot, and if your like me working as a software dev you need to be able to work from home running a different external display next to your internal, then when you get to work you need to maybe run two external displays or maybe a totally different display next to your internal, sometimes you'll need to connect to a projector in a meeting and do a demo.

At the moment, there is no easy way to do this unless you have a half an hour everytime to configure your displays manually,which goes without saying that its not quite what anybody is looking for.i'm looking for something that works similar to OSX's display manager.where you plug in a screen and poof, its there. and then mayb you can configure what your system should do when that specific monitor is plugged in and it will remember that configuration. so for instance you have a internal 15" with a res of 1440x960 then you want to plug in your 1080p 24", so boom it picks it up but its not configured yet.so it jus mirrors by default, then you decide ok, when this screen is pluggd in, i want it to extend my desktop onto it, and make it the primary monitor. ok cool so its set,so now when you plug it out, your system detects that your display setup has changed, then does a recheck of your active displays, and sets up the appropriate configuration, in this case only the internal is available so it will just go back to the internal, setting it back as the primary and moving all the windows that was on the external back to the internal.i think this would be a invaluable feature for a mobile professional.

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Ubuntu :: Create A Multi-fuctioning Sh Script?

Feb 3, 2010

I have several commands I would like to run with the software called Wipe. I have several locations I would want wiped and want to make an sh script to run Wipe and delete the locations. However I would like to have Terminal left open so I can see what it's wiping and once it's finished move on to the next location, is this possible and how would I do it?

The locations are:

Firefox cache
flash cache
recently-used (file)

Not sure if there are any more locations and log files that could be entered, Ccleaner used to do all these things for me, the DIY part of Linux is quite fun though,

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Ubuntu :: Switch Between Multiple Os's On A Multi-boot Pc?

Apr 19, 2010

i just installed ubuntu last night, with dual boot towards xp and ubuntu 9.1 on my pc. But was wondering if there is a way to switch bettween the two withOUT rebooting.

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Ubuntu :: Multi-Session DVD Backup Burning?

Apr 29, 2010

Is there any way to save data to a DVD & leave the disk "open" to add files after the session is closed? I like to backup my MP3 files to DVD's, been doing it for years using Windows Vista. As I collect more MP3's I add em to the same DVD. Can't do this using Brasero or any other program I have tried - once I write a file the disk is closed.

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Ubuntu :: Multi Session Login With X11vnc?

May 31, 2010

I'm creating a new thread based on this post by batagy:



So I have running x11vnc as service without any problem (running on Solaris 10 and SLES10 too). I'm using the x11vnc's inbuilt "user chooser" screen (that little black screen), these command line options:

x11vnc -inetd -unixpw -users unixpw= -display WAIT:cmd=FINDCREATEDISPLAY-Xvnc.xdmcp -env X11VNC_CREATE_GEOM=1248x900 (plus a couple of other options that are not interesting here)

My question is related to the wanted VNC screen size. By default, I set the defauls screen size to 1248x900, as can be seen above.

Currently , when a user want to personalize his/her screen size to be started, he can do it this way: when the small black authentication window is appearing first, after his username, he's entering a colon, then specify the wanted resolution in this format: geom=1600x1200.

My question: is it possible somehow to set automatically the preferred screen size, without entering this ":geom=1600x1200" string in the authentication window? I mean to set it per user, without modifying the service options. I mean, for example setting the X11VNC_CREATE_GEOM or FD_GEOM variables in the user's home ".profile" for example?

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Ubuntu :: App For Multi Terminal With Split Capabilities?

Jun 13, 2010

I would like for X11 something like dvtm.

Could you post the possible package names that does that?

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Ubuntu Security :: Multi-factor Encryption Under 10.04?

Aug 3, 2010

I am currently running 8.10 with full-disk (excluding /boot) encryption. I am going to be installing 10.04 on a new laptop, and I was wondering whether it supports multi-factor authentication. Specifically, I would like to have a keyfile on USB/SD memory that is required, in addition to the password, to decrypt the disk. Anyone know of a guide out there? So far my searches have turned up nil.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Multi-partition 10.04 Management?

Aug 12, 2010

I have 2 partitions, 1 for OS and 1 for data. The OS 1 is going to be imaged with every Ubuntu OS update so that this image can be taken from the testing server to the live server. However, the data must stay on the live server, so the imaging it will not erase the data. Therefore, I divided the live server into 2 partitions: OS and data.

I want to be able to save all of my customizations and data on the live server to the data partition. This includes (but is definitely not limited to) MySQL databases, Apache configurations, my /var/www/ folder, etc. How would I go about doing this? As in how do I set MySQL/Apache/etc. to save their configuration files on the data partition? Or is there a totally better way to achieve what I want?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Multi Monitor Configuration With Two ATI GPU

Aug 20, 2010

I have 2 GPUs in my system, a HD4870 and a HD4350. The HD4870 has a Benq 24" and a Dell 17" which are working fine in a multi-display desktop setting (No Xinerama) configured via CCC. On the HD4350 I have a single Samsung 17" which in CCC is listed as '[Unknown Display] Unknown adapter' and cannot be used. How can I get that working properly so I can configure it as an additional screen in this setup?

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "aticonfig Layout"
Screen 0 "aticonfig-Screen[0]-0" 0 0

Section "Files"
Section "Module"
Section "ServerFlags"
Option "Xinerama" "off"
EndSection .....

I have tried a few different configurations in Xorg but I don't have a great understanding of the configuration files so I have broken it a few times. I have read through this guide [URL]. It's a guide based on the work around for multiple Nvidia GPUs with a six monitor configuration while still being able to run visual effects without a hitch. But I didn't continue after reading "If you're prepared to use ATI cards, and therefore deal with their drivers, a better option might be to buy an Eyefinity card." Since that is based on the drivers back then I figure maybe it's possible with ATI drivers now. I'm sticking to Ubuntu this time around there is no doubt there so I would really like to get my third monitor working.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: TV Through PC With Multi Media Overlay

Oct 26, 2010

I wish to set up a PC based media server in our legion. I would like to run the cable feed through a TV card & then overlay service announcements onto the screen at scheduled times. I will buy a desktop box and add a tuner card. Ubuntu 10.04 is my OS of choice.

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Ubuntu :: Multi-email Account Viewer ?

Dec 30, 2010

I have several Yahoo e-mail accounts that serve different purposes (private, work, projects, etc.). I'd like to monitor all of them without having to log in and out of each. Is there a program available for Ubuntu Desktop that does this? Gwibber already does it with my Facebook and Twitter.

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