Fedora Installation :: Installing XEN With 11 - Unable To Open Connection To Hypervisor URI 'xen:///'

Jun 19, 2009

I have been only using the free vmware server thus far for my virtualization I have recently installed Fedora 11 and am currently looking at using the XEN virtualization software. I am currently running and upgrade from F10 to Fedora 11 with the PAE kernel. Also I am using KDE 4 with kmod-nivida drivers. Now here is what I have done

To install Virtualization requirements I did the following: sudo yum groupinstall 'Virtualization'

I then also did: sudo yum install kvm qemu libvirt python-virtinst

I then installed xen:
sudo yum install xen*

Now, I read that i needed "kernel-xen" but it doesn't appear to exists a "yum list kernel*' only displays kernel packages and the kernel PAE pakages so I figured I don't need it I then started all the xen services and libvirtd service Opened virt-manager and added a new connection: hupervisor: Xen and connection: local

I get the following error: Unable to open connection to hypervisor URI 'xen:///': <class 'libvirt.libvirtError'> unable to connect to 'localhost:8000': Connection refused

I guess my question now is... what is the difference between the hypervisor: QEMU/KVM and XEN. Because I seem to be able to create a VM using this. My VM is an XP vm for work purposes to run some windows only software I would like to use XEN as I just have my mind set on it but I might just be ignorant and on the wrong track is there a how to guide for fedora 11 and xen? the fedora 7 guide i found needs the kernel-xen installed.

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Fedora :: Booting Xen Hypervisor On 15?

May 24, 2011

I just installed Fedora 15 x86-64 gold today so I could try out the Xen hypervisor. I installed xen by typing in xen command line and following the installation prompts. Everything seemed to go fine on the install. The following appeared in /boot:


However, when I rebooted there were no boot options. I saw than /boot/grub/grub.conf had no entries for a xen kernel so I modified grub.conf to show a boot menu and added a thrid kernel boot option (xen 4.1.0). I'm unsure if the lines I added are proper. Now when I reboot choosing third option (xen 4.1.0) I get a boot error message that "Error 19: Linux kernel must be loaded before initrd". I'm guessing that the issue is that xen-4.1.0.gz isn't becoming the kernel. At this point I'm stuck. I'm not sure if this is a xen on 15 issue or I'm just making some newbie mistake in grub.conf. Anyone see an issue or can confirm/not -confirm that xen works on 15 x86-64 gold?


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Fedora X86/64bit :: Connecting To Xen Hypervisor Fails

Jun 14, 2009

I've just installed Fedora 11, and in the process of testing it, decided on trying out virtualization tools.

Services: libvirtd, xenner and xend are started and i'm still unable to connect to hypervisor with the message:

Unable to open a connection to the Xen hypervisor/daemon.

Verify that:

- A Xen host kernel was booted
- The Xen service has been started

Unable to open connection to hypervisor URI 'xen:///':
<class 'libvirt.libvirtError'> unable to connect to 'localhost:8000': Connection refused

xend.log is empty

Now, I've also tried installing Fedora 11 x86_64 as a guest OS with KVM/QEMU as a solution, and the installation process starts, but after some time, the console screen goes black and there is no DVD driver activity or HDD led activity. The CPU is at 2-5 % utilization. And there is nothing I can think of to 'resume' the installation or whatever.


Now, I've tried the same thing 3 times and the process always hangs during the installation with the same symptoms.

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Debian :: Unable To Open A Connection To The Libvirt Management Daemon

Dec 26, 2010

I get this error message when I open up virt-manager (logged in as a typical user):

Code: Unable to open a connection to the libvirt management daemon. Libvirt URI is: qemu:///system Verify that: The 'libvirtd' daemon has been started Manually trying to start the daemon results in: Code: error : qemudWritePidFile:508 : Failed to open pid file '/var/run/libvirtd.pid' : File exists virt-manager works just fine when I log in as root.

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Fedora Installation :: Unable To Boot Window 7 After Installing 12?

