Fedora Installation :: Add OS To Bootloader

Jun 27, 2010

I'm an Ubuntu Lucid user who is trying Fedora 13. Successfully installed, but did something wrong at the bootloader stage. For identifier I typed "Ubuntu." the dropdown menu below was already reading sda1 as the partition that Ubuntu is on, so I kept it. Now Ubuntu is on the boot menu, but will not load... error message about an unrecognized system. How can I manually add it now? Sorry, should have done a search. I found an answer in editing the menu.conf file.

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Fedora Installation :: Install The 13 Without Bootloader?

May 30, 2010

I've been using Ubuntu on my servers, deskto PC and laptop. But this time I decided to give a try for Fedora 13. Earlier my tests failed because of nVidia driver installation for every kernel update was so pain for me. Fedora's Live CD is quite stripped. It has good tools installed but it's missing OpenOffice.org. That should be mostly for demostration to Windows users.Installation with Live CD is straight forward even I haven't tried with Windows partitions (shrink or so). Ubuntu can be installed inside Windows drive (into loop file) without shrinking partitions. I don't know if Fedora can do the same.

But issues what I have got even before getting in... Disk partition tools are very great. But when I tried to install Fedora into LVM without using separate /boot partition - that failed. I am using Ubuntu's GRUB2 and it can boot from LVM root directly. And I thought Fedora-13 can do the same. I have been installing Red Hat Enterprise Linuxes many many times. And there is an option to skip bootloader installation. Why it is missing on Fedora? I just want Fedora into LVM without anything else. Ubuntu's GRUB2 can boot from Fedora's /boot -directory even it's on LVM. If I get Fedora installed.

So error what I get trying to install Fedora...Harddrive sda has just one big LVM partition, nothing else. Ubuntu GRUB2 is on MBR.I have just one 10Gb LV for Fedora, existing /home and swap. Plus Ubuntu's own root partition what I don't need with Fedora.partitioning program is completed as I like but then I get error message: Bootable partitions cannot be on a logical volume. I have tried to install using Live CD, DVD with graphics and text modes. None of them gives me option to skip installing bootloader. Another option I had on my mind is that I could try to use USB memory stick to have /boot. But I'm not sure if it works and installer will overwrite my existing GRUB2 on sda. If it works then I could move /boot -stuff into LVM and tell Ubuntu's GRUB2 to boot from Fedora's root LVM.

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Fedora Installation :: Where To Install Bootloader?

Oct 11, 2010

I'm currently in the process of installing F13 from a LiveCD into a dualboot configuration with Windows 7 and I used 80 gigs of unpartitioned space for the install.The step after it creates the boot, swap etc partitions is to install the bootloader.Should I install it to the MBR or to the first sector of the boot partition? What are the pros and cons of both?

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Fedora Installation :: Identify Partition Location - Getting The FEDORA Bootloader To Find The PREUPGRADE Kernel

May 29, 2010

Going from Fedora 12 to 13. Got to the point where I have to reboot to install, system reboots to 12. This is a triple boot system with Open Suse and Mint, and the grub2 bootloader from Mint is the bootloader for the whole shebang. In the "how to use preupgrade" instructions there's a line that says "dentify the drive and partition of your Fedora /boot folder." How? If that sounds odd, consider that in my set up "computer" shows 4 partitions (and with just three operating systems..?). I can mount them, but have a problem telling which sytem is Fedora, Suse or Mint. And getting the FEDORA bootloader to find the PREUPGRADE kernel ... Momma said there'd be days like this.

cat /etc/fstab just returned /dev/sda1 on /boot. I installed Fedora first, before Suse or Mint, so being on the first drive or partition sounds right, but the multiple drives throws me, and "just guessing" doesn't seem like the way to go.

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Fedora Installation :: What Can Do From Ubuntu / GRUB 2 Bootloader Itself To Simply Add Fedora To L

Sep 1, 2011

I had Fedora on my laptop (as well as Windows Vista 32-bit) working fine but I wanted to add Ubuntu for some things, and I did, however something unexpected happened: When I go to boot the the computer, the GRUB 2 bootloader (from Ubuntu) showed ubuntu, and windows, but not fedora, so I can't get into fedora. From a knoppix disk, I determined that all my fedora stuff is there, and (to the best of my ability to determine) intact, but I can't access it. What can I do from Ubuntu or the GRUB 2 bootloader itself to simply add fedora to that list?

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Fedora Installation :: Add Ubuntu's Grub To The Bootloader?

