Fedora Hardware :: Can't Use Wireless And Bootloader On 14

Jan 12, 2011

I installed Fedora using USB on my Netbook and I got this two problems (Sorry for my bad English Language ) :

1- I can't use the wireless as I don't see the network to connect it,


$ lspci | grep -i wireless
03:00.0 Network controller: RaLink RT3090 Wireless 802.11n 1T/1R PCIe
$ iwcofig


2- When I install Fedora using USB, the bootloader installed on it and I can't boot just with it, when I didn't put it on they give me a problem with Grup oww, 125 Views and nothing...

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Slackware :: Make A Wireless Connect With The Usb-bootloader?

Apr 15, 2011

How to make a wireless connect with the usb-bootloader and do an install? There must be some way to include and load modules and connect to an AP.

No, I don't want to / can't:
Copy files do disk
Use a full usb-installer
Use wired internet

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Fedora Installation :: Identify Partition Location - Getting The FEDORA Bootloader To Find The PREUPGRADE Kernel

May 29, 2010

Going from Fedora 12 to 13. Got to the point where I have to reboot to install, system reboots to 12. This is a triple boot system with Open Suse and Mint, and the grub2 bootloader from Mint is the bootloader for the whole shebang. In the "how to use preupgrade" instructions there's a line that says "dentify the drive and partition of your Fedora /boot folder." How? If that sounds odd, consider that in my set up "computer" shows 4 partitions (and with just three operating systems..?). I can mount them, but have a problem telling which sytem is Fedora, Suse or Mint. And getting the FEDORA bootloader to find the PREUPGRADE kernel ... Momma said there'd be days like this.

cat /etc/fstab just returned /dev/sda1 on /boot. I installed Fedora first, before Suse or Mint, so being on the first drive or partition sounds right, but the multiple drives throws me, and "just guessing" doesn't seem like the way to go.

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Fedora Installation :: What Can Do From Ubuntu / GRUB 2 Bootloader Itself To Simply Add Fedora To L

Sep 1, 2011

I had Fedora on my laptop (as well as Windows Vista 32-bit) working fine but I wanted to add Ubuntu for some things, and I did, however something unexpected happened: When I go to boot the the computer, the GRUB 2 bootloader (from Ubuntu) showed ubuntu, and windows, but not fedora, so I can't get into fedora. From a knoppix disk, I determined that all my fedora stuff is there, and (to the best of my ability to determine) intact, but I can't access it. What can I do from Ubuntu or the GRUB 2 bootloader itself to simply add fedora to that list?

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Fedora :: Adding Another OS To Bootloader?

Jul 24, 2009

I just installed Ubuntu 9.04 on this computer and I told it not to install a bootloader since I already have Fedora and it is my main OS. I then realized I didn't know how to add it to menu.lst here so I can't boot Ubuntu. How do I do this?

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Fedora :: How To Restore Bootloader

May 10, 2010

I just went to install Ubuntu 10.04 onto an external USB disk to try it.. but the genius installer seems to have overwritten the bootloader on my internal disk! Now I get a Ubuntu option which doesnt even work.

How can I restore the bootloader for my Fedora install?

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Fedora Installation :: Add OS To Bootloader

Jun 27, 2010

I'm an Ubuntu Lucid user who is trying Fedora 13. Successfully installed, but did something wrong at the bootloader stage. For identifier I typed "Ubuntu." the dropdown menu below was already reading sda1 as the partition that Ubuntu is on, so I kept it. Now Ubuntu is on the boot menu, but will not load... error message about an unrecognized system. How can I manually add it now? Sorry, should have done a search. I found an answer in editing the menu.conf file.

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Fedora Installation :: Install The 13 Without Bootloader?

May 30, 2010

I've been using Ubuntu on my servers, deskto PC and laptop. But this time I decided to give a try for Fedora 13. Earlier my tests failed because of nVidia driver installation for every kernel update was so pain for me. Fedora's Live CD is quite stripped. It has good tools installed but it's missing OpenOffice.org. That should be mostly for demostration to Windows users.Installation with Live CD is straight forward even I haven't tried with Windows partitions (shrink or so). Ubuntu can be installed inside Windows drive (into loop file) without shrinking partitions. I don't know if Fedora can do the same.

