General :: Windows User Not Authorized For Printer On Ubuntu Server But File Share Is Ok

Apr 13, 2011

Two users on both Ubuntu server and Windows 7. Both users admins on Windows. Used SWAT to set up Samba. Printer is local to Ubuntu server. User A can access both file share and printer on Ubuntu server from Windows. User B can access the file share but can only see the printer, not use it. Have looked everywhere I can think of to find out why one user has access and the other doesn't on both Windows side and Ubuntu side. As far as I can tell, they are set up the same. Can anyone provide some direction on what I should look at to find out what might be preventing User B from being authorized to use the printer on Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Printer Server Configuration - Share To Users And Limit The User In Taking Print Outs?

Jul 26, 2010

I am trying to configure linux printer Server.

Setup : Using Centos 5.3
Printer : hp 4350

At present we are using windows print server getting user name and authenticated from domain server. I need your suggestion to configure linux printer server and how to share the printer to users and how to limit the user in taking printouts.

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General :: Install SMB Printer For Windows Share?

Aug 21, 2010

fter my reinstall of 10.04 I am unable to print to my printer which is on a Windows XP desktop. Always worked before.I go to System/Admin/Printing. Then search for a network printer using the IP address of my printer. I get the address back showing the printer that I want. I go through the entire install process find the HP printer and then the driver for the model and get to the last step to install it and get this error

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Security :: IP Assignment To Authorized User Only Through DHCP Server?

Jan 15, 2010

I've a DHCP server in RHEL 5 and 100+ users in my network. I mapped 30 users MAC address with ip. Rest are getting ip address automatically. In my network, users tend to move from one department to another frequently. I've created scopes according to departments. (i.e. Dept A - and so on for other departments).

1) I want to configure DHCP server in this way, that a client have to autheticated by DHCP server before receive and IP address.

2) Second, Whether DHCP server have free IPs in scope, but only clients can obtain IPs those MACs are mapped, rest should not without authentication or authorization.

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Security :: Get IP Assignment To Authorized User Only Through DHCP Server?

Jan 21, 2010

A DHCP server in RHEL 5 and 100+ users in my network. I mapped 30 users MAC address with ip. Rest are getting ip address automatically. In my network, users tend to move from one department to another frequently. I've created scopes according to departments. (i.e. Dept A - and so on for other departments).1) I want to configure DHCP server in this way, that a client have to autheticated by DHCP server before receive and IP address.2) Second, Whether DHCP server have free IPs in scope, but only clients can obtain IPs those MACs are mapped, rest should not without authentication or authorization

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General :: Obtaining Windows Printer Share SMB Settings (for Tsclient/rdesktop)?

Aug 22, 2011

I have access to a "virtual" Windows server terminal, which I can access through my Ubuntu Linux via tsclient or rdesktop. Additionally, there are printer shares on this network, which can be accessed from any Windows PC on the network (including the "virtual" terminals); lets say the address is [URL]. Now, I open \ in the "virtual" terminal in rdesktop (avoiding tsclient since it has a Bug #94743 in tsclient (Ubuntu): Terminal Server Client isn't able to copy to/from clipboard) - and I can see all printers fine.. However, when I'm on my Linux machine directly on the work network, I try and do something like:

$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
^C64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=124 time=10.4 ms


Is it possible to retrieve the - let's call them "connection settings" - from the Windows terminal session, so I could replicate them under Linux when running smbclient? the IT department running these Windows servers is quite irritated by people using Linux; and will offer no support to those kinds of "customers". Furthermore, if obtaining those settings requires some installation on the client session, since I don't have permissions to install anything on the Windows terminal session.

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Server :: Share File From Windows Client?

Mar 3, 2010

I have configured samba in linux .i can share file from windows client. we are not using any domain or ldap. using workgroup only. kindly let me know is it possible to change the smbpassword from client.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Share Windows Printer

Feb 23, 2010

I have a Windows XP box with an HP5610 connected to a USB port. I have a Dell notebook computer loaded with Ubuntu 9.10. I have the two networked via a wireless connection and can share folders/files between the two with no problem. Unfortunately, I cannot share the Windows printer with the Ubuntu box. I can go through the printer setup with Samba on the notebook and the HP is detected however, whenever I go to verify I get an invalid argument error.