Feb 8, 2010

i have installed fedora 12(from dvd) on my laptop having window 7 OS as deafult(intel processor i330)I wanted dual boot up, so I shrink the existing C partition using window using Disk Management. And then delete the newly created volume.Clean installation of fedora.But when I tried to boot window it is showing "No C drive exist".Although from linux all hardrive is coming as one file system and all data on Drive are intact i.e not data is lost.

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Installation :: Unable To Boot Window XP After Installing Fedora / Solution For This?

Sep 25, 2009

My hard disk is a 40 gb seagate drive with 3 logical partitions - C (Win 98), D (Data), E (Win XP Home). Yesterday, I decided to format Win 98 partition and install Fedora 11 on it. I used Live USB, custom partitioned for /, /boot and swap. Installation went fine until the Add/Delete boot screen came when I got multiple Unable to mount partition errors. Then I added Win XP (which was on sda6) and restarted the system. When the system booted, I selected Win XP but it didn't do anything. It showed blank screen and then reverted to grub boot loader screen. Then I selected Fedora time and completed installation and it works fine but XP doesn't boot.

Thinking something might have gone wrong, today I reinstalled Fedora. I chose "Install over previous Linux" and this time the installation went smoothly without any errors. However it still doesn't let me boot into Win XP. It gives a "Booting into WinXP in 3/2/1 seconds" and then goes blank and keeps repeating that message.

This is the result of fdisk -l code...

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Server :: Proftpd: Unable To Open Incoming Connection: Transport Endpoint Is Not Connected?

Feb 13, 2011

Sometime, I got the error messages as I mentioned in the subject:


Feb 14 07:46:48 x proftpd[27487]: x - Fatal: unable to open incoming connection: Transport endpoint is not connected

I'm sure there are some clients connect to server at that time. What does this mean exactly? Why did it happen? Below is my configuration file:


ServerName"ProFTPD server"
ServerIdenton "FTP Server ready."


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Fedora Installation :: Unable To Access Localhost On Webbrowser After Installing LAMP?

May 1, 2009

I did everything and restarted my machine, everything seems to be ok. But when i type in my IP on the browser which is which would be the localhost machine, i get this below:


ERROR The requested URL could not be retrieved

While trying to retrieve the URL: [URL] The following error was encountered:

* Connection to Failed

The system returned:

(113) No route to host

The remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again.

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Fedora :: Cannot Open PDF's In Firefox - Unable To Open Document

Aug 9, 2010

As of this morning I cannot open pdf's by clicking on them in firefox. I can download them and open them from the download window or even from the folder they are saved to, but not from the browser. Evince opens and says: Unable to open document Error opening file: No such file or directory.

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Fedora :: Keep An Open Connection With Scp Or Another Similar Program

Aug 11, 2011

keep the connection open with scp? I really don't like having to type my password in every time I want to transfer a file. Or is there another similar program that will keep my connection open?

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Fedora :: Cannot Open Movie File - Connection Terminated

Sep 28, 2010

When I am trying to open a movie with movie player I get the following.

An error occurred
Disconnected: Connection Terminated.
An error occurred
pa_stream_cork() failed: Connection terminate
An error occurred
pa_stream_writable_size() failed: Connection terminated

I've installed all of my codecs with autoten.

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Debian Installation :: Can't Open CDROM Drive While Installing VM 7.6

Oct 9, 2014

VirtualBox 4.3.14
Windows 7
Debian 7.6

I'm trying to create a new VM with Debian 7.6. I downloaded the 3 install iso discs and tried to install. When I begin the installation it seems to take control of the CDROM and I am no longer able to eject it by either pressing the eject button or trying to eject through Windows. The installation goes fine until it asks if I have any other discs to install (which I do ... I have 2 more). At this point I say "Yes" but I cannot get the CDROM to open up at all since it doesn't automatically eject for another disc and as I mentioned before ... I can't do it manually or in Windows.

- I cannot do an installation over the internet because this is a government computer which is requires to be hooked to a government network. There are certain certificates required to access the network which are not available to my newly made (or in the process of making) Linux system but rather only to my host Windows system.
- I cannot use a newer version of VirtualBox because that opens up a whole new set of issues dealing with WinVerifyTrust getting CERT_E_REVOCATION_FAILURE most likely due to our symantec security software.