But issues what I have got even before getting in... Disk partition tools are very great. But when I tried to install Fedora into LVM without using separate /boot partition - that failed. I am using Ubuntu's GRUB2 and it can boot from LVM root directly. And I thought Fedora-13 can do the same. I have been installing Red Hat Enterprise Linuxes many many times. And there is an option to skip bootloader installation. Why it is missing on Fedora? I just want Fedora into LVM without anything else. Ubuntu's GRUB2 can boot from Fedora's /boot -directory even it's on LVM. If I get Fedora installed.

So error what I get trying to install Fedora...Harddrive sda has just one big LVM partition, nothing else. Ubuntu GRUB2 is on MBR.I have just one 10Gb LV for Fedora, existing /home and swap. Plus Ubuntu's own root partition what I don't need with Fedora.partitioning program is completed as I like but then I get error message: Bootable partitions cannot be on a logical volume. I have tried to install using Live CD, DVD with graphics and text modes. None of them gives me option to skip installing bootloader. Another option I had on my mind is that I could try to use USB memory stick to have /boot. But I'm not sure if it works and installer will overwrite my existing GRUB2 on sda. If it works then I could move /boot -stuff into LVM and tell Ubuntu's GRUB2 to boot from Fedora's root LVM.

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Fedora Installation :: Where To Install Bootloader?

Oct 11, 2010

I'm currently in the process of installing F13 from a LiveCD into a dualboot configuration with Windows 7 and I used 80 gigs of unpartitioned space for the install.The step after it creates the boot, swap etc partitions is to install the bootloader.Should I install it to the MBR or to the first sector of the boot partition? What are the pros and cons of both?

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Fedora :: Get The Windows Bootloader As Default?

Dec 17, 2010

I would like to get the winodws bootloader as the default bootloader instead of the Fedora one. I don't mind the Fedora bootloader, but I use windows more so it gets annoying.

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Fedora :: BootLoader F15 And Ubuntu 11.04 - Can't See Each Other During Their Installs ?

May 27, 2011

I'm pretty new with boot loaders, and I'm having some troubles. I had Ubuntu 11.04 installed and working pretty well, but I went to give Fedora 15 a try. I thought dual boot would be ideal.

So I used some free space in my HD, installed Fedora 15 Live USB, / in one partion, and /home in another, and a swap.

I always use /boot in another 100 MB partition at the start of the disk, so during the F15 bootloader, I directed it to the /boot partition.

After reboot, I can get into F15, but when I select 'other' I get an error message (sorry, its hard to remember "boot img not found, press cntrl alt del " )

In a panic, I used an old boot cd, ubuntu 10.10, created yet another really tiny partition of 2.3 gigs from free space, and installed its bootloader in my /boot partition again.

I can boot back into Ubuntu 11.04 (or 10.10, which I will see nuke anyways.) But no fedora choice anymore at all?

Is there a boot cd/tool that I can use to read all 3 of my OS, and allow me to boot into the one I want?

Or should I reinstall a Fresh F15 (since i've not done anything) and make different changes during install ?

Any reason why F15 and Ubuntu can't see each other during their installs?

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Fedora :: How To Add Windows Partition To Fedora 14 Bootloader?

Aug 20, 2011

i cant do it from the bootloader option under administration, and i couldnt see a way to do it from the bootloader itself!can anyone help please? new to fedora replaced ubuntu with it!

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Fedora Installation :: Add Ubuntu's Grub To The Bootloader?

Aug 9, 2009

I recently installed Fedora on a triple boot system with Winows XP and Ubuntu JJ. how to add Ubuntu's grub to the bootloader. Here is the output of Fdisk -l.

[root@localhost rabbit]# fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 250.0 GB, 250059350016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes


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Fedora Installation :: Reset The Bootloader Back To XP'S?

Aug 22, 2009

I am having to get off UBUNTU cause flash runs HORRIBLY.. I can log on to facebook and open apps and FF 3.0.18 almost comes to a hault same thing for ..... the video lags anyways, someone on another Linux forum im on said try FEDORA. well what if I have windows XP and lets say FEDORA isnt for me.. how do I reset the bootloader back to XP'S will it do like UBUNTU and say ok XP'S bootloader is on SDA2 so this is where I need to go so when I run the XP recovery cd, I can FIXBOOT FIXMBR then its restored back to XP's then just go in and delete the partition

I ask cause, I got really screwed by suse... It put my boot loader on ANOTHER partition instead of finding XP'S and basically was locked out and had to reinstall windows cause I had no clue how to link it back up to the partition that XP was on, because I had no clue it was put somewhere else. I was so mad.

