Fedora Installation :: Anaconda Fail During Install?

Jan 2, 2011

I recently got a shiny new msi notebook and I decided I wanted to dual-boot Linux on it (with Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit). I started with Ubuntu, when that failed (the GUI wouldn't install properly) I tried Mint. It worked fine, but for some reason, I hate Mint. I deleted the Mint partitions and attempted to claim back the free space in a new partition for Windows 7. For some unbeknownst reason, it failed. Since I didn't desparately need the hard drive space, I said "screw it" and went about my day.

After seeing a friend using Fedora, I figured "why not?" So I downloaded F14 and burned it to a disc and booted it. All went well so I tried installing it. The install process went normal until I reached this screen: I press "Next", and I get this: (Full text here) I start to think that anaconda has something to do with my hard drive partitions, so I open Logical Volume Manager.

Partition 1 is a recovery partition (12 GB).
Partition 2, I have no idea, but it's only .1 GB.
Partition 3 is the Windows 7 partition (172.29 GB).
Partition 4 is 113.20 GB.
Unpartitioned space is 113.20 GB.

I know this can't be right, because my hard drive is only 320 GB (and those GB aren't even "real" GB) and the partitions add up to 410.79 GB. I'm thinking that Partition 4 and Unpartitioned space are the same thing, and the existence of the Partition 4 record is the aftermath of the failure to reclaim the disk space for Windows. So how do I go about fixing this (getting rid of Partition 4 or finding a work-around)?

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Fedora Installation :: Once It Says Its Loading Anaconda, Screen Either Goes Blank, Or The Anaconda Fails And The Install Exits?

Apr 9, 2009

I'm trying to build a dual boot ubuntu 8.10 and fedora 10.I have ubuntu sucessfully installed. with a free partition ready for fedora.I cant seem to get fedora past the beginning of the install. Once it says its loading anaconda, my screen either goes blank, or the anaconda fails and the install exits, telling me to reboot my system.I have downloaded the DVD twice. once from the website, and i think when I bruned it it didn't burn right, I then downloaded it from torrent just to be safe and reburned at the slowest speed. It passes the media test.

I have been reading around it may be cause of my video card?My computer is the following.AMD Athlon +2400 XPXFX Nvidia Geforce 6800 GT or something close.80 gig hard drive1.5 gigs of DDR ram.MSI Motherboard not sure of model off top of my head.I really wanna get this dual boot working, As I feel fedora may have advantages over ubuntu. I was going to try to get ahold of another video card, and maybe try that. What do you think I should do

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Fedora Installation :: Run Anaconda To Install To Second Hard Drive

Nov 13, 2009

I'm running F11 and I'd like to run anaconda to install another instance of F11 to a second (blank) hard drive in my system. I'd like to do it without rebooting. The second drive is removable.What's the magic?

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Fedora Installation :: Choose Packages In Textcbased Anaconda Ppc Install

Mar 29, 2010

Tried to install Fedora 12 by booting from CD#1 on a Mac G4. First, got a message that video RAM allows only for text installation. OK, but then Anaconda (12.46) just installed some bare-bone software set without any option of package choice! After a longer search I found there`s. no choice for text install! how to configure the net and install things using text mode only (no GNOME present).

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Fedora Installation :: Cannot Find Anaconda-runtime In /usr/lib/anaconda-runtime

Feb 16, 2011

After installing Fedora 14 and being satisfied with the behaviour and the packages installed for it, i want to replicate the same installation in a few more PCs, so i installed Revisor to make with it an iso file that reflects my actual installation.

The problem is that if i run the software from Applications->System tools->Revisor, nothing happens after giving the user password.

Then i run it from a consele and this error is produced after giving my password: "Cannot find anaconda-runtime in /usr/lib/anaconda-runtime"

But anaconda is the environment used for installation, so it is installed from the very begining. Why this happens?

