Fedora Installation :: Newest Nvidia Driver Still Hangs At Anacron / Fix It?

Feb 6, 2009

After a few days of wrestling the xorg.conf file and the akmods/kmod apps, finally have it running properly with a dual display/one graphic card setup BUT only from init 3 and then startx. Trying with init 5 shows a segmentation fault right after recognizing the kmod driver but the sequence keeps running until it after it hits the anacron OK portion. This occurs with an NVIDIA 6800 XT which is covered by the 180.25 driver. Other forum Q&A suggests the wrong driver but NVIDIA recommends this one.

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Fedora Installation :: NVIDIA Quadro FX And 10 - System Always Locks Up During The 'Anacron' Testing Sequence

Feb 18, 2009

I recently purchased a Quadro FX 4800 and tried to install it on Fedora 10. During the installation, Fedora didn't recognize my new graphics card and began installing the OS in text mode. I stopped the installation and tried to start over, this time I passed the following command: linux resolution=1024x768. I then proceeded with the installation, and again, I was posed with a text mode installation. I continued with the text mode install and when Fedora was done installing, I rebooted and system just locked up.

At this point I was frustrated, so I reinstalled my old 8800 graphics card and started a new install with something that worked in the past. When the install was done, I loaded the latest NVIDIA drivers and the rebooted. I reinstalled my new graphics card (Quadro FX 4800) then powered up my system. I thought everything was good to go and all of a sudden my system flickered and then locked up during the 'Anacron' testing phase. I then rebooted with the "Ctrl+Alt+Del" hotkeys, but my system always locks up during the 'Anacron' testing sequence. I am aware that the Quadro FX 4800 is a few months old, but how can I get it to work in linux? It has gotten so bad, that I had to resort to using MS Vista.

System specs:
Intel Core Duo Quad Core
4 gigs DDR2
Mobo: 680i SLI
800WATT Power Supply

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Fedora :: Boot Hangs After Anacron / Solution For This?

Aug 16, 2009

In F10 the boot sequence hangs just after loading anacron. I booted with interactive mode and after saying 'yes' to starting anacron I'm prompted to start 'local'. When I say yes, my system hangs.

I've seen quite a few posts regarding very similar issues that people were having. None of them seem to have a clear cut solution.

Some posts mentioned about the wrong video drivers, however I've been using the same video drivers for a couple of months now and never experienced this problem.

I looked at /etc/rc.local and all it has in it is 'touch /var/lock/sybsys/local'

I also looked at the file above and there is nothing in it.

Any ideas/solutions? Everything was working just fine the other day. so I'm completely baffled.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 10.04 Video Hangs & Flashes And Resumes NVIDIA Driver?

Oct 14, 2010

I have the most bizarre problem that started with 10.04. Up until 10.04 I had zero problems with my setup. I am convinced this has something to do with NVIDIA 7100GS and 10.04.

Here is the problem in a nutshell. I have my home desktop, which I upgraded to 10.04 from 9.10. Everything went just fine except when it booted up and I logged in, the video "shut off", the computer "hung" for about 10 seconds, then came back. I'm able to use it for about 10 seconds then the same thing happens. Video blanks, system hangs, comes back.

I've tried turning off compiz, no effect. I've tried nvidia-current along with other versions (including the one from the website) and they ALL have the same problem. I know it's not a hardware issue as I can boot the live CD just fine. I also upgraded to 10.04.1 and that worked fine until I installed the nvidia drivers. Here is what I dont understand either. I did a apt-get remove --purge nvidia* and the problem still existed after that.

Something is seriously wonky. I REALLY don't want to re-install the entire box. Now, here is something else that doesnt make sense. I have 10.04 installed on my work box with a Nvidia 9800 graphics card and I have no issues at all.

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Fedora Installation :: Nvidia Card Driver For T61?

Aug 10, 2009

I installed F11, before today, I used Ubuntu for a long time. my graphic card is nvs140m of nvidia. I download the card driver from [URL]. the vision of the driver is NVIDIA-Linux-x86-185.18.29-pkg1.run. before I can install the driver, I must close the X-server. so, please tell me how to close the X-server.

