Fedora Networking :: Share A Printer To Windows Machines?

Feb 9, 2009

I have a machine running fedora 10 that has a printer in cups that i want to share to the windows machines on the network.I cant find any mention of shareing printers in the cups interface

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Fedora Networking :: How To Share Printer To Windows

Jun 28, 2010

I am trying to share my printer with a windows xp machine.Samber server and configuration tool is installed. Still I have no clue how to get this to work. The printer is setup and working on my Fedora desktop.as anyone done this before and can give a step by step description on how to setup a Linux printer on a network (home-network) with windows.I already searched for it but non of the tutorial were clear enough or missing something.

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Ubuntu :: Share A Printer Between 2 Machines?

Jan 7, 2011

Two machines, each running Ubuntu 10.10. Desktop is wired to the router, and laptop is wireless. Printer is an HP Photosmart C4400 All in One series, and is connected to the desktop via USB.Prints OK from desktop. I have CUPS set up on both machines, and the laptop can see the printer. Desktop firewall allows CUPS in on port 631. Printer properties are set to enabled and shared Desktop is set to publish printers, and laptop is set to show printers from other systems. Fine until I try to print from laptop, when print job is shown as sent, but printer remains idle. Another thing is that on the laptop, the "enabled" setting drops off. I think this must be a configuration issue, but cannot find an answer anywhere. File sharing using Nautilus works fine.

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Fedora Installation :: Setup A Cups Printer Server For Windows Machines?

Sep 18, 2010

we are having new printers. At the moment we over 1000 machines on multiple sites but no print server they are manually added on the machine ( I know don't ask).

Anyway there is no way they would let use a windows server so the only option I have is to use linux however I little unsure if it is capable of doing the job I need it to do. Basically I want to add the printers on the linux server either using samba or ipp (I would assume samba would be best).

The reason i want to do this is when we have to do around the machines I just want to go around the machines and just the map the printer and it brings down the driver and config etc as we want them to duplex. The issue is I been trying to gain information on the internet and getting conflicting information apparently I can add the windows driver onto the server so when I map the printer it brings it down. However some guides state you still have through the whole process of adding the printer and then choosing the driver etc. Which kinda of makes it pointless to do the printer server since I would already have to do this anyway if we don't have one.

I just want to go be able to go around the machines and for example click star run and do something like \ and then it done kind of thing.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Share Windows Printer

Feb 23, 2010

I have a Windows XP box with an HP5610 connected to a USB port. I have a Dell notebook computer loaded with Ubuntu 9.10. I have the two networked via a wireless connection and can share folders/files between the two with no problem. Unfortunately, I cannot share the Windows printer with the Ubuntu box. I can go through the printer setup with Samba on the notebook and the HP is detected however, whenever I go to verify I get an invalid argument error.

In reading one of the posts it suggested pinging the ubuntu box from the Windows box. Since I already have viable file sharing connection does that come in play at all?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Share Printer With Windows PCs?

May 19, 2011

I've installed Ubuntu 11.04 in dual boot with Windows XP on my computer at work. I have a printer (HP LaserJet 3020) and I've shared it with all my coworkers, and everything's working like a charm. When a coworker wants to print here, first he has to select my shared printer on his computer and then print it. Cool! The point is... On his computer there are two network printers pointing to my PC: one for Windows and another one for Ubuntu. Now, here's the problem. Sometimes I'm logged in Windows, sometimes in Ubuntu, here. But my coworkers don't know when I'm in Windows or Ubuntu. So, if they select my Windows shared printer and I'm logged in Ubuntu, it doesn't work.

So, I'd like to know if there is a way to share my printer on Ubuntu as if it were Windows, I mean, I don't know if it's possible - that's what I want to know - but I thought maybe there could be a way to use a "single network printer link" on my coworkers' computers (instead of two distinct ones for each OS I use), so that they would select it and send their printing job to my printer, independently on which OS I'm using at the moment.