In reading one of the posts it suggested pinging the ubuntu box from the Windows box. Since I already have viable file sharing connection does that come in play at all?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Share Printer With Windows PCs?

May 19, 2011

I've installed Ubuntu 11.04 in dual boot with Windows XP on my computer at work. I have a printer (HP LaserJet 3020) and I've shared it with all my coworkers, and everything's working like a charm. When a coworker wants to print here, first he has to select my shared printer on his computer and then print it. Cool! The point is... On his computer there are two network printers pointing to my PC: one for Windows and another one for Ubuntu. Now, here's the problem. Sometimes I'm logged in Windows, sometimes in Ubuntu, here. But my coworkers don't know when I'm in Windows or Ubuntu. So, if they select my Windows shared printer and I'm logged in Ubuntu, it doesn't work.

So, I'd like to know if there is a way to share my printer on Ubuntu as if it were Windows, I mean, I don't know if it's possible - that's what I want to know - but I thought maybe there could be a way to use a "single network printer link" on my coworkers' computers (instead of two distinct ones for each OS I use), so that they would select it and send their printing job to my printer, independently on which OS I'm using at the moment.

Summarizing... A coworker chooses my shared printer on his computer and send the job. Then it would be printed here anyway. It doesn't matter if I'm logged in Windows or Ubuntu.Is that possible? If so, how?

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Software :: Want To Share Windows Printer?

Sep 23, 2010

In my office we have (windows) HPLaser printer, which i want to configured in RHEL 5.4

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connect To Windows Share Printer From 10.10?

Dec 6, 2010

I have shared my cpl-300 from my windows 7 machine to my network, so that may print from my linux laptop to it.

Now whenever I go to system -> Administration -> Printing and try and browse for my printer it asks for a username and password any username or password I enter that is on the windows 7 machine gets rejected.

So I tested to see what would happen if you used smbclient to view the shares available from the windows 7 machine, unfortunately it results in another permission error. The funny thing is I can mount a share using "mount -t cifs".

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Fedora Networking :: How To Share Printer To Windows

Jun 28, 2010

I am trying to share my printer with a windows xp machine.Samber server and configuration tool is installed. Still I have no clue how to get this to work. The printer is setup and working on my Fedora anyone done this before and can give a step by step description on how to setup a Linux printer on a network (home-network) with windows.I already searched for it but non of the tutorial were clear enough or missing something.

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General :: Installing Printer - Add Printer In Local Network Or Windows Printer Via Samba

Nov 23, 2009

I just upgrade to Fedora 11.

I have problem in installing the printer, no matter add printer in local network or Windows Printer via Samba.

The summary is as follow:

I have download a printer driver and had installed but got error when I tried to printer a test page.

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Fedora Networking :: Share A Printer To Windows Machines?

Feb 9, 2009

I have a machine running fedora 10 that has a printer in cups that i want to share to the windows machines on the network.I cant find any mention of shareing printers in the cups interface

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Networking :: Can't Print From Windows 7 - Samba Printer Share

Aug 30, 2010

I'm giving up in ever hoping that I'll get printing working with windows 7 with the strange comments I've found on the net. Basically I have a samsung ML2240 printer shared on the network, everything can print to it fine except for my windows 7 laptop. It's shared via Samba.


Once you have extracted the driver files, copy the 32-bit drivers to the /usr/share/cups/drivers directory and the 64-bit drivers to the /usr/share/cups/drivers/x64 directory exactly as named below:

[Windows 2000 and higher]

However after checking this, I dont have the files named within int he correct folder on my windows system :

%WINDIR%SYSTEM32SPOOLDRIVERSX643 folder for 64-bit drivers.I've tried installing the printer via the windows installer, however this adds the driver then tells me its not working and fails to print. I really dont know where to turn with this one. I've tried installing the samsung supplied drivers from the website. However they still fail to connect.

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General :: Viewing Owner Of File On Windows Share

Mar 16, 2011

I'm interested in viewing the owners of files on a Windows Server 2003 share (mounted on a Linux computer). These "owners" would be users in Active Directory. If it's not possible to see the username, I wonder if it will at least show a unique identifier. Currently it says all files are owned by root with an "ls -l".

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General :: Properly Share A File On Box With A Windows Machine In AD?