Aug 9, 2009

I recently installed Fedora on a triple boot system with Winows XP and Ubuntu JJ. how to add Ubuntu's grub to the bootloader. Here is the output of Fdisk -l.

[root@localhost rabbit]# fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 250.0 GB, 250059350016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes


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Fedora Installation :: Reset The Bootloader Back To XP'S?

Aug 22, 2009

I am having to get off UBUNTU cause flash runs HORRIBLY.. I can log on to facebook and open apps and FF 3.0.18 almost comes to a hault same thing for ..... the video lags anyways, someone on another Linux forum im on said try FEDORA. well what if I have windows XP and lets say FEDORA isnt for me.. how do I reset the bootloader back to XP'S will it do like UBUNTU and say ok XP'S bootloader is on SDA2 so this is where I need to go so when I run the XP recovery cd, I can FIXBOOT FIXMBR then its restored back to XP's then just go in and delete the partition

I ask cause, I got really screwed by suse... It put my boot loader on ANOTHER partition instead of finding XP'S and basically was locked out and had to reinstall windows cause I had no clue how to link it back up to the partition that XP was on, because I had no clue it was put somewhere else. I was so mad.

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Installation :: Install Fedora And Keep My Previous Bootloader?

Nov 15, 2009

I have the Ubuntu 9.10 installed and another partition where I want to have Fedora.
But I would like to install it without messing up with the Grub 2 bootloader that I already have there.

Is it possible to install Fedora and then add it to Grub 2? If so, how can I do that?

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Fedora Installation :: No Grub Bootloader On Reboot

Nov 2, 2010

Just got done installing F14 64 and all went well however when I rebooted the machine it boots straight into windows, where is my GRUB boot loader? Only one drive in this machine (sda) and I remember going through the GRUB settings during the install. How to get a bootloader working now because in my linux experience (since RH5) it has always just installed the bootloader and worked. Apparently ext4 is bunk for me and when using LVM settings. I am up and running and grub is working.

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Fedora Installation :: Install 14 With The LILO Bootloader?

Apr 16, 2011

I am trying to install Fedora 14 with the LILO bootloader. The live installation disc does not let you select a bootloader during installation. how to install with GRUB2, that will work as well

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Fedora Installation :: FC11 Update Messes Up Bootloader

Oct 23, 2009

I have my FC11 system set up to automatically download and install updates. I had to reboot yesterday because of one of these updates. It seems that this update messed up grub. When I rebooted I only got the flickering cursor. So far I have tried the following using the rescue disk and executing chroot /mnt/sysimage
fdisk -l gives me this result :
I have /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, /dev/sdc
Boot flag is with /dev/sda1 which also has FIlesystem Linux, where the other I notice have filesystem Linux LVM (don't know if that is relevant).

I tried to restore grub.
> find /grub/grub.conf
> root (hd0,0)
Filesystem type is ext2fs partition type 0x83
> setup (hd0)
and there were no error messages. However, no change when rebooting.
The device map says that
hd0 = /dev/sda
hd1= /dev/sdb
hd2= /dev/sdc
I also did a grub-install --recheck /dev/sda. All to no avail.

The following struck me as strange, but not sure how relevant :
- In grub, "find /boot/grub/grub.conf" gave me "file not found"; however, with ls I do see a /boot/grub/grub.conf and also a /etc/grub.conf
- This grub.conf file says that boot=/dev/sdc (where the boot flag is with /dev/sda) and all references are to (hd2,0) whereas the "find /grub/grub.conf" always gives me "(hd0,0)" as said above.
- There seems to be no /grub/grub.conf file on my system except under the /boot directory
- I have also tried resetting the boot flag to /dev/sdc with fdisk, but that did not help either.
- originally, I did set the system up on /dev/sdc by the way
Am just trying to guess now what other combinations I could try. I already tried in BIOS to boot from all the different devices. No luck.

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Fedora Installation :: Forgot To Install Bootloader - How To Do So From Live CD

Dec 9, 2009

I've installed Fedora to dual-boot with Ubuntu. I'm using /dev/sda1 for Ubuntu, and /dev/sda3 for Fedora. Unfortunately, I unchecked the "Install boot loader" checkbox, so I still have the Ubuntu boot loader but no way to boot Fedora. While still logged into the Fedora Live CD, how can I install the Fedora boot loader to /dev/sda3 and set it up to chainload from Ubuntu's GRUB menu? (I'm thinking it would be 'grub-install /dev/sda3' as root, and then just edit /dev/sda1:/boot/grub/menu.lst, but I'd like confirmation.)