Summarizing... A coworker chooses my shared printer on his computer and send the job. Then it would be printed here anyway. It doesn't matter if I'm logged in Windows or Ubuntu.Is that possible? If so, how?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connect To Windows Share Printer From 10.10?

Dec 6, 2010

I have shared my cpl-300 from my windows 7 machine to my network, so that may print from my linux laptop to it.

Now whenever I go to system -> Administration -> Printing and try and browse for my printer it asks for a username and password any username or password I enter that is on the windows 7 machine gets rejected.

So I tested to see what would happen if you used smbclient to view the shares available from the windows 7 machine, unfortunately it results in another permission error. The funny thing is I can mount a share using "mount -t cifs".

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Networking :: Can't Print From Windows 7 - Samba Printer Share

Aug 30, 2010

I'm giving up in ever hoping that I'll get printing working with windows 7 with the strange comments I've found on the net. Basically I have a samsung ML2240 printer shared on the network, everything can print to it fine except for my windows 7 laptop. It's shared via Samba.


Once you have extracted the driver files, copy the 32-bit drivers to the /usr/share/cups/drivers directory and the 64-bit drivers to the /usr/share/cups/drivers/x64 directory exactly as named below:

[Windows 2000 and higher]

However after checking this, I dont have the files named within int he correct folder on my windows system :

%WINDIR%SYSTEM32SPOOLDRIVERSX643 folder for 64-bit drivers.I've tried installing the printer via the windows installer, however this adds the driver then tells me its not working and fails to print. I really dont know where to turn with this one. I've tried installing the samsung supplied drivers from the website. However they still fail to connect.

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Debian Configuration :: Share Files Between Machine And Some Windows 95/98 Machines?

Apr 22, 2010

I'm running kernel release 2.6.26-2-686 on a i686 and are trying to share files between my machine and some Windows 95/98 machines. When I enter smb://ip_number/share_name in Nautilus, it works. I can browse the files. When I try the same with smbclient or smbmount, it complains.

smbclient -I=ip_number -L=//server/share gives cli_rpc_pipe_open: cli_nt_create failed on pipe srvsvc to machine tf_calibration. Error was ERRSRV - ERRerror (Non-specific error code.)

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Ubuntu Servers :: Get A Samba Server Up And Running To Share With Windows Machines?

Oct 14, 2010

i manged to get a samba server up and running to share with my windows machines. But i still want more. My main goal is to be able to share my movies. I have a laptop hooked to my flat screen with 3TB's of external drives, thats whats acting as my server. I have ubuntu desktop installed because i use it to play movies also.

I'm looking to set up something that is a little faster than samba (yes i no trying to share through USB 2.0 external drives and a wifi connection isn't going to be real fast no matter what) but i want to be able to access my server remotely. like maybe FTP? but what i'm asking here is what protocol should i use and what programs? i was thinking gadmin-proftpd and then filezilla to access?

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Fedora Networking :: Cannot Mount One Of My Windows Machines

Apr 10, 2010

What could block access from Fedora to just one Windows XP system without blocking access to or from other Windows systems on the network? I have a working Windows network with six computers and one network-attached-storage. Two of the computers (MARTIN and NANCY) are Windows XP, the rest are older. I set up a Fedora laptop with Samba. The Fedora system can access the Internet (I'm using it to post this message). It can see all the Windows systems, and it can open all of them except MARTIN. The firewall on MARTIN is turned off.

I go to Places, Network, and I see nine icons: the Fedora system, seven Windows systems and one for Windows Network. If I double-click on the MARTIN icon I get a message window that says "Unable to mount location" and "Failed to retrieve share list from server". If I double-click on any of the other Windows icons, including NANCY, a new window opens showing the shares on that system. Similar results with smbclient. It shows the shares for all systems except MARTIN. For MARTIN it says "Connection to MARTIN failed (Error NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL)."

The other Windows computers on the network can open the shares on MARTIN with no problem. The network is partly wired and partly wireless. The wireless network is secured with WEP. The Fedora laptop is (as you might expect) wireless. The Fedora laptop is an emachines E520 and both Windows XP machines are custom-built tower systems. I don't think that information is relevant but I mention it anyway. What should I look for?