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Fedora :: Anaconda Failure / "A Crash In The Anaconda-12.46-2.fc12 Package Has Been Detected"?

Sep 29, 2010

I have F12 and been using the livecd-creator command since F9 to create liveUSB devices which are used to install Fedora on all the systems (nearly 100) I support at different sites ensuring they have the same build/configuration. About a week ago, I created a new image and when I attempt to install to hard drive, there is an ABRT message displayed;

"A crash in the anaconda-12.46-2.fc12 package has been detected"

Also see attached file.Now I am not able to install to hard drive.

It appears this is a known bug which has been reported at url.and that there is not fix planned. Can anyone confirm this?

If this is the case, does it mean that the �Install to Hard Drive� feature will no longer be available?

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Fedora Installation :: Anaconda In F10 -> F12 Reinstall?

Jan 12, 2010

I'm trying to install F12, over my existing F10. I ran preupgrade, and it installed anaconda into the boot menu, without apparent problems. On reboot, however, it fails with the following message:Unable to read package metadata. This may be due to a missing repodata directory. Please ensure that your install tree has been correctly generated.Cannot retrieve respository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: anaconda-InstallationRepo-200911081854.i386. Please verify its path and try again.I must admit to being a bit unclear as to what's going on here. Is it looking in the cached pre-install tree for said repomd.xml, but said tree is somehow corrupt; or is it trying to find it via the network, and failing (for whatever reason).

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Fedora Installation :: Graphics Fail F11 LiveCD Install

Oct 13, 2009

System Specs:
Toshiba A135-S2276 Laptop With Vista
1.78Ghx Core Duo

I am trying to Install Fedora 11 from a live install CD. I know it works because I tried it on another system. After the little Balloon that shows its loading completes the screen scrambles, later a mouse pointer appears then freezes shortly after. When I remove Quiet from Kernel Params. Lots of text then Samething.. Scrambled Screen the Freeze. I have tried adding the Following Parameters to the Kernel (nomodeset, xdriver=vesa, acpi=noirq, noapic). This sounds like a common problem with ATI based graphics and all answers seem to point the "nomodeset" and the "xdriver=vesa" but they dont seem to help.

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Fedora Installation :: Fail To Install Hard Drive - 12

Apr 19, 2010

I try to install Fedora 12 from CD.

The CD is booted fine, but when i press on "Install to Hard Drive" icon, its not starting installation.

in the /var/log/messages i can see the following: localhost dbus" Can't send audit system: USER_AVC avc: received setenforce notice (enforcing=1).....

I use Dell latitude 110L.

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Fedora Installation :: Anaconda Tells HD Need To Be Reinitializated?

Aug 13, 2009

Im actually using Fedora 11 in Dual Boot with VistaI used to have Fedora 11 and then I installed Ubuntu and it (and myself) screwed my partitioning, and Just linux used to run.Ubuntu wrote the boot sector over the NTFS like it was ext3.I tryed everything the get beck my windows partition booting.Reinstalled a Fedora 11 clean, to see if it could help me (thinking in reintstall it later).Using testdisk application I managed to have back access to my disks files, but no boot working. I tryed a lot of things in testdisk and Windows Vista Recorvery, with no work.

So I ran the Acer Recorvery Disks, that reseted my NTFS with Vista to a brand new installation from Acer.Now I want a Full Fresh Fedora Install from DVD but anaconda tells me (in pt-br): "Error in processing the disk sda. Maybe it would be necessary to reinitialize. YOU WILL LOOSE AL THE DATA IN THIS DISK."I really cannot reinitalize it becouse my NB have some recorvery partitions that I use to reinstall the windows to its factory settings, and Im scared of reinitalizing it becouse maybe it could just screw everything and make it not work as well, now with no OS running.The GNOME Partitioning Software just detect a full unpartitioned hard drive. I think the problem is that I changed the LVM to something wierd that anaconda dosent recognizes.Some hardware information (my fedora is in PT-BR):Quote:

dmraid -r
no raid disks


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Fedora Installation :: Architecture Of The Anaconda Installer ?