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Fedora Installation :: How To Recover Bootloader After Installing XP Or Windows 7

Mar 12, 2010

I have installed Windows 7 and fedora 12 on my system.I want to reinstall my windows 7 but as I know after installing windows 7 , i will not be able to boot my fedora 12 how to recover bootloader of fedora 12 after installing windows 7. [URL]

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Fedora Installation :: Kernel Upgrade-need To Copy To Another Bootloader?

Dec 25, 2010

I've just gotten another kernel upgrade, and need to copy it to a bootloader on another Linux sytem, so Fedora will boot, using legacy grub. The problem is that when I check /boot/grub/grub.conf, I get title Fedora ( root (hd0,2)


It's all Greek to me, but evidently it means something to grub, as that's what is in the Fedora kernel(s) that work. I can't find where this "bunch of stuff" is for the new kernel, so I can paste it into the grub file on the other system. The other system is Linux Mint9, and I've made Mint work using (legacy) grub, and deleted grub2 so that it's no longer Mint's bootloader.

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Fedora Installation :: Using The Windows 7 Bootloader To Dual Boot

Jan 19, 2011

I am getting a new computer with Windows 7 installed. It will contain a second hard disk on which I will install Fedora Linux. I plan to put grub in the /boot partition of that disk,so I won't be able to boot Linux directly to start. I plan to use the Windows 7 bootloader to dual boot, and I understand in principle how this is done. I set up a previous computer which was running Vista this way, using the program Easy BCD which simplified setting up the Vista bootloader. But the Easy BCD website doesn't address the question of what to do with Windows 7.

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Fedora Installation :: Switch Back From Windows Bootloader To Grub?

Feb 4, 2009

I thought it would be cool and easy to install Windows 7, ended up being a headache and worthless so far. Now I only have the windows bootloader with vista and windows 7 as options. How can I get grub going again? I have all 6 fedore core 10 cds and a live cd in case those will help, I am using the live cd to play in fedora right now, but I am not sure how to get access to grub.conf and what to change in it, because I am pretty sure I have to add Windows 7 to it.

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Fedora Installation :: Grub2 Bootloader - Manually Adding Entry?

May 29, 2010

I have a working Ubuntu install with the Grub2 bootloader. I need to manually add an entry to boot Fedora 13 off of sda. Sda1 is the boot partition, sda2 is LVM. None of the examples I've tried work. I do also have F13 grub installed on sda, but chainloading to it didn't do anything other than a blinking cursor.

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Debian Installation :: Install Grub On Master Bootloader / If Installation Is Going On Separate Hard Drive?

Feb 5, 2010

I am helping my pal to get into Debian (yes first timer).He is running W7 on a 500G SATA HDD and he has another 250G SATA HDD that he wants Debian to go to.Will Debian install grub on the master bootloader even if the installation is going on a separate hard drive?I have dual boot before but on the same hard drive.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Installation And Revert To Windows Bootloader?

Feb 22, 2010

i've been using ubuntu with wubi, and I'd like to install it on my new hard drive (so windows is on one hdd and ubuntu is on another). afaik, grub will be installed on the hdd w/ ubuntu, and i have to set it to recognize the other (windows) hdd. assuming that i want to get rid of ubuntu and just use windows, what steps do I have to take to do so? (if grub is only on the ubuntu hdd, then would I just have to format it?)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Bootloader Fails After Reboot After Installation

Mar 29, 2011

I installed Ubuntu 10.10 amd64 (and tried 10.04.2 as well) from Wubi under Windows 7 64-bit. When I reboot after installing it through Windows, I go to Ubuntu and the installation completes. Then it reboots again to finish the install of the OS. When I boot into Ubuntu now, grub does not appear. Instead, some initramfs stuff comes up in a console with no GUI and says some error stuff about root devices. I read that grub updates cause problems, but the installation never finished and therefore I was never able to go into Ubuntu to lock grub packages, etc. I've run into this error on multiple fresh installs.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Bootloader Popup And No Installation

Jan 9, 2010

I've recently installed an Ubuntu Netbook Remix on my netbook and I'm trying the same on a desktop with a desktop distribution. I've a strange issue : I get to the start menu with the "Try ubuntu", "install ubuntu" and so on.

When I choose try I get a popup with title "Boot loader" containing the word "live". When I choose to install, I get the same popup with "live-install" as content. I don't find much on the web.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Possible To Use Windows Bootloader?