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Fedora :: F14 NVidia Driver Installation Failure

Nov 9, 2010

I have followed the Nvidia driver guide exactly. I did not see any errors during the four-step process. However, on the last reboot the system gets as far as the fedora "f" on the startup screen and hangs. This appears completely fatal. I have tried the procedure a couple of times now and the result has been to reinstall Fedora 14 from scratch each time. I have been able to access the system files after the crash using the system rescue option on the installation disk. I am on the Gnome X86_64 installation. My graphics card is NVIDIA GeForce GTS 240.

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Fedora Hardware :: F13 Cannot Boot After NVidia Driver Installation

Aug 25, 2010

I have installed F13 and after reading some Nvidia Driver installation guides I managed to blacklist nouveu driver. I run the 'init 3' command and it gave me an error something like 'nouveu driver still in use' then I reboot the system and the fonts were bigger than I run init 3 command again and this time installation was completed then I went back with init 5 command. I opened nvidia x server settings I have cloned the monitors and I installed the flash player,totem vs. Than F13 gave me the notification about updates and with yum update command It has downloaded and installed those updates. Then I shut the system off. When I restarted system it does not boot up. I see the loading bar and It hangs on at the end like forever. I have installed fedora again and the process I have done was same so the result.

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Fedora Installation :: Nvidia Error Cant Update The Driver?

Oct 30, 2010

a little while ago the file from nv stopped being able to run.. I cant update the driver and now always get this error

4: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions
/tmp/selfgz2718/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-260.19.12/kernel/nv.c: In function �nv


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Fedora Installation :: How To Test NVidia Driver Install

Dec 10, 2010

I've followed leigh's installation instructions for the nVidia drivers on Fedora 14, and everything seemed to go smoothly, but I don't see any obvious changes after rebooting (should I?).When I go to KDE's KInfocenter (KMenu -> Applications -> System -> Info Center) and check the driver information I see this:

Vendor Mesa Project
Renderer Software Rasterizer


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Fedora Installation :: Install An NVidia Video Driver?

Feb 25, 2011

how do you install an nVidia video driver?

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Fedora Installation :: How To Install Nvidia Video Driver

Jul 23, 2011

The nouveau driver coming with the free fedora does not even allow to run Gnome 3, so I'd like to install the Nvidia driver. So far I did not succeed as the nouveau kernel module is loaded at an early stage. How can I remove the nouveau driver?

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Fedora Installation :: Software Update - Fedora ( - Nvidia Driver Doesn't Work

Sep 1, 2010

Fedora ( I installed that update, during the installation process it said that it had to remove three packages, one of them was kmod nvidia for the old kernel (Fedora ( the update finished installing the new kernel, I restarted the system and Nvidia did not load. (I assume because Update manager removed the old nvidia? But I also assumed that a new version would be installed automatically?)I received the following Boot messages:


Entering non-interactive startup
Starting monitoring for VG vg_user1: 3 logical volume(s) in volume group "vg_user1" monitored


I'm confused, if Update Manager removed kmod nvidia, then why does yum say it is installed? And why doesn't the new kernel update work with that version? Or should I install a driver version for that particular kernel? I've read while searching that I need to install a kmod-nvidia for that particual kernel version and that I should login to my previous kernel until that happens, is that the problem I'm having?

Why don't rpmfusion and fedoraproject release the kmod-nvidia and kernel updates at the same time to avoid problems such as this? Does anyone know how long does it usually take for rpmfusion to release the new kmod-nvidia driver for the latest kernel?

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Fedora Installation :: Nvidia Driver In F11 - Cannot Enable Desktop Effects

Jul 18, 2009

I just installed Fedora 11, and am trying to install my video card drivers. I have an Nvidia geforce gtx 260m. So far I have installed both the kmod-nvidia and akmod-nvidia packages, and I still cannot enable desktop effects. After i installed the akmod package, I sometimes see the nvidia logo for a split second when I log out, but my drivers are still not correctly installed.