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Server :: Windows XP Machines Require Device Driver When Installing A Shared CUPS/Samba Printer?

Feb 27, 2010

I have installed Canon ImageRunner 2018i on my linux box using CUPS web interface. When I try to install this as a network printer from a Windows XP machine, the windows XP machine keeps asking me for a device driver. Is there a way to configure the printer on CUPS/Samba so that when I try to install it on Windows XP machine as a network printer, it does not ask me for a device driver?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Share Files And Two Printers Among Three Machines?

Jun 26, 2010

I have 3 home computers. Two of them are dual boot Windows and Ubuntu. The third runs only Ubuntu. I want to share files and two printers among the three machines. What is the best approach to doing this.

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Software :: Want To Share Windows Printer?

Sep 23, 2010

In my office we have (windows) HPLaser printer, which i want to configured in RHEL 5.4

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To See Samba Share From Client Machines?

Feb 15, 2010

I just set up an ubuntu 9.10 server (no desktop environment, command line only) and I'm unable to see my samba share. I followed these instructions. Here are the relevant parts of my smb.conf file: Quote:

workgroup = JASONGROUP
# I un-commented this
security = user


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Networking :: Get Virtualbox To Share Printers With The Machines Running Xp In The House?

Oct 13, 2009

i was getting impatient in finding a way to make some of my peripherial devices to work in linux but no luck, so i installed windows xp home in virtual box, gave it access to my usb devices and installed the drivers for the printers and scanner. but there is just one thing that i want to do now how do i get windows xp to share my printer in virtual box with other computers in the house

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't View Printer Shared On CUPS Server From Other Machines On LAN?

Nov 1, 2010

I have been working through setting up a CUPS server on my Dell Dimension 2000 which is running Ubuntu 10.04. I have the server set up and the printer added and have gone through all of the steps the tutorials suggest to get the printer to be viewed on the network (set it to shared, allow other machines to view shared printers, etc). However, I can't find this printer on any of the other machine on my LAN (one machine running mac os x the other running Ubuntu 10.10).

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Ubuntu Networking :: File And Printer Sharing Between Wired And Wireless Machines

Apr 28, 2011

I have:
1) A desktop PC running Ubuntu 10.04 and a Virtualbox guest, Windows XP. My printer is connected and operates via XP. Yep, its a Windows-only printer, but the VB file-sharing allows me to print Ubuntu files.
2.) Another desktop running Puppy Linux.
3.) A netbook running XP as a native install.

No. 1 and 2 are connected to a Level One router by ethernet cable. No. 3 is wireless. All 3 machines work fine independently, with no problems accessing the internet. Getting these machines to "see" each other seems to be harder than falling off a log! How to share files and the printer, especially on how to configure the router. The manual that came with it doesn't seem to explain how to do this. It assumes that all your devices are either wired or wireless, with no hints about how to network wired and wireless machines together.

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General :: Install SMB Printer For Windows Share?

Aug 21, 2010

fter my reinstall of 10.04 I am unable to print to my printer which is on a Windows XP desktop. Always worked before.I go to System/Admin/Printing. Then search for a network printer using the IP address of my printer. I get the address back showing the printer that I want. I go through the entire install process find the HP printer and then the driver for the model and get to the last step to install it and get this error

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Ubuntu Networking :: Mounting A Samba Share On Two Machines - Can't Place Anything Into The Folder

Apr 24, 2011

I'm having some trouble mounting a Samba share on my two Ubuntu machines. The Samba share is setup so that all files are readable and writable by everyone (it's only accessible via the local network). When I create a new folder on the share with either of my Ubuntu machines, the folder becomes non-writable by anyone ie. I can't place anything into the folder. I'm using the following command to mount the share:


I think the problem is with the way I'm mounting the share on my Ubuntu machines. If I go to the share using smb:// in a file browser, I can create new folders which are readable and writable by everyone. But, if I create the new folder where it's mounted at /mnt/backup, no-one can modify or change it.