Sep 1, 2009

Anaconda instakler.The details of the architecture of the anaconda installer.

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Fedora Installation :: Partitions Used And To Not Use LVM - Anaconda To Let It Get By On 256mb Of Ram?

Nov 20, 2009

I decided to upgrade an old box I use as a server at home. I had been running F8, but after it's end of life and numerous patches since then it was getting a little shaky. I downloaded the KDE Live CD (picked that arbitrarily really since I don't run X on this box - just didn't want to do the whole install over the net) and off I go.

So I booted the CD and added "liveinst" as a boot loader option to kick off the install without starting X and KDE. Just as Anaconda was starting, I got the message "there is not enough memory for a graphical install" and the text based installer starts up. Kinda strange, I thought, since this box had the "recommended" amount of ram mentioned in the F12 release notes. Oh well, so their docs are wrong - wouldn't be the first time and anyway I'm used to doing text based installs from way back.

But this one wasn't like any I'd seen before. After the welcome screen there were only 4 questions - keyboard type, language, timezone, and disk options. Also, at various stages odd characters similar to the Russian alphabet started popping up in various areas on the screen. When it got to the disk options there were 3 - use entire drive, replace existing linux install, and use free space. I picked the 2nd one and moved on. The next screen said my choice was about to be written to disk blah blah blah - but gave me no option to specifiy which partitions to use or how to use them. I should mention here that this box had 3 partitions on it - 1 for swap, 1 for root, and 1 for var...........

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Fedora Installation :: Anaconda Bombs During Upgrade?

Jun 10, 2010

I have run preupgrade; the image won't fit on the existing boot sector; so it wants an internet connection, which it has. Then it bombs after it detects the existing installation (Fedora 11), and also detects where the boot record is, which I tell it update. The bug report file generated by anaconda is attached. I would have done this in Bugzilla, but for some reason it will not recognize my login.Critical information:quad x86_64 machine, 8 GB memory, dual boot, two hard drives. hard drive 1 has Linux, hard drive 2 has Vista, the mbr is on hard drive 2.It is possible the unusual configuration is the cause of the problem. I do hope I can get around this, because there is so much stuff installed that it would be a real pain to start from scratch.

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Fedora Installation :: Anaconda Graphic Installer Does Not Work In F11

Oct 21, 2009

I tried to install Fedora 11 on computer with Windows XP as the primary partition, and Fedora 11 as a logical partition. The version of anaconda that ships with Fedora 11 has a bug in the graphical installer, the GUI. The text version of the installer starts up but does not let the user use logical partitions.I have installed Fedora 6 using the graphical installer, and logical partitions.Is there a new version of anaconda for Fedora 11? or Could I use the Fedora 6 anaconda to install Fedora 11?

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Fedora Installation :: Load Driver Disk Without Anaconda?

Jul 7, 2010

I known the Driver Disk can be loaded by anaconda when specifying the 'dd=xx' parameter. But how should I do if I still want to use these drivers which are included in the Driver Disk in an up running Operating System?

I have not a real environment to test it, but looks like the driver modules in the Driver Disk won't be installed into the real installed system. Am I right? Are there some tools which can load Driver Disk in a up running Operating System?

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Fedora Installation :: Black Screen In Preupgrade From 10 On Boot (anaconda)?

Sep 6, 2009

i did a preupgrade from fedora 10, i have a new line in grub with the "preupgrade to fedora 11" ... when i choose this.. anaconda run with the normal blue screen running anaconda... but a blacks screen apper with the mouse... the installation not follow and only the black screen with the mouse i can see...some line add to the kernel line of preupgrade fedora 11 to run with another graphical configuration

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Fedora Installation :: How To Start Anaconda ( DVD Installer) In Expert Mode

Aug 25, 2010

I'd like to install Fedora12/13 on a external USB 2.0 HDD. Ive managed to do so with the live image several times, but the DVD installer does not see that particular USB HDD so I cannot install Fedora on it. Its the same with F12 and F13.Ive already tried to start the installation in expert mode. The expert option is ignored or something (linux expert/expert does nothing). Im not sure where exactly to write the options. I chose the rescue line and changed rescue to expert (nothing happend).