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Installation :: Install Fedora And Keep My Previous Bootloader?

Nov 15, 2009

I have the Ubuntu 9.10 installed and another partition where I want to have Fedora.
But I would like to install it without messing up with the Grub 2 bootloader that I already have there.

Is it possible to install Fedora and then add it to Grub 2? If so, how can I do that?

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Fedora :: Creating A Bootloader CD To Boot Machine?

Nov 21, 2009

About a month ago I decided that I would try and revive my long dead PC which, when the original hard drive failed, took out an IDE channel, leaving me with only one. The machine was built back in 2001 (maybe a month or so after XP came out) and is suffering from its age.I was able to install Fedora 12 to its hard drive by putting it into a USB hard drive cage.

You'd think I could just put the hard drive back in the machine and have everything work right? If only. The BIOS is unable to recognize the, for lack of a better term, bootability of the hard drive (it does recognize it, and I have checked the BIOS settings to make sure that it is the primary boot device). I have a reiser card in the machine and I was wondering if it is possible to create a portable bootloader cd that will just boot to the first partition of the hard drive (The reiser card is recognized and it USED to be able to boot directly to it from my BIOS, but no such luck now)

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Fedora Installation :: No Grub Bootloader On Reboot

Nov 2, 2010

Just got done installing F14 64 and all went well however when I rebooted the machine it boots straight into windows, where is my GRUB boot loader? Only one drive in this machine (sda) and I remember going through the GRUB settings during the install. How to get a bootloader working now because in my linux experience (since RH5) it has always just installed the bootloader and worked. Apparently ext4 is bunk for me and when using LVM settings. I am up and running and grub is working.

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Fedora :: Apply Bootloader Configuration Settings?

Jan 27, 2011

It looks like the F14 Bootloader Configuration GUI is missing "OK" button.

So far the only way to configure the F14 Bootloader is by editing /boot/grub/grub.conf.

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Fedora Installation :: Install 14 With The LILO Bootloader?

Apr 16, 2011

I am trying to install Fedora 14 with the LILO bootloader. The live installation disc does not let you select a bootloader during installation. how to install with GRUB2, that will work as well

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General :: Bootloader Will Overwrite - Fedora 13 With Windows 7

Aug 24, 2010

I have problem with bootloader , mean to say , after installing fedora 13 my windows 7 bootloader will overwrite, and when i install windows7 boot loader my fedora 13 bootloader will overwrite vice versa

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Fedora Installation :: FC11 Update Messes Up Bootloader

Oct 23, 2009

I have my FC11 system set up to automatically download and install updates. I had to reboot yesterday because of one of these updates. It seems that this update messed up grub. When I rebooted I only got the flickering cursor. So far I have tried the following using the rescue disk and executing chroot /mnt/sysimage
fdisk -l gives me this result :
I have /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, /dev/sdc
Boot flag is with /dev/sda1 which also has FIlesystem Linux, where the other I notice have filesystem Linux LVM (don't know if that is relevant).

I tried to restore grub.
> find /grub/grub.conf
> root (hd0,0)
Filesystem type is ext2fs partition type 0x83
> setup (hd0)
and there were no error messages. However, no change when rebooting.
The device map says that
hd0 = /dev/sda
hd1= /dev/sdb
hd2= /dev/sdc
I also did a grub-install --recheck /dev/sda. All to no avail.

The following struck me as strange, but not sure how relevant :
- In grub, "find /boot/grub/grub.conf" gave me "file not found"; however, with ls I do see a /boot/grub/grub.conf and also a /etc/grub.conf
- This grub.conf file says that boot=/dev/sdc (where the boot flag is with /dev/sda) and all references are to (hd2,0) whereas the "find /grub/grub.conf" always gives me "(hd0,0)" as said above.
- There seems to be no /grub/grub.conf file on my system except under the /boot directory
- I have also tried resetting the boot flag to /dev/sdc with fdisk, but that did not help either.
- originally, I did set the system up on /dev/sdc by the way
Am just trying to guess now what other combinations I could try. I already tried in BIOS to boot from all the different devices. No luck.

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Fedora Installation :: Forgot To Install Bootloader - How To Do So From Live CD

Dec 9, 2009

I've installed Fedora to dual-boot with Ubuntu. I'm using /dev/sda1 for Ubuntu, and /dev/sda3 for Fedora. Unfortunately, I unchecked the "Install boot loader" checkbox, so I still have the Ubuntu boot loader but no way to boot Fedora. While still logged into the Fedora Live CD, how can I install the Fedora boot loader to /dev/sda3 and set it up to chainload from Ubuntu's GRUB menu? (I'm thinking it would be 'grub-install /dev/sda3' as root, and then just edit /dev/sda1:/boot/grub/menu.lst, but I'd like confirmation.)