Feb 11, 2010

I was wondering if it's possible to use the windows bootlaoder instead of GRUB to choose between Windows and Linux? If so how?

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Access The Bootloader

Feb 15, 2010

I am just starting to learn how to work with a Linux OS and was planning on using a bootloader to start my PC so that I could choose which OS I wanted to start, enabling me to mess around with them without needing to worry about hosing my system.Also, my studies are taking me deep inside how the Linux OS system works in general and was hoping that I could also get some advice on where to start separating GNOME from the OS to find out exactly how they work together, how the OS works with services, etc. because I am trying to learn everything that this entails.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Use Win7 Bootloader

Mar 3, 2010

I installed Windows 7 First then give partition space of 25 GB for my Ubuntu. However, I prefer using Windows 7 BootLoader instead of using Ubuntu BootLoader.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Getting The Lubuntu USB Without Bootloader?

Jun 24, 2010

I recently installed Lubuntu to a USB. It was up and running and worked fine, however, upon exiting and going to boot into windows, I noticed it had installed a GRUB bootloader. I use whole disk encryption on windows, which has its own bootloader, so I can't be having some other bootloader on the PC interfering with this. I used my rescue disk to restore my WDE bootloader, but the USB stick will not boot now.

I also tried using pendrivelinux but this copies the live cd version onto the USB stick and nothing saves when you log off.installing Lubuntu to USB without a boot loader?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Best Bootloader With 10.04 And Win7?

Oct 3, 2010

What is the preferred bootloader with Ubuntu 10.04 and windows 7, when multiple booting also with Vista and XP all on one hard drive and each on separate partitions? All are installed except Ubuntu and now boot with the windows boot manager. I have heard that if you install grub 2 on the MBR, then boot windows 7, that it will replace the grub boot code with windows boot code automatically. So is it best to use that NeoSmart EasyBCD tool to add Ubuntu in to the windows boot manager, and can I install grub on the boot sector of Ubuntu's root partition ?

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Change Bootloader

Oct 16, 2010

I have two installs on the same drive but different partitions. First I installed XBMC live which is based on Ubuntu (I don't know the exact verion but I think it's in the 9.x).Then I installed full Ubuntu 10.04 on another partition. Now it uses grub2 off the second partition. I configured it to boot XBMC as default and I've had no issues with it. However in the end I rarely use Ubuntu since this is really HTPC. I thought maybe it would be cool to check emails and do some web browsing on my TV, but it turns out I prefer just using a regular computer for that. So I want to delete the partition, but I'm worried doing so will make the system not boot anymore unless if I reinstall XBMC live, I don't want to do that either since I've got it configured all properly and I don't want to mess that up. So I believe I have to change the MBR to point to the XBMC partition although I haven't quite figured out how to do that.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 - Where To Install Bootloader

Mar 26, 2011

I am installing version 10.10. Does it matter where I install the bootloader? There are selections for the entire device and each partition. I have Windows 7 on /dev/sda1 and Ubuntu on /dev/sda3. The last time I tried this I couldn't go back to Windows 7 even after using the grub-update commands.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 No Bootloader Installed

Jun 4, 2011

I tried to install Ubuntu 11.04 via .iso + USB key to my Asus EeePC 1000HE. This computer comes with two partitions already on the hard drive so I installed to the empty one, to dual-boot with Windows XP on the other. Installation seemed to work, but after resetting, the computer always boots straight to Windows, not Ubuntu or an OS list.From my Ubuntu boot USB, sudo fdisk -l shows that the installation wrote to the partition successfully.From Windows, the partition appears to have disappeared.So it seems that the installation worked except that I have no way to boot to Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Bootloader After 15 Install?

Sep 1, 2011

I have seen multiple others with this problem, I now have it too. I had Ubuntu 10.10 installed on my entire disk, then I installed Fedora 15 with it. The resizing-the-disk went smoothly, everything is great, but now when I turn on my machine, I get no grub, no boot loader, nothing. I just get thrown right into Fedora. I saw on a few other posts that if you manage to get into Ubuntu, you can open a terminal and type something along the lines of sudo grub update, and that would do the trick. The only issue is that I can't even get into ubuntu. I also was told that if you boot from a livecd you can edit the boot config, or view it, or something. I'm pretty new to all this "bootloader grub" jazz, and am hopelessly confused. How do I make it so that upon startup, I am able to choose between Ubuntu and Fedora?

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