Then Ive tried Ctrl+Alt+F2 > "modprobe usb-storage" with no output (that should be right, right?). Again nothing.How to start anaconda (the DVD installer) in expert mode?How to load proper modules (to get the USB Drive to be recognised)?How to install Fedora12/13 from DVD onto USB2.0 HDD?

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Fedora Installation :: FC12 X86_64 Dell Optiplex 760 Install USB Keyboard Fail

Nov 18, 2009

When attempting to install FC12 x86_64 on a Dell Optiplex 760, my USB devices stop working after initial boot. I see anaconda, but am unable to change anything since my keyboard, mouse and any other USB devices are not powering up after kernel boot.

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Fedora Installation :: Corrupt Video When Anaconda Loads Then Frozen Mouse

Jan 14, 2009

I'm trying to install Fedora 10 on my samsung HDTV with my PC hooked up via DVI-HDMI. All the text screens look fine, but when it loads the graphic installer, the video gets corrupted, but i have a mouse, but a few seconds later it freezes and hangs, and I can't do anything. Nothing loads. This happens with the livecd's as well.

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Fedora Installation :: Updating To 10 From 8 - Start Anaconda The Screen Remain Black

Apr 3, 2009

I've some problems upgrading to version 10 from version 8. My workstation is certified by RedHat. It's a HP xw6600 with double processor Intel Xeon 5405 2.00 12M/133 QC and graphic card for dual screen Nvidia Quadro NVS 290 PCle. In my OS library I found version 8 to install. It has been installed successfully! However; I've read about advantages for workstation on version 10. Thus, I've downloaded Fedora ISO ver.10 and I've tried to install it in my WS. Here I found a problem: Just in the moment it try to start anaconda, the screen remain black. After three failed intents, I have tried to upgrade my version through the 'yum':

# yum -y update
# yum install preupgrade
# preupgrade

It ran perfectly till anaconda try to run again. Then, I've tried to upgrade to ver.9 from ver.8 and I getting the same problem. I've downloaded the Live CD and that is blocked as well. Of course, I've installed all drivers of my WS before upgrade but I get the same problem. So... How I can fix this problem?... I really need move to version 10. Ah!... I've tried to install beta version 11 but after one hour I get a error messages due at a bug

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Fedora Installation :: Boot From Installation DVD - Boot Process Doesn't Make It Even To Anaconda

Jun 15, 2009

I'm trying to install F11 on a machine that was running well under F10 just a few hours ago. I made some changes to the disk configuration, involving the addition of a dmraid-controllable fakeRAID card (SiL 3124 I think) and creating a RAID 0 array out of the two drives connected to the motherboard itself (Intel ICH7R). Otherwise the machine's configuration is identical to the way it was when running F10. My problem is thus: when I boot from the installation DVD (64-bit), the boot process doesn't make it even to anaconda. Here is the error I get, right after md devices are autoconfigured:


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CentOS 5 :: Install Crashes Upon Launching Anaconda

May 26, 2009

I've recently been trying to put Centos on a PC which I have had Windows 2000 server on up until now. The system has an Intel SCSI RAID Controller which seems to be successfully detected before the graphical stage is reached. The system is fairly old now and consists of a p3 processor and 320mb of ram. However when the installer reaches the point of launching Anaconda in graphical mode it seems to start to load but then the system immediately boots itself down Quoting an Abnormal Setup Termination however gives no more details than that. I have tried changing the graphics card to no effect. I am not sure if anyone knows what could be causing the problem the media also shuld be ok as I have used it successfully on other systems.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install From Usb Grub Fail