So my Storage Settings in VirtualBox are as follows for my CDROM drive:
- Controller: IDE Controller
- Type: PIIX4
- "Use Host I/O Cache" is checked
- Host Drive D:
- CD/DVD Drive: IDE Secondary Master
- "Passthrough" is checked

I cannot install the Debian 7.6 OS because I cannot eject each disc and put in the next disc. The only way I can eject the disc is if I reboot my entire system (host windows system) which obviously leaves me at an unfinished point in my install and therefore I have to restart the install and end up right where I was 30 minutes earlier.

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Fedora :: Installing VNCserver Using SSH Connection In F13

Jul 29, 2010

I'm new to Linux. I'm trying to install the VNCserver using SSH connection in a remote pc with Fedora 13. I would like to access the Gnome through remote connection. I did the setup Iptables freeing ports 5901 and 5902. Also set up vncserver and user. The user "aquiles" is a user of the system and also the vncserver. The problem is that I am not able to start the service. I think that seen anything related to Perl. Displays the following error:

[Root @ sinahome ~] # service vncserver start
Starting VNC server: 1: aquiles/usr/bin/env: perl: No such file or directory
The file /etc/sysconfig/vncservers
Vncservers = "1: aquiles'
VNCSERVERARGS [1] = "-geometry 800x600-depth 16"

[root@sinahome ~] # iptables - list
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination
ACCEPT tcp - anywhere anywhere tcp dpt: ftp
ACCEPT tcp - anywhere anywhere tcp dpt: vnc-server
ACCEPT tcp - anywhere anywhere tcp dpt: https
ACCEPT tcp - anywhere anywhere tcp dpt: http
ACCEPT tcp - anywhere anywhere tcp dpt: ssh
ACCEPT all - anywhere anywhere state RELATED, Estaba LISHED
ACCEPT icmp - anywhere anywhere
ACCEPT all - anywhere anywhere
ACCEPT tcp - anywhere anywhere state NEW tcp dpt: s sh
REJECT all - anywhere anywhere reject-with icmp-ho st-Prohibited
ACCEPT all - anywhere anywhere state RELATED, Estaba LISHED
ACCEPT tcp - anywhere anywhere tcp PTPs: commplex-m ain: targus-getdata
ACCEPT tcp - anywhere anywhere state NEW tcp PTPs: 5901:5902

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination
REJECT all - anywhere anywhere reject-with icmp-ho st-Prohibited
Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing Applications On 9.10 Without Internet Connection?

Mar 2, 2010

I just recently Ubuntu 9.10 and have never used Linux at all before. I was wondering, all the links and tips and everything tell me to use Ubuntu Software Center. I haven't had a chance to actually go to the Software Center yet but does it require an internet connection to install software or can I download the tar.gz / tar.bz2 files from sources such as Softpedia.com and still install them using Software Center without a Internet Connection?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing Programs Without Apt-get/internet Connection?

Apr 24, 2010

I don't yet have an internet connection on my machine so I am using cyber cafes to do my research and whatnot. However, most of the stuff I read concerning updates and installations rely heavily on the machine using an internet connection to automatically install various packages.I don't mind reading up myself on this kind of thing but I think I need a pointer in the right direction as "ubuntu package install without apt/get" doesn't bring up much on a google search (the only entry on the first page is a post on this forum back from 2005 about kernal compiling!).

As an example, the file I would like to install is "aircrack-ng-1.0.tar.gz", which I've already downloaded and saved to my machine's desktop. I'm not really asking how to install aircrack, per se, but just any kind of package without relying on an internet connection (i.e. download the program/package to a flash disk and then on to my machine).

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 - Installing Kernel Without Internet Connection

Nov 26, 2010

I have Ubuntu 10.04 on my PC but I do not have access to internet (I have an Acer 3610 and before to install NDSI wrapper I have to install a Kernel). I have the most recent Kernel available on my external hardrive. I do not know how to use sudo command to install it.

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Fedora :: Installing Mesa To Do Open GL Programming?