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Fedora Installation :: How To Recover Bootloader After Installing XP Or Windows 7

Mar 12, 2010

I have installed Windows 7 and fedora 12 on my system.I want to reinstall my windows 7 but as I know after installing windows 7 , i will not be able to boot my fedora 12 how to recover bootloader of fedora 12 after installing windows 7. [URL]

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Fedora :: FC13 - XP Bootloader Cannot Find Virtual Disk

Jun 9, 2010

I've set up FC13 64bit on a machine with an intel i7 and 4G memory. I'm trying to get a simple virtualisation to work. I followed the instructions here -> [URL]. The install of XP runs fine but when it reboots to run the GUI part of the install I get this message in the VM's console:-
Booting from Hard Disk:
A disk read error occurred
Press Ctrl-Alt-Del to restart
It almost seems that the XP boot loader can't find the virtual disk. I must have missed something obvious - but what?

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Fedora Installation :: Kernel Upgrade-need To Copy To Another Bootloader?

Dec 25, 2010

I've just gotten another kernel upgrade, and need to copy it to a bootloader on another Linux sytem, so Fedora will boot, using legacy grub. The problem is that when I check /boot/grub/grub.conf, I get title Fedora ( root (hd0,2)


It's all Greek to me, but evidently it means something to grub, as that's what is in the Fedora kernel(s) that work. I can't find where this "bunch of stuff" is for the new kernel, so I can paste it into the grub file on the other system. The other system is Linux Mint9, and I've made Mint work using (legacy) grub, and deleted grub2 so that it's no longer Mint's bootloader.

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Fedora Installation :: Using The Windows 7 Bootloader To Dual Boot

Jan 19, 2011

I am getting a new computer with Windows 7 installed. It will contain a second hard disk on which I will install Fedora Linux. I plan to put grub in the /boot partition of that disk,so I won't be able to boot Linux directly to start. I plan to use the Windows 7 bootloader to dual boot, and I understand in principle how this is done. I set up a previous computer which was running Vista this way, using the program Easy BCD which simplified setting up the Vista bootloader. But the Easy BCD website doesn't address the question of what to do with Windows 7.

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Fedora Installation :: Switch Back From Windows Bootloader To Grub?

Feb 4, 2009

I thought it would be cool and easy to install Windows 7, ended up being a headache and worthless so far. Now I only have the windows bootloader with vista and windows 7 as options. How can I get grub going again? I have all 6 fedore core 10 cds and a live cd in case those will help, I am using the live cd to play in fedora right now, but I am not sure how to get access to grub.conf and what to change in it, because I am pretty sure I have to add Windows 7 to it.

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Fedora Installation :: Grub2 Bootloader - Manually Adding Entry?

May 29, 2010

I have a working Ubuntu install with the Grub2 bootloader. I need to manually add an entry to boot Fedora 13 off of sda. Sda1 is the boot partition, sda2 is LVM. None of the examples I've tried work. I do also have F13 grub installed on sda, but chainloading to it didn't do anything other than a blinking cursor.

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Fedora :: After Every Update A Extra Comesup In Bootloader Menu With Win7?

Jun 12, 2011

after every update extra fedora link generates at bootloader menu , till today i updated thrice and 3 fedora with diferent version is comming up at the boot menu along with other (win7) so if i updated f14 100 times then 100 fedora link will come at boot menu or what ?

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Fedora :: Dual Boot MacBook Pro With 14 And OSX - Change The Bootloader Installs From The Live CD?

Apr 16, 2011

In the end, I am trying to dual boot my MacBook Pro with Fedora 14 and OSX. I am having issues getting the bootloader working for Fedora though. I have setup my partition table like this:

/sda1 - EFI
/sda2 - OSX
/sda3 - /boot
/sda4 - LVM (root, home, swap)

Fedora installs fine, and the bootloader installs to sda3. I use rEFIt to allow me to boot to my Linux partition, but when I do I get "no bootable device". I have done a little reading and have found people have problems doing with this with GRUB (default Fedora bootloader). So what I would like to do is try installing LILO or maybe even GRUB2. how to change the bootloader Fedora installs from the Live CD?

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