Sep 24, 2010

I've just downloaded ubuntu server 10.04.1 and put it on my usb flashdisk, the installation works fine until the point, where it tries to install grub.The thing is, that the installer is trying to write the grub to /dev/sda (which is my usb flashdisk) and not the raid itself.I'm using a fakeraid intel ich9r, which maps the newly created storage to /dev/mapper/isw_ecdhgaacgh_Volume0.Why doesn't install use that instead? It sees it, partitions it, even copies files to.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Fail To Install SPSS With Wine

Jan 9, 2010

I am using Dell Notebook model Inspiron 1420. I run Ubuntu 9.04. I've tried but failed to install SPSS Student Version 16 via Wine. There is a message saying the installer is unable to run in graphical mode. Try to running installer with the -console or -silent flag. What is the silent flag?

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Installation :: Change The Drivers Before Anaconda Runs?

May 3, 2009

I am trying to install FC 10 from a DVD. It gets to part where it says "Running Anaconda" and the monitor goes "no signal". I am assuming that the video drivers are incorrect. What can I do to change the drivers before anaconda runs?

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Network Install / Static Changes To Dhcp In Anaconda

May 10, 2010

I'm trying to install CentOS 5.4 from my local repo, booting the server from centos54-netinstall iso (vmware). I write "linux URL..." during boot. I eventually get prompted for network config, where I choose manual configuration. Hitting OK ignores my config and defaults back to dhcp, which won't work since I don't have any dhcp server available.Whats wrong? Is there a bug in anaconda?

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.3 Installation Fail At 90% (step Font Initialization)

Jul 28, 2010

I am installing from the scratch a 11.3 on a PC on which previously 11.1 did run flawlessly. (Athlon 3700 with 3GB ram and Asrock socket 939 mainboard. Graphics is Nvidia. The installation comes every time up to 90% when it arrives at "font initialization). No error message is displayed. The little "cursor wheel" is still turning but else, there is no activity.

DVD from an sha1 checked and MD5 doublechecked download was burned with lowest speed in K3b and verified by the same program post burn, with full success of every verification.
Tried to change DVD reader but does not change the result. Runs speedy up to that step.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installation Fail While Initiating UDEV (repeatable)

Jun 25, 2011

I've bougt a new pc (i5-2050k, Nvidia GeForce 560Ti) and wanted to install Linux beside Windows.But each Linux-distribution (exept the old ones from Mandriva) fails installing/starting als livecd/checking for installation errors/..... while initiating udev.Is there any known bugfix for this problem? Remind, there is just Windows, so don't give me any shellcode to execute

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Ubuntu Installation :: Live CD, Upgrade And Install Fail On 9.10 And 10.04 - 9.04 Works?

May 23, 2010

My first upgrade attempt to 9.10 ruined my install - there was no return and as 9.10 would not install either, I reinstalled 9.04 and everything was as expected.I decided to wait for 10.04 hoping the issue had been solved - unluckily it has NOT. Neither Live CD 9.10 nor 10.04 work. New Mint does not work either - to closely related to Ubuntu, but Suse live CD does. Played around with findings from different threads - like taking out "quiet splash --" and adding modprob parameter to no avail Prime suspect is HD and HD controller (ATA/PATA) - but I could not nail it.

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Fedora :: 14 Hangs Before Anaconda Starts?

Apr 1, 2011

Tried to install F14 x64 last night, and selected "install or upgrade" from the splash screen. It ran a bunch of text past me a lot faster than I could read it, and the last line (where it ceased all function) said

Code:[ 2.040098] Registered taskstats version 1. I happened to have a 32 bit dvd of the same o/s, and it provides the same error. Anyone know of any parameters that can be entered, perhaps to skip a certain type of test, or whatever it is doing here?

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