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Fedora Hardware :: NVidia Driver Installation - Failure To Mount

Mar 20, 2010

I am a newbie to linux and having a hard time installing drivers for my card (gtx 260). I'm following this guide: [URL]. So do you edit the grub.conf file in etc first and then do the yum install kmod-nvidia? I've gone through this a few times, and each time when I think I've followed the steps and reboot, I get nothing. A blinking white cursor once and then a bunch of texts saying failure to mount and sleeping forever another time.

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Fedora Installation :: Completely Remove RPMfusion Nvidia Driver?

Aug 14, 2010

The driver has crashed X and before I had a chance to find RPMfusion instructions on dealing with initrd, I removed the package just to keep X running.Uninstalling the package does not restore kernel and Xorg operation. I am still in VESA mode.Although they claim they don't put stuff in non-standard places and use RPM, still there is something left over, as nuoveau driver no longer loads.Now that system configuration is all over the place, it is not clear what they actually changed or replaced.

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Fedora Installation :: Nvidia Driver Causes Stack Trace On Service Start

Apr 4, 2009

Just installed a Sparkle GeForce 8400 GS on my Dell Dimension 2350 running FC9. As stated, every time the system goes to start the card, a stack trace occurs. I know the first thing that everyone will ask for is the output from the stack trace, but for the life of me I can't capture it. Tried grabbing the STDOUT and SDTERR from the 'service start' command, but nothing interesting is ever there. If anyone knows if and where such things get stored, just letting me know that would help. I assumed there would be something in /var/log, but no. For some reason, there's a lot of python errors in the output. I imagine I could try to type in as much of the output as possible, but I'm hoping someone has seen this before.

Anyway, I've tried the Nvidia install executable, the nvidia-newest RPMs, the nvidia-96xx RPMs and they all fail the same way. I also can't get the card to come up as the primary device on boot, which I don't think should be a problem since they all boot into VGA mode, don't they? If I disable the internal video setup in the BIOS, the machine freezes on bootup with blinking lights on the keyboard, which I imagine is the BIOS's way of telling me there's no monitor available.

I also tried getting the nv and nouveau drivers going with no luck. They are installed on the machine, but I'm embarrassed to say I don't know how to get them configured. Not really a driver guy, I guess. Also, the reason I installed this card is to get TVOUT, and I don't know if generic drivers will have support for that sort of thing.

At this point, I'm just looking for a way forward. One thing I remember is that when I removed the 'fglrx' drivers (because they conflicted with the NVIDIA stuff) I remember that a few python/fglrx based packages went with it. I'm wondering if that could be at the root of the failure, given the python errors in the stack trace.

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Fedora Installation :: Nvidia Graphics Driver - Error: GlXCreateContext Failed

May 8, 2009

I am using fedora10 in my notebook. I installed nvidia-graphics driver as follows.

su -c 'rpm -ivh http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/...ble.noarch.rpm'
su -c 'rpm -ivh http://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfr...ble.noarch.rpm'
su -c 'rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-rpmfusion-*'

Then i installed kmod-nvidia with yum su -c 'yum install kmod-nvidia' When i tried to open NVIDIA control panel, i got a message that nvidia-driver should be configured. Then i issued the following command as root.
nvidia-xconfig. The i rebooted the system. Now in the boot menu, i see two kernel informations as follows

Fedora (
Fedora (

If i boot my linux with first one, x windows starts, if i boot with the second one (previously default), the x-windows is not opening. Why this happens? So i booted my system with first option in the boot menu. The system booted and x.windows started but i am not able to use any software that uses opengl window. The glxinfo command gives me the following error.


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Fedora Installation :: NVidia Driver - Unable To Find System Utility

Jun 15, 2009

I am a new user of Fedora 11. I am a Ubuntu user and could not get my GeForce 9100 on board graphics to work on my new computer with out crashing my computer so I decided I would try fedora. I downloaded the driver from NVidia and I am attempting to install it (Fedora didn't automatically find the driver). I get the following message:
"Error Unable to find the system utility 'ld'; Please make sure you have the 'binutils' installed. If you do have the bin utils installed, then please check that 'ld' is in your PATH."
I am running the driver from $Download as root. I don't know what ld or bin utils is or the check if I have it or if it is in my PATH.

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Fedora Installation :: Enable Nouveau Back After Installing NVIDIA Driver?

