Fedora :: Getting Nautilus To Remember Window Size?
Dec 17, 2009
How do I get Nautilus to "remember it's window size? It seems that with F12 when I open a nautilus window it starts at some preset default size, and even though I change it and then close it. It returns to the default size when I open it again.
I lastly used KDE (version 1.x ). Now I'm using KDE 3.5 for several weeks and one thing really annoys me: there are a lot of programs that don't remember their last window position and/or size. They always default to a specific location/size when I close and open them again. I give you some examples:
Program that doesn't remember anything: - Konqueror
Program that remembers window size, but not position: - KMail
Nice Program that remembers everything: - Basket Note Pads
Is there a way to tell these programs to remember their position/size?And a second question about konqueror: Can I tell konqueror to remember the view mode? I prefer MultiColumn view, but it always defaults to Icon view.
The issue is that Gnome will not "remember" the size and location of the window in which an app was last run. For example - I run Disk Usage Analyzer and stretch the window to be the full height of the screen and about half the width of the screen and move it to the far left of the desktop. I then close the app. The next time I run it the app comes up in a "default" window size, not the size I last used, positioned randomly on the desktop.
p.s. I should add that some apps seem to remember their prior window size/position. For example OpenOffice.org, Firefox, Nautilus.
I did a fresh install of 10.04 a couple of weeks ago, and all seemed well, but lately when I double-click on, say, an OpenOffice (.odt) file in Nautilus, I get the following message:The file '/home/zerubbabel/Documents/Teachings/Queue/2010.05.15-A02.odt' is not marked as executable. If this was downloaded or copied form an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run. For more details, read about the executable bit.(The pop-up window title reads: "Blocked: wine start /unix"). I've repeatedly set the "Open with..." and checked "Remember this application...", but it doesn't "stick".
Is there any way to configure Nautilus to remember my preferred column widths so I don't have to fiddle with them every time I open a Nautilus instance?
I have set Nautilus to sort files by type, but for some reason it always, by default, arranges files by size, meaning I have to actually click the "type" column every time I open a new folder. How do I make it sort stuff by type like it's supposed to?
Is it possible to change my current nautilus window to have sudo capabilities,? e.g. to delete locked files. It may be lazy but if it takes a lot of navigation then it would be handy to somehow activate sudo from the open window without the terminal command (gksudo nautilus) which always begins at root.
There is the Compiz feature that allows you to group and tab windows. That is very nice, but is there a way to remember a window group? Or maybe a custom terminal command where I can call those windows grouped?
I have setup a vnc server using the "every imagineable server" thread which setups up VPN using xinetd. I have also installed Beesu and its associated scripts so I can easily open root privileged nautilus windows.
beesu works a treat on the actual display. However whilst vnc'd into the box I get prompted for my root password (which it accepts) but a nautilus window never opens. No errors, it just doesn't open.
My system boots, I login and am brought to my desktop. I click on the file system icon in the launcher to open a Nautilus window. The window opens, but is unresponsive (i.e., I can't move it, clicking on the icons does nothing, etc.). If I press the super key to get the dash and the press escape, the window becomes responsive again, just like normal.
If I open a folder in the window, the window becomes halfway unresponsive in that I can't move the window, but I can select more folders and toolbar icons. The top menu no longer appears at this point, and I can't access any of the system icons on the top right of the screen. Alt-F4 closes the window even if the close button doesn't work.As another example, suppose I open a Nautilus window and then a Chromium window. Both are immediately unresponsive. If I super-esc again, I can move the Chromium window around, and it seems to work normally. I can click on the Nautilus window, but it always stays greyed out. Even if I'm clicking on things in it, the Chromium window always has focus.
I had a similar experience to this with VLC and Chromium. After clicking around enough I eventually got it to the point where VLC apparently always had focus, but I couldn't access any of VLC's controls. Double clicking anywhere on the screen fullscreened the video, and that's all I could really do. Not even escape worked to bring it back.I can usually press super to get the dash and Alt-F2 to get a command prompt. Also Alt-Shift-T seems to usually work to bring up a working Terminal (at least one that accepts commands, even if I can't move the window).Does anyone have any ideas on what might be causing this? The behavior is highly unpredictable and extremely frustrating. I should note that key commands don't always work, even though they seem to in my examples. So I don't think it's just a mouse issue.
I have asked for a video capturing software before but recommend a GOOD screen recorder where you can select the window/window size the axis and also a good editing software which will render/export into FULL 720p HD
i'm not sure for using the correct channel here but i hope someone out there can answer my little questions. 1st in older version i was able to change the settings of the terminal look as the font color, background color and so on. I was also able to define a default window size of a new terminal window. But since after upgrading to to the first release this year and a complete new installation of the current release Maverick i do not find this option anymore. Is there a way how to set up the terminal default window size?