Oct 22, 2009

I have a linux (Ubuntu server 8) that is busy collecting data files for me, but I need to see them on a windows machine. The winXP computer is in an AD domain. The ubuntu server is running Samba and I believe I have set up sharing - I can see/list the files on winXP. however, when I try to open the files to read ( in this case by Wireshark ) I get a permissions denial. Where and how can I set those permissions?

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General :: Windows Can See Ubuntu Server Printer, But Can't Print To It?

Feb 5, 2010

I have an old desktop that I'm trying to set up as a home backup/print server. Backup was trivial, but am having issues getting the printing to work. The printer is connected to the server running Ubuntu Server 9.10 (no gui). If I access the printer via http://hostname:631/printers/, I am able to print a test page, so I know the printer is working; however, I am having no luck from Windows. Windows can see the printer when browsed via hostname, but I am unable to connect. Windows says "Windows cannot connect to the printer" without indicating why.

From /etc/samba/smb.conf:
workgroup = WORKGROUP
dns proxy = no
security = user


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CentOS 5 Server :: Super Slow Windows Printer Properties Dialogue With Samba Printer

Sep 18, 2009

I have a Centos 5.3 server with Samba file shares and a shared Samba printer. I am not running a domain.

I recently changed my windows desktop pc from an XP machine to a vista 64 machine... It has a different user name. Everything went pretty smoothly - and the and the vista machine found the smba printer - and even downloaded the driver from the samba server. he printer works OK - and the file shares are fine.

The only thing which is quite odd - is that the Printer Properties dialogue takes more than 30 seconds to come up - and every action you attempt with the dialogue takes a similar amount of time.

I will include below the essence of my smb.conf:

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General :: Mount A Windows File Share Securely (encrypted)?

Jan 15, 2009

I'd like to find a way to mount a windows file share securely (encrypted) as I'll be communicating over the Internet.

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Ubuntu :: Configure 11.04 Server To Share Printer Using Terminal (not GUI)

Jun 27, 2011

I've got an Ubuntu Server 11.04 running and the primary use of it is to store backup files using Deja Dup, connecting through SSH using shared key (no passwords) authentication. This works on the LAN and WAN, which is what I want. I also want to set up an HP Officejet 5610 MFD to be shared on the LAN only, for printing and scanning. The server obviously doesn't have a GUI.

I've searched and come up with some near misses, but everywhere I try it seems someone is using a GUI on the system serving the printer. See: [URLs]

What I'd really like would be a post like the following one. It seems to be what I'm looking for, but it is from 2006 using Ubuntu 6.## and that build ran on cupsys rather than cupsd if I read correctly. I haven't found an updated guide/post like the one below.

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General :: Unable To Ssh To Server After Key Changes In Authorized Keys

Jan 17, 2011

Facing this issue where I need to ssh from a solaris server to Linux server.The flow is as below:
-Oracle Webserver on solaris server (oracle user) initiates a cgi script
-The CGI script then executes a shell on the solaris server that tries to ssh to linux server

Have already tried the below:
-Checked the permissions for the .ssh and related folder/files
-authorized keys updated correctly
-tried alternative ssh login from another user which works fine

Issue could be-
-I must try the first login manually, where I'll need to enter password and then the solaris server will get registered in the known_hosts of the linux server
-Cant do this because I donot have the oracle user access.

Please suggest a work-around to the issue that can be done from my end.
Or is it that I must simply ask the DBA to execute an ssh from their ends?

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General :: Mount The File Server Share On Application Server And Execute

Jan 8, 2010

i have purchased sun server for my visualization project. Request you to help me finding the io for disk .I have put storage(disks) on different location (File Server) and on server (Application) i have configured 4 virtual machines.

How would i monitor the io for file server from the Application server where i have configured 4 virtual machine. one way to mount the file server share on application server and execute

dd if=/dev/zero of=/share/test.out bs=1024 count=1024 to check the read and write Is there any other way of doing this.

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Server :: Using CUPs To Share A A Network Printer?

Nov 9, 2010

Is it possible to use CUPs to share an already networked printer using IPP? The printer itself uses IPP.I know at first look this may seem like a silly thing to do, however I have a special case to set up a "print proxy server" due to security compliance reasons

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General :: Authorized Email Address - Sendmail Server?