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General :: Obtaining Windows Printer Share SMB Settings (for Tsclient/rdesktop)?

Aug 22, 2011

I have access to a "virtual" Windows server terminal, which I can access through my Ubuntu Linux via tsclient or rdesktop. Additionally, there are printer shares on this network, which can be accessed from any Windows PC on the network (including the "virtual" terminals); lets say the address is [URL]. Now, I open \printshares.company.com in the "virtual" terminal in rdesktop (avoiding tsclient since it has a Bug #94743 in tsclient (Ubuntu): Terminal Server Client isn't able to copy to/from clipboard) - and I can see all printers fine.. However, when I'm on my Linux machine directly on the work network, I try and do something like:

$ ping printshares.company.com
PING printshares.company.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
^C64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=124 time=10.4 ms


Is it possible to retrieve the - let's call them "connection settings" - from the Windows terminal session, so I could replicate them under Linux when running smbclient? the IT department running these Windows servers is quite irritated by people using Linux; and will offer no support to those kinds of "customers". Furthermore, if obtaining those settings requires some installation on the client session, since I don't have permissions to install anything on the Windows terminal session.

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General :: Windows User Not Authorized For Printer On Ubuntu Server But File Share Is Ok

Apr 13, 2011

Two users on both Ubuntu server and Windows 7. Both users admins on Windows. Used SWAT to set up Samba. Printer is local to Ubuntu server. User A can access both file share and printer on Ubuntu server from Windows. User B can access the file share but can only see the printer, not use it. Have looked everywhere I can think of to find out why one user has access and the other doesn't on both Windows side and Ubuntu side. As far as I can tell, they are set up the same. Can anyone provide some direction on what I should look at to find out what might be preventing User B from being authorized to use the printer on Ubuntu?

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Fedora :: Networking F11 With Windows XP (Canon Printer)

Aug 25, 2009

I am a new convert to Fedora with very little knowledge of Linux in general. I have managed to install Fedora 11 on my Advent 8315 laptop and I have wireless connection via my Belkin Wireless N modem router. I have always been able to setup Windows networking successfully but Fedora is much more complex, using terminology that I am not familiar with. What I need to do to achieve networking with my Windows computer? I especially want to network to my Canon printer which is connected to the Windows PC.

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Fedora Networking :: Printing From A Windows Printer?

Oct 15, 2009

I have a windows machine on my lan with a printer attached. I have samba running on my F11 laptop and I can use it to access shared files on the windows machine. But how can I use the printer from fedora? When I go to Administor>Printers then I just get an empty list, even after pressing 'rescan'. Do I have to change some firewall/samba configuration? If not then where else would I see the printer?

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Fedora Networking :: Mounting A Windows Share In FC 10

Jun 12, 2009

Usually you put external mounts in the /mnt folder, then link there with a symbolic link if you want access from somewhere else. By keeping all of your mounts in /mnt its easier to manage them as your system and ability grow.

You need to make mounts as root. Mounts take the data in the target and put it on top of an existing folder. When you mount something on top of a folder whatever was there becomes invisible until you remove the mount on top of it. If there is a problem with a mount and it does not work, any writes to the mount will go to the folder underneath, and any data you expect to read from there will not exist.

In making a mount you should realize that the char requires an escape char in bash to show up in the final output to the command. The escape char is also . Therefore to show \ in a Windows command, you need to type \\. Also, spaces must be escaped once with .


You should substitute your ip or name for

Reminders: Make sure your Windows folder is shared read/write if you need to write to it.

You probably want to change permissions on /mnt/WindowsDocuments to 777

Tips:If you want a link from your desktop to your Windows "My Documents" folder you can now do this:

$cd ~/Desktop ln -s /mnt/WindowsDocuments WindowsDocs

This will make a symbolic link to /mnt/Windows, and if you execute: ls -l ~/Desktop you should see the links information in the response

Finally, if you want to keep a local backup of what's on the windows box in a local folder you could do:

The ~ char is shorthand for /home/<uername> and represents your home folder.