F13 with default GhostScript 8.71Trying to crop an eps file.The window size adheres to command but the location(offset) never does.Tried several different layouts and none work.Quote:ps2pdf -dEmbedAllFonts=true -dProcessColorModel=/DeviceCMYK -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -r300 -g1086x1201 -dPDFOPT someeps.eps test.pdfYields the same asQuote:ps2pdf -dEmbedAllFonts=true -dProcessColorModel=/DeviceCMYK -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -r300 -g1086x1201+100+100 -dPDFOPT someeps.eps test.pdf
I have just installed F11 and want to change Nautilus to default Ubuntu and not open each folder in separate window. But I can't go to Edit/Preferences.Nautilus keeps crashing and I get this report:Quote:
I was getting low disk space notifications so I used LVM to increase Ubuntu's volume from 10GB to 50GB. LVM and Disk Utility show the correct new size, but System Monitor and the Properties of the File System (in Nautilus) show the old, smaller size. Do I need to update something to get them to see the new size?
When zooming to 100% in listview the font gets huge, but only in the listview panel (see image). Where to reconfigure this to normal behaviour (I'd like the 100% fontsize to be the same as in the treeview in the left panel). I had this behaviour already with the previous relase of Ubuntu, and upgrading to 10.04 did not solve the problem.
some reason I lost my default icon sizes in Nautilus. This only appears to affect any graphic files like .jpg, .png, etc. that I keep in my "Pictures" folder. I also have this issue with video files that I keep in my "Video" folder.Currently I am running Ubuntu Natty and using the Ambiance theme that is customized with Faenznt icons. Nautilus is customized with Nautilus Elementary. Changing themes has no effect. The folders all appear normal and other icon file types appear normal, it's just my graphic d video files that are appearing small.Running dconf editor shows my icon setting is set to normal. I am enclosing a pic so you can see the folders display at a normal size, but the graphic files do not.
Just installed Ubuntu 11.04, which has Nautilus When more than one directory is open, the tab for each directory s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-s way across the screen, so all tabs added together take up 100% of the width. So with two folders open, each tab is 50% of the screen width! In previous Nautilus versions, each tab was just normal size. Cannot find a Preference to change this, and Googling for any solution brings up someone's previous query of this nature: [URL] and the fact that no one has responded! Is this an option that can be changed? Anyone come across this new "feature" before?
Just wondering if it's possible to change the size of icons when Nautilus is in List View. I tried playing around with gtk-icon-sizes in the gtkrc file of my theme, but there doesn't seem to be a setting for it there. I could just zoom in/out, but when I have the icons the size I want them to be, the text is too small (see attachment).
No Matter what I do and change in gnome-tweak-tool, the window title bar won't change to anything else, won't go smaller, even the downloaded themes won't change the bar, and I cant seem to find the needed codes in xml to change them. photo is attached to illustrate the things I need to changeI need to change their size in the first place, and maybe change them to like ambiance or whatever. i've seen many guides on the net, and It still don't find the neeeded solution
suppose an Ubuntu or Linux user is using GNOME and he/she has opened too many folders , suddenly he/she has to shutdown/ switch off machine due to power failure or some other unexpected reasons , now when he/she reboots the machine he/she can't remember the folders he/she had opened earlier so there should be a window restore feature for nautilus in Ubuntu or Linux in general
Ubuntu or Linux should implement the same window restore feature in nautilus similar to the one existing in Mozilla firefox
I just upgraded from Ooo 2.4 to Ooo 3.3, running it on Hardy. Everything seems to work fine, except for the dialogue window to open / save files.
In the previous version of Ooo I worked with, files were opened and saved by Nautilus. Now Ooo uses a different file manager which I don't like, because I can't jump quickly to my favourite maps and it's harder to navigate through my files. It has to be easy to have Nautilus again opening files, but I just can't find out how.
I got many problems after installing ubuntu 10.04 on del vostro!! Problems: when I right click the background i can find only one option "change background".I am expecting something like "create folder" ,"create launcher " etc. when i tried to move clock, notification area, window selector, i can't because all the things out there are locked and and unlocked is not available! i can't find window decorations for nautilus and most other windows but i have it in case of system settings windows. i tried metacity --replace but it is not working.
(I hope I am not repeating myself here, as I have tried to send this before but don't see the post): I now have upgraded to Suse 11.4 and I can't find how to set the console settings. It fills the whole screen, and the font is tiny. I am able to enlarge the font, but not to change the window size. Under 11.2, I was able to set the font, and an 80 characters per line, 40 lines window, and then make all that permanent.
But when I look at the advertized window size it's only 1K? Why is it not set to more than that? I should see it 16M somewhere it doesn't start with it neither does it scale that much. tcp_window_scaling is also set to 1