Oct 17, 2010

I had installed my NVIDIA 9500GT driver on my fedora 13 by disabling nouveau, so should i enable it back after installing NVIDIA driver?

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Fedora :: Install F15 Without Nouveau To Make Nvidia Driver Installation Easier?

Jun 7, 2011

Can this be done similar to some other O/Ses so Nouveau doesn't pre-screw up the kernel for 3rd party drivers??? Would be great in F16 if we were given a choice re: wanting nouveau or not. I simply can not get F14 or F15 to work with the 270.xx drivers on recent equipment.

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Hardware :: NVIDIA 8800 GTS - Dual Boot Fedora 10 Does Not See The NVIDIA Driver

Feb 5, 2009

I am experiencing the following issue. After enabling SLI and PhysX in windows vista, my dual boot fedora 10 does not see the NVIDIA driver.

Doing: cat /proc/drivers/nvidia/0 I get? in the VGA bios for both cards.

I disabled both SLI and PhysX in vista, but the problem persists. I powerdown and unplugged the rig for several hours without results.

Here are my specs:

CPU: Intel Q9300
Board: MSI P7N Diamond
CARD0: EVGA Gforce 8800 GTS
CARD1: EVGA Gforce 8800 GTS
RAM : 4 Gbytes OCZ gold PC6400 (4 x 1 Gbytes)
PSU : Thermaltake SLI ready 850 W

It is important to mention that initially Fedora did see the cards and I was able to set up a dual monitor system. It right was after I enable SLI and PhysX and re-booting into Linux that the problem showed up.

I have seen this issue before in another machine with an ASUS board, but not until today I associated with the SLI setup. My guess is that there has to be something that the driver is enabling in the cards that messes up the interface between the nvidia.ko module and the kernel, but I don't know what may fix it. I need this system for some numerical calculations.

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Fedora Installation :: Can't Install Newest OS

Mar 30, 2010

Since about half a year ago I downloaded the 11th version of Fedora from the official web page but when trying to install it (I tried booting from cd) it loads everything all right, I get the fedora loading screen, but when it finishes the loading remains so, I doesnt mark errors or anything, I get the cursor on the black screen, the HDD LED turns off and then it remains just like that, I left it up to 1 full hour and from there nothing happens, also tried the ubuntu 9.04 and it is exactly the same, after loadint everything ok, it reaches a point where the screen goes black with a cursor and the HDD LED goes out , the cursor keeps going and it gets stuck.i readed a few time ago that this happens because my video card (which was integrated in the mb) did not support these versions of linux, then i bought an Nvidia GeForce FX 5200LE 128mb card and same thing happened, a couple of months ago i was using a P4GEMX ASUS motherboard with 760 RAM and HDD 160 gb IDE drive. I gave up and leave it for peace.

Today I use an D865GBF Intel motherboard with 1GB of RAM, same video card Nvidia Geforce FX 5200LE and passes the same thing, also tried to install Windows 7 and reaches the point where it shows the wallpaper just before the installation options but nothing happens and it stays right there .. the pointer disappears, I gets stuck in the wallpaper and yet again...the HDD LED goes out, I am very confused, I changed every piece of the pc, new motherboard, new rams and nothing, the only thing that I am still using of the old pc is the hard drive, also tried another HDD, one of 60gb GHola que tal, very good afternoon to all, is the first time I write in the forum and my problem is this:

Since about half a year ago I ordered a cd of ubuntu 9.04 version when trying to install (if I try booting from cd) load all right, I get the ubuntu loading logo, just finished loading and remains so, I mark errors or anything, I get the cursor on the black screen, the HDD LED turns off and now ... just so he stays, I left it up to 1 full hour and from there nothing happens, also try booting linux from the cd (without making changes to your computer) and it is exactly the same, try also with Fedora 11 and it is exactly the it reaches a point where the screen goes black with a cursor and the LED goes out there hard drive, the cursor keeps going and is just lei long that this was because my video card (which was built in) did not support these versions of linux, then buy a Nvidia GeForce FX 5200LE card and same thing happened, was a P4GEMX ASUS motherboard with 760 RAM and disk 160 gb IDE drive. I gave up and leave it for peace.