Jan 7, 2010

I'm taking a course in school on computer graphics and we are using Linux as the main operating system. I myself am more accustomed to using windows but have always wanted to give Linux a try. So the other day I dual-booted my laptop with Fedora 12 and so far I'm liking it. I do have one main question however. I need to install Mesa to do my OpenGL programming with but I'm not sure how to install it. I have downloaded a tar.gz file from the Mesa website and have tried running it from the terminal by using these commands: (note: the commands are from the Linux Newbie Guide i found on google)

cd /Tudor's Home/local
tar -xvzf /Tudor's Home/MESA/MesaLib-7.7.tar.gz
cd "the new directory it was extracted to" (gets changed to the actual extraction folder)
make install

Now, I'm not sure why this doesn't work. The extracting doesn't even work so I'm not sure whether these commands are the same in Fedora or what I am doing wrong? I have installed aMSN from an rpm file and it worked perfectly but I'm not sure how to install using makeFiles. Any good tutorials on makeFiles and how to install them? or a link to Mesa as an rpm file? So I can start learning OpenGL.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing Build-Essential With No Connection / CDROM

Mar 27, 2010

I'm having headaches about not being able to install build-essential on my 9.10. I don't have an internet connection and no CDrom. [URL]. So that solves it if you have a CD drive... What to do if a poor fella (like me) was to have a system with no CD drive? I installed from USB PENDRIVE and I suppose there have to be some command corresponding to apt-cdrom but for the USB drive but I can't find one.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing Software Offline With No Internet Connection

Jun 11, 2011

How to install offline software(if No Internet Connection)

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Ubuntu Installation :: VLC Is Unable To Open MRL

Oct 20, 2010

i just upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 now when I try to play m3u stream file it keep saying Your input can't be opened:VLC is unable to open the MRL blahblah... It's annoying at this stage i shouldn;t get this kinda problem.. on 10.04 i play m3u perfectly after upgrade and restart the problem started.. everything else works fine. I hate the idea of using virtual box to play some stream video on winamp or dual boot.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Open /dev/sda/ And More

Aug 12, 2011

After attempting to install Ubuntu 11.04 (both 86 and 64) from a disc, I get the following errors on the 'Ubuntu 11.04' (underneath: dots) screen.


unable to open /dev/sda/
unable to open /dev/sdb/
and eventually...


No init found. try passing init= bootarg. After which I am thrown into 'BusyBox' (initramfs) ash.

CPU: Intel Core i7 2600K
HDDs: 2x Western Digital Caviar Black 1TB on AHCI (tried IDE and a RAID0 array)
GFX: HD Radeon 6970 2GB
RAM: 4GB (2x2) Kingston HyperX Genesis 1600Mhz @ 1333Mhz

The 86 disc lets me try ubuntu, and even begin installing it... but fails at the part where it must install a bootloader. I'm guessing that my drives either don't exist as SDA/SDB, or haven't been set up correctly.

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Fedora Networking :: Installing Wireless Without Internet Connection?

Mar 27, 2009

I had Fedora 7 which works fine with my PCI card Linksys WMP54G-EU (00:0b.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03)).

It ran with ndiswrapper.1.51.

Yesterday I installed the live-CD Fedora 10 on a new partition in another hard drive and so I have Fedora 10 but WITHOUT Internet connection.

I tried to install Ndiswrapper but the 'make' command doesn't exist in my Fedora 10 !

What are all the things I need to download from Internet to ensure the several commands like 'make uninstall', 'make', 'make install'... and to ensure installing Ndiswrapper ?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Open Synaptic?

Jul 8, 2011

I tried to install google earth, java and some other softwares using bleedingedge.Then process was successful, I restarted my computer.I was unable to open google earth.I tried to open synaptic and got the msg to run "dpkg --configure -a" manually.I did it.Again now I am trying to open synaptic,getting this" E: The package sun-java6-jre needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it. E: Internal error opening cache (1). Please report."what should I do???

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Fedora :: Installing MATLAB - Cannot Open Shared Object File

Sep 8, 2011

I am trying to install matlab R2011a student edition in Fedora 15, 64 bits system. This version of matlab do not support 64 bits linux out of the box, but can be installed by adding -glnx86 as an argumenof the installing script.