The result of the rsync command is to make a copy of WindowsDocs (which points to your mount at /mnt/WindowsDocuments which is linked to your Windows machine shared 'My Documents' folder) and put it into ~/WindowsDocumentsBackup

As always, make use of the man command if you get confused or the info command for more detail. ie man rsync

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Fedora Networking :: Share Folders Between Windows 7 And F12

Sep 25, 2010

I want shared folders and files between my desktop (Windows 7) and my notebook (Fedora 12). I installed with YUM the server SAMBA and configured all according this tutorial (http://www.ubuntu-es.org/?q=node/130156)
also configured the firewall with Firestarter, allow all entries for the HOST.

The problem is that in windows I can not enter to notebook or by network interface or by ip address. and viceversa.There is another option for sharing files, or what I do?

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Fedora Networking :: How To Connect To Windows Share?

Mar 27, 2011

I'm running Fedora 13 on my laptop and am trying to share out a folder from a Win7 computer. Folder on Win7 machine is set to allow access to everyone.In Fedora, I have SELinux disable, I've made sure samba is allowed in the firewall, and that the smb service is running. There's no password on the Win7 computer, so in the Windows Share setting on Fedora I just put the username and left the pass field blank.

I've seen some things say all you have to do is go the the "Network" place...but somehow that seems to have become non-existent and I don't know how to get it back.Also, trying to connect to smb://WinShare/Share results in it saying that the server has timed out.

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Fedora Networking :: Can't Print To Shared Windows Printer From Fedora

Feb 20, 2011

I am trying to set up printing on my Fedora 14 laptop, on my home network.


- Home network, single subnet, the desktops are connected to the switch portion of my Linksys via Ethernet and all have static addresses. Name resolution between them is via hosts file entries. The router is running wireless (WPA2/AES/DHCP) to accommodate my laptop which is dual boot XP Pro and Linux Fedora 14.

- The printer is an HP Deskjet F4180 printer. It is attached via USB to a Windows XP Pro box and shared. The XP box is wired and static ip.

- I am able to see all the shares and print to the shared printer from any of the Windows boxes, wired and wireless, including my laptop when I run Windows on it.

- My Fedora 14 is working fine on wireless, using Network Manager and KDE desktop. I am able to access all the Windows shares on both of my wired desktops. One desktop is XP Pro, the other is Windows 7.

This is what happens when I try to set up printing on Fedora:

- I go to Administration / Printing and click to Add a Printer.
- I am prompted for the root password twice, which I put in.
- I select Network Printer / Windows printer via samba and click on Browse...
- It finds my WORKGROOUP and machine name mig29 and prompts for user ID and password which I type in.


the user ID and logon on Fedora is different from the one on Windows. During setup I am prompted for credentials. It seems to me that somewhere down the line Fedora supplies not the credentials I supply but my local user ID and password and it obviously fails.

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Fedora Networking :: Mounting Windows Share With Cifs?

Feb 10, 2009

Following instructions that I received from the Fedora 10 Guide, I recently edited my etc/fstab file so that I could auto mount my Windows share. It worked the first time, but when I rebooted, I noticed an error saying that Linux could not not unmount the cifs shares. Eventually it did reboot, but now I cannot mount the share at all from fstab. When I run the command #mount -a and then #mount, my share is shown to be mounted although I cannot access it and there is no link to it on the desktop like there was the first time it mounted. I basically want my Windows share to be permanently mounted with read/write permissions. My Distro is Fedora Core 10 64 bit. How can I resolve this issue?

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Fedora Networking :: Access Windows Share From Machine

Nov 2, 2009

he moved in a new place and there is a huge share on the network machine which runs windows... however he has fedora 10 installed on a desktop pc with a big screen and asked me to configure it so it can access the share... i have almost no experience with fedora and i've been trying to do this for two days now... i installed the samba package, but now what? how to do this because the exact commands are unknown to me... i have the root password and everything else on the network... so i just need to know what ot write in order to be able to mount all the TBs of information on the server...

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