Today I D865GBF Intel motherboard with 1GB of RAM, same video card Nvidia Geforce FX 5200LE and passes the same thing, also try to install Windows 7 and reaches the point where it makes the wallpaper to give after the installation options and stay there .. falls short of options, the pointer disappears, I stay in the wallpaper and for varying the harddisk LED goes out, I am very surprised and totally changing equipment, new motherboard, new ram and nothing, the only thing that I am using the above pc the hard drive, also try another 60gb hard drive and same thing happens, it will be??? perhaps I need a SATA hard disk??

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Configuration :: Newest Upgrade Of Debian Testing Breaks Nvidia And Xorg / What's Going On?

Jul 1, 2011

I just updated my Debian testing as usual (apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade), and it totally screwed up Nvidia drivers. I had to revert to integrated graphic card to start Xorg.
After that, I noticed that libgl1-nvidia-glx is missing, and when I tried to install it back, it produces the following:

Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
libgl1-nvidia-glx : Depends: libgl1-nvidia-alternatives but it is not going to be installed
E: Broken packages

Any ideas what's going on with it?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Installing The Newest BroadCom STA Driver

Nov 28, 2010

I just recently recieved a Mini CQ10-525DX with a Broadcom 4313 wlan card. when loading ubuntu i notice it says that it supports 4311 4312, so i looked on the broadcom website and they have a newer update with 4313 coverage. I downloaded it but do not know how to install it.

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Fedora Installation :: 11 From External LILO - At The Middle Of "after Boot" Loading The System Hangs And Stops The Usual Driver Detection

Jun 19, 2009

I've just installed the new Fedora 11 (just released) through a Live CD having 3 partitions created:

"/boot" - ext3,
"/" - lvm (part 1)
swap - lvm (part 2)

now, I want to add my new Fedora system entry to my "central" lilo.conf, resident on another linux distribution. So, i've done


my lilo fedora entry boots fine but... at the middle of "after boot" loading the system hangs and stops the usual driver detection, etc (normally, it hangs on the CDROM detection or USB 2.0 camera detection).

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Fedora Installation :: Copyright Year Is Still 2010 In The Newest Download

Jan 21, 2011

The copyright year in the newest Fedora download shows still 2010. A screenshot has been attached along with this note. Just thought I would bring the same to Fedora Installation Support team.

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Ubuntu Installation :: NVidia Drivers - Screen Black On Login And PC Hangs

May 18, 2011

I have an problem with login in to a fresh installed Ubuntu with the nvidia drivers (graphics card nvidia 210). So far I have installed Ubuntu 10.04, Ubuntu 10.10 and Unbuntu 11.04, they all seem to have the same problem. when I log in the screen goes black and the pc's hangs. I can switch to a terminal before I login and everything seems operational. I can login to Ubuntu with a fail save x session.

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Fedora Hardware :: NVIDIA Crash On Version 12 - X-Windows Just Hangs

Jan 24, 2010

I finally got the basic 2D working again on my laptop using the updates-testing stuff. But using 3D (glxgears for example) still make my machine to crash. Also, I get weird kernel panics when trying to configure the nvidia:


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Red Hat / Fedora :: Loading 14 With Nvidia 7300gt - Cannot Enter Anything - System Hangs

Mar 17, 2011

I am having difficulty loading fedora 14 with nvidia 7300gt. I have lots of text on the screen but I cannot enter anything then system hangs there only. The same system runs fine with windows XP The same system runs fine when I use onboard graphic card and disable nvidia. I installed the fedora 14 by disabling nvidia graphic card and used onboard grphic card. I had exactly the same problem with ubuntu, I was not even able to boot from live cd with nvidia. Now I want to use my nvidia graphic card for fedora.

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OpenSUSE Install :: NVIDIA Drivers - After Installation Of 11.3 - Intermittent Hangs And Blurred Icons

Oct 6, 2010

After installation of 11.3 I had intermittent hangs and blurred icons.

"My Computer" told me I had a Nvidia GeForce 9100 and a driver called "gallium". That was the problem.

I added "ftp://download.nvidia.com/opensuse/11.3" to my repository and found a new driver to install. That solved my problems. Now my systems are rock solid.

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