However after running the installation script I receive the following error message:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /tmp/mathworks_32316/java/jre/glnx86/jre/lib/i386/xawt/libmawt.so: libXext.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

It seems to be a problem with libXext.so.6, however, I do have libXext library installed in my computer. The name of the package I have installed is:
X.Org X11 libXext runtime library
libXext-1.2.0-2.fc15 (x86_64)

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Fedora :: Installing Wireless Card Drivers Without Network Connection

Jul 23, 2009

I have Fedora11 running in my machine and it has no LAN port (RJ-45). I have a wireless PCMCIA card.The model of the wireless card is NL-2511CD EXT2(ETSI).When I insert that card to the PCMCIA slot a window pops up and ask for a WEP key. My wireless router is configured with WPA but above pop-up has no WPA option. I suspect my fedora installation does not have the necessary driver for my wireless card.I want to install that driver. I can transfer that file to the machine via thumb drive since it has no network connection yet. How do I install this? Please refer below images as I'm still a newbie at linux.

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Fedora :: Installing Autoten - Transfer Failed (Connection Timed Out)

Dec 12, 2010

I've been trying since yesterday to install autoten per instructions below [URL]. However it has failed each time I have tried. Below is the terminal response.

[colyn@Fedora ~]$ su
[root@Fedora colyn]# rpm -Uvh [URL]
Retrieving [URL]
curl: (6) Could not resolve host: dnmouse.org; Connection timed out
error: skipping [URL] - transfer failed
[root@Fedora colyn]#

I am doing a copy/paste so I am not mis-typing the information. It says that the connection has timed out but I get the error message within 5 seconds of hitting enter.

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Fedora :: Unable To Open The Session

Feb 1, 2010

Just installed Fedora 12 on a P4 IBM. Everything installed fine. Then, I rebooted, installed updates, and installed a few simple programs (emacs, ssh server). I rebooted since some kernel updates had been made. I can't login anymore. I get a brief message at GDM that says "unable to open session" after I enter my password. Root also doesn't work, but I figured out that root logins are disabled. I found something that recommended disabling selinux, so I reboot with selinux=0 parameter. That still didn't fix the problem, but did initiate selinux to re-label everything on the next boot.

My next thought was that maybe my password got corrupted, so I went into single usermode. I ran passwd justin, so I know that my password is correct. I still can't login via GDM or on a tty.

EDIT: I was also thinking I might need to uninstall something that I did; however, networking is disabled in single usermode, and if I init 3, then I get a login prompt that I can't open. Is there a way that I can enable root login? That might be a starting point to see if it's my user account or a general login problem.

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Fedora :: Unable To Open Pdf With Acrobat

Jul 17, 2010

i am trying to open shared pdfs through samba with Adobe Acrobat but nothing seems to happen with evince i cant open shared pdfs successfully in windows i can open the shared pdfs with Acrobat successfully


[root@ng AdobeReader]# rpm -qa|grep -i samba


[root@ng AdobeReader]# acroread -v

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Fedora :: Unable To Open Volgroup00?

Sep 11, 2010

I Made a fresh Installation of Fedora 13. It shows VolGroup00 and File System in the Computer on desktop.

The size of the hardisk is 160gb. The file system shows some 4gb. I'm not able to open the Volgroup00. On double clicking it it shoes the error "Unable to mount location"

on entering fdisk -l,

It says the partiton one /dev/sda1 did not end on cylinder boundary.

The partition /dev/sda1 ends on Cylinder 63 and the emaing LVM partition also starts on Cylinder 63.

I tried reinstallling after dropping both the partiotions 4 times, but this is always the case.

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Fedora :: Unable To Get The Firewall App To Open ?

Jun 30, 2011

I'm trying to disable the firewall in an attempt to get my computer to see my other computer connected to the router. However I'm unable to get the firewall app to open. Here's the error in the attachment. It just says a float is required. My only options are to redo, which keeps the same error coming back, or to quit which closes the whole thing.

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