May 4, 2010

I am having many mails transferred through my Sendmail server,but I want to configure only authorised email address through our server.optimize my mail server's configuration.

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General :: Change Default File Permission For Mounted Windows Network Share?

Jul 26, 2010

I'm on OS X and mount a network share from my Windows XP machine. Files by default have the rwx (700) permissions. What OS X option I need to change, that the files will have rw (600) permission?

Maybe this question also applies for Linux mounting a Windows network share.

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General :: Unable To Mount Windows Server 2008 Share?

Aug 22, 2010

I am trying to mount a shared drive on a Windows Server 2008 machine using a Linux machine (Fedora 13). I try mounting by


and I get mount error(13): Permission denied.

I have tried other options like # mount -t nfs //HOSTNAME/SHARENAME /mnt/FOLDER -o username=USERNAME and the same thing with different filesystem types (ntfs, smbfs, cifs).

I have:

checked all firewall configurations.
verified security/sharing settings
for the drive
verified registry keys under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesNfsSvrParameters
verified NFS server is running

I am familiar with Windows Server 2008 but I have never configured a system from scratch on my own. The computer I'm using used to have Windows 7 for sharing folders to a Linux server. I have just switched to Server 2008 and have not been able to mount anymore.

One thing that I think is that I tried setting up an identity mapping solution; however, I do not have a domain controller setup. I am still functioning on a workgroup.

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General :: Fedora 13 Mounting Share On Windows Server 2003?

Sep 1, 2010

I'm trying to mount a Windows Server 2003 share in Fedora 13. With Fedora 8 and with RHEL 5.5 this works properly, but not with Fedora 13.

The mount point I'm using is /usr/eg

The symptoms are: Nautilus (the file browser) does not display the mount in the places or tree as a mounted drive. Using the file broser I can browse under file system down to the files on the server Programs cannot find the files under /usr/eg ie the files on the server.

Here is my fstab entry:

// /usr/eg cifs auto,user=<user>,password=<password>,rw,uid=500,gid=500,file_mode=0774._netdev 0 0

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General :: Mounting Windows 2008 Server Share On Red Hat 4 Machine?

Jun 8, 2010

I am having issues mounting a share on a Windows 2008 Server from all of our Redhat 4 machines. I am trying to back up files before wiping and upgrading them to 5. I will try and post as much information that I gathered after trying different things. I am a newer hire for this network and a Linux newbie.

The scenario is this:

1. Windows 2008 Active Directory.
2. Redhat Enterprise 4 machines

I have root access and I tried entering at the terminal:

" smbclient -L "servername" -U "username"

get the "password" prompt I enter my password and get:

"session setup failed: NT_STATUS_ACCOUNT_LOCKED_OUT."

I check event viewer on the 2008 box and last week was seeing:

Event ID: 4625
Keywords: Audit Failure
etc, etc
"Account for which Logon failed:
Security ID: NULL SID
Account name: anonymous
Account Domain:MYGROUP
Failure Information:
Failure Reason: Uknown user name or bad password
etc, etc

Now the last couple of days the audit failures have not shown up on the 2008 Server box even though I attempted to log in.

The end users used to just use Konquerer smb://"servername"/"share" and it worked but for some reason starting last week this no longer works. Nothing was changed that I know of, this network is in a sealed classified environment with no external access. All additions to the network are monitored and no unapproved software is installed. The lab is in a vault type environment and only a few people know the combination and alarm pass codes so no chance of somebody adding stuff without me knowing it.

I would think with the locked out message it was an issue with my user account but that works fine on the Windows side so I tried my Linux credentials with no success when trying to mount the directory.

Is there something anybody can suggest Linux or Windows side to check? No user accounts work connecting to the Windows share.

p.s. I am aware the above command is only to see the Windows shares but i get the same thing when I just try and mount using CIFS or SMBFS.

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General :: Can Browse Files Via Windows Mount Point But Not Through The Server/share

Aug 20, 2009

Using SUSE 11 with Gnome. I mounted a CIFS share from a Windows server as /mnt/win. With the file browser, I can browse to file system/mnt/win and then the files and folders of the Windows share come up fine and I can open them. When I use the file browser to browse to network, the server hosting this share is listed. Then I browse to that server and it lists no shares (nothing at all). I can't go any further than the server. Is there a separate authentication necessary for the file browser to see this share